Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 160 Network Monitoring

Arasaka Tower.

Counterintelligence Department on the 33rd floor.

Tang Yu checked a B grade on the electronic screen, put down the electronic tablet in his hand, and then forwarded the processing results to the Arasaka College Board of Directors.

He had just completed his responsibilities as a social practice instructor at Arasaka College, grading each three-month practice report.

His scores will become the basis for this group of fresh graduates to find jobs and be entered into the personnel files of their future companies.


If you don't join the company, the social practice score is of little use.

In another case, if the family background is strong enough, the ratings will also have little effect.

Regarding the scoring results this time, Tang Yu adhered to the principle of fairness and did not favor or suppress anyone.

He relied entirely on the content of the practice report. In order to detect whether there was any fraud in the internship report, he also asked the front desk to contact several companies and asked them about their opinions on the company's personnel. He was basically impartial.

Tang Yu did this mainly because he found it troublesome.

As of now.

He has received greetings, invitations, gifts, transfers, etc. from parents of different students, all kinds of sugar-coated bullets.

The parents of these children studying at Arasaka Academy should not be underestimated in terms of status and power. They are basically rich or noble, and are extremely concerned about their children's and daughter's studies.

Through various means, he obtained Tang Yu's office address, colleagues' superior and subordinate relationships, and even his contact information.

Just now, the mother of a female student took the initiative to come to the office to meet her, in the name of the sister of her old boss Arthur Jenkins, which made it uncomfortable for Tang Yu not to see her.

Not only was Tang Yu unbearable, but Arthur Jenkins, who had yet to return from a business trip to handle a major case, received a lot of favors and asked for his help to put in some kind words for Tang Yu.

Everyone knew that Tang Yu was not easy to talk to in the company, so they shifted their focus to Jenkins. There were even parents with great powers and directors of a large company who directly went to Michiko Arasaka and asked her to show some kindness.

Only then did Tang Yu discover that the parents of these aristocratic children did have unusual influence.

Faced with this situation, he could either choose to give high scores to everyone, or choose to give as much as he should fairly judge.

Even if Tang Yu doesn't care, it would be good to avoid unnecessary troubles and be less entangled in trivial matters.

However, Tang Yu also felt a little emotional that the children of these company elites are indeed not bad in terms of quality and learning ability.

Tang Yu scored according to the established scoring standards and could hardly find a bad one.

Apart from the added bonus of a certain family background, judging from various assessments and company evaluations, they are indeed considered an outstanding batch.

It's no wonder that after graduating from Arasaka Academy, you are eligible to apply for a job in a large company. Personal abilities and academic qualifications are put here, and the academy's brand name is strong enough.

The highest score for the company's internship this time was given by Tang Yu to Tanaka Katsuo.

He carefully read Tanaka Katsuo's practice report, which detailed the entire process of his joining the Arasaka R\u0026D Department and participating in the Arasaka high-end prosthetic R\u0026D project.

From how to integrate into the team, understand the progress of the learning project, and finally innovatively propose some improvement ideas and overcome several problems, he fully demonstrated his literacy in R\u0026D technology.

The content of the report is detailed, and the experimental parameters, time, and progress are completely matched. There is no possibility of fraud. Moreover, the products developed are already in the final testing stage and will not be long before they are launched.

This kind of high-quality practice report is the only one by Tanaka Katsuo.

Although he was able to participate in such core project research and development during his internship, it was mostly due to Tanaka's care, but it was also inseparable from Tanaka Katsuo's own efforts and qualities.

Therefore, Tang Yu gave Tanaka Katsuo an A+ rating. With this score and his father, a senior executive in the R\u0026D department, joining Arasaka Tower was almost a certainty.

As for David Martinez, Tang Yu also carefully read his practice report.

to be honest.

After reading it, he felt that it could only be regarded as average. The overall content of the practical report was detailed and he had indeed accomplished a lot in three months.

But what is incomparable to Tanaka Katsuo is that David basically did procedural work during his internship. Although he participated in several intelligence projects and promoted the progress of some cases, he did not complete it independently after all.

If it weren't for the fact that David had been involved in some major cases, he might have barely gotten an A-.

If you only do some procedural work during your internship in the company, no matter how much you work and how hard you work, your own value will not be reflected.

Unlike R\u0026D, an experiment can fail over and over again until it succeeds.

In the counterintelligence department, no one dares to hand over all the projects at hand to a newbie. Otherwise, a large number of people will die, because the opportunity is often only once.

David actually had no advantage as an intern in the Counter-Intelligence Department. Most of the time, he could only follow the team leader or colleagues to pick up leftovers.

Seeing David's practice report, Tang Yu felt that he might not be suitable for counterintelligence work. Perhaps going to the Special Operations Department would be more suitable for him.

Tang Yu gained the talent of 'tenacity' from David's life simulation, which shows that David's physical fitness is absolutely different from ordinary people.

This kid has never installed a combat implant so far, which is indeed a waste of his talent.

However, if he can get an A- grade, there is still a glimmer of hope for David to apply for Arasaka Company, provided that Tang Yu helps him with the operation.

More importantly, what is David's own thoughts?

After studying at Arasaka Academy for several years and now interning for a period of time, it is very likely that he will change his mind.

Tang Yu plans to chat with him later to see what his truest thoughts are.

After completing the practical evaluation of Arasaka Company, it will still be some time before the graduation ceremony of Arasaka College is held.

Tang Yu tapped the table with his index finger a few times, then contacted the front desk to call Kate and asked her to come to the office to report on the recent work trends in the department.

During the time when he went to the Arasaka Manor in Kyoto for the banquet, there was a lot of movement in the ministry. Under Kate's command, the ministry's special service team was dispatched quite frequently.


With a stern face, Kate entered the minister's office after going through the security scan.

She glanced coldly at the deputy office area, but did not see Tang Yu's assistant, and then came to the main office.

Although he was a little reluctant, he still said hello out of workplace rules.

"Mr. Tang, what do you want from me?"

Tang Yu said bluntly: "Some time ago, you took charge of the work of the department and reported on the recent trends."

Kate suppressed the displeasure in her heart and began to report work according to Tang Yu's request.

She first introduced her daily work, mainly handling some procedural matters, and no unexpected situations occurred.

Then he reported on several cases that the Counter-Intelligence Department had been pursuing. There was not much progress so far, and the agents were hiding relatively smoothly. Except for the loss of personnel at Military Technology, other companies' hidden lines were still stable.

The lost agents on the military technology side were all newly sent by Kate to dig up military-grade Sian Westan materials, and they were all eliminated by Aunt May.

The hidden stakes laid out by Tang Yu earlier have never been activated, so the traces have not been leaked yet.

He glanced at Kate and found that she seemed to have stopped delving into the Whirlpool Gang deal recently, which aroused some awareness in him. After all, a person like Kate would not easily let go of any opportunity to defeat the enemy.

The workplace is like a battlefield. Different factions mean fighting on their own. If you have one less competitor, you can grab more territory.

Seeing that Kate was dishonest and didn't mention anything about mobilizing the counterintelligence department's special service team, Tang Yu asked calmly.

"Recently, the ministry's special service team has been mobilized a lot. Are there any special tasks?"

Kate remained expressionless and seemed to have been prepared, so she said in a deep voice: "The ministry did have field activities recently, mainly due to instructions from the Arasaka high-level meeting."

"Currently Arasaka Company is cooperating with network surveillance to carry out clean-up operations to arrest hackers who infiltrate deep into cyberspace and sneak into the black wall. The high-level meeting assigned me to take the lead in this matter."

No wonder Kate didn't report honestly. According to her, this was a private job assigned to her by the board of directors.

Cooperating with network surveillance to catch cyber hackers who have climbed over, smuggled in, and destroyed black walls is an agreement that major companies must fulfill in order to maintain the stability of the remaining cyberspace.

Major companies thus obtain permission from network surveillance and can establish subnets unique to the company without damaging the public network.

The public network currently used by Night City is built by Network Supervision. All network activities on the market will be supervised and managed by Network Supervision.

Any attempt to disrupt public networks and sneak into cyberspace without permission to climb over the black wall will be considered illegal.

In order to obtain benefits beyond the black wall, major companies choose to cooperate with network surveillance. Without causing serious damage to the black wall, they are allowed to cross the black wall, enter the cyberspace of the old network, and seize the desired information.

If hackers from non-protocol companies dare to cross the black wall, they will be attacked by network surveillance hackers.

This invisible cyber war has been going on in cyberspace.

I can't fault Kate's statement.

However, she used counter-intelligence personnel, so Tang Yu naturally had to ask about the risk status and the results of the operation.

In the face of questioning, Kate explained everything one by one, even uploading the arrest list and displaying it on the holographic projection on the desk.

Tang Yu browsed through it casually and found that one of the arrested hackers was a member of the Voodoo Gang.

The Voodoo Gang is definitely notorious in Night City.

Maybe others don't know much about the Voodoo Gang and don't know what this group of dishonest, confusing, ruthless hackers are gathering together to plot.

But Tang Yu knew very well that these guys were staunch deity sects, and they almost caused a big mistake, causing some AI outside the black wall to flow into the human online world.

Fortunately, Tang Yu took action in time, killed these lackeys, and prevented Otter Cunningham from coming.

Tang Yu looked at the list and didn't find any problems, so he asked more questions.

"Are all the hackers caught sent to the network supervision department for processing?"

Kate's expression froze and she seemed a little hesitant, but she still confessed honestly.

"No, the captured hackers have been sent to the R\u0026D department."

R\u0026D department?

Tang Yu felt that something was a little strange.

The hacker who died during the arrest said that hackers who survived were generally sent to network surveillance for processing according to the agreement.

Now it is sent to the R\u0026D department instead, which means that the R\u0026D department has projects or plans that require the use of these deep-diving cyber hackers.

Tang Yu did not continue to ask. If he asked Kate, he would probably just say "I don't know." After all, she was following the instructions of the board of directors. She would not tell the deeper secrets.


Tang Yu roughly guessed what it was.

At that time, in the study room of Arasaka Manor in Kyoto, Saburo Arasaka once mentioned restarting the cyberspace project.

If you want to continue to do things in cyberspace, you must have enough deep-diving hackers to perform this task.

So capture these hackers with deep diving experience, control their bodies, or give them certain promises so that they can be obedient and go to the cyberspace to reap benefits for Arasaka.

The most popular among these wild deep dive hackers is Arasaka's core technology, Soul Killer.

Being able to realize the lifelong dream of these deep dive hackers, to upload their digital consciousness into cyberspace and become immortal.

But what they don't know is that being turned into a digital imprint by the Soul Killer will not enter the cyberspace, but will be imprisoned in the mikoshi and continue to contribute residual value to Arasaka's service.

The relic chip not only requires a large number of living human specimens, but also a large number of digital imprints to conduct trial matching one by one.

A mature deep-diving hacker who meets almost every aspect of Arasaka's research.

Cultivating an experienced deep dive hacker requires a lot of money, manpower and financial resources.

Catching a deep dive hacker is even easier.

Night City has the largest and most skilled group of cyber hackers in the world, which is exactly the human resource pool Arasaka needs.

Is Saburo Arasaka's big move against cyberspace really just to be wary of rogue AI outside the black wall? Tang Yu was even specifically asked to investigate the matter.

No matter how you look at it, the motivation is more than that.


The black wall is really almost unbearable.

Over the years, major companies have continued to send a large number of hackers to dive deep into cyberspace and enter old networks through various channels.

Not only did it create devastated loopholes, but it also provided nutrients for the circulating AI in the old network.

In addition, there are voodoo gangs who are poking trouble behind the scenes, and network surveillance is struggling to cope.

This war between humans and wandering AI is already close at hand.

Tang Yu analyzed the reason why Saburo Arasaka attaches so much importance to cyberspace.

Because the one who can really affect his immortality is not the traitor Yorinobu, but the 'gods' outside the black wall.

No wonder Arasaka Yorinobu insisted on leaving Kyoto and traveled thousands of miles to Night City after he stole the relic biochip containing 'Johnny Silverhand'.

You know, Saburo Arasaka, who turned 100 years old, has never left Kyoto, and the city he hates most is Night City.

It is enough to show that Saburo Arasaka is afraid of the 'gods' outside the black wall.

Nuclear bombs can wipe out the Night City, but they cannot quell the illusory cyberspace war.

It seems that what Saburo Arasaka told me must start with the Voodoo Gang, or at least show him some results first.

After Kate finished her report, she still stood there, waiting for Tang Yu's instructions.

The reason why her attitude is so respectful today is entirely because on New Year's Eve, Tang Yu arrived at Arasaka Tower in Arasaka Saburo's exclusive floating car.

This incident immediately caused a sensation throughout Arasaka Tower.

Even without Saburo Arasaka's instructions, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Tang Yu went to meet the top helmsman of Arasaka and was taken seriously.

Therefore, Kate did not dare to hide anything from Tang Yu's question about the Counter-Intelligence Department. Business was business.

If the situation involves other departments, she can report her ignorance according to the procedure.

at this time.

The front desk reported that the secretary to the director of special operations came to report the matter.

Susan Abernathy?

Her secretary came to report something.

Susan Abernathy's suspension period has expired recently, and she didn't make any noise after returning to Arasaka Tower.

So Kate was asked to go out first, and then the secretary of the Director of Special Operations was summoned.

After receiving the security scan at the door, the female secretary walked into the minister's office, came to Tang Yu's desk, and said respectfully.

"Hello, Mr. Tang."

"Director Abernathy is going to hold the annual department meeting of the Special Operations Department. Is it convenient for you to make time to attend the meeting now?"

The Special Operations Department has asked Tang Yu for instructions on this matter in advance, but has always been treated coldly.

I specially came to invite you today, which is a big honor.

As the deputy director of the Special Operations Department, it is normal for Tang Yu to be invited to attend ministry meetings.

But when did Susan Abernathy act so polite? It probably had something to do with the fact that she took Saburo Arasaka's exclusive float car back to Arasaka Tower.

Nowadays, everyone shows respect when they see him. With Arasaka Saburo's sign on his head, Arasaka Tower can basically walk sideways.

Tang Yu was too lazy to see Susan Abernathy's old face, so he refused: "Send a message to the director for me. I have other meetings next, so I won't go to the meeting. As for her request for the Special Operations Department , I have no objections from my side.”

What he said was true. Next, he had to go to Arasaka Academy to attend the academy meeting. As a mentor to the judges, he was absolutely important and had to be there.

The female secretary did not force her. After receiving the statement, she politely agreed, turned around and exited the office.

Seeing that it was getting late and the college conference was about to begin, Tang Yu turned off the office system and prepared to leave for Arasaka College.

Before I even got up, I received a transfer message.

The amount was not large, only thirteen hundred euros.

Not many people can transfer funds into Tang Yu's electronic account remotely, so he clicked to check.

It was found that the remitter of the transfer was Mr. V.

Tang Yu couldn't help but laugh.

Unexpectedly, Vzi got his first money so quickly.

When he delegated authority to Rayfield as a car owner, he also attached a car purchase agreement, which took effect immediately.

In the future, every amount of money remitted from the V sub-account will be directly transferred to Tang Yu's electronic account to repay the debt.

It is equivalent to Tang Yu being the creditor and V being the debtor.


Tang Yu received a request to add a contact.

He passed the request without hesitation, and V's user portrait appeared in the contact interface.

[V: Thank you so much! The automatic debt repayment function is turned on, which saves me the trouble of remittances. 】

Tang Yu: "You're welcome, yes, 1,300 euros, you have to keep working hard. (smile)"

[V: I owe you a favor on this matter. I think you can be more lenient. After all, you still have to pay the rent. 】

Tang Yu: "Don't worry, I have already bought the apartment in Watson Super Skyscraper H10 where you live. Of course, the money will also be borne by you. As for the rent, I won't charge you. Work hard to pay off the mortgage, V Miss Zi, I wish you good luck."


After bullying Mr. V, Tang Yu felt inexplicably good.

When she failed to help Kirk steal the car, Tang Yu had asked Jack to deal with it, and Pepi could go to work as usual.

Tang Yu got up and left the leather chair, walked out of the office, and took the public elevator toward Arasaka Academy.

V had just walked out of the Wild Wolf Bar and was speechless when he saw the message on the contact interface.

I just finally accepted a commission, completed the task and got the reward.

The amount had just arrived, but it immediately returned to zero, which made her both angry and helpless.

V unceremoniously kicked the cans away from his feet, and had a strange idea - to take a machine gun and shoot all the people wearing suits on the roadside.

"In Night City, only those who wear suits are the most inhumane."

"If this continues, when will it end?"

She couldn't help but sigh a little. The rewards for the jobs she took at the Wild Wolf Bar were too small.

I wanted to come back and make a career in the world, but I didn't expect that this would happen. Not only did I not get any money, I also owed a lot of debt.

"If it doesn't work out, I can only try my luck at Lizzy Bar."

"After all, even the priest said they have a lot of money there."

V had not gone to Lizzie Bar to receive a commission before, mainly because he heard Tang Yu’s recommendation and felt it was definitely unreliable.

But now she wants money but not money, fame but not fame. Apart from the priest, she doesn't know a few decent middlemen at all, so it is almost impossible to get a good job with lots of money.

By now.

V can only try his luck at Lizzy Bar.

As if she had figured it out, she started walking towards the public transportation station.

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