Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 169 You are fired

The dust and dust from the ruins of the hotel gradually dispersed.

The leader of the Animal Gang, the Savage King, slowly opened his eyes and found that he was buried in the construction debris, with a marble slab pressed on his chest.

What just happened?

She had a blank expression on her horizontal face and blinked her eyes hard, trying to wake up from the dizziness.

It seemed like something black like a big meteorite had crashed down, destroying most of the hotel.

The Savage King pushed the rocks in front of him, kicked away the debris with his two thick legs, and stood up from the ruins of the building. The debris and stones fell one after another.

Before she could clean the dust from her hair, a black steel figure came into view.

I saw a black mechanical warrior standing proudly, with a circle of cracked pits at his feet. The whole body was made of fine steel and pure black mechanical prosthesis. A ten-barrel turret was installed on the left shoulder. There were almost no traces of originality, only half of a human brain was embedded in it. On top of the cybernetic body.

What surprised the Savage King even more was that the opponent's mechanical prosthesis had the Arasaka company logo printed on it.

The Savage King quickly realized something.

Adam Hammer?

With his whole body highly modified and with the Arasaka company logo, there is no one else but him in the entire Night City.

The Savage King didn't understand why Adam Hammer appeared here. The Arasaka personnel who worked with her didn't tell her about it.

If Adam's hammer hadn't fallen from the sky and smashed the Voodoo Gang's hideout hotel, it would have been certain that they would capture the Buddy Hotel.

But now Adam's heavy hammer came down out of thin air, trampling many brothers of the Animal Gang to death in the hotel, which made the Savage King angry.

As if aware of the movement behind him, Adam Zhonghammer turned around and found two people climbing up from the ruins behind him. They must have been knocked down by the aftermath.

A bold woman with a figure as strong as a bull and a bit of brute strength.

One is wearing a cape and jacket, with neural wires tied to the back of his head. He should be a cyber hacker.

The two stood on each side, their eyes full of hostility.

Adam Heavy Hammer's blood-red optics turned around and began to scan the identity information of the two people.

The results were quickly displayed in the manpower database stored in Arasaka.

The opponents are the Savage King, the leader of the Animal Gang, and Placid, the top executive of the Voodoo Gang.

Kate saw that the two of them seemed to have strong hostility. In order to avoid causing trouble, Kate said to Adam with a heavy hammer.

"Catch her and Yorino-sama's mission will be completed. Don't worry about them."

Kate didn't want an accident to happen at this time. After all, Tang Yu was not far away and could arrive at any time.

With the strength of Adam's Hammer, he can take the target person away from here quickly, and no one can stop him.

Adam Heavy Hammer ignored Kate, but turned to face the two of them, his tone was extremely cold, and he did not take them seriously at all, and said casually: "You are just a pile of rotten meat."


Adam Hammer has no intention of stopping here. The target person is already within his control. He can take him away at any time if he wants, but scenes like today are rare.

When the Savage King heard that Adam's Hammer had humiliated him, he was immediately furious. He squatted down, picked up the hammer from the rubbish pile in the ruins, raised it high, and ran all the way to hit the opponent.

The Savage King was not slow. He jumped in front of Adam Hammer in just a few steps, and then slammed down with a hammer, pointing directly at half of Adam Hammer's head.

Adam Heavy Hammer stood on the spot, unmoving. When the Savage King came close to hit him with a hammer, he suddenly stretched out his mechanical prosthetic palm and directly resisted the big hammer. The huge force was instantly transmitted to the ground, and his feet were concave. The pit sunk a little deeper.

What? !

The Savage King couldn't believe her eyes. It was the first time she saw someone survive under her hammer. What she didn't expect was that the other person actually withstood the hammer attack.

Adam held the hammer firmly with a heavy palm and said mechanically: "I told you, you are just a piece of rotten meat."


His mechanical right fist clenched into a steel fist and slammed into the Savage King's chest.


There was a loud bang.

The Savage King's eyes widened, and he flew backwards, rolling on the pile of rubble, with a deep fist mark clearly dented in his heart.

She felt her heartbeat stop for a moment, and the huge force penetrated her entire chest and abdomen. The strong muscles she was proud of were vulnerable to the opponent's heavy punches.

The Savage King wanted to struggle to get up and fight again, but he had no strength left in his body. Even the big hammer fell from his hand and fell to the ground. His limbs were twitching due to heart disorder.

If it weren't for her rough skin and thick flesh, this punch might not be as simple as breaking a few sternums.

Adam Heavy Hammer raised his hand, activated his powerful arm cannon and aimed it at the Savage King who was lying on the ground. When he was about to kill her with one shot, he noticed movement on the other side with his peripheral vision.

He turned to look at the other side and found that it was Placid who was the voodoo gang member and moved further away from where he was, hoping to take the opportunity to escape from the scene.

Adam Hammer turned the muzzle of the gun, aimed it at Placid again, and fired a shot.

call out!

The cannonball came out of the barrel and shot toward Placid, exploding instantly and bursting into flames.

After the gunpowder smoke dissipated, no one could be seen where he was.

Placid appeared in another place as if teleporting, and continued to escape into the distance with difficult steps. At the same time, he pointed the machine gun in his hand at Adam's Hammer, trying to block the pursuit.


But the magazine was quickly emptied in succession, and he found that he could not shake the opponent's armor at all, and realized that the situation was extremely bad.

Just as he was about to switch magazines, he noticed another missile coming towards him. He immediately activated Si'an Westan to teleport away, but during the movement, he discovered that Adam's Hammer had actually kept up with him.

Placid looked horrified.

What he implanted was a high-end Sian Westan, which could withstand its load only with the help of a top-notch hacker cooling system.

But Adam Heavy Hammer kept up with him without any effort, which meant that it was almost impossible for him to escape from here.

"The mouse has come out of the hole, but it's not that easy to get back in." Adam Heavy Hammer followed Placid's footsteps, his tone was a bit disdainful.

Placid endured the high temperature and burning brought by Si'an Westan and immediately activated the invasion protocol. He wanted to break through Adam's Hammer's ICE. Only by destroying the opponent's implant could he barely gain a chance of survival.

Adam's hammer was unmoved at all, and his brain was loaded with Arasaka's highest-level security ICE, which Placid would not be able to break through for a while.

While Placid was distracted, Adam Hammer held up the machine gun and fired out bullets one after another. Placid was beaten to death, and he instantly turned into a corpse and was cut in half. , fell on the ruins under the influence of inertia.

After Adam eliminated Placid with his heavy hammer, he stopped and put away his heavy machine gun.

In just a few rounds, the Savage King of the Animal Gang was seriously injured, and the Voodoo Gang was almost wiped out.

Kate stood in the distance, patiently waiting for Adam to vent his blow. For such a terrifying guy, who is also Arasaka Yorinobu's personal bodyguard, and has some hobbies of killing people, it is not easy for her to comment. The top priority is to kill the target person. take away.

"Adam Hammer, the trouble has been solved, take the people and prepare for the return journey."

This time, Adam Hammer did not object to Kate's opinion. He walked to the target person with heavy steps and found that the other person had fainted.

He was just about to stretch out his mechanical palm, intending to pinch the target's head and drag it out of the ruins, when he heard an order coming from behind him, with a somewhat majestic tone.

"Adam Hammer, your mission has been completed."

Adam Heavy Hammer retracted his hand, turned around and looked at the people coming from behind. He saw that the opponent's team was not small. The leader was a young man in a black suit, with two hackers standing on the left and right sides, and a team of Arasaka special agents behind him. .

Are you also from Arasaka Company?

Adam Heavy Hammer remained motionless, with no expression on his face. He was just a little confused about the current situation.

The task he was instructed by Arasaka Yorinobu was to obtain the subnet Poseidon data and sabotage on-site operations.

He just fell from the sky, destroyed the Badi Hotel, killed all the members of the Animal Gang and the Voodoo Gang, and captured the person who had the Poseidon data in his head. This was considered to have completed all the tasks assigned by Yorinobu.

But now other Arasaka company executives appeared out of thin air, which made him temporarily stop and make no new moves.

When Kate saw Tang Yu appear, she couldn't help but cursed secretly. If Adam Heavy Hammer hadn't insisted on wasting time here, they would have left with the people.

But she stood next to the super powerful Adam Heavy Hammer and seemed to be very confident. She said coldly: "Tang Yu, I advise you not to use the name of Lord Saburo to grab credit. This mission was completed by myself and Adam Heavy Hammer." , don’t you think you can take it by force?”

She was not afraid of Tang Yu at all. Instead, she hoped that Tang Yu would take the initiative to stir up trouble.

When Adam takes action, Tang Yu will definitely die.

Even if he were to be investigated at that time, with Arasaka Yorinobu protecting Adam Hammer, there would be no substantial punishment at all.

Kate was betting that Tang Yu was using Mr. Saburo Arasaka's name to trick her.

She never believed that the Arasaka family would really value Tang Yu. Everyone was just a piece on the chessboard of the Arasaka family. It was normal for the black and white pieces to eat each other.

Isn't it normal for Tang Yu to be eaten by Adam Hammer? The Arasaka family will never really punish Adam Hammer, who has been loyal to Arasaka for many years, for an outsider.

Tang Yu looked a bit strange and asked with a bit of a smile.

"Whose credit did I take away from you?"

"Is it the credit of taking away Adam's Hammer, or is it the credit of you, Kate?"

"If it's the former, I'd like to know."

"Adam Hammer, you are not only the bodyguard of Arasaka Yorinobu, but also a member of Arasaka Company, and you conflict with the work of the Counterintelligence Department. So what exactly is the mission you are here to perform?"

Adam's prosthetic eyes flashed red, and he quickly identified Tang Yu's identity information, confirming that he was the acting director of the Counterintelligence Department, and belonged to the same department as Kate.

As a member of Arasaka Company, although he only obeys the orders of Arasaka Yorinobu, he is also obliged to cooperate with relevant departments.

in addition.

Adam Heavy Hammer also knew some information about Tang Yu. The other party was now working in the company under the name of Saburo Arasaka, which made him a little scrupulous, so he said mechanically.

"My mission is to cooperate with Kate's actions and obtain the subnet Poseidon data, that's all."

Tang Yu nodded slightly and said bluntly: "Then you can complete the task and leave."

He motioned to Lucy beside him to copy the Poseidon data from V's brain storage chip and give it to Adam Hammer.

Lucy glanced at Adam Hammer, clenched the reading chip in her hand, stepped across the ruins and walked to V. Seeing that she was still unconscious, she handed the reading chip directly into the biological nerve slot, and started Copy Poseidon data.

Adam's hammer made no move and allowed Lucy to move, but Kate on the side couldn't help it.

She noticed that Tang Yu seemed to have no intention of provoking Adam Hammer, and was even willing to give up the Poseidon data.

Wasn't stealing Poseidon's data a task assigned to him by Saburo Arasaka? How dare he just sell it.

She couldn't command Adam's heavy hammer to kill an Arasaka company executive for no reason. The current situation was completely different from what she had imagined.

With a fierce look in her eyes, Kate looked coldly at Lucy who was copying the data. Unexpectedly, Tang Yu dared to continue to connive with the defected deep dive hacker, and asked sternly: "You are not timid, I really think you have so many secrets." Can you live there?"

When Lucy heard this, she couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Tang Yu showed a puzzled look and asked.

"Shouldn't you ask yourself this question?"

"Sir Saburo Arasaka ordered to investigate the Voodoo Gang's affairs regarding cyberspace, and now you suddenly came out with Adam's Hammer to intervene."

"The subnet Poseidon data is most likely also damaged. This operation was not successful. If we investigate, you will still have to bear some responsibility."

"Of course, if you admit that it was Arasaka Yorinobu's order and you were just following orders, you can still keep your position, but Arasaka Yorinobu will have to explain it to the chairman."

Kate was stunned when she heard Tang Yu's words.

Tang Yu wants to put all the responsibility on himself?

But now the situation is clearly due to Tang Yu's inaction, and it was himself and Adam who came to the rescue.

She noticed that the pair of red prosthetic eyes of Adam Heavy Hammer beside her had been locked tightly on her, and she couldn't help but feel a chill on her back.

After Lucy finished reading and copying the Poseidon data, she took out the chip from the back of V's neck, looked back at Tang Yu and said bluntly.

"The copy has been completed. The Poseidon data is indeed missing."

V, who was lying in the ruins, coughed twice, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and was still in a coma.

Kate's face instantly solidified. Poseidon's data was damaged. She did not bear this responsibility, but she could not get rid of it.

It was all Adam Hammer, a lunatic who could break into the hotel, find a copy of the server and leave, but he insisted on wreaking havoc on the hotel site and disrupting the planned plan with wanton killings.

She realized that if she didn't leave the scene, she might really end up here. No matter what the outcome was, she had already completed the matter according to Lord Arasaka Yorinobu's order. As long as she didn't reveal the mastermind behind it, it would be okay to receive some punishment.

"Oh, since you think it was me who sabotaged Lord Saburo's actions, it is up to Lord Saburo to make the decision. It is not your turn to make any decisions."

Tang Yu smiled meaningfully and looked at Kate and said every word.

"Oh, sorry."

"I just forgot to bring you something."

"You are fired."

The words just fell.

A series of prompt boxes popped up in front of Kate Yi's eyes.

[You have violated the relevant regulations of Arasaka Company.]

[Your position and rank in Arasaka Company are being canceled.]

[All activities and division of labor in Arasaka Company have been ordered to cease.]

The message reminded her that all her job and rank information were locked, and she could not activate any Arasaka company-related business and permissions. The benefits of related employees would be stopped immediately.

Kate was completely stunned, unable to believe the information in Yi's eyes, and muttered to herself.

"This is impossible."

"This is impossible!"

"There's no way Arasaka Company can fire me. I belong to Lord Arasaka Yorinobu."


A black shadow flashed past, and Kate's entire head disappeared in an instant, leaving only a headless body standing stiffly on the spot.

After a while.

The body that lost control instantly collapsed to the ground, with large amounts of bright red blood flowing out of its neck.

Adam Hammer retracted his hand, and there were some minced meat residues stuck to the mechanical arm.

He could not kill the top management of Arasaka Company without permission, but Kate had just been fired from Arasaka Company and was no longer a member of Arasaka Company. There was no need to bear any burden in killing her.

After getting rid of Kate, Adam Zhonghammer looked at Tang Yu and said in a mechanical voice: "You deserve to die."

Tang Yu quite agreed, but he felt a little regretful that he didn't smash Kate into pieces.

"Now that you've cleaned up the mess for Arasaka, you've saved yourself some procedural trouble."

"Look back and tell Arasaka Yorinoto that you should use less people like Kate in the future. It's unlikely that anything big will happen."


Tang Yu signaled Lucy to hand over the chip containing Poseidon data and threw it directly to Adam Hammer.

After receiving the chip, Adam Heavy Hammer put it into the slot to read and check. He found that there was no problem with the data, so he put away his weapon and prepared to leave.

The Arasaka float vehicle lowered, and he stood up and climbed onto the seat.

Before leaving.

He looked directly at Tang Yu and left three words.



The aerial vehicle sprayed four pillars of blue flames, lifted directly into the sky, left the scene, and disappeared into the distance.

When Tang Yu saw Adam leaving with a heavy hammer, he immediately ordered Douglas to lead the Arasaka Special Service Team to close the team.

Douglas was still in shock, completely unresponsive to what had just happened.

A high-ranking Arasaka executive, the dignified deputy director of the counter-intelligence department, was fired when he was told to be fired, and was killed on the spot by Adam Hammer.

Such a scene left an indelible impression on him.

He couldn't help but shudder, thinking that before setting off for today's operation, luckily he didn't choose to tip off Kate, otherwise more than one person would have died.


Since Kate joined the Counterintelligence Department, she has been looking for information about Tang Yu, and he has also assisted some.

It was obvious that Tang Yu had tolerated her again and again, and had not been to the company for a long time.

But this Kate didn't know what was good or bad, so she wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to dig up information about Tang Yu, and implicated him in offending Tang Yu.

At that time, Susan Abernathy arranged for him to be transferred from the Special Operations Department to the Counterintelligence Department just to help Kate gain a foothold.

Think about this.

Douglas felt a strong sense of remorse.

In his mind, Tang Yu is now the King of Hell, and even Kate can't resist him, let alone a small Arasaka employee.

He couldn't help but began to worry about his own safety, and even forgot to reply to Tang Yu's instructions.

"Douglas, I don't want to repeat it a second time." Tang Yu reminded him again with a cold tone.

Douglas was immediately scared out of his wits and quickly apologized: "Mr. Tang, I'm sorry, I was distracted just now. I promise there won't be a next time."


Douglas immediately closed the team and quickly left the scene with the Arasaka Special Service Team.

Tang Yu then explained a few words to Mosley, the senior network monitoring agent next to him, and asked him to send the recruitment notice as soon as possible to facilitate Lucy's entry procedures, and at the same time arrange for Lucy to carry out hacking activities in Night City.

Mosley agreed simply. He saw clearly what Tang Yu did just now.

The internal fighting at Arasaka Company is far more complicated and bloody than that of the Internet watchdog.

Mosley is just a senior hacker agent. He is not good at this kind of power game, and he doesn't want to anger someone like Tang Yu.

Therefore, Tang Yu's request was basically accepted. After all, hiring Lucy was promised from the beginning, and Lucy's performance in hacking technology was amazing.


He also knows that Lucy is Tang Yu's person, and she may have other motives for being placed in the network supervision agency.

However, network surveillance and major companies basically have a mutual advance and retreat relationship, and public network security also threatens the foundation of companies.

This is why Mosley is not worried about Lucy's problems. On the contrary, he is willing to connect Lucy and Tang Yu through Lucy.

After discussing Lucy's employment arrangements, Mosley also left the scene.

He went directly back to the Empire State Building to pack up the equipment. The Voodoo Gang's mission had been completed, which was a great achievement for him.

After quickly dismissing the irrelevant people around him, Tang Yu had time to rush to V's side and quickly moved away the big stone slab that was pressing on her.

Suddenly my heart tightened.

Her left forearm was missing, and there were multiple penetrating wounds on her body bleeding profusely.

His face showed pain, and his originally sexy lips had lost their color and were extremely pale.

This was the first time Lucy saw Tang Yu looking so nervous, as if he was very concerned about the girl lying on the ruins.

Tang Yu didn't care about anything else and decisively called for a Draman, then picked up V and walked over the ruins towards the street.

Delamain arrived at the scene quickly, opened the car door automatically, and said bluntly.

"Hello Mr. Tang, long time no see. Delamain is happy to serve you."

Tang Yu first put V into the car, and then sat in. Lucy quickly followed the car and pressed V's more serious wounds.

"Lao De, go directly to the Watson Little Chinatown Prosthetic Clinic. I'll send you the specific location and get there as quickly as possible!"

Delamain immediately closed the door and activated the overspeed mode. The engine roared, the tires spun, and the car started racing wildly.

From Taiping State in the south of Night City, head straight towards Watson in the north of Night City.

on the road.

Tang Yu carefully checked V's injury. Although it was very serious, it did not damage its roots. Coupled with V's strong physical fitness, he could withstand this wave of damage.

He felt relieved now.

You know, the injuries V suffered back then were a thousand times more severe than this, but he still managed to survive.

V seemed to have regained some strength, squinting his eyes to check his situation.

Seeing himself leaning in Tang Yu's arms, he asked feebly.

"Wearing a suit."

"I'll remember this great favor."

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