Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 171 Why did it take so long to talk about serious matters (Thanks to the leader of the ‘Thir


"It hurts, it hurts."

V closed his eyes tightly and muttered in pain.

She raised her left hand to touch her forehead, and felt a cold and hard touch. The abnormal warmth aroused her alertness.

V tried his best to open his confused eyes and found a mechanical prosthetic palm in front of him, which showed a silver metallic luster under the light.

She moved her mind and tried to clench her fists.

The metal palm immediately clenched into an iron fist, and powerful force came from it, like a natural chimeric arm.

In addition to not being able to feel hot or cold, this mechanical prosthetic hand can fulfill any of her thoughts and intentions.

V opened his metal fingers again, starting from the fingertips and looking along the entire prosthetic palm to the forearm.

I don’t know when.

Her left forearm has been completely replaced by a mechanical prosthetic arm. The connection between the machine and the muscles is so tight that even the meticulously buried threads can be seen.

V raised his right arm again and placed his left and right hands in front of his eyes for comparison.

Mechanical on one side and native on the other.

The silver mechanical hand is hard and fierce, and the fibrous original hand is slender and smooth, with bruises that have not dissipated.

How is this going?

Her head was spinning at the moment.

V only remembered stealing subnet Poseidon data at Badi Hotel, and suddenly encountered the impact of an unknown object falling. The aftermath caused her to be seriously injured, and she was pressed under the gravel and fainted. She couldn't remember much of what happened after that. clear.

But the brain can still vaguely recall some scenes.

A black mechanical figure seems to be called a hammer.


Adam Hammer!

Think of this.

V felt a surge of anger welling up in his brows. The load on his dizzy brain had reached its limit, and the pain after the anesthesia wore off came again.


After a few seconds of waiting for the headache to subside, V looked around and found himself lying on the operating table chair.

This is a prosthetic clinic with a bright red light, equipped with all kinds of medical equipment.

Not far away in front of the counter, an old man in sunglasses was sitting alone, wearing light blue work clothes, with a stethoscope hanging around his neck, staring at the electronic screen on the table.

V guessed from his dress that this uncle should be the doctor of this prosthetic clinic.

In addition to the doctor from the prosthetic clinic, there was also an icy blue light rainbow figure that attracted her attention.

It was a silver-haired girl, leaning against the gate of the clinic, a pair of deep neon pupils looking out the door, with dried blood still on her fingers.

V didn't recognize the other two at all and had no impression of them in his memory.

She lay on her side on the operating table chair and propped up half her body on her elbows, feeling a little embarrassed.

All the wounds on her body have been bandaged, and the prosthetic arm implantation surgery has been completed. Various circumstances indicate that she received treatment at this prosthetic clinic.

But she didn't know the two of them, and she was still in a coma. She didn't know what happened the whole time.

Countless doubts, apologies, gratitude and other emotions were gathered in her mind, and she felt that her brain's CPU was almost overloaded and could not run anymore.

Old V was still staring at the electronic tablet alone. Lucy leaned against the door and remained silent. Neither of them had any intention of paying attention to V.

She had just woken up and didn't know what to do. She was stunned on the operating table chair.

After a while.

Lao Wei noticed that V woke up and regained consciousness, and reminded him while looking at the screen.

"Now is not the time to show off, you still need more rest."

V endured the pain from the wound and smiled reluctantly: "Thank you, I'm feeling better now."

"That's good." Lao Wei replied simply.

V is a little confused about the current situation and why the prosthetic doctor doesn't mention the cost of treatment.

According to common sense, if the patient is successfully treated, then payment should be made.

Especially for this kind of rescue that has not been discussed in advance, it is easier for prosthetic doctors to raise prices and make excessive price demands.

But the person in front of me not only didn't mention the money, but also reminded him to get more rest, which was a bit weird.

Judging from the medical treatment and prosthetic arm implantation, the cost of such exquisite medical skills and high-quality prostheses is definitely not low.

V, who had always been on the streets and was accustomed to the scene, always felt that something was not right. There might be good people in Night City, but she would not be the one he would meet.

But no matter how she said it, the other party saved people first, and she definitely recognized this favor, so she expressed her attitude by thanking him first.


After thanking him, V asked tentatively: "How do you charge for this?"

She was not worried about encountering a shady doctor who would raise the price. After all, the other party had already taken the initiative to treat her. If she was looking for money from the beginning, there would be no need for such trouble.

What she was worried about was that she was so short of money that she simply couldn't afford serious medical expenses, which made her a joke.

Now she is already deeply in debt, and there is really no guarantee that the credit will be paid off.

Lao Wei didn't even raise his head and said bluntly: "Don't worry about the cost, someone has already taken care of it for you."

Someone paid in advance?

Is there such a philanthropist in Night City?

But he still met him?

V immediately noticed that something was wrong, and then endured his headache and tried to recall the previous details.

Copying data, voodoo gang, building collapse, dramain.

Oh, right!

A black taxi, probably Delamain

She remembered some vague fragments, when she was taken out of the ruins and put into a black Draman.

Who is it?

She vaguely remembered leaning her head in the other person's arms and smearing the blood from her mouth and nose on his body, staining his black coat and white shirt.

I remembered!


The man in a suit had appeared at that time, and it was he who had dragged him out of the rubble and carried him into the Delamain taxi.

It seemed that the silver-haired girl was also beside her, holding her wound to stop the bleeding.

Later V was completely fragmented, and when he woke up he was lying here.

The man in the suit must have paid for her medical expenses. No wonder such a precious prosthetic arm was attached as soon as it was said to be done. I dare say every stitch in it was her life.

Where is the good person? In the end, she is not the one who is in debt.

V felt like crying without tears.

The mission was messed up, the forearm was lost, and the debt was still in debt. How many years and months will it take to pay it off?

If she hadn't been missing an arm and it was hard to work, she would have wanted to remove it and give it to the prosthetist.

V asked in a low voice: "Excuse me, how much is this prosthetic arm worth?"

Lao Wei then turned around on the sliding stool and explained in a hoarse voice: "Your left arm is in some serious condition. It is an emergency traumatic prosthetic implant. In order to ensure accurate nerve sensing, you have been given synapses. Extended enhancement.”

"In addition, your physical condition is very good. In order to cope with more complex scenes in the future, titanium bionic bones and high-energy micro-rotor were installed, so that your left arm can have both strength and lightning speed."

"If you are in the mercenary profession, you have to fight and kill. Finally, I gave you a thermal mantis knife and a smart connection."

"Anyway, the good guy has given you everything."

Lao Wei seems to be very satisfied with his work. When talking about this functional composite prosthetic arm, there is a touch of pride in his tone.

He is a person who loves what he does. From being a boxer to becoming a prosthetist, he has always practiced his basic skills to the best.

"." After V listened to the introduction, when he looked at his left arm again, his whole body felt bad. Maybe he had a diamond arm embedded in his body. How much would it cost?

In the second half of my life, I not only have to pay for car loans and house loans, but now I also have an additional hand loan.

But now that things have come to this, V can only accept everything calmly.

She didn't dare to ask about the price of the prosthetic arm, since it was something she couldn't afford.

"Thank you, I'm very satisfied, really." She sighed softly, sat on the edge of the operating chair, and touched her left hand cherishingly.

When she came back to her senses, she remembered what she wanted to ask just now, what happened, why Tang Yu came to save her after she fainted, and why Adam Hammer appeared at the Batty Hotel.

V remembers Adam Hammer not only because he shattered the building, but also because he remembered his terrifying strength. He defeated the Savage King and the Voodoo Gang with one against two. The strength of these two people is not ordinary.

Adam Hammer is so famous that it’s no wonder he is called a living legend.

"My name is V. I grew up on Heywood Road. I just returned to Night City from Atlanta. Thank you very much for what happened today."

"Seriously, I owe you a big favor. You are right to come to me if you need anything in the future." After V said this, he looked at Lao Wei and Lucy respectively, with a little sincerity in his eyes.

V is such a girl, she will be nice to anyone who is nice to her.

Lao Wei looked at V through his sunglasses and smiled happily: "Don't take it to heart."

Lucy glanced at V slightly and said softly: "You're welcome."

She knew that V's action was to steal subnet Poseidon data, so she was attacked by Adam's Hammer.

Tang Yu's arrangement of the whole thing was closely related to Lucy. To a certain extent, V's injury was inseparable from her.

Seeing that V had regained consciousness, Lucy planned to leave.

She had promised Tang Yu to guard V before, but she stayed the whole night without leaving even half a step.

She straightened up and was about to step onto the stairs when she suddenly heard V ask: "I want to know what happened."

Lucy turned back and reminded: "You can ask your middleman, he will have the answer."


Lucy stepped up the steps and left the old Wei underground prosthetic clinic.

She did not choose to tell V directly the truth before and after, because the most fundamental reason for this matter concealed Tang Yu's most important secret, and no other person could know it except her.

If V wants to know something, she should go to her intermediary for verification. With Tang Yu's arrangement, she will definitely explain it properly.

V felt a little regretful when he saw the silver-haired girl leaving alone.

The silver-haired girl was at the first scene and would definitely know many details, but judging from the other party's attitude, it seemed that she didn't want to reveal too much inside information.

V knew that the silver-haired girl had been staying here to protect her, and he carried this kindness in his heart.


V can get the answer by asking Tang Yu, but now she is penniless and doesn't want to see the creditor for a moment.

It is better to ask the middleman Gloria and explain the details of the mission failure to her face to face.

V always thinks of the charming red-haired boss lady, who is generous and beautiful, and has a top-notch figure.

What's more important is that the commissions she arranges are very remunerative, and you can't get such cost-effective living anywhere else.

But it happened that he failed to live up to expectations and messed up the commission. He was simply too embarrassed to face Gloria.

But some things cannot be avoided. She originally wanted to consider bringing some small gifts, but she gave up the idea when she thought of being penniless.

"There are a lot of good things in the treasure chest, but it's not good to give them away," V muttered in his mind.

The plan has been decided.

She got off the operating chair, came to Lao Wei's side, and expressed her gratitude again. When she got closer, she realized that Lao Wei was watching a boxing match.

She said with some excitement: "Do you also like to watch boxing matches? When I was in Heywood, I really liked boxing. I knocked down many street gangsters without mercy."

Lao Wei smiled and said: "I can see that you are a talented boxer. But there is a kid in Heywood who may be able to compete with you for a few rounds."

"Really? Those who grew up on the streets of Heywood are all born boxers." V raised his left arm and looked at it, sighing: "But now I am also a technical boxer."

Lao Wei looked at V and said comfortingly: "That's not bad. Maybe one day I'll make a name for myself. If you want to add new features, you're welcome to come over at any time."

V thanked him, clenched his iron fist, and laughed at himself: "Maybe I can get the legendary name of the ruthless iron hand."

"By the way, I don't know what to call him yet." V felt that the uncle in front of him gave people an innate sense of intimacy, with a gentle voice and an unhurried pace. He sat alone at the counter and looked at the old man. Boxing match.

"You are Tang's friend. They used to call me Lao Wei." Lao Wei introduced his name calmly. He loved to deal with young people like Tang Yu, and he could always see the shadow of his past in them.

"Lao Wei? That's a cool name, thanks, Lao Wei." V remembered this congenial name.

Lao Wei just smiled and nodded, and then said: "Go and do your work, kid. When you are free, let Tang introduce you to Jack, the Heywood boy. You three will definitely get along."

It’s normal to get along with Heywood, but to get along with someone in a suit? To her, these were no different than tomatoes and apples, which had nothing to do with each other except that they were both red.

A company executive and a street cyberpunk don't look like they're on the road.

Apart from debt relationships, there seems to be no other possibility.

V shrugged and said helplessly: "Okay, Lao Wei, I'll come back to you when I have time. I still have to deliver the commission for this time."

Lao Wei waved his hand and motioned for her to help herself: "Pay attention to the injury. There is never enough work to do. Take good care of your body."

V earnestly agreed, then left the prosthetic clinic, saying goodbye to Lao Wei again before leaving.

She came to the road and planned to go directly to Lizzy Bar to explain the commission to Gloria.

From here, it's not too far from Lizzy Bar, and it doesn't take too long to walk there.

Although she was injured, she had recovered a lot after resting for a while and it did not hinder her movement.

V wrapped his coat tightly, covering up the medical bandages on his body, and walked towards Lizi.

Not long after she walked away, a strange figure appeared on the spot, quietly looking at the direction V left, his eyes glowing with a strange blue color.

Lizzy Bar, VIP area on the second floor with exclusive private rooms.

Tang Yu sat on the soft leather seat, with some exquisite drinks and refreshments placed on the round glass table in front of him.

The temperature in the box was moderate, so he took off his suit jacket and hung it neatly on the hanger. He was wearing a single shirt and a bottoming T-shirt, with the collar buttons loosened and his posture relaxed.

It was his first time to come to Lizzie Bar after it was renovated and renovated.

I brought Jack here to experience Mewtwo before, met Evelyn, and met Judy in the basement computer room.

The hidden box Tang Yu is in now was specially prepared by Gloria for him.

The private room is not large and can only accommodate four to five people. However, in a place like Lizzy Bar where land is at a premium, it is indeed not easy to free up such a private room.

In addition, various signal shielding, transmission encryption, Mewtwo experience, and high-end service functions are all available, which shows that Gloria has put a lot of thought into it.


Gloria has basically secured her position as the bar owner, the Mox Gang has been reborn, and Lizzie has also changed her face. Under Gloria's leadership, the business has reached a new level.

The girls in Mox are centered around Lizzy Bar and occupy several surrounding streets and alleys. Many street girls gather nearby to make a living.

They may not earn much, but their safety is greatly guaranteed, which really increases the popularity and support of the Mox Gang.

At that time, Tang Yu supported Gloria with one million euros in order to allow her to integrate into Mox as soon as possible, use the money to pave the way, and lay the foundation for the establishment of an intelligence network in the future.

He didn't come here to experience Mewtwo or have fun. He mainly wanted to meet Sasha and chat with Gloria about some serious matters.

Tang Yu picked up the tea cup and took a sip, and found that he had been sitting alone in the room for a quarter of an hour, and neither Sasha nor Gloria came in.

The two of them were chattering attentively. They didn't show up after sending Tang Yu into the box. They didn't know what they were doing outside.

Tang Yu was not in a hurry, so he took a few sips of tea first and waited.

at this time.

Outside the box door.

Gloria and Sasha were standing at the door, whispering to each other.

"No, no, Mr. Tang will definitely not agree."

"Mr. Tang doesn't agree to turn on the intimacy mode. Sasha can't force it like this."

"Mr. Tang will be unhappy."

Sasha was tightly wrapped in her coat, trying not to let Gloria take it off. A white blush appeared on the collar when she pulled it off.

Gloria had no choice but to let go of her hand, and sighed helplessly when she saw Sasha looking like he would rather die than obey.

"Sasha, how can you do this? You are just waiting for Mr. Tang to give you an order. Only then can you succeed."

Sasha was tightly wrapped, but her beautiful figure was still highlighted under her long coat.

She looked a little aggrieved, her cheeks were slightly hot, she bit her lip stubbornly, shook her head desperately, unable to take this last step.

Sasha didn't blame Gloria for forcing her, but blamed herself for not living up to expectations.

I had obviously done some mental construction for a long time and wanted to get over this hurdle, but when the situation came to an end, I couldn't do it anymore.

As Gloria said, it will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey to become a big deal.

The truth is this, but the problem is that she really can't do it.

Gloria looked at Sasha seriously, trying to figure out where the problem was. She had obviously taught her everything she could under the covers, but Sasha was shocked and speechless at the time. Why did he back down at the critical moment?

If she couldn't find the problem, she couldn't force Sasha to do it. If she really caused trouble, she would be disadvantaged.

"Okay, since Sasha is worried, why not just be calm and just go back to normal after going in. Don't force yourself."

Sasha nodded, wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, took a few deep breaths, and went to the door to authenticate his identity and request to enter the house.


The gate slides open automatically, and there is a shielded image at the door, so the interior of the box cannot be seen from the outside.

Sasha walked in. As soon as he entered the house and stood at the door, the moment he saw Tang Yu's familiar face, it seemed that he was back to the days when the two were in the apartment.

I don't know whether it was because I hadn't seen Tang Yu for a long time or because I had thought too much before, but I suddenly wanted to cry even more.

"Hello, Mr. Tang."

Tang Yu saw Sasha standing at the door, with lowered eyebrows and seemed a little depressed, so he stood up and walked to her, touched her cat's head and asked softly.

"What's wrong?"

Sasha will definitely not be bullied if he stays here with Gloria. It may be the first time he has been away from him for so long and he is not used to it.

After all, the first thing Sasha saw when he opened his eyes was the 'master' Tang Yu.

This is not only a procedural setting, but also Sasha’s long-standing experience and understanding.

Sasha shook his head slightly, holding back his sobs and said, "Sasha is fine."

It seemed that she felt the warmth of Tang Yu's palm, and she felt less aggrieved.

Tang Yu nodded slightly, and then realized that Sasha was wearing a long windbreaker. The temperature in the box was quite high, so there was no need to dress so tightly.

So he kindly reminded: "If you feel hot, just hang your coat over there."

"Ah?!" Sasha looked at Tang Yu in surprise and quickly explained: "It's not hot, it's not hot, Sasha's not hot."

As she said that, she tightened the belt a little more with both hands. She was too shy inside the coat.

The most important thing is that Tang Yu did not turn on the intimacy mode, and her subconscious did not allow her to behave like this, which made Sasha fall into a deep entanglement.

Tang Yu glanced at Sasha suspiciously. She looked strangely nervous.

It's not that I suspect Sasha is lying, I just feel that she is in an abnormal state today. Why did her cute and cute look suddenly become so sensitive?

Sasha has undergone a high degree of cyber transformation and is not afraid of the cold and heat at all. Moreover, the temperature of the box is just right.

Tang Yu estimated that although Sasha was not bullied, he must have been educated by Gloria.

Thinking of Gloria's maturity, he could see through Sasha's intentions almost at a glance.

He felt a little helpless. Just a few days after sending Sasha to Gloria, he was already almost out of shape.

I happened to be free today, so it was time to educate her.

Sasha raised her head and asked obediently: "Mr. Tang, when can Sasha return to the apartment?"

Tang Yu thought for a while, and then said frankly: "Wait for a while, Sasha is good."

Gloria had only been in charge of the Ritz Bar for a short time. In order to avoid accidents, she needed someone to guard her.

At present, besides Sasha, Tang Yu can't find anyone more suitable.

They can be inseparable. As long as Sasha is here, he can grasp the situation here in time.

Sasha nodded seriously, and the light returned to her eyes. As long as it was Tang Yu's instructions, she would complete it seriously.

Tang Yu finally touched Sasha's cat's head and asked her to call Gloria in and discuss business with her.

Sasha obediently turned around and went out. After exiting the room, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. All the previous tension and annoyance disappeared.

"Sure enough, this is Sasha"

Gloria was dressed in a red dress and was waiting at the door. When she saw Sasha coming out so quickly, still wearing the long coat and trench coat, she knew that things must not have worked out.

Some things couldn't be rushed, so she came to Sasha and asked with concern: "Do you feel better?"

Sasha smiled and replied: "Well, it will be much better to see Mr. Tang."

"That's good." Gloria felt more affection for the innocent girl in front of her. It was really difficult to find another girl like her in Night City.

Sasha truthfully informed Gloria of Tang Yu's explanation and asked her to enter the box earlier, saying that Tang Yu had something serious to discuss with her.


Hearing these two words, Gloria's face turned red, and then she stood slightly nervously at the door of the box. After identity authentication, she asked to enter.

It didn't take long.

The gate slid open automatically, Gloria walked into the box and the gate closed.

Sasha continued to wait at the door. She was responsible for the safety of Tang Yu and Gloria, so she naturally had to fulfill her responsibilities at all times.

But the clothes inside made it difficult for her to perform kung fu.

She had to tighten her belt to avoid accidental mistakes.

Time passed by.

Sasha was bored waiting outside the house. Unknowingly, she was curious about what happened in the box.

Why did he come out of the box less than five minutes after entering the room, and why did Gloria stay so long when she entered the room to talk about business?

But then I thought about it, when she and Tang Yu lived in an apartment, they also stayed together for a long time, but they didn't talk much about business.


Sasha thought back to many days spent hanging out with Tang Yu, listening to him sing and tell stories.

The waiting time is always so long, and even the sky is gradually getting dark.

V: "When it comes to your ability to praise others, you are really good. But aren't you a musician? When did you start studying words?"

Johnny: "Don't be ridiculous, I'm not just hoping that instant noodles can get me two sticks, I know there is a big financial backer who will reward me, thank you to the 'Third Emperor Guilliman' big boss for joining the alliance! "

Instant Noodles: "Thank you, the financier!"

Johnny: "So can I smoke two instant noodles?"

Instant noodles: "."


Happy New Year, everyone!

Super Invincible thanks the new alliance leader "Third Emperor Guilliman" for spending so much money, and wishes the boss good luck and wealth in the New Year!

In addition, the small theater of the two new helmsmen "Meow Rabbit" and "GREENzgsh" will be arranged as soon as possible.

Instant Noodles is moving today, so I can only update one chapter and 6,000 words.

So there is nothing tonight, and I will try my best to break 10,000 tomorrow!

The three days of New Year's Day were spent in coding, and the instant noodles shamelessly asked for monthly tickets and recommendation votes. After all, instant noodles have worked so hard!

PS: Thanks to the following sponsors for the rewards

The Third Emperor Guilliman, Qidian Reading iOS 1,000.00

My wife is crazy and picturesque 1.00

Book Friends 20221231090046892 1.00

Meow Rabbit 100.00

The Third Emperor Guilliman, Qidian Reading iOS 150.00

Here’s a tour of reading machines, starting point for reading iOS 1.00

GREENzgsh 100.00

Play Changan 1.00

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