Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 166 Self-disciplined V

It's five o'clock sharp.

As the alarm clock suddenly rang, V glared at his feet, kicked off the quilt, stood up and sat up.


After turning off the alarm clock, V rolled over and crawled on the ground, and started doing push-ups seriously.

After quickly completing a hundred warm-up push-ups, she stepped into a pair of slippers and walked into the bathroom. She began to brush her teeth and wash her face in front of the electronic mirror screen.


After spitting out the toothpaste foam, he picked up a wet towel and wiped it on his face twice. V fiddled with his messy hair a few times in front of the mirror, and walked out of the bathroom after finishing it.

After changing her clothes and putting on her shoes, she walked out of the apartment cleanly and began to lead a disciplined life for the day.

Arriving at the downstairs of the super skyscraper H10, V glanced at the beginning and end of the street. He saw almost no people, only twos and threes of hungover street guys, wandering aimlessly.

The sky in the distance has just turned white, and the entire Night City has not really woken up yet.

V took a deep breath of the cool air and looked at the time. It was exactly 5:15, just like every self-disciplined morning she had.

She did a few stretches, warmed up, and set off.

V ran all the way, his eyes scanning the streets and alleys from time to time, trying to see if there was anything good.

At this point, the city cleaners have not yet gone to work, so they often get some unexpected gains.

But V was a little disappointed today. He walked a few streets and didn't find any good treasures.

I had no choice but to make a one-euro pizza on the roadside, get some hot water, and have breakfast.

After filling my stomach for a while, it was already getting brighter, more and more pedestrians were working on the street, and traffic jams began to appear on the road.

V saw that it was almost time, so he started running back home.

The shops along the street have also begun to operate normally, and small vendors from all walks of life have popped up, looking at the passers-by, looking for potential customers.

"Hey, brother, do you want to upgrade your guy? The newly acquired steel cannon, although it is second-hand, is powerful and cheap, isn't it?"

"Are you interested? Change to bionic tendons and joints, so you can move more easily."

"Don't miss it if you pass by. Combat implants are all high-end goods, and the price is definitely good."

"Do you want to hear some breaking news? I have all kinds of information here, about companies, gangs, the stock market, and female celebrities at night. As long as the price is enough, I can even get you some information on celebrities."

There are many second-hand dealers on the streets of Watson, and you can buy almost anything you want.

Nighttime is the working time for the girls standing on the street, and during the day it is basically the dealers.

V ignored the warm greetings from the vendors and just focused on exercising and running.

Although the implants on her body are not too high-end, they are not cheap enough to be used on the street.

These prosthetics of unknown origin may have some hidden programs, and they can easily fall apart at critical moments, with no quality assurance at all.

V continued to run. In terms of physical fitness, she paid the most attention to it and always adhered to the principle of "better than excess".

After all, the body is the capital of street life. Without the body, there is no career at all.

As she was running through a deep alley, someone suddenly called her.

"Want some special Mewtwo movies? It's guaranteed to be something new that you haven't seen before!"

V ran straight over as if he didn't hear it, and his speed even caused a gust of wind.


Special fresh item?

A few seconds passed.

V walked backwards, returned to the vendor before, and looked at him suspiciously.

The Mewtwo dealer in front of him looked young and did not look like a veteran in this business.

But people should not be judged by their appearance. In the second-hand dealer business, there are people from almost all backgrounds. A young man who is new to the industry may have an A-grade product.

Seeing that someone was interested, the young dealer introduced it again: "How about it, do you want to buy a version? This version of Mewtwo is a rare product that even Lizzy can't experience. I am the only one in the entire Night City who has it."

V is indeed very curious. As a hardcore Mewtwo experiencer, he has a natural desire for new and special Mewtwo.

"Tell me, what's the content, and what's Mewtwo's name?"

When the dealer heard V asking about the content, he said with disdain: "Why are you asking this? If I tell you the content of Mewtwo, there will be no surprises. Besides, the name of Mewtwo is not important at all. What is important is the novelty of the film." and quality, give it a try, I guarantee you won’t regret it.”

V looked around and found that Mewtwo's dealer seemed to be very confident in the film he had, and looked like he wanted to buy it or not, which made her even more curious.

to be honest.

She is indeed a little itchy. She has seen a lot of Mewtwo on the market, so she has a strong immunity to Mewtwo.

Most of the serious Mewtwo content has been heavily edited, greatly reducing the sensory experience.

On the contrary, these mysterious Chaomeng on the street often have surprising experiences.

V hesitated for a moment, then made up his mind and asked, "Okay, how can I sell Chaomeng? Give me one."

When the young dealer heard that he could open an order, he held back his inner joy and said quickly: "It's not expensive, only 20,000 euros, and we also include offline experience, and a dedicated Chaomeng editor will tailor it for you. "

Twenty thousand euros?

When V heard this number, the beautiful expectations in his heart were instantly shattered.

She doesn't have a dime in her electronic account now, but she has some cash on her, including a few hundred euros, which she picked up from treasure chests.

This little money is definitely not enough to buy this Mewtwo movie.

V sounded disappointed and had to say frankly: "Thanks, I still won't read it. I can't afford it."

When the young dealer heard that the customer had no money and saw her getting up to leave, he quickly shouted to stop again.

"Don't worry, since you are the first customer today, how about I give you a discount? How about I give you a 10% discount and charge you two thousand euros?"

"This is already the limit. If I can't afford it anymore, I really have no choice. After all, I still have to pay channel fees. I really can't make much money."

10% off? !

The strength of this offer really attracted V, causing her to stop again, put her hand into her pocket, and grabbed a few bills.

Two thousand euros in gold is equally difficult for her.

When she thought about not being able to even come up with this little money, the man in the Arasaka suit appeared in her mind. He was so evil.

In order to pay off the car loan and house loan, all her hard-earned money was transferred away!

Now she is a completely migrant worker, paying off the loan with her eyes closed. She can't even pay for the Chaomeng she wants to buy. This feeling is too oppressive!

However, V also thought about this issue carefully and found out that the man in the Arasaka suit was actually quite fair to her.

There is no interest on the car loan, and you will also pay rent every time you drive away.

There is no rent for the house, which is equivalent to letting her live there for free.

So even if V repays the loan, he is doing it for himself. In the final analysis, Tang Yu is not to blame.

It was nothing more than forced buying and selling, which forced her to bear huge debts, so that she finally did some tasks and earned some remuneration, but all was transferred away.

As the saying goes, a penny beats a hero, but this principle does not apply to her.

V is the kind of person who can still live a healthy and fat life even with little money, and can even bring one or two younger brothers to nourish him.

After all, she was penniless when she came to Atlanta alone, but she was still prosperous.

What troubles her most now is that the quality of her entertainment life has dropped a lot.

To maintain self-discipline every day, you also need to have a way to relax.

What V loves most is shooting guns, playing games, experiencing Mewtwo, or going out to box and fight. It would be even better if he could make some money along the way.

Now all these entertainment activities have been stopped due to financial constraints.

So when she saw new Mewtwo movies on the street, she was more excited than ever.

V looked at the sincere look on the dealer's face in front of him. It was a discount and it was an offline experience. It was really unreasonable not to buy this Mewtwo movie.

Why don't you ask Mr. Tang to borrow some?

Anyway, he is so rich, he shouldn't mind.

However, this idea was immediately rejected by her as soon as it came to her mind, mainly because she couldn't bear it.


Another person appeared in her mind, Gloria, the proprietress of Lizzy Bar.

She has a charming temperament, and you can tell from a glance that she has a big heart. She gets along well with her, and it was a pleasure to work with her on several tasks.

So V asked the Mewtwo dealer to wait for a while while he made a call first.

The Chaomeng dealer estimated that the other party was going to find someone to borrow money, so he stood aside and waited patiently.


She dialed Gloria's number, but before she could speak, she heard the other end of the phone speak first.

"V, I just wanted to find you, are you free now?"

She was stunned for a while, then murmured.


"That's perfect. Please come to Lizzie Bar. I have a commission here and I'm really in a hurry. I'm sorry."

V agreed in a daze. Her friend was in an emergency, and it was not her style to ask for a loan at this juncture.

Hang up the phone.

Chaomeng's dealer saw her helplessness, probably because he couldn't borrow the money, so he said kindly: "Otherwise, you owe me the money first, and you can see Chaomeng first, and then you can pay it back when you have money." It’s not too late for me.”


V never expected that he could experience Mewtwo first and then pay the bill.

No matter how much she liked watching Mewtwo, she still noticed something was wrong.

Just now, he looked like he didn't want to get involved because he didn't have the money, but now he was begging himself to go and see it. There was nothing wrong with it.

But she had work on hand now, and had just agreed to meet Gloria, so she couldn't delay any more and was too lazy to argue with these small dealers.

He turned around and ran away, with Mewtwo's dealer yelling from behind.

"If it doesn't work out, I'll give it to you for free! Just this once!"

V didn't look back this time. Fortunately, she didn't have any money in her pocket, otherwise she would have gained wisdom after traveling in the world for many years.

Arasaka Tower.

Counterintelligence Division.

Tang Yu has received news from network surveillance that Bryce Mosley has successfully united with the Animal Gang to occupy the Empire State Building.

The Voodoo Gang began to take action, looking for opportunities in cyberspace, trying to break into their network addresses and burn down the newly established servers.

However, network monitoring is strong in terms of hardware facilities and software programs. The ICE protection set up is strong, and it is not afraid of the voodoo gang's methods for a while.

Moreover, many Haitians began to gather around the Empire State Building, seemingly trying to sneak in, but they were all driven out by the Animal Gang.

In order to completely capture the Empire State Building, the leader of the Animal Gang, the Savage King, personally went out to lead the core force of the Animal Gang to guard it.

Those people in the Voodoo Gang are simply not good enough, and there is nothing you can do with the help of animals with strong muscles.

It was time for Tang Yu to take action. He asked the front desk to notify Douglas to prepare a counter-intelligence special service team to set out with him to protect safety.

Douglas, who was at work, received an order from Tang Yu to lead a team with him to perform a mission at the Empire State Building.

Even the content of the mission was clearly told to him. The Counterintelligence Department was to cooperate with the Internet Supervision to capture the Voodoo Gang.

Douglas was quite surprised. This was the first time Tang Yu named him to take him on a mission. Is there any meaning in this?

He immediately stood up and began preparations, hesitating whether to tell Kate about this.

But for some reason, I felt that there might be a trap here, so I decided to wait and see the information firsthand.

Tang Yu went straight to the interrogation room, passed through the access control and came to the room where Lucy was, and said bluntly.

"Come with me, you can leave here."

Lucy, who had been silent all this time, raised her head, her neon eyes flashing with light.


The field armed forces of the Counterintelligence Department were ready to go and marched towards the Empire State Building in Taiping Prefecture.

In an exclusive car.

Lucy's eyes were calm and she looked out the window calmly.

Since she was 'arrested' by Tang Yu to Arasaka Tower, she has not said a word until now, except for silence.

Tang Yu knew that she had many questions in her heart, but there were some things that she couldn't explain clearly to her yet.

The less people know about the Arasaka family, the safer it is.

Once this matter is over, there will be no need to involve Lucy again.

As long as she joins the network surveillance team and changes her identity, and Tang Yu takes care of Kate, she will no longer have to live in fear as before, no longer need to think about how to avoid Arasaka's pursuit, and can live an honest life.

There was silence in the carriage, and outside the window was the city street scene passing by.

After a while.

The Arasaka Counterintelligence Department convoy arrived at the Taiping Empire State Building, which was already occupied by people from the Animal Gang. After confirming their identities, they were released and the convoy filed in from the underground parking lot.

The emergency lights are turned on in the underground parking lot. Although the decoration has not been completed, the four beams and eight pillars are stable, and the spacious garage can be parked at will.

Tang Yu and others got out of the car, and the air was filled with the smell of reinforced concrete.

Douglas followed Tang Yu and was responsible for protecting his personal safety.

He didn't know much about this operation, so he kept silent throughout the whole process and honestly led the team behind.

There was only one elevator open. Tang Yu first took Lucy to the third floor of the shopping mall to meet with Mosley, the senior agent of network surveillance.

The two successfully arrived on the third floor, which was the temporary base set up by network surveillance and the Animal Gang.

Many thugs from the Animal Gang gathered here, and when they saw the senior management of Arasaka Company walking in, they all cast strange looks.

Tang Yu looked calm. Back then, the Animal Gang, a group of muscular men, obeyed Susan Abernathy's orders and intercepted and killed him on the elevated road back to the city.

People from the Animal Gang probably still remember this, so they looked at Tang Yu a little strangely.


The Animal Gang thugs made way for a path, and a tall and muscular woman with strong breasts walked out.

Her aura suppressed the entire animal gang, and the thugs looked at her with admiration.

Savage King Matilda, leader of the Animal Gang.

Tang Yu had a certain impression of her. Back then, Vzi had fought with this humanoid monster with bare hands.

The fist is indeed strong enough, but the IQ can only be said to be mediocre.

The Savage King looked at Tang Yu coldly, with an unfriendly expression.

Douglas and the Arasaka Special Service Team who caught up behind them saw that the Animal Gang seemed to want to take action, and they all took a defensive posture.

The situation is tense.

at this time.

Internet surveillance agent Bryce Mosley came out and stood in the middle of the two parties. Seeing that the situation was a bit tense, he introduced with a smile.

"Mr. Tang, you are here. This is the leader of the Animal Gang, the Savage King Matilda."

After speaking, he looked at the Savage King again and explained.

"The person who is cooperating with me is Mr. Tang. You should lead your men to prepare first. When I find the base of the Voodoo Gang, it will be time for you to take action."

After listening to Mosley's words, the Savage King loosened his clenched fists, glanced at Tang Yu, and left the scene with his men.

Seeing the Savage King walking away, Mosley led Tang Yu and continued walking inside, talking as he walked.

"I set up the temporary base control room in the mall cinema, and then renovated a deep dive room there, so..."

After Mosley finished speaking, he looked at Tang Yu, meaning that Arasaka's deep dive hackers would be needed later to complete the tracking of the Voodoo Gang.

Tang Yu replied: "I have no problem here."

Lucy, who was following him, had a calm gaze, but clenched her fists unconsciously.

She knew that she would have to dive deep into cyberspace later, which was the place she wanted to avoid after years of running away.

Tang Yu asked Douglas and the SWAT team to guard the surroundings and not allow anyone to break into the cinema control room. Then he took Lucy and followed Mosley into the control room.

The three walked into the control room.

Mosley roughly explained the current situation to the two of them.

He has already started tracking signal fluctuations, and the Voodoo Gang is looking for opportunities to check for vulnerabilities in order to break through ICE, which monitors the network.

Now we need the Arasaka deep dive hacker to monitor the deep dive equipment through the network and enter cyberspace to find traces of the activities of the Voodoo Gang members.

Mosley pointed to a door not far from the screening room and said: "There is a deep dive room inside, equipped with an ice tank and a hacker chair."

"I will be in the control room watching the Voodoo Gang's actions in case anything unexpected happens. If you have any questions, you can call me at any time."

Lucy clenched her fists and lowered her eyebrows. She turned around and walked towards the deep dive room, opened the door and entered the room.

As a former top hacker, Tang Yu knows very well the process of deep diving into cyberspace.

During the hacker's deep dive process, someone must be watching from outside and be ready to release the deep dive state at any time.

He told Mosley something. The entire deep dive process must be based on Lucy's personal safety.

Mosley heard the chilling tone in Tang Yu's words. The reason why he spoke first was to prevent the situation of swallowing horses and damaging cars.

For network surveillance, defeating the Voodoo Gang must be ten thousand times more important than Lucy's life.

But for Tang Yu, protecting Lucy is ten thousand times more important than defeating the Voodoo Gang.

If it wasn't for Lucy to change her identity and join network surveillance, this matter wouldn't have been so troublesome.

You can use Arasaka's power to let Kate go to the Voodoo Gang to cause trouble, so that I can drive away the tiger and devour the wolf.

However, Tang Yu has already let the news of his actions out, and it depends on whether Kate will take the bait.

The reason why he made a big splash today to rectify the counterintelligence department's personnel and go out to work is to let Kate know about it and intervene in this matter.

If she didn't dare, she would have to watch Lucy join the network surveillance team while the subnet Poseidon fell into Tang Yu's hands.

For this kind of opportunist, Tang Yu judged that she would most likely not give up such a good opportunity to claim credit.

Regarding Tang Yu's explanation, Mosley said that there was no problem, and he would even use ICE, which monitors the network, to be responsible for early warning of security issues in the cyberspace.

He saw that Tang Yu had an unusual attitude towards this Arasaka deep dive hacker, and knew the stakes involved. It would be a matter of time before the Voodoo Gang was defeated, and there was no need to offend Tang Yu for this, not to mention that the people in Arasaka were still guarding outside.

As long as the Animal Gang takes root in the Empire State Building, there is no fear that the Voodoo Gang will not be able to escape. A win-win situation is a real win. Mosley can still understand the importance of this.

After explaining clearly, Tang Yu turned around and walked towards the deep diving room, opened the door and entered the room.

inside the house.

Lucy was taking off her clothes and seemed to have already accepted this arrangement.

She squatted down and pressed down the last trouser leg, and the girl's slender and mature curves were clearly revealed in front of Tang Yu.

She stood up slowly. The cybernetic prosthetic modification marks were obvious on her back. Golden optical cables, integrated radiators, and biological neural interfaces were distributed throughout her back, extending to her waist and hips.

In the room, all hacker deep dive equipment is complete, a high-end hacker chair is placed next to it, and a new hacker suit hangs on the stand.

But Lucy simply ignored the hacker chair, stood in front of a porcelain tank filled with ice water, and murmured.

"Can I trust you again?"

Her voice seemed to be trembling, and she realized that she had no choice at the moment, but she did not want to become a puppet of the company.

If she could go back to her previous hellish life, she would rather die under Arasaka's bullets.

Tang Yu said softly: "I have never deceived you, and I will never do it again."

Lucy's body trembled slightly, as if she felt something in her heart.

She slowly raised her left hand and brushed away the silver hair covering the back of her head. She held the bandage with her right hand and gradually tore it off.

With a 'hissing' sound, the deep dive interface on the back of Lucy's head was clearly revealed.

She raised her legs and stepped directly into the cold water tank. A biting chill immediately swept through her body.

Lucy was used to such low temperatures, her eyes were calm and without warmth, and then she lay down flat in the water tank, naked.

The icy blue cold water in the tank swayed slightly, and the broken ice floating on the surface made a splashing sound.

Tang Yu stepped forward and picked up the connector, pointed it at her slot, and handed it in steadily.


With the sound of the mechanical anastomosis being inserted, Lucy frowned slightly, seeming to feel a little uncomfortable.

She folded her slender arms in front of her and looked straight ahead.

After a while.

Lucy murmured.


"I'm ready"

She took a deep breath, her chest rose slightly, and with a long breath, her eyes slowly closed.

Tang Yu pressed the start button and cooperated with Lucy to enter the deep dive state and enter cyberspace.

Arasaka Tower.

Counterintelligence Division.

Kate was in the office, looking a little restless, pacing back and forth thinking.

Just now, she had learned that Tang Yu had taken Lucy away, and ordered Douglas to lead the team to perform field duties.

The destination is the Empire State Building, preparing to join forces with network surveillance to deal with the Voodoo Gang.

This information was not considered top secret within the Counterintelligence Department, and Kate had no doubts about its authenticity.

What really aroused her suspicion was what was Tang Yu's purpose behind doing this.

Take away Arasaka's escaped deep dive hacker Lucy, join forces with network surveillance to defeat the Voodoo Gang, and go to the front line in person.

She has confirmed that the source of the task performed by Tang Yu was not at the board of directors level.

Then there is only one possibility, which is the way for Tang Yu to survive arranged by Mr. Saburo Arasaka.

The sword is pointed at the Voodoo Gang. Is it because he wants to get the subnet Poseidon?

This is the only thing Kate can think of. In Arasaka's eyes, Subnet Poseidon has certain value to the cyberspace plan.

The reason why they joined forces with network surveillance and took away the deep dive hackers was because of the Poseidon of the Voodoo Gang.

Kate made a rough judgment that this matter must be related to Master Arasaka Saburo. The issue she was considering now was whether to inform Arasaka Yorinobu.


She made up her mind that she should report it promptly.

Arasaka Yorinobu had previously promised to find out what Tang Yu had done, especially the errand he received from Lord Arasaka Saburo.


Kate compiled the information she knew and sent it to Arasaka Yorinobu in Kyoto through secret channels.

It didn't take long.

Kate received the reply, looked at the contents of the secret message, and highlighted a few things.

"Sabotage Tang Yu's operation."

"Get the Poseidon data."

"Adam's Hammer has arrived at the Night City Seaside Park and will cooperate with your actions."

“No room for error.”

No tonight.

PS: Thanks to the following donors for the reward.

Dad, 4.00

Qingchuan copper fish 15.00

The only sheep in the grassland 1.00

Chocolates 2.00

cjl don’t leave 3.33

Mind kira 1.00

Book Friends 20210301106500247890 1.00

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