Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 165 Subnet Poseidon

Arasaka Tower.

Counterintelligence Department on the 33rd floor.

Tang Yu opened his suit jacket, sat up from the sofa, walked to the water dispenser and poured a cup of hot water, and then sat back at his desk.

Start the office system and call up the interrogation room surveillance screen. A whole night has passed to check if Lucy's situation is okay.

in the screen.

Lucy was still holding her knees, as if she hadn't moved all night, and the breakfast sent by the guard was also placed at the gate, untouched at all.

Although Lucy is curled up alone in the picture, it is better than showing excessive behavior. As long as it is confirmed that there are no safety problems, I believe she can be sent out soon.

After she goes out, she will usher in a new life.

Tang Yu turned off the screen and prepared to start today's work.

He asked the front desk to put aside today's daily affairs and focus on matters related to network monitoring.

I basically sorted out some things last night, and the rest is to put them into place one by one.

His previous decision to let Lucy join network monitoring was based on multiple considerations.

First, network monitoring is not of a corporate nature. It is an independent global network organization that welcomes capable deep-diving hackers.

Lucy's identity and conditions are more in line with the requirements of network monitoring.

Second, Internet Monitoring has cooperation agreements with major companies, and there is also a clear agreement with Arasaka.

If Lucy can successfully join the company, Arasaka Company will no longer be able to pursue her as a fugitive deep dive hacker.

Some network surveillance agents were formerly deep dive hackers of major companies, and the extradition of deep dive hackers is an established rule in the industry.

In addition, Arasaka Company will not offend network surveillance for a little-known deep dive hacker.

The reason why Lucy was targeted was entirely because Kate noticed that there might be some secret relationship between her and Tang Yu.

As long as Kate disappears, no one in the entire Arasaka Tower will bother to trouble an agent who is already working for network surveillance.

In addition, Tang Yu was covering for her at Arasaka Tower, so there was almost no difficulty in clearing her identity.

Third, Lucy herself had no choice. The results of the life simulation said everything.

It would be useless if she continued to escape. Sooner or later she would fall into Arasaka's hands. Not only would she have no way out, but it would also bring huge potential dangers to Tang Yu.


Tang Yu had no intention of letting her leave from the beginning. She had to stay with him whether life or death.

Things have developed to this point, and the situation is no longer something Lucy can control alone, let alone deciding whether she will stay or leave.

It's urgent.

Tang Yu had to contact the network monitor first, and there was an acquaintance from the network monitor who he had met before.

Bryce Mosley.

Mosley is the Senior Director of the Cyber ​​Inspection Region, responsible for special operations of the Cyber ​​Inspection Agents throughout North America, and is the top agent in the Night City Cyber ​​Inspection Division.

Back then, Tang Yu also helped Mosley break into the Voodoo Gang and break through the Poseidon System of Subnet.

After the two annihilated the Voodoo Gang, they also worked together to successfully prevent Otter Cunningham from breaking through the Black Wall and entering the human material world.

In terms of their attitude towards artificial intelligence, the two people have quite the same opinion.

Tang Yu's superb hacking skills surprised Mosley and strongly invited him to join network monitoring, but Tang Yu refused.


The impression Mosley left on Tang Yu was pretty good. He was a hacker agent who liked watching western cowboy movies and had a very talkative personality. He was tens of millions of times better than the untrustworthy guys from the Voodoo Gang.

Tang Yu used the office system to call up the contact information of high-level officials in various departments of network supervision and directly found the information about Bryce Mosley.

In order for Lucy to successfully join network monitoring, she must have a proven record.

This time, Tang Yu has prepared a stepping stone for Lucy.

He called the front desk and informed him to contact Mosley, the senior director of network supervision. He came to the office to meet and said that he had a cooperation project that he wanted to talk to him about, about the Voodoo Gang's subnet Poseidon.

as expected.

Word came back quickly from the front desk that Bryce Mosley was on his way.

The Voodoo Gang has always been the focus of Internet surveillance and Mosley's biggest headache.

Subnet Poseidon is completely free from network supervision and control. Many illegal actions in cyberspace and acts of destroying black walls are carried out through subnet Poseidon.

This is absolutely not allowed in the eyes of network monitors. An unsupervised subnet will cause great potential harm to the few remaining public networks.

What's more, the Voodoo Gang's group of people have no good intentions and have been working on breaking out of prisons and overcoming the wall, trying to research and destroy the black wall.

Back then, Mosley spent a lot of money to break into the subnet Poseidon.

Without Tang Yu's assistance, it would not be an easy task to take down the Voodoo Gang.

So Tang Yu concluded that when Mosley heard about Subnet Poseidon, he would definitely want to find out what was going on.


It is normal for network surveillance to cooperate with companies. Since they have common interests and goals, there is a basis and consensus for cooperation.

Tang Yu waited in the office for a while, and the front desk received news and reported to Tang Yu that Bryce Mosley had arrived at the Counterintelligence Department.

After the door security scan, the office door automatically slid open and Mosley walked in.

He was wearing a striped plaid shirt, his tie was tied neatly, his cuffs were rolled up, and his work badge was hanging on the right side of his chest.

The most eye-catching thing is the advanced hacker implants on the back of his head and cervical spine. He is obviously a senior deep-diving hacker.

Tang Yu motioned to Mosley to sit down and talk.

As a senior executive of the Internet watchdog agency, Mosley had little to do with Arasaka Company. Although he valued Tang Yu's identity, he did not show fear.

"Hello, Mr. Tang, it's our first time meeting you. This is my business card."

He placed a black paper card on the table, handed it to Tang Yu, and said loudly.

After saying that, he sat on the chair calmly.

Tang Yu put away Mosley's business card and smiled.

"I didn't expect you to deliver business cards in this traditional way."

"After all, people are not at ease with people like us, and mistakenly think that we can roast their brains into brains at any time, but obviously we will not do this. Only the group of cyber hackers hiding in the dark corners of Taiping Prefecture can Will do such a thing." Mosley's tone was humorous and self-deprecating.

Hearing Mosley talk about roasting brains at will, Tang Yu couldn't help but think of his crazy behavior.

Back then, in order to verify the strength of ICE in the violent terrorist mobile team and trauma team, he accidentally implanted an electronic intrusion protocol and wiped out a team of four.

"Then today we can just talk about this matter, about the Taiping Prefecture Voodoo Gang's sub-network Poseidon."

Mosley's expression immediately became serious and dignified, which was also the main purpose of his personal visit to the Arasaka Counterintelligence Department.

He had previously taken the lead in cooperating with Deputy Director Kate of the Counterintelligence Department, but the deep-diving hackers captured by Arasaka were not sent to network monitoring.

This time, Acting Minister Tang Yu invited cooperation, but it was about the voodoo gang subnet Poseidon.

The same company and the same department approached Internet Monitoring to cooperate on different projects, which made Mosley aware of something abnormal.

But the infighting within Arasaka Company has nothing to do with him. It would be great if he could really use Arasaka's power to defeat the Voodoo Gang.

"I'm happy to cooperate. I wonder what Mr. Tang thinks?"

"To make you laugh, the Voodoo Gang is now entrenched in Taiping Prefecture. Network surveillance can neither find their actual hideout nor trace the network address of the subnet Poseidon."

"Break the Voodoo Gang and take down the subnet Poseidon. At present, we basically have no clue."

In Tang Yu's opinion, the difficulties faced by network monitoring are nothing at all.

The actual hiding place of the Voodoo Gang is the Badi Hotel in the Seaview District. As long as they break into their hideout and find the subnet Poseidon server, the rest will fall into place naturally.

However, Tang Yu has no intention of telling Mosley this information for the time being. This is a bargaining chip for Lucy to join network monitoring.

"Since we can't find the Voodoo Gang, we can try another way. Why not try to lure the snake out of the hole." Tang Yu took a sip of hot tea and said calmly.

Lure a snake out of its hole?

Mosley knew the Voodoo Gang very well. Those guys were smarter than rats, and there was no way to contact them without special channels.

In addition, the area in Taiping Prefecture is full of Haitian tribesmen, and they unanimously provide cover for them. It is very difficult to maintain, and it is even harder to force them to come out than to go to heaven.

Tang Yu saw that Mosley couldn't quite understand, so he continued to point out.

"The Voodoo Gang is not the only one coveting the territory in Taiping Prefecture. The Animal Gang has long wanted to reach out to it."

"The Empire State Building is in ruins because of the interruption of the capital chain. The Voodoo Gang has long wanted to take it for themselves."

"With these two prerequisites, it is not difficult to lure the Voodoo Gang to take action."

Mosley quickly reacted and understood what Tang Yu meant.

The unfinished Empire State Building project is located in the center of Taiping Prefecture, surrounded by the influence of the Voodoo Gang.

Its geographical location is the heart of Taiping Prefecture and the Voodoo Gang. Its importance is self-evident.

More importantly, although the Empire State Building is unfinished, it is very complete and can be used as a base of operations after some renovations.

The Voodoo Gang has already been coveting this big piece of land.

The Animal Gang, which has never had a specific base, has recently been active in the southern part of Taiping Prefecture, coveting the huge building of the Empire State Building.

As long as the fundamental contradiction between the two gangs is exploited, network surveillance can take down the Voodoo Gang without even using a single soldier, which is exactly what Mosley wants.

Network surveillance agencies are different from large-scale companies. They implement a hacker agent system. The cost of cultivating elite hackers is extremely high, and the cost of updating and maintaining advanced hacker prosthetics is also very high. They are more like an elite individual soldier system.

A powerful cyber hacker agent can match thousands of troops in cyberspace, so the number of network monitoring hacker agents is not large.

Mosley alone would definitely be unable to do anything against the Voodoo Gang.

This is why he agreed to come to see Tang Yu, hoping to get Arasaka's power.

But after Tang Yu's advice, Mosley discovered that there was a better plan for this matter.

As long as the conflict between the Animal Gang and the Voodoo Gang is provoked, the network monitor only needs to spend some money and equipment to eat the subnet Poseidon and make a lot of money from the business.

Mosley agreed with this plan very much, but at this moment he wanted to know the purpose behind Tang Yu even more. He gave him advice for no reason, and it was impossible not to charge some interest.

"Mr. Tang, I agree with your plan, but I don't know what you want. After all, business always comes and goes."

For this reason, Tang Yu also directly stated his intention: "After taking down the Voodoo Gang, I want the subnet Poseidon Database."

Subnet Poseidon is his primary target, and this is the material he handed over to Saburo Arasaka.

Mosley pondered for a moment. Subnet Poseidon was indeed very important. Although he didn't know what Arasaka was going to do with it, Arasaka Company at least abided by the rules better than the Voodoo Gang.

"I have no objection to this. After getting the subnet Poseidon, we can share the data. The premise is that Arasaka must abide by the confidentiality and security agreement. It is limited to internal research within the company and is not allowed to be used or disseminated."

He knew that Arasaka Company has also been carrying out cyberspace projects, and the large amount of data from Subnet Poseidon will help them further research. Whether it is an old network outside the black wall or the establishment of an independent and hidden subnet, these behaviors are not conducive to the network. Supervision work.

However, companies do these things with mutual acquiescence. When the bottom line is followed, network supervision will not stop it.

Tang Yu agreed to Mosley's request.

Mosley thought for a moment and then asked: "But there is still a key issue at the moment. Even if the Animal Gang people occupy the Empire State Building and draw out the Voodoo Gang to investigate, they still cannot lock and track the witches in the huge cyberspace. Poison gang deep dive hackers, and subnet Poseidon address.”

"Online surveillance is now short of manpower, and it is difficult to deal with the Voodoo Gang at the network level."

The occupation of the Empire State Building is an operation at the physical level. At the cyberspace level, network surveillance is still powerless against the Voodoo Gang.

Someone has to dive deep into cyberspace to capture the traces of the Voodoo Gang's hacking operations.

As a network surveillance agent, Mosley enters cyberspace alone to face the Voodoo Gang's deep-rooted hackers. It is a very dangerous behavior. If he is not careful, he will be attacked and killed by the malware produced by the Voodoo Gang.

This is also the reason why network surveillance has been unable to attack the Voodoo Gang head-on. One of their elite hacker agents is dead.

The current situation is similar to that of members of the Voodoo Gang who rely on the Poseidon Data Fortress to build a huge and secretive fortress. They can advance, attack, retreat or defend in cyberspace, and they are almost as rampant as they want.

Although network surveillance has a large amount of funds and cutting-edge network equipment, because agents are distributed all over the world, Night City is in short supply of manpower. This is why the captured deep dive hackers need to be sent to the network surveillance. Human resources are the most important thing to them. The most precious.

If Mosley wants to challenge the Poseidon Fortress in cyberspace by himself, it is almost impossible to win. He also needs helpers.

Tang Yu said bluntly: "I recommend someone to you. With her here, it is not difficult to catch those rats from the Voodoo Gang."

Mosley's eyes lit up, and he never thought that Arasaka could add reinforcements, which would be great for him.

"Is he the deep dive hacker from Arasaka?"

Tang Yu nodded slightly and said: "Yes, the deep-diving hacker cultivated by Arasaka has just been arrested and returned to the company. There are no technical problems, but she has a request. She leaves Arasaka and joins the network monitoring team."

Mosley understood. What Tang Yu recommended was Arasaka's fugitive deep dive hacker. For this kind of person who has long been disloyal to Arasaka in his beliefs, he no longer has much value. Instead, it is better to give him away to use his remaining value.

Moreover, such absconding hackers are generally absolutely hostile to Arasaka and will do anything to escape.

Mosley thought for a while and agreed directly.

"No problem, provided that her hacking skills can indeed meet the entry requirements and can help us lock down the Voodoo Gang."

Tang Yu made a confident decision and settled the matter.

The two discussed some cooperation details again and finalized the entire planning steps.

First, the network supervisor contacted the Animal Gang, and jointly moved them to the Empire State Building to build a temporary base.

As for the security of the temporary base, the Animal Gang is mainly responsible for it, and the Arasaka Counterintelligence Department can provide certain support when necessary.

After the construction of the temporary base was completed, network surveillance set up detectors to search for network signal fluctuations in the entire Taiping Prefecture with the Empire State Building as the center, forcing the Voodoo Gang to take action.

After the Voodoo Gang began to operate in cyberspace, hackers sent by Tang Yu infiltrated deep into it to find and target the network activities of Voodoo Gang members, and assisted in network monitoring and use ICE blockade.

Until the Voodoo Gang's hiding place was finally determined, the location of the subnet Poseidon server was found, and the people from the Animal Gang were sent to sweep it, and finally the Poseidon Fortress data was obtained.

After that, he took advantage of the situation to eliminate the Voodoo Gang, helped the Animal Gang occupy the Empire State Building, established a foothold in Taiping State, and curbed the rise of the Voodoo Gang again.

Compared to cyber hackers who are secretive and difficult to control, the Animal Gang's occupation of Taiping Prefecture is obviously more beneficial to all parties.

After the plan was agreed upon, Bryce Mosley left the office. When the network supervision side made arrangements, Tang Yu would be informed to start taking action.

Tang Yu has finalized the entire action plan to eliminate the Voodoo Gang, and is still calculating the matter in detail, checking for omissions and filling in the gaps.

The most important part of the entire plan is to get the Poseidon data. This is the most important goal.

If the Voodoo Gang is breached in cyberspace, they may also take the initiative to destroy the server to prevent Poseidon Fortress data from falling into the hands of others.

Someone had to sneak into the Voodoo Gang's lair, the Badi Hotel in the Seaview Area, in advance, and copy the Poseidon data from the server before the Voodoo Gang could react.

Tang Yu thought for a while and felt that it was a good choice to arrange this livelihood for Zi Zi.

The first thing he thought of was the Mann team. After all, they had the technology, experience, and sufficient personnel. They could organize effective resistance when faced with danger.

But Mann and the others were too deeply involved with Lucy, and it would be easy to detect something fishy when they got involved in this matter. On the contrary, they didn't understand anything, so V-zi, who had just returned from outside the city, was more suitable.

A newcomer to cyberpunk, it won’t attract much attention.

I don’t know how V-zi is doing lately, but Tang Yu received a few more transfers from her electronic account, and the amount was pretty good.

However, Gloria never called. It was most likely because V's son went to Lizzy to pick up the job and didn't give his name.

Tang Yu thinks it's quite interesting, and now he's bullying her more while she hasn't grown up yet.

If it gets fierce later, there will be no chance.

He remembered that V Zi used his strength to bully Tang Yu, who was in the hacker stream.

Tang Yu could only follow her and look through the treasure chest outside.

Mr. V gets the big head, but he takes the small head and doesn't do anything about human affairs.

This time I have to arrange a big job for V. When I have time, I have to take her to Laowina to replace the implant that needs to be replaced, and then upgrade it.

Think about this.

Tang Yu dialed Gloria's phone number.

Suddenly receiving a call from Tang Yu, Gloria seemed a little panicked and quickly opened the bed. Next to her was Sasha, who was sleeping soundly.

Since moving in with Gloria, Sasha has slept later and later every day.

"Good morning, Mr. Tang"

Tang Yu subconsciously glanced at the panoramic sunroof behind him and found that it seemed to be getting late.

"Well, morning, can you answer the phone?"

Gloria nodded like a chicken pecking at rice and answered easily.

Tang Yu asked: "Has a mercenary named V recently come to Lizi to pick up work?"

Gloria almost immediately remembered the girl with a distinctive personality and equally distinctive dress.

I couldn't be more impressed by her bohemian style and fashionable and avant-garde aesthetics.

The key point is that if you look closely, you will find that her appearance and strength are simply too strong. There is a bit of heroism in her pretty face. She always talks about morality and love, and she has a bit of a chivalrous demeanor.

Gloria felt a little strange that Tang Yu suddenly mentioned her. She was keenly aware that there might be some story in it, but she didn't ask any more questions.

"Well, there is a girl named V. She has come to Lizi and received several commissions. She can complete it as required every time. She doesn't look like a novice."

Tang Yu nodded slightly, it would be easier now that V has already been to Lizzy Bar.

However, what surprised him was that Mrs. V did not choose to settle the bill in cash, which meant that she really had not thought about defaulting on the debt and planned to pay off the car loan and house loan one after another.

Sure enough, it's the famous V.

Tang Yu said: "I have a commission to arrange for her. The remuneration should be increased appropriately. I will send you the specific commission content later."

"I understand, Mr. Tang." Gloria agreed seriously.

After chatting about bar work, Tang Yu was about to hang up the phone, but heard Gloria asking softly.

"Mr. Tang, are you free to come and sit at Lizi recently?" Her tone seemed a little embarrassed.

Tang Yu bluntly refused.

On Lucy's side, he couldn't leave for the time being. He had to prevent Kate from attacking him first.

Gloria was a little disappointed and just sighed softly when Sasha came to her side and looked at her curiously.

"Is it Mr. Tang?"

"Uh, yes, but he said he doesn't have time to sit with Lizzy for the time being."

"Then when will Sasha be able to jump down with a squeal?" Sasha spread his fingers and made a cat-like gesture.

Gloria: "."

After hanging up the phone.

Tang Yu got up and walked out of the minister's office, took the special elevator to the top floor of Arasaka Tower, and came to Saburo Arasaka's exclusive office.

Sitting in front of her office, she logged into the company's internal system and called up Kate's personal job interface.

His eyes locked on the red button.


No more tonight.

PS: Thank you to the following big sponsors for the rewards. Let’s wait for the New Year’s Day to update. I won’t rest. I’ve been a bit busy recently.

I can't repair a plane 15.00

Mind kira 1.00

Little Smart Fish 50.00

Mulan Valley 60.00

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