Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 167 God of AI


Badi Hotel in Seaview District.

After V got out of the traffic station, he went straight here.

This is the address of the commission she received from Gloria, and she will complete today's commission here later.

Sneak into the Batty Hotel and steal the data from the Voodoo Gang's server base station.

However, the work of stealing data does not start now, but waits for a signal, a chaotic melee.

Regarding the content of the commission, Gloria made it very clear that V would not act on his own initiative and run into the voodoo gang's lair to cause trouble alone.

What she has to do now is to avoid attracting the attention of surrounding voodoo gang spies, hide her whereabouts, and wait for the opportunity to sneak into the hotel.

The Badie Hotel is now completely occupied by Haitians, and is surrounded by faces of their own people. A stranger from outside the place haunting here can easily arouse suspicion.

In order to hide her whereabouts, she decided to find a snack bar near the hotel to fill her stomach before she had the strength to work.

When I came to a convenience store window, the owner was also Haitian.

V looked calm, ordered a meal at random, sat under a sun umbrella on the street with a plate in hand, and started eating by himself.

Regarding the commission he received from Lizzy Bar, V felt that the reward was a bit inconsistent with the difficulty of the task.

Gloria offered her a reward of 20,000 euros, which was more than the previous tasks combined, but the content of the commission was to sneak into the Barty Hotel to steal server data.

And in order to cover up her actions, Gloria also specifically emphasized that she must wait for the Voodoo Gang and the Animal Gang to fight to avoid being discovered.

V is not sure what the grudges are between the two gangs, but they are definitely not dealt with in Taiping Prefecture. He just needs to follow Gloria's instructions later.

Think about this.

V couldn't help but sigh, the proprietress of Lizi is not only kind-hearted, but also so generous with her actions. No wonder she has established a foothold in the middleman industry so quickly.


This blue digital ocean world is filled with endless data flows and symbol changes, forming a vast program network world.

The darkness in front of Lucy's eyes was gradually dispelled by the blue ocean of data, and the entire consciousness condensed and took shape. Now she looks like a digital elf.

It had been a long time since she had been to this cyberspace world. Facing the familiar ocean of data, she couldn't help but take a deep breath, even though there was no need to breathe here.

With the neural consciousness data stabilized, Lucy can operate normally in cyberspace.

But she still needs to wait for some prompts, prompts from network monitoring.


A set of ethereal light blue coat appeared around Lucy. This was a concealment program prepared for her by network surveillance to minimize the possibility of being discovered by the Voodoo Gang and to resist a certain degree of malicious program intrusion.

She gently raised her hand, and the ethereal light blue flew straight towards her, covering her whole body, and the entire data consciousness faded a lot, blending into the surrounding blue ocean.

After loading the stealth protection program, Lucy can start taking action, locating the scope provided by network monitoring in this endless data matrix world, and searching for traces of voodoo gang members.


A light spot shone in front of Lucy's eyes, shining like a star. It was the network signal point set up by network surveillance at the Empire State Building.

She raised her slender right hand and took a hold of it towards the flickering light. The data world around her changed like stars, as if she was moving quickly into a data flow tunnel.

It didn't take long.

Lucy arrived at the signal point. This cyberspace matrix was constructed from many block programs.

It seems like entering a world full of pillars, where there is no distinction between heaven and earth, and the measurement of dimensions is lost. Reading, running, intruding programs, etc. are all based on conscious links.

Lucy casually broke open a pillar, hid inside it, integrated with the pillar, disguised as a running program, and then waited for opportunities to observe subtle changes in the surrounding situation and data flow.

The reason why she can easily hide in fixed programs is because the network monitoring ICE is loaded. Otherwise, when she tries to break through the walls of these programs, it will cause program confusion and she will be besieged by the firewall.

If the Voodoo Gang wants to find the source of the signal in this program matrix, it will be much more difficult for the Voodoo Gang to hide than Lucy. This is the home of network surveillance.

Lucy pays careful attention to the surrounding situation, and must be cautious in any actions in cyberspace, otherwise she will be invaded by malicious programs released by the other party, and it is very likely to be revealed here.

After confirming that there were no traces anywhere, Lucy began to screen matrix areas one after another, trying to find some clues.

The high-intensity work puts her body under high temperature load, especially the brain nerves, so the principle of deep diving is to do as little as possible and as fast as possible.

Like a leaping data elf, she silently traveled back and forth between solid programs, screening matrix programs one after another.

Lucy was anxious, and so far, she had not found any results.

Either the hackers of the Voodoo Gang have not yet entered the vicinity of the signal source, or their methods are too sophisticated and they have disguised themselves too well.

This is not only a technical contest, but also a time contest.

The Voodoo Gang also has little time left. If they cannot break through the signal source as soon as possible and invade and disrupt the network monitoring base server, sooner or later their home server will be detected by network signal fluctuations.

By then, what awaits them will be a pushback by force, not a cyberspace war.

On the Internet, the Voodoo Gang has a natural advantage.

In the material world, the Voodoo Gang is definitely no match for the Animal Gang.


Lucy has searched most of the area, leaving only a few square matrices, which are the places with the strictest network surveillance firewalls.

No matter who wants to invade from there, the difficulty is several times that of other places.


Lucy, hiding in the solid program, discovered some clues.

She saw some small worm-like programs burrowing into some solid programs, and hid in without anyone noticing.

However, these solid programs did not attract firewall attention, indicating that they were not destructive viruses.

It is more like a kind of resident program, hiding in the body of the program, lurking and waiting for opportunities.


What is the Voodoo Gang trying to do?

Do they want to finish their work in one battle, invading and burning down the network monitoring server in one go?

In an area with tighter firewalls, there are also more solid programs and a greater number of worms that can be parasitized.

By then.

Once the Voodoo Gang attacks, most solid network monitoring programs will be paralyzed, causing hardware failures.

They then gathered their strength to break through the firewall from here, resist the counterattack of network surveillance ICE, and directly destroy the signal source.

Then the plan to force the Voodoo Gang will be difficult to realize.

Lucy realized that the situation was not good, stopped, hid in a safe place, continued to wait, waited for the mastermind behind the scenes to come forward, and then called the network to monitor the ICE attack.

Deep dive indoors.

Tang Yu observed various elements on the electronic display and made sure Lucy was safe.

The deep dive moment is the most vulnerable and dangerous time for a cyber hacker, which is equivalent to exposing one's own weaknesses without reservation, without any knowledge of what is happening in the outside world.

Life or death depends entirely on the thoughts of the people waiting outside.

Therefore, even if Tang Yu became a top hacker back then, he rarely conducted deep dives.

He saw Lucy in the water tank, her breathing was still steady, and there were wisps of hot air exhaling from the tip of her nose, indicating that nothing unusual had happened to her in the cyberspace.

Hackers deep in cyberspace lack awareness of the outside world, but they will still show physical symptoms after being attacked, ranging from pain all over the body to smoke in the brain.

Network monitoring agent Mosley in the control room sent a message: "She is in cyberspace and has reached the signal source. Everything is normal now."

Tang Yu estimated that Lucy was not in danger yet, so he asked, "Have you detected any movements in the Voodoo Gang over there?"

Mosley looked at the signal fluctuation monitoring and characterization images, which did not show any abnormalities. The Voodoo Gang hid network activities very deeply.

But he still used some special techniques to know that the Voodoo Gang had been dispatched, but he was unable to accurately track them for the time being. Lucy needed to conduct further searches in cyberspace, and after discovering the target, he launched network monitoring ICE in a targeted manner.

"nothing now."

"The Voodoo Gang is backed by the Poseidon System. It is a completely independent and hidden sub-network. It usually performs 'action and retreat' style hacking operations without leaving any clues."

"Either our hackers can catch it in advance, or we can wait for the Voodoo Gang to launch an attack and then we can find a way to counterattack."

The initiative of the former lies in the hands of network surveillance, while the initiative of the latter lies in the hands of voodoo gangs.

There are already many Voodoo Gang informants around the Empire State Building, waiting for opportunities to gather information on the periphery. They want to use jammers to block the network monitoring server, but they have obviously failed.

Mosley continued: "Voodoo gangs are not easy to deal with. If we fail to use ICE to trap them in the first place, our deep dive hackers will encounter great threats."

"Once you have the clues, you can escape immediately after running ICE."

"If the deep dive still yields no results after a while, we can slow down and try other methods."

The method Mosley refers to is to attack by force, try to arrest one or two Voodoo Gang guys, and get out of their minds where the Voodoo Gang is hiding.

Tang Yu also agreed with Mosley's statement.

The hacker's deep dive time should not be too long, and the Voodoo Gang is already certain to die, so there is no need for Lucy to take more risks inside.

Tang Yu looked at the electronic screen and still had not received Lucy's request signal to escape from cyberspace, which meant that she was still acting.


Lucy frowned slightly, as if she felt a little uncomfortable. Her brain nerves were overloaded, causing thin cold sweat to break out on her forehead.

Even if it is soaked in cold water in an ice tank, it still cannot completely dissipate heat.

Tang Yu hurriedly squatted by the water tank to check Lucy's condition. Judging from her micro-expression, it was obvious that she had been attacked by an unknown person.

He immediately took action, holding Lucy's slender neck with one hand, and picking up her wrist from the ice water with the other hand. He activated his talent of 'weak electric energy control' and directed a trace of electric arc along the biological data line at her wrist.

Tang Yu closed his eyes and tried to control the data flow generated in his mind, import it into Lucy's storage core, and transmit it to the cyberspace.

In such an emergency, one can either rely on the deep-diving hacker's own ability and technology to escape, or the outside world can provide certain technical support, just like what Qiwei did when she dived deep last time.

But the trouble Lucy encountered was obviously different from Qiwei's deep dive. She was attacked by the Voodoo Gang, and her brain was likely to be burned out in a second, leaving no room for maneuver.

So Tang Yu could only try and give it a try, believing that the AI ​​god in cyberspace would help.

In cyberspace.

Lucy finally waited until the data flow neural consciousness bodies of several members of the Voodoo Gang appeared, and decisively ran the ICE provided by network monitoring to help lock down hostile targets.

The red codes are locked towards the people of the Voodoo Gang, binding the people of the Voodoo Gang like data chains.

Just when she successfully launched the attack and was about to escape, an unknown program imprisoned her and tore her out of the solid program. The hidden program was cracked.

Lucy is ambushed by Voodoo Gang hackers.


There are several deeply concealed Voodoo Gang deep dive hackers who emerged from the void data fragments. The leader of them can be seen from the body shape that she is a woman.

The other party scanned Lucy's consciousness at extremely fast speeds, his gaze passing through every digital cell in her body like an electric current.

"You are not a network monitor."

Lucy couldn't break free and didn't make any answer.

But in cyberspace, no secret can be kept secret. This is a digital world, and even the secret thoughts in your heart will become digital codes.

The other party's hacker skills were extremely high, and they almost cleverly bypassed Lucy's personal ICE and read the deepest memories in her consciousness.

The reason why ICE should be bypassed rather than disrupted is to prevent the data flow of the target consciousness from collapsing and becoming data fragments, which would be difficult to retrieve.

In cyberspace, there is no difference between killing the conscious data and killing the person.

"It turns out you are an absconding hacker from Arasaka."

Lucy could feel the memory data being recalled bit by bit and being released uncontrollably.

She tried her best to resist being read more information by the other party, because there was a memory about Tang Yu's ability later, and once it was leaked, it would cause endless troubles.


Lucy noticed a new program trying to enter her body, and heard Tang Yu's words in her mind again.

"I will use your existing path to teleport you near the black wall, where there will be foreign aid that can save you."

Support beyond the black wall?

Lucy didn't hesitate, and immediately let go of her resistance to the program, letting it run automatically in her body.


As if teleporting, Lucy came to a red and blue vertical striped fence. On the other side of the fence was an endless black screen.

She knew this place all too well, the red striped fence being the black wall that blocked off the old net.

The young Lucy once worked for Arasaka Company, and her task was to climb beyond the black wall and mine information and data.

So I always kept in my mind the path to the black wall and the way to climb over it.

With the help of Tang Yu, she reached the edge of the black wall. The hackers of the Voodoo Gang followed closely, and the release program was still firmly locked on her.


A piece of data of unknown origin suddenly appeared in Lucy's memory database, and scenes and images flashed one after another.

Lucy couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Where do these sudden memories come from?

And it's all about a man with silver arms who always wears sunglasses and likes to curse.

"There are only two people willing to spread their legs and fuck you. It's too miserable."

"Can you do it! Is it really that difficult? Please, just smoke one for me!"

"Don't be ridiculous. I don't have time to be a guitar master. I'm busy trying to revolutionize the world."

"Otto, why do you have such an endless temper?"

"Ultra, Ott, please, wake up, what the hell did you do!"

The memory data that suddenly poured out of Lucy's memory was immediately captured by the Voodoo Gang hackers. After reading the content, it seemed unbelievable.

"How come you have these memories?!"

The words just fell.

I saw that the cyberspace around me suddenly stagnated, and all data flows seemed to be frozen and stagnant, motionless.

In this digital dimension space, time seems to be stripped away, and everything falls into a standstill.

Immediately afterwards.

The environment around cyberspace has undergone drastic changes.

A tall and giant data flow humanoid appeared out of thin air, standing outside the black wall, like a red giant.


"You have Johnny's mark on you."

The red giant seemed to be looking at Lucy and made a disembodied and ethereal sound through the black wall.

The "Ott Cunningham" Voodoo Gang hacker was also surprised when he saw the red giant that suddenly arrived. He was not mentally prepared for the various situations that had just happened.

She had no idea how Lucy teleported to the Black Wall and used her memory to summon Otter Cunningham outside the Black Wall to appear.


Ultra is outside the black wall, but his sensing ability and technical means have already penetrated into the black wall.

To her, this black wall was not an airtight wall.

I am afraid that in Otto's view, it is not possible to dismantle the black wall for the time being, but it is easy to quietly implant some programs into the black wall.

But before the Voodoo Gang hackers could say anything, several streaks of blue data stream lightning fell from the sky and hit the top of their foreheads.

The hackers of the Voodoo Gang knelt down in pain, holding their foreheads and wailing. Their consciousness data instantly disappeared into the cyberspace, and the program blockade on Lucy was unlocked.

"Who asked you to come here?" Otto asked bluntly after solving the Voodoo Gang hacker.

Before Lucy could reply, a voice came to her mind again, asking her to repeat everything to the red giant.

"He asked me to tell you that Johnny was used by the people of Arasaka as a soul killer, and his soul mark was imprisoned in a mikoshi."

Ultra's ethereal voice said slowly: "I recognized Johnny's imprint code."

She already knew the outcome.

Lucy tried to control her emotions and continued to pass on the message: "It was Johnny who broke into Arasaka Tower and rescued you from Arasaka's subnet."

Ultra: "I really don't want to be trapped in Arasaka Shrine. If your purpose is to clean up the Voodoo Gang hackers, then it has been completed now."

When Lucy heard Tang Yu's words in her mind, her face suddenly tightened, and she hesitated whether she should say it.

"He asked me to bring you a message for Johnny."

Otto: "Tell me."

Lucy said with some embarrassment: "Johnny said you are very smooth. He is also a digital imprint now and asked you if we can renew our relationship."

Otto: "This is impossible. I am no longer the same person. Just leave."

With a wave of the red giant's hand, Lucy retreated to her original position and appeared near the source of the network monitoring signal.

Seeing that the remaining Voodoo Gang hackers had been frozen by network surveillance agency ICE, she immediately started the withdrawal process.

In the deep dive chamber.

"Cough! Cough"

Lucy took a sharp breath, coughed twice, and swayed uncontrollably.

She opened her eyes in confusion and found Tang Yu standing next to her. He tried his best to get up and sit up, but due to the long period of deep diving, he was a little too weak to use his strength.

Seeing that she had woken up, Tang Yu unplugged the connector from the back of her head and helped her stand up from the water tank. The ice water slid down her delicate skin.

A clean blanket was handed over, Lucy put it on her back and thanked her softly.


Lucy knew that it was Tang Yu who rescued her in cyberspace just now. Without his help, she might have slept in cyberspace like the Voodoo Gang hackers.

Tang Yu said bluntly: "You're welcome, just leave the rest to me."

He saw that Lucy had safely completed the deep dive mission, and the only thing left was to attack the Voodoo Gang's lair.

Tang Yu turned around and went out to find Mosley to discuss the follow-up actions.

Lucy watched his leaving figure, standing in the water tank in a daze.

The memory that Tang Yu transmitted to her is still in her mind. This is the first time she knows Tang Yu's memory.

The uncle named Johnny, who likes to wear sunglasses, begs to smoke, and can play the guitar, should be the friend Tang Yu mentioned before.

Lucy really couldn't imagine how Uncle Rock and the company's senior executives could get along.

But judging from the memory content, the two of them seemed to be getting along pretty well.

Recalling this strange memory, she couldn't help but laugh.

No more tonight.

It’s the end of the year and I’m very busy. I hope everyone is safe and well.

Thanks to the following donors for the reward.

Super Duck 6.66

Reader 1303163935294337024, Qidian Reading iOS 1.00

My wife is crazy and picturesque 1.00

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