Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 164 Weak current control energy

Arasaka Tower.

Counterintelligence Department on the 33rd floor.

Kate is sitting in her office, waiting for her subordinate's report.


The office door opened automatically, and Douglas, a clerk from the Counterintelligence Department, walked in.

Douglas was a subordinate who was transferred to the Counterintelligence Department with her, and is currently serving as a team leader in the department.

After the two met, they immediately got down to business.

Kate asked coldly: "Has anyone been caught?"

When Douglas heard the question, his face looked a little heavy, and he subconsciously felt a little nervous, and replied: "Caught, but..."

Kate frowned, looking unhappy.

"The target person has been successfully arrested, but was taken away by Mr. Tang." Douglas did not dare to hide anything and told him all the information he knew.

He had previously received first-line intelligence from his subordinate agents that the target Lucy had made strange movements and went to the Bay Pier alone, showing signs of escaping.


Douglas reported the matter to his immediate superior, Kate, and asked her to decide whether to close the network.

Lucy's identity as Arasaka's fugitive deep dive hacker has long been discovered by them, but they have been slow to close the network because Kate did not approve it.

Douglas knew that Kate was playing the long game.


He also understood why Kate was not in a hurry, because the target targeted by Arasaka could not escape Arasaka's grasp as long as he was still alive.

If the target person escapes Night City tonight, it will be more troublesome just to close the net.

After asking Kate for instructions, Douglas unexpectedly received approval for arrest. He led the Counterintelligence Department's SWAT team to the Night City Bay Pier to arrest the target person.

He found that the target person was on a luxury yacht and was heading to the outer sea.

In order to avoid the failure of the operation, Douglas did not hesitate to lead all his troops and chased them in a float vehicle and speedboat.

In a place surrounded by the sea, the target has nowhere to escape.

When he thought everything was going well, he found someone standing on the deck of the yacht, which he didn't expect at all. It was a complete surprise.

The owner of this luxury yacht turned out to be Tang Yu, and the special service team of the Counter-Intelligence Department had already arrived at the scene ahead of them.

Douglas was stunned.

But he quickly reacted, commanded the special service team to land, and came to the deck to report to Tang Yu.

Although his task was arranged by Deputy Minister Kate, he still has to abide by the company's regulations when facing a temporary acting minister.

Douglas was a little suspicious of Tang Yu at first, thinking that he might have some relationship with the target person.

But what surprised him even more was that Tang Yu did not hesitate to order the arrest of the other party on the grounds of stealing the core secrets of Arasaka Company's top executives, and took her directly back to the Counterintelligence Department.

Along the way.

Douglas had no choice but to follow Tang Yu's arrangement and returned to Arasaka Tower.

After Kate heard this, her brows furrowed even more, and she realized that something seemed wrong about this matter.

She didn't tell anyone about Tang Yu's encounter with the target Lucy on the subway, she just wanted to continue following this line to dig out something.

Unexpectedly, Tang Yu actually pulled the trigger and brought the person back to Arasaka Tower in a fair and just manner.

Don't they really have a secret relationship?

But Kate clearly remembers what Tang Yu did to Lucy, and there must be something fishy in it.

Fortunately, the person is still captured. As long as you find an opportunity to deeply invade the opponent's brain, it will not be difficult to dig out what you want.

When the evidence is in hand, Tang Yu will not be able to escape.

Kate asked expressionlessly.

"Where is she being held now?"

Douglas breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his head and replied in a deep voice: "Counterintelligence Department Interrogation Room."

The counterintelligence interrogation room is a place specially designed to disrupt the will and brain nervous system of the target person. Anyone who enters will tell the truth, whether he is willing or not.

No one can withstand Arasaka's methods. After all, even the soul can be extracted, and there is nothing that can be hidden.

Kate stood up from her desk and said coldly: "Let's go there now."

Douglas nodded in agreement and quickly followed Deputy Minister Kate out of the office and went straight to the interrogation room.

Kate walked quickly, and the Counterintelligence Department staff stepped out of the way to avoid bumping into the fierce deputy minister.

She wanted to extract information from the target person as soon as possible. If Tang Yu destroyed the brain or cached data in advance, a corpse would be of no use to her.

Kate came to the door of the interrogation room, where the guard was sitting in front of the gate.

She ordered: "Open the door, I want to interrogate the person I brought back today, Lucy."

The officer on duty immediately turned his prosthetic eyes to check which interrogation room the person named Lucy was in.


The officer on duty responded: "Ms. Kate, I'm sorry you don't have this authority."

"Mr. Tang has issued an order to upgrade the confidentiality level to ministerial level. No one other than himself is allowed to interrogate or meet the target person."

Kate's face suddenly became extremely gloomy, and she said bluntly: "The authority of the Deputy Minister of Counterintelligence has been activated. I will be responsible for any matter. Now I must be interrogated."

She must win this game before Tang Yu today, otherwise the line may be broken.

The officer on duty immediately said seriously: "Ms. Kate, I am only responsible for executing the highest procedural orders. If you think there is anything wrong, you can apply to Mr. Tang for interrogation."

Kate suppressed her anger and thought about how to suppress Tang Yu.

She decided to contact her immediate superior, the hawkish member of Arasaka’s board of directors, to obtain interrogation authority at the director level.

Kate knew that Tang Yu had attended Lord Saburo's banquet not long ago and gained Lord Saburo's attention, and this move fell into the ears of Arasaka Yorinobu.

The reason why she tried so hard to dig out Tang Yu's secrets was because she got a hint from Arasaka Yorinobu.


Tang Yu not only attracted the attention of Lord Saburo, but also the attention of Arasaka Yorinobu, who wanted to know what kind of work Tang Yu was doing for the supreme being.

Kate stood at the door of the interrogation room without leaving. She turned her prosthetic eyes and began to contact the board members.

The other party asked her to wait for news.

It didn't take long.

Kate’s immediate boss, a board member, messaged back.

"Cannot obtain permission."

She couldn't believe it when she saw this message.

what's the situation?

Can’t even get authority at the board member level?

Kate immediately realized that Tang Yu must be working for the supreme being in Arasaka, setting up permissions under the banner of Lord Saburo.

In the entire Arasaka Tower of Night City, no one except Tang Yu can get involved.

Kate looked reluctantly at the interrogation room door in front of her, just the last step away.

She had also arranged for other forces, such as people from the Animal Gang, to keep an eye on the target and wait for an opportunity to capture the target person.

But not only did that bunch of losers fail to accomplish anything, they also killed several of them one after another, which attracted the other party's attention.

In order to avoid alerting the enemy, Kate had no choice but to let Douglas, her "own man", make arrangements and send Arasaka agents with higher abilities to handle the matter. Unexpectedly, she was intercepted by Tang Yu in the end.

It comes down to it.

Kate is doing private work for Arasaka Yorinobu. Yorinobu is far away in Kyoto now and cannot directly report many things. Yorinobu has limited influence on Arasaka Tower in Night City.

She could only keep her head down and figure it out by herself. She didn't even dare to reveal the information about Lucy and Tang Yu to anyone.

The water at Arasaka Tower was too deep, and there was no one she could truly trust.

Even Douglas was just a slightly obedient subordinate and had no need to know the secrets.

Seeing that Lucy's interrogation failed, Kate could only go back to the office for the time being and wait for other opportunities.

If Tang Yu ruthlessly eliminates the target persons, she can continue to look for clues through related persons.

If Tang Yu lets the target person go, it will definitely mean that there is something wrong inside, and then she can continue the secret investigation.

Kate leaves the interrogation room.

Minister's Office.

Tang Yu was sitting on the sofa in the reception area, holding a tea cup in his hand, with a few wisps of steam coming out of the cup.

It had been a long time since he had gone back to the company to work overtime in the middle of the night, and he had just returned to Arasaka Tower from the bay.

Take a short break.

Received news from the interrogation room personnel on duty, reporting that the target person Lucy had woken up from a coma. In addition, Deputy Minister Kate had gone to the interrogation room and wanted to interrogate the target person.

Tang Yu put down his teacup, feeling murderous intent in his heart for the first time.

The ghost lingers.

This was all his impressions of Kate now.

When Kate came here from the R\u0026D department, Tang Yu never came to work, mainly because he wanted to be clean.

But this guy is lucky. During the time he came to the Counterintelligence Department, he did nothing serious and thought about how to dig out his own information all day long.

Tang Yu just made a special trip to Saburo Arasaka's office to set up the authority to interrogate Lucy from the highest level.

Kate hit a wall this time and was probably still thinking about how to continue digging.

I have to say that this perseverance and vision are worthy of recognition.

In the entire Arasaka Tower, she was the only one who showed her card to kill Lang Mie Tang Yu.

That being the case.

When it gets dark, don't blame Lang Dao.

This time.

Kate must understand the most important word in her life.


How is it written?

Tang Yu put down the tea cup in his hand, walked out of the office door, and walked straight towards the interrogation room.

The officer on duty opened the gate for Tang Yu, and then unlocked the access control of Lucy's room.

Tang Yu walked into the small and cold interrogation room, and the gate behind him closed.

He saw Lucy huddled on the edge of the cold stage, with a blank expression and empty eyes.

And the life simulation box on her body that only Tang Yu can see has turned gray again.

After Lucy finished her life simulation, before she could react to the seemingly real experiences, she was brought here by the Arasaka Special Forces.

In shock, her mind went blank, and she seemed to have forgotten her fear or fear.

And Tang Yu also gained new talents, abilities, and life points.

[Life points: 3]

[Fusion Ability 1: Tenacity (Rare)]

[Fusion Ability 2: Bullet Time (Rare)]

[Fusion Ability 3: Weak Electricity Control (Normal)]

The talent of 'Weak Electric Power Control' was obtained from Lucy's life simulation, and she also gained two life points.

He improved the 'weak electric control ability' a bit, and the quality became excellent.

[Fusion Ability: Weak Electric Control (Excellent)]

As the talent level increased, a subtle electric arc appeared in Tang Yu's palm, and some kind of secret current began to extend around his right hand, which could be operated at will.

This talent allows him to use weak electric intrusion to control electronic components within a certain distance, or to focus on a point to produce electric heat.

As the level increases, the range and distance will also expand, and the power will gradually increase.

Lucy, who was in a trance, noticed someone entering the room. She looked up and found that it was Tang Yu. A flash of light flashed in her eyes, but she quickly fell silent again. She leaned her chin lightly on her knees and remained silent.

Tang Yu knew that it would be difficult for her to accept this moment. Lucy, who was chatting and laughing with him just now, had become silent.

In a daze, he experienced a dream that was comparable to a real experience. When he woke up, he was taken to the interrogation room by the Arasaka Special Service Team. Anyone would be at a loss.

Tang Yu has learned all the experiences in her life simulation.

In fact, what surprised him most was not that he became Experimental Subject No. 001, but Lucy's attitude.

Maybe she is not as free and strong as she seems, at least she is completely different from the wild silver-haired girl in Tang Yu's impression.

Lucy's departure from Night City was not what she really wanted from the beginning.


From Lucy's perspective, she is indeed in a desperate situation and has fallen into Arasaka's hands, but the most dangerous place is precisely the safest.

In Arasaka Tower, Tang Yu was able to use various authority and company rules to protect her.

Instead, he was on the run. If he wasn't careful, he might be captured or even killed by Arasaka agents.

By then.

Even if Tang Yu wants to rescue her, it may be too late. Taking her back to Arasaka Tower is the best choice.

Not only can it provide Tang Yu with reasonable conditions to a certain extent and explain the matter of letting Lucy go on the subway.

You can also keep Lucy under your nose for follow-up actions.

Just as Lucy was immersed in her own island world, a voice suddenly sounded clearly in her ears.

"Don't be afraid, trust me, nothing will happen."

This sentence was close to her ears, as if echoing out of thin air in her head, making her raise her head and look at Tang Yu again, with a bit of surprise in her eyes.

Tang Yu was far away from her, and he didn't say anything from the beginning to the end, but where did that clear voice come from.

Could it be that the brain prosthesis was invaded and the image was directly displayed as sound?


She was keenly aware that Tang Yu's fingertips seemed to have electric arcs moving slightly, faintly visible. If she didn't observe carefully, she wouldn't notice it at all.

Just as Lucy was about to speak, the familiar voice sounded again.

"Do not talk."

"I'll explain to you the cause and effect."

She was completely stunned and had no idea how the man in front of her could do all this.

That's right.

The other party entered his brain through some mysterious power and transmitted the information.

Tang Yu's secret may not be the only one.

Lucy kept hugging her knees again, but her eyes softened.

Tang Yu activated his talent of 'weak electric energy control' and directly entered the electronic components of Lucy's brain from the physical level, allowing her to hear herself speak.

For the former top hacker, this talent can undoubtedly maximize his former strength, but the current range of weak current control is limited, and the power is too weak, so he can only perform some micro-operations.

If you want to forcefully burn out the opponent's circuit, you have to focus on storing electricity.

Seeing Lucy calm down, Tang Yu continued to speak in her mind.

"If you want to completely escape Arasaka, you can't even fly far away."

Lucy was silent.

She knew that Tang Yu was right. Even if he really escaped to the moon one day, he would not be able to escape the influence of Arasaka Company.

Lucy was even more convinced of what she was thinking. In fact, the reason Arasaka targeted her was not only because of her identity, but also because of her relationship with Tang Yu.

Someone in Arasaka Company wanted to use her to find the means and methods to bring down Tang Yu.

Tang Yu kept the story short and said bluntly: "I will find a way to clear out your file identity here in Arasaka, but I need you to do one thing."

Lucy pursed her lips and teeth and continued to remain silent, but she had already agreed in her heart.

"Join Internet Monitoring."

Lucy had a look of confusion in her eyes.

Is there any relationship between identity laundering and online surveillance?

She had too little information to judge Tang Yu's intention.

As a cyber hacker, Lucy has a certain understanding of network surveillance.

Network surveillance is not only responsible for tracking defected network hackers, dealing with golems, and rebuilding the network, it is also responsible for hunting down dangerous rogue AI.

They are a troublesome target for almost all informal cyber hackers. When diving deep into cyberspace, you have to avoid them by making small moves.

Tang Yu stopped as soon as he clicked.

He couldn't stay in the interrogation room for too long, and it only took more than ten seconds to explain these few sentences.


After he confirmed that Lucy's mental state was stable, he turned and walked out of the interrogation room.

Although Lucy's safety can be ensured under the nose, she cannot be allowed to stay in Arasaka Tower for too long.

As long as Lucy can successfully join the network surveillance and become a network surveillance agent, her former deep dive hacker status in Arasaka will not be a problem.

As for the scene where Tang Yu and her met in the subway, as long as Kate shuts her mouth forever, no one will care so much anymore.

The same content, but another way of saying it is another story.

A cyberpunk girl stole the core secrets of Arasaka Company's top executives. After being arrested, she was sent to the network supervision department to participate in special operations to make up for her mistakes, and finally stayed in the network supervision department.

Arasaka Company has a cooperation agreement with Internet Surveillance, so Arasaka's identity file on Lucy will be updated to a network surveillance agent.

This was the safest course of action for Lucy.


Tang Yu can also use Saburo Arasaka's authority to delete all Lucy's information now, but she will live a shady life from now on, and may cause more trouble.

Sometimes, the more you want to hide, the harder it is to hide.

It would be better to take it out openly so that everyone can see it and dispel their curiosity and doubts.

Tang Yu returned to the minister's office.

Many colleagues in the counterintelligence department looked surprised when they saw him.

I have never seen Tang Yu still working in the company so late, and I don't know if he thought something big had happened.

Tang Yu returned to the office alone. He did not plan to go back tonight. He would just stay in the office for one night to avoid any unexpected situations.

More importantly, he had to think carefully about the matter between the Internet Monitoring and the Voodoo Gang.

This is not only related to Lucy's future, but also how he interacts with Saburo Arasaka.

Tang Yu leaned back on the office chair, feeling that his brows were a little tense and tired, and unconsciously looked at the deputy office desk, which was empty.

Sasha is not in the office and should be at Gloria's house at the moment.

In order to ensure that Gloria stayed in Lizi's position and prevent assassination and sneak attacks, Tang Yu asked Sasha to stay with her for a while.

He closed his eyes helplessly and pinched the acupuncture point in the middle of his nose clip.

at this time.

Sasha, who was sleeping next to Gloria, quickly took out his cat's head from the bed and sneezed loudly.


Sasha touched her nose, not finding anything strange, and retracted her head into the bed again.

The two of them chatted with each other, Tang Yu, until their faces turned red.

Not sleepy at all.

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