Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 170 It’s time to reward

"Her injuries are indeed a bit serious, but her vitality is very strong."

"The wounds have basically been taken care of. Fortunately, there are no fatal injuries. After the wounds are sutured, there will be no serious problems."

“But with the way things are now, it’s inevitable that we’ll have to install a new food guy.”

Lao Wei took out a new mechanical prosthetic arm from the storage cabinet, sat back on the operating table, and prepared to start the prosthetic implant surgery.

at this time.

V was lying on the operating table chair, in a coma. He could occasionally squint his eyes, but couldn't say anything.

After Lao Wei's treatment, all the wounds on his body were cleaned and hemostatic and anti-inflammatory bandages were applied.

"Her name is V. We were on a mission in Taiping Prefecture. Unexpectedly, Adam Heavy Hammer came. He was probably accidentally injured."

"When she wakes up, the treatment costs will be charged to my account."

Tang Yu looked at V lying on the operating table and briefly explained the situation to Lao Wei.

The current V has not yet grown up, so when faced with Adam's hammer falling from the sky, he was almost knocked down on the spot.

This time V was in deep danger and went to Badi Hotel to steal server data, mainly because of the task he arranged.

No one could have imagined that something that was thought to be simple at first would become so complicated due to the appearance of Adam's Hammer.

This shows that Arasaka Yorinobu attaches great importance to the matter of his father Saburo Arasaka, and even sent personal bodyguards to the scene.

The reason why Tang Yu was willing to give the subnet Poseidon data to Adam Hammer was that in addition to giving himself a reason to deal with Saburo Arasaka in advance, he also had to pass the blame to Yorinobu Arasaka.

Otherwise, the first time I run an errand for Arasaka Saburo will be messed up, and it will not be that easy to continue to hang out in Arasaka.

A piece of damaged subnet Poseidon data is of little significance to Tang Yu. The focus is on the activities of the Voodoo Gang in cyberspace.

Lao Wei wore black-rimmed glasses and carefully operated the surgical auxiliary finger cot to connect the mechanical prosthetic forearm to V's left hand.

Hearing that Tang Yu had paid for this girl's bill again, he couldn't help but said, "Well, it seems that this is also your good friend."

"The guy smoking at the door, why didn't he come in with you?" Lao Wei was referring to Lucy, who was standing outside the clinic smoking alone.

Tang Yu glanced at the time and said, "I'll explain to you later. I'm in a hurry now and there's something going on at the company."

Lao Wei nodded, still staring at the operation, and gradually connected the biological nerves of V's arm to the prosthetic limb.

"Then go ahead and do your work. Just leave this to me. Once the operation is completed, the child will be able to resurrect with full blood."

With Lao Wei's guarantee, Tang Yu was naturally relieved. He glanced at V who was lying on the chair undergoing surgery, then turned and left the prosthetic clinic.

At the entrance of Laowei Prosthetic Clinic, Lucy was leaning against the wall, holding half a long cigarette in her mouth.

Tang Yu came to the side, also leaning against the wall.

When Lucy saw Tang Yu coming out, she held the cigarette between her fingers and took it out. A puff of white smoke, like a puff of mist, exhaled from her mouth and nose.

She handed the cigarette in her hand to Tang Yu beside her and asked calmly: "How's it going?"

Tang Yu took the cigarette familiarly, flicked the ashes on the cigarette end, and then took a puff of smoke with the cigarette holder.

White smoke poured into his heart and lungs, and the slightly bitter and pungent smell was familiar yet unfamiliar to him.

Familiar because of the smell of cigarettes, unfamiliar because it was his 'first time' smoking.

Tang Yu was not as eager as before, spitting out the pungency in his lungs from his nose, and explained: "V's injuries have been treated, and there is no serious problem. He will recover after the arm prosthesis implantation surgery. "

Lucy continued: "It seems she has good luck too."

Although Lucy didn't know V, it could be seen from Tang Yu's actions and attitude at the time that the two seemed to have a close relationship.

At that time, the scene was in ruins. Almost all members of the Animal Gang Savage King and Voodoo Gang were wiped out, and V almost confessed to being there on the spot.

If the place where Adam's heavy hammer fell was not far away from the Poseidon server, otherwise V would not have simply lost an arm.


Living in Night City requires a bit of luck.

However, Lucy also guessed that Adam Hammer came here for the Poseidon data of the subnet, and would not blindly choose to destroy the location of the server.

"Her memory storage chip still retains the data of Subnet Poseidon. What are you going to do with it?"

Tang Yu put out the cigarette butt, exhaled the last puff of smoke, and murmured: "Let's wait and see, wait until I go back to Arasaka Tower to check the situation."

Lucy nodded, knowing that Tang Yu had other plans.

Now that the Voodoo Gang has been wiped out, the Poseidon subnet's data has become unattended. If an ambitious person covets it, they can get this set of data and rebuild an independent subnet to replicate Poseidon's network miracle.

Having an independent and hidden subnet like Poseidon is like having an oasis in the desert, not to mention that Poseidon also has channels for the Voodoo Gang to enter and exit the Black Wall, as well as a large number of information secrets about outside the Black Wall.

Every byte of data is a treasure for cyber hackers.

"I will watch her." Lucy said solemnly.

Tang Yu nodded slightly. After experiencing this incident, Lucy had regained semi-freedom.

Although he had no choice but to join the network surveillance, it was better than being tracked by Arasaka Company all the time.

"When the recruitment notice from the network supervision department arrives, I will send you there if I have time. After all, you are not familiar with the company's affairs."

"There are also some tails to deal with. I have to go back to the company."

Lucy listened in silence.

She knew that Tang Yu was holding an umbrella for herself. As long as Tang Yu was still working in Arasaka for a day, the network supervisor would not be stupid and arrange for her to work in other places and conduct some life-risking deep dive missions.

To some extent.

The content of her work in network monitoring depends entirely on Tang Yu's existence.

To this.

Lucy inexplicably felt the impermanence and paradox of life. In the past, she was hunted by people from the Arasaka Company and had no way to escape, so she hid in the Night City.

Now she is under the care of the top management of Arasaka Company, and she has been able to escape from her identity as a fugitive deep-diving hacker in Arasaka and become a network surveillance agent.

She felt that she had never been free, but now she seemed to have it. At least she could roam the streets of Night City without fear of the word "Arasaka".

Tang Yu fulfilled every word he said. Whether it was diving deep into cyberspace under his watch or convincing Mosley to join network monitoring, Tang Yu was firmly pushing for every step.

Lucy seemed to have something to say, but she hesitated.

Tang Yu stood up and stepped onto the steps, leaving a message softly.

"Let's go, see you later."

Lucy looked up at his back, walked up the steps step by step, and finally disappeared from the sight of the steps.

Arasaka Tower.

Michiko Arasaka stood in front of the panoramic floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the scenery outside the window as usual.

She lowered her head and looked downstairs, where the circular company square was filled with traffic and pedestrians.

She has seen this scene too many times, and she has been familiar with this scene since she first walked into this office.

at this time.

A prompt appeared outside the office door asking for an interview with the secretary.

It didn't take long.

The secretary walked in, came to Xiao Michiko's side, and reported the report respectfully.

"Director Michiko."

"Board members are here, ready for the meeting, and ready to meet at any time."

Little Michiko didn't move, her eyes still fell out of the window, and asked, "How is the situation over there with Tang Yu?"

The secretary has contacted the Counterintelligence Department, communicated with Tang Yu in advance, and received relevant information.

"Mr. Tang teamed up with network monitoring and successfully found the address of the Poseidon server of the Voodoo Gang subnet."

"But Adam Hammer suddenly appeared and directly destroyed the Voodoo Gang's base, seriously injuring the Animal Gang and the top leaders of the Voodoo Gang."

"It is reported that Adam Hammer should be cooperating with Deputy Minister of Counterintelligence Kate's actions."

"Kate has left the job and was hammered to death by Adam."

Michiko was a little surprised when she heard this result. She never thought that Arasaka Yorinobu would really take action.

However, her uncle has always acted boldly, and he would not show a good face even in front of Saburo Arasaka.

Although she doesn't like Arasaka Yorinobu, she still retains some admiration for him. I'm afraid there won't be another person in the world who dares to speak forcefully in front of her grandfather, Arasaka Saburo.

However, Saburo Arasaka was very tolerant of Yorinobu's various behaviors and rarely criticized his rebellious behavior. Yoribuchi expressed his willingness to return to Arasaka Company and received almost no punishment. Instead, he could continue to stay in Kyoto as the heir.

Perhaps in Arasaka Yorinobu's view, this is just a kind of house arrest in a different form.

But in the eyes of outsiders, this was Saburo Arasaka's trust and cultivation of Yorinobu. Only blood relatives at Arasaka Manor in Kyoto could inherit Arasaka's rule in the first place.

Members of the Arasaka family like Michiko who are stationed abroad are obviously not favored by the family.

But this does not prevent little Michiko from becoming a master, because the surname Arasaka is priceless.


Little Michiko expected that Tang Yu was asked by Saburo Arasaka to do something in Night City, which must have attracted the attention of Yorinobu Arasaka.

The key to this matter is not actually network surveillance, or the entanglement between the Animal Gang and the Voodoo Gang, or Adam Hammer's involvement in this matter.

The key lies in how Tang Yu reports to Saburo Arasaka, which will also affect Michiko's status in Arasaka Tower.

If Tang Yu reported the situation truthfully, it would be equivalent to standing opposite Arasaka Yorinobu in disguise.

Maybe Saburo Arasaka will not punish Yorinobu Arasaka, but the possibility of letting him take charge of the Night City Arasaka Tower is even lower.

If Tang Yu chooses to avoid mentioning the matter of Yorinobu Arasaka, it will inevitably arouse the suspicion of Saburo Arasaka, and the good days will naturally come to an end.

Xiao Michiko believes that with Master Saburo's strength, it is not difficult to distinguish the true intention of Tang Yu's words.

Lai Xuan can continue to live a dignified life relying on his precious surname, but Tang Yu, who is playing with fire among the big shots, may be in danger of overthrowing.

No matter what the result is, it is a good result for little Michiko as an outsider.

Little Michiko asked the secretary: "Is he back?"

"Currently, Mr. Tang is on his way back to Arasaka Tower." The secretary answered the question respectfully, not daring to hide anything.

The secretary looked at the time. It was already time for the board of directors to convene, but Director Michiko seemed to have no intention of leaving.

So I asked for instructions again to confirm whether I wanted to prepare to attend the meeting.

Little Michiko said slowly: "Don't worry, let those guys wait for a while."

She looked downstairs at the large disc square, still waiting.

A Delama taxi stopped under the Arasaka Tower, the door opened automatically, and Tang Yu stepped out.

After walking into the main entrance and undergoing a security scan, two Arasaka security personnel came forward, bowed to say hello to Tang Yu, and reported politely.

"Hello, Mr. Tang."

"The board of directors is about to be held. Director Michiko invites you to attend the meeting on site. Please be sure to go to the conference room as soon as possible."

Tang Yu ignored the two security secretaries and walked straight towards the encrypted elevator. There were still a few dried blood stains on his suit jacket.

"I will attend the board of directors later. I have other important things now."

Seeing that Tang Yu refused to attend the meeting immediately, the security secretary was obviously stunned. I had heard before that Tang Yu, the deputy director of the Counterintelligence Department, was notoriously difficult to maintain and always behaved in a domineering manner. I saw it today.

He didn't dare to say anything. Even the board of directors dared to ignore people who couldn't just ask the reason.

The security secretary had no choice but to step aside. This encrypted elevator was only for use by top-level personnel of the company. It was a confidential passage at the core of Arasaka Tower and could not be entered by unauthorized personnel.

Tang Yu doesn't care at all about the board meeting now. The top priority is to seize the time to explain today's matter clearly to Saburo Arasaka.

Having worked in the workplace for many years, he knows a truth well.

Sometimes it is better to speak well than to do well, and to report well early is worse than to speak well.

For many things, whoever goes to report to his superiors first gets the credit, because the value of information lies in knowing it for the first time.

The first person to report to his superiors can not only provide effective information elements as soon as possible, but also show his loyalty.

Although Tang Yu doesn't need to establish his presence in front of Saburo Arasaka, as Jack said at the beginning, Arasaka is where he is today because of their corporate dogs.

If he wants to continue to wear this corporate skin, he has to support Saburo's stinky feet, at least on the surface.

The elevator leads directly to the top floor of Arasaka Tower and arrives at Saburo Arasaka's office.

Tang Yu passed through layers of security scans and gates with ease, and arrived at Saburo Arasaka's exclusive office. Then he sat in his office and started the office system.

He called up a secret transmission channel that could send messages directly to Kyoto.

The reason why he chose the communication form of secret telegram was mainly because Tang Yu didn't want to see Saburo Arasaka's stinky face, and he didn't need to pretend to be upright and put on an expression of listening.

Tang Yu thought carefully and entered the information one by one.

It took me more than ten minutes to write the secret message. I thought about it carefully and clicked send after confirming that it was correct.

In this secret message, Tang Yu emphasized several things.

First, in the process of investigating the cyberspace and network black walls, Tang Yu discovered that the Voodoo Gang was trying to destroy the black walls and collude with others to spread AI outside the walls.

Second, Tang Yu's joint network supervision has completely solved the hidden dangers of the Voodoo Gang.

Third, the damaged data of the subnet Poseidon was handed over to Adam Hammer because he managed to defeat everyone and took away the data chip.

Fourth, Tang Yu made an unauthorized decision and used the authority of Saburo Arasaka's office to fire Kate, the deputy director of the Counterintelligence Department. Meanwhile, Adam Hammer kills Kate himself.

The relevant conclusion is that the Blackwall is currently in an extremely fragile state. Long-term jailbreaks and hopping over the wall to the old network have created a large number of loopholes and channels. The risk of the Blackwall collapsing is increasing. As for those who escape from outside the Blackwall and enter Night City, Unknown AI, still to be found.

After the secret telegram was sent, it was none of Tang Yu's business as to what Saburo Arasaka planned to do.

The biggest trouble for him in this operation was that he overstepped his authority and used Saburo Arasaka's authority to fire Kate.

Saburo Arasaka was not consulted in advance on this matter. As a top leader, there is a high probability that he would not like this kind of unauthorized behavior.

However, Tang Yu believed that Saburo Arasaka was not a face-saving person. Even Yori Xuan raised his banner to confront Arasaka, but he was still tolerated and understood.

This shows that Saburo Arasaka is the kind of person who can sacrifice some immediate interests in order to achieve his own goals, not to mention these inconsequential issues of face.

after all.

Tang Yu now still has usable value for Saburo Arasaka, and he must weigh the pros and cons before abandoning his son.

Apart from Tang Yu, it would be difficult for Saburo Arasaka to select a second person from Arasaka Tower in Night City to investigate this matter.

Tang Yu speculated that Saburo Arasaka could not assume the hypocritical posture of a polite corporal in order to make better use of himself, but he would not simply classify him as an abandoned son.

After the secret message was sent, there was no reply.

Tang Yu leaned back on his seat, looked at the time, and found that a long time had passed since the meeting of the board of directors.

He neither intends to wait here any longer, nor does he have any need to attend the board of directors.

Let Michiko handle the bad things on the board of directors. As long as Tang Yu grasps the main contradiction of Saburo Arasaka, nothing will affect his status in Arasaka Tower.

Think about this.

He shut down the office system and accidentally discovered that there were still a few blood stains on his clothes, which must have been caused by leaning on V's arms when he fainted.

It seems that I won't be able to play with V for a while, so I have to wait until she recovers.

Tang Yu stood up and decided to go back and change into clean clothes, have a good rest, and find time to go to Lizzy Bar.

Arasaka Tower.

Jungle Premium Meeting Room.

All nine board members have taken their seats, just waiting for Michiko Arasaka to come and chair the meeting.

A board member with a Kyoto face found that it was past the meeting time. His tone seemed a little impatient, and he asked the secretary in charge of the meeting.

"What's going on today? I wasn't informed about the meeting now. It's already late. We're all waiting here. Where is Director Michiko?"

The secretary of the meeting did not dare to neglect, and stood aside and explained quickly: "Director Yamamoto, Director Michiko has an emergency that needs to be handled, and will be here later."

Director Yamamoto, the senior executive of Arasaka Company, looked displeased and sneered at the meeting secretary's unsatisfactory answer.

Director Yamamoto raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "I think Director Michiko came back from Kyoto and he values ​​the opinions of us directors less and less."

"He even fired the company's ministerial-level executives without going through a meeting to discuss it. What's the point of having a board meeting like this?"

Director Yamamoto immediately grasped the information about Kate's dismissal. Not long ago, Kate contacted him and wanted to ask him to help transfer some permissions.

He unexpectedly found that he could not transfer the interrogation authority of the Counterintelligence Department's interrogation room from the director level.

The only person in the entire Arasaka Tower who can do this is Director Michiko, the actual person in charge of Arasaka Tower.

Tang Yu is a member of Michiko Arasaka, and everyone in the entire Arasaka Tower knows it.

Ever since the birthday party took Master Saburo's exclusive float car back to Arasaka Tower, Tang Yu's status and value have invisibly risen several steps again, becoming the most popular figure in Arasaka Tower in Night City.

Seeing Michiko dominate alone was something that other faction board members did not want to see.

The words just fell.

Then a board member answered, wearing a samurai bun and round-rimmed sunglasses, and echoed.

"I think Director Yamamoto is right. Since Michiko can decide everything, and now the meeting is delayed, I think it is better to apply to Mr. Saburo to dissolve the Night City Arasaka Board of Directors, which will save her trouble."

"It's not necessary to dissolve the board of directors, but I agree with what Director Takahashi said." Director Yamamoto looked at the other party with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Director Yamamoto did not expect that Director Takahashi, who had always been on the "Pheasant" side, would be a rare supporter.

This shows that they are also dissatisfied with Michiko Arasaka acting arbitrarily in Night City and using Tang Yu as a chess piece to stand firmer.

There are nine board members, six of whom are Kyoto faces, and they belong to the Arasaka family faction.

Among the remaining three, only two board members are really on Michiko's side.

Seeing this situation, Director Yamamoto was naturally more confident.

Even though Director Michiko's surname is Arasaka, it does not mean that she can have the same influence as Nobu Yori and Hanako.

They also used a joint approach to refute Michiko's decision many times on the board of directors.

The conflicts between several forces on the board of directors have long become an unspoken secret in the entire Arasaka Tower.

Director Yamamoto said faintly: "I see some people learn the practice of imitating others very quickly. In less than half a year, Tang Yu of the Counterintelligence Department lost two deputy ministers in two consecutive actions. As the acting minister, he You have to be better than Jenkins."

"Even if Kate was fired, she directly killed a former Arasaka minister on the spot. Shouldn't this matter be carefully investigated?"

He brought the topic to the death of Kate. As long as the fire was burned on Tang Yu, he could stir up the trend against Michiko Arasaka.

During this period, Tang Yu's performance was too eye-catching, which will naturally attract more malicious eyes.

At this time, another female director spoke to retort.

"Director Yamamoto must be responsible for what he says. According to the information I received, it was Adam Hammer who killed Kate with his own hands."

"Fortunately, we are not on the board of directors now. I will just treat it as random nonsense."

This female director has dark skin and a neat and short hairstyle. She is one of the few members who supports Michiko Arasaka.

Director Yamamoto said with disdain: "Director Kandi, please think about it again. If Kate hadn't been fired and Tang Yu didn't intend to kill her, how could Adam Hammer kill Kate for no reason?"

"You must know that they were acting together at the time. The person who asked Adam to come to the scene was Kate."

As a member of Arasaka Yorinobu's faction, he had some idea of ​​the reason. Adam Hammer was following Arasaka Yorinobu's orders and cooperated with Kate's actions.

Although Adam Hammer is crazy, he is by no means incapable of distinguishing the serious from the serious, let alone a cyberpsychotic attack.

Everyone in Night City may become a cybermaniac, but only Adam's Hammer will not lose control.

His innate talent for cruelty makes him no different from a cybermaniac, but the only difference is that he is loyal to Arasaka.

The dark-skinned female director named Kandi seems to be used to such fights.

She did not intend to defend Tang Yu, but firmly stood in the Arasaka Michiko faction.

If Tang Yu suffers a disaster on the board of directors, it will most likely affect Michiko Arasaka's status in Night City.

To argue for Tang Yu was to defend Michiko Arasaka, so Kandi continued to ask.

"Then I would like to ask Director Yamamoto, which one of Tang Yu's actions did not make meritorious deeds?"

"Regarding the previous military-grade Si'an Westan human body operation data, if Tang Yu of the Counter-Intelligence Department had not prepared it in advance, Arasaka would not only have lost three special service teams, but would not even have been able to obtain the data and intelligence."

"As for this operation, nothing is clear yet. How can you determine whether it is a credit or a fault?"

Conti argued hard and was not afraid of Director Yamamoto's attack.

Because she knows that Tang Yu is not lovable in the company, but there is nothing to find fault with in performing tasks.

In terms of work efficiency and successful results, he has never disappointed, which is why Director Kandi has the confidence to fight for it.

Director Yamamoto rubbed his chin, as if he wanted to find a better angle to suppress the other party, but after thinking carefully for a long time, he couldn't find Tang Yu's flaws.

If you want to mention something that can suppress Tang Yu, there may be secret collusion with military technology, but you can't talk nonsense without ironclad evidence.

Kate originally wanted to start from this direction, but suffered from obstacles at every turn. The informants who arranged for military technology were found out and executed secretly, and this line was cut off.

Director Yamamoto felt that Tang Yu was as hard as a rock. Although he was inconspicuous, he could always hinder his footsteps, but he couldn't find a crack to break through him.

Just when Director Yamamoto was frowning, Takahashi from before interjected.

"When I look at this matter, I don't want to mention whether it was a merit or a demerit. The intelligence shows it is very clear."

"The one who really killed the Voodoo Gang, solved the Animal Gang, and got the Poseidon subnet data at the push site was Adam Hammer."

"As for the result of Tang Yu's treatment, it depends on the higher authority's intention. It's not just merit that you say is merit."

Conti looked at the sinister Takahashi again, realizing that this time the two opposing factions might want to unite to launch an attack.

But Director Michiko Arasaka has not come to the meeting at this time, and I am afraid there will be a fierce battle next.

She hit back again: "Director Takahashi, you said that the main credit is Adam Hammer, I have no objection."

"But wasn't it Tang Yu who found the Voodoo Gang base? Without address information, how could Adam Hammer accurately locate the target location?"

"As a senior member of Arasaka's board of directors, you should not be biased when assessing the merits of tasks."

Director Takahashi smiled disdainfully when he heard this rebuttal.

"It seems that you really don't know anything. You want to take credit for your own people, but you insist on giving blame to others."

"It was not Tang Yu who truly located the base of the Voodoo Gang, but the signal fluctuation detection of network monitoring."

"If you don't believe it, you can ask Douglas who participated in the operation to connect to the conference. Everything is naturally clear, so why waste your breath here."

"Besides, I see no need to discuss this matter. Anyway, Michiko alone has the final say in Arasaka, the Night City."

As soon as these words came out.

The other board members all sighed and laughed.

"You!" Kandi wanted to retort, but was at a loss for words and didn't know what to say.

On the other hand, Director Yamamoto on the other side shouted: "I think the meeting should be adjourned today. I can only attend the next meeting remotely. If I can't, please ask Director Takahashi to take a leave for me. I will vote in favor of everything."

Takahashi also smiled and added: "Since there are no plans to hold a board meeting today, leaving us here will make us more and more prestigious."

Just as all the board members were laughing, they heard a voice coming from the passage.

"Don't you think the Arasaka family should be prestigious?"

The words just fell.

Little Michiko walked in wearing high-heeled shoes, with an unusually cold look on her face.

When the board members saw Michiko Arasaka's arrival, they couldn't help but put away their smiles, showing a somewhat guilty look on their faces.

Little Michiko came up and raised the issue to the level of the Arasaka family. There might not be any punishment for offending people like her, but if anyone is labeled as humiliating the Arasaka family, the end may be difficult.

Little Michiko is indeed the least favored in the Arasaka family, but she is not something that these outsiders can humiliate.

The board members here thought they had backers behind them, but the one who could really decide their life or death was Saburo Arasaka.

Little Michiko glanced around at the board members present with a cold look in her eyes. Until today, these people have never obeyed her rule.

Even the attitude became less respectful as time went on.

Because they each have huge resources, they are not easy to underestimate in terms of money or power. With the appointment of Saburo Arasaka, they are not afraid of the weak Michiko at all.

"If anyone feels impatient, you can get out now. There is no shortage of people to take this seat." Little Michiko shouted coldly.

Upon hearing this, Director Yamamoto touched his nose and said nothing.

Another Takahashi director also kept silent and pretended that nothing happened.

Seeing that everyone remained silent, she continued to explain: "The reason why today's meeting was postponed is because I received a letter of approval from Mr. Saburo Arasaka."

Mr. Saburo Arasaka approved the letter?

Everyone quickly realized what it meant, which meant that Tang Yu was really working for Saburo Arasaka.

All the directors present looked surprised and began to calculate the direction of the situation.

They had always firmly believed that Tang Yu was Michiko Arasaka's man, but now they may have to re-evaluate.

Maybe this rookie who has risen on a rocket has already climbed up to Mr. Saburo Arasaka. If he wants to suppress Tang Yu in the future, he will have to weigh the situation carefully.

But they are more of a gloating mentality. The higher they climb, the harder they fall, and the faster they climb, the sooner they die.

But that's all for later. As the "popular man" in front of Mr. Saburo Arasaka, Tang Yu is currently at his most prosperous.

Director Yamamoto scratched his head and smelled something amiss.

Little Michiko came to the meeting so late, maybe she had spoken to Mr. Saburo Arasaka.

He quietly raised his eyes and glanced at Director Takahashi sitting opposite, and saw that the other party had stopped saying anything.

Michiko directly asked by name: "Director Yamamoto, didn't you have a lot of opinions just now? Now I give you a chance to speak. If you have anything to say, please say a few words."

Director Yamamoto did not dare to look directly at Michiko. He completely lost his previous aura and just explained: "I don't have any objections here."

Little Michiko snorted, these soft-skinned bones can only adapt to the wind. If Arasaka Yorinobu really comes to Night City, I don't know what they will do.

She had no intention of wasting her words with these people. It was impossible for such people to win over her faction. The best way to deal with them was to intimidate them so that even if they were not convinced, they would kneel down and obey orders.

Little Michiko continued to preside over the meeting and said: "Since you have no objection, then just listen carefully."

"Now I will officially announce Lord Saburo Arasaka's decisions and requirements for the Night City Arasaka Tower."

The members of the Arasaka board of directors sitting here are sitting solemnly, not daring to show any slightest neglect. Even though Mr. Saburo Arasaka is not here, his pressure and influence are deeply rooted in the hearts of each of them.

Michiko announced several decisions and requirements one by one, including Kate's decision to deal with it, the reward for Adam Hammer's completion of the task, and the affirmation of Tang Yu's actions. She asked the entire company to use Tang Yu's field operation as a learning case for various departments. .

The more Director Yamamoto heard, the more frightened he became. Unexpectedly, Kate was not fired by Michiko Arasaka, but by Mr. Saburo Arasaka.

He looked at Takahashi opposite with some fear. It could be seen from his blank expression that he was also unaware of this matter.

Saburo Arasaka's firing of Kate can only mean one thing. Tang Yu is not only working for Saburo Arasaka, but also has channels to contact and report work independently, and can even make suggestions to a certain extent.

Director Yamamoto found that he was really careless. Fortunately, there was nothing wrong in this matter. Adam Hammer was also rewarded, so it was no harm to him.

Takahashi, who was sitting opposite, also had a heavy look on his face. He didn't expect that things would develop like this.

Judging from this rhythm, Tang Yu is almost ready to take off in the Night City Arasaka Tower. He can get the approval of Master Arasaka Saburo. He is still the first in this Arasaka Tower.

Immediately afterwards.

In accordance with Master Saburo's request, Michiko Arasaka asked the meeting secretary to explain Tang Yu's entire action in detail.

How to contact the network supervision department, take advantage of the contradiction between the Animal Gang and the Voodoo Gang, and help the network supervision agents use signal fluctuations to lock the Voodoo Gang base. Only then did Adam Hammer appear and kill with one hit to complete the mission.

As for the reason for Kate's expulsion, it was entirely due to her lack of ability and arbitrary actions, which led to problems with the cooperation of the Counterintelligence Department and the destruction of Poseidon subnet data.

After hearing this, Yamamoto was secretly shocked. Kate brought Adam Hammer to the scene, which was completely ordered by Arasaka Yorinobu.

Now that she has been identified as the culprit, it can only be said that her death was worth it to save Yori Nobu's face.

So far.

The entire Arasaka Tower board of directors no longer had any objections, and the relevant commendations and awards to Tang Yu were unanimously approved without any objection.

Little Michiko stood in front of the conference table, inexplicably feeling extremely happy. Seeing them unwillingly, but still showing their hands to vote in approval, she felt a refreshing feeling all over her body.

Without Tang Yu, how could she enjoy it so much? It's time to reward her little go-getters.

Spending the last day of 2022 coding, it feels pretty good!

Then the first day of 2023 will also be spent coding!

I originally wanted to code enough 10,000 words to issue the card at 12 o'clock, but I have to get up early tomorrow to deal with moving and renting a house, and I have to ensure that the code is in good condition, so I only updated 9,000 words. I really tried my best!

at last.

I wish you all a prosperous new year, good health, a happy family, and a happy life every day!

Goodbye 2022!

Hello 2023!

Here we come!

Take a group photo!

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