Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 172 Female companion at the annual party

V sat on the edge of the bed and began to tear off the last bandage on his shoulder. He found that the previous wound had disappeared, leaving only a thin seam mark.

She estimated that it wouldn't take long for the remaining scars to heal.

V is full of praise for Lao Wei's medical skills.

After this period of time, she has completely adapted to the prosthetic arm. She can control the weight and weight freely and is as easy to use as the original arm.

V moved his shoulders vigorously a few times and felt that there was no serious problem. He had not exercised in the past few days and his whole body was full of energy.

After recovering her health, she decided to go to the Lizzie Bar to find a way to survive in Gloria.

She changed her clothes in the house, still wearing the avant-garde and trendy look.

But this time going to Gloria was a little different from before. She specially prepared a box of stupid monkeys.

She messed up her job of stealing data last time. After receiving treatment at the Old Wei Prosthetic Clinic, she went to the Lizzie Bar to explain to Gloria what happened.

But as soon as she arrived at Lizzie Bar and before entering the small square, she was startled.

Hiding far away, she saw Gloria accompanying someone out of the bar door, with a springy smile on her face, looking a little intimate.

And the person who was greeted so warmly by Gloria was actually wearing a suit.

V was unsure of the situation at the moment and couldn't understand why Tang Yu was at Lizzy Bar.

One is his middleman and the other is his debtor. When they come together, it is like a bolt from the blue for V.

As the saying goes, a tough wallet means a tough waist.

If she successfully completed the commission and made a lot of money now, even if Tang Yu stood in front of her, she would dare to throw money in his face.

But the reality is that she is penniless and has no money to repay her debts, and she has messed up the commission assigned by Gloria.

Naturally, V felt guilty and decisive. He rubbed oil on his feet and ran away. He planned to prepare some gifts next time and go to Gloria to explain the situation.

After carrying the weight of this box of stupid monkeys, it was quite heavy. After all, for this box of stupid monkeys, half the thickness of all the banknotes in her pocket was shaved off.

V believes that the sales of Benben Monkey in Lizzy Bar must be very good, so it is appropriate to give a box of Benben Monkey. If Gloria doesn't drink it, he can put it on the counter and sell it.

Carrying a box of stupid monkeys, she went out and left the apartment.

Walking on the street, V looked at the familiar street scene. There were many people in the crowd who were wearing avant-garde and trendy clothes like her.

She has always felt that this city is really suitable for her. Everyone has the right to have a unique aesthetic. No matter how novel your outfit is, no one will find it out of place.

In this city, all kinds of things happen every day, and all kinds of new and interesting things emerge in an endless stream.

V walks on the street and enjoys this feeling, as if there is a different story waiting for him when he wakes up every day.

It could be a hangover, a fight, or a romantic encounter.


The young and energetic V has never believed in love. After all, no man has dared to pursue her since she was a child.

When those little boys on the street saw her, it was as if they were seeing the King of Hell, and they wanted to stay away.

V is quite happy to be alone. He went to Atlanta to settle some old matters the year before last, and this time he returned to Night City ready to have a good fight.

But when she thought about it, she felt uncomfortable again.

She had just returned to Night City. She was already penniless, and now she had a debtor.

She didn't know when she would be able to redeem her freedom. Just paying off a Renfield car loan was enough to give her a headache.

Every time she thought about this, she thought about the kindness of the landlady Li Zi, who always paid generously every time she was given a commission.

Without Gloria's generosity, she couldn't imagine how many years she would have had to work in vain.

In order to get the job from Gloria as soon as possible, she had already rejected several orders from other middlemen.

For example, go to scavenger territory to find people, or run special cargo transportation, etc.

It is naturally difficult for V to take a fancy to these small orders, especially after the transformation of her prosthetic arm, she is much stronger than before.

She now hopes to get one or two big orders, earn a few big bucks, clear her debts, and at the same time make a name for herself in the mercenary industry.

After walking for a while, V walked to the small square of Lizzy Bar, turned a corner and came to the main entrance of Lizzy Bar.

Mox's little sister, Rita Wheeler, was guarding the door with her two sisters when she saw V, an old acquaintance.

V used to often come to Lizzie Bar to ask Gloria for commissions, and usually didn't spend much money in the bar.

Little sister Rita Wheeler carried a baseball bat and asked jokingly: "Why haven't I seen you in recent times? Have you spent all the money you earned?"

V said bluntly: "The premise is that I have money to spend. I owe a lot of debt and I haven't paid it off yet. Don't mention it. It's all a mess."

"By the way, is your boss lady here?"

Little sister Rita Wheeler gave a thumbs up and pointed behind her, and said coolly: "In the bar, I will tell her that you are here, but you can't bring drinks in, and neither can stupid monkeys." .”

She poked the box of stupid monkeys with a baseball bat. This was the rule of the Ritz Bar. Drinks could only be ordered at the bar.

Drinking service is an important source of profit for Lizzy, so it is naturally impossible for customers to bring their own drinks.

Moreover, Stupid Monkey is already selling it in the bar, and the sales are not that good.

V lifted up the stupid monkey in his hand. The big green monkey head on the box case was staring blankly at the little girl with round eyes.

She explained with some embarrassment: "This box of Stupid Monkey is not a bring-your-own drink. It is a little thought prepared by me. I messed up the commission last time. I apologize to the boss lady."

The little sister understood and couldn't help but smile: "You are really thoughtful. After all, no one can guarantee that the commission will be 100% successful. Go in and have better luck next time."

She gave way to the entrance of the bar.

V carried Stupid Monkey into the bar and came to Lizzy's inner hall. He looked around and saw Gloria standing in front of the bar, explaining something to the bartender Mateo.

After Gloria finished speaking, she held her red hair behind her ears and suddenly looked back at V who was standing at the door. She smiled and waved to her, motioning her to come to the bar.

When V saw the mature and generous Gloria, he once again lamented that she still has the same style, mature and beautiful appearance. She wore an elegant dark red dress that covered her whole body and showed her proud figure. A silk belt was slung between the waist bones, tying up the uneven curves. .

Whether it was due to the lighting effect or proper maintenance, she keenly discovered that Gloria's complexion was more rosy and shiny than before, and her beautiful face was full of collagen.

V walked to the bar and took the initiative to say hello to Gloria.

Gloria snapped her fingers and asked the bartender Matteo to bring two cocktails and place them on the table.

She pushed one of the glasses in front of V and said with a smile, "My treat."

V felt quite embarrassed and bought Lizzie's drinks for free every time she came. Although she didn't like to drink much, her kindness and kindness made her favor her.

V picked up the cocktail glass with his left hand and clinked glasses with Gloria.


Gloria took a sip of her drink and unexpectedly discovered that V's left hand had been replaced by an implanted arm.

She estimated that it was caused by stealing the Poseidon data from the Voodoo Gang subnet last time, so she asked with concern: "Are you still getting used to the prosthetic arm?"

V smiled, looking free and easy, raised his arm to hold the cocktail glass steadily, and said bluntly: "Well, it's quite suitable. With this guy, I will be more secure in my work."

She didn't want to talk too much about her arms, so she put the box of stupid monkeys on the bar table and said with some embarrassment: "I brought you a box of stupid monkeys. I messed up the last commission."

V knew that giving a box of Stupid Monkeys would be somewhat unaffordable, but she was really in financial straits, and would not choose Stupid Monkeys if she had a better choice.

V looked a little embarrassed and wanted to put the stupid monkey away quickly and put it under the bar.

"If you don't like it very much, you can sell it at the counter. The shelf life of Benbenhou is quite long."

To V's surprise, Gloria seemed a little surprised when she saw this box of stupid monkeys.

Gloria asked with a little surprise in her tone: "Do you also like to drink Stupid Monkey?"

This time it was V's turn to be stunned. Is it possible that there are really people like her who like to drink sweet and boring drinks?


Back then, she drank Benbenhou mainly because of the pressure of life, and she usually didn't pay for it, so she would get it from the counter or the treasure chest for free.

Because the shelf life is too long, some stupid monkeys will be discarded by the stalls after being placed in the stalls for a long time and replaced with a new batch of stupid monkeys.

However, there are not many opportunities for free prostitution. In the past two years, I have drank less after leaving Night City.

V reacted quickly and said immediately: "Well, this sweet and cloying corn smell has a different flavor. I haven't drank much in recent years."

Gloria directly opened the package of Benbenhou, took out two cans from it, handed one to V, and said with a smile: "It seems we have quite a lot in common."

V took the green can and couldn't help but smile: "I didn't expect this either."

The two of them pulled apart the monkey tabs and touched each other's green oil cans. After taking a sip, they smiled sweetly.

Gloria felt the sweet and smoky smell of corn in her mouth, and thought of the scene when Tang Yu took her to drink Stupid Monkey for the first time.

If it weren't for Tang Yu, she wouldn't have tasted this taste, wouldn't be in this position today, and wouldn't have met V, who also likes to drink stupid monkey.

She looked at V in front of her and sighed a little in her heart. This girl is really pretty. If she takes good care of her, she will definitely be charming.

Think about this.

She couldn't help but think of Tang Yu's special instructions to take care of the trendy girl in front of her.

So what is the relationship between V and Tang Yu?

Gloria is still not sure what Tang Yu is thinking. Take Sasha next to him as an example. Judging from various signs, Tang Yu has never thought about that. Sasha is as innocent as a blank slate.

She suddenly felt that she was lucky. From now on, she knew Tang Yu deeper than anyone else, at least on the physical level.

V suddenly found that Gloria had been staring at her, and her meaningful gaze made her feel a little strange. After taking a sip of the stupid monkey, she put it down and explained with a slight guilt.

"The last time the Voodoo Gang commissioned something, something unexpected happened and the data couldn't be copied back. I'm really sorry. I'm the one responsible for this."

Gloria interrupted V and said with relief: "No, you are not to blame for this matter. I have already understood the cause and effect, and you have completed the task. Although the data has not been obtained, it has played its due role. "

V didn't understand the reason. In addition to explaining the reason and apologizing, V also wanted to know the cause and effect, so he said in surprise: "Be sure to tell me the whole story. This is very important to me."

Gloria thought of what Tang Yu told her in the exclusive box that day. There was no need to hide this matter.

In fact, she didn't have a comprehensive understanding of the matter. She basically did whatever Tang Yu arranged for her to do.


She patiently explained the ins and outs of the whole incident, told Yu V everything she knew, and hid the part about her relationship with Tang Yu.

The general meaning is that Internet surveillance and the animal gang have joined forces to clean up Taiping Prefecture.

In order to successfully complete the goal, Arasaka Company was also invited to join, and the reward was subnet Poseidon backup data.

While V was in coma, the network monitors had copied the data from her mind and handed it to Adam Hammer, which was equivalent to Arasaka getting what he wanted.

The person who rescued V and went to the Laowei Prosthetic Clinic was none other than Tang Yu, the senior executive of Arasaka Company.

After listening to the explanation, V seemed to understand. She did not understand the activities between the gangs in the company.

But two things were remembered in her mind. It was Adam Hammer of Arasaka Company who stepped on her, and Tang Yu of Arasaka Company was the one who rescued her. Both of them are senior executives of Arasaka Company.

This made V inexplicably feel that life was unpredictable, and why did he get into trouble with Arasaka unknowingly.

She has always wanted to take revenge. Adam didn't even apologize after he stepped on her with a heavy hammer. She will have to settle the score with him in the future.


She also repays her kindness, and now she can only work hard to earn money to pay off her debts. Those company executives don't care about her favors, and they don't have enough money to earn anything.

It is unbelievable that her number one enemy and number one creditor are both from Arasaka.

After Gloria finished explaining, she turned her prosthetic eyes and transferred 20,000 euros to V.

V was very surprised after receiving the transfer. In fact, she did not complete the commission seriously, and she felt guilty for receiving the 20,000 yuan reward.


Gloria explained with a smile: "Don't refuse. The situation at that time, if you hadn't taken the initiative to copy the data, if the server was damaged, it would have been much more difficult to copy it out. No matter what, you would have done it." The remuneration should not be small for this commission."

V smiled helplessly and said: "Thank you, there will definitely be no trouble in the next commission."

"Speaking of commissions, I happen to have a way to survive here. Are you interested?"

"No problem. I've been free lately. I'm planning to stretch my muscles after recovering from my injury."

Gloria handed V a mission chip and explained: "Sandra Dorsett, an employee of Ye's Company, a rich girl, a platinum member of the trauma team, was secretly kidnapped not long ago, and wire reports said she was purged. Daphne is on target, the address is in the chip, all we need to do is rescue the target person."

After V took the chip, he quickly browsed the contents.

Going to the scavenger territory to rescue people, she remembered that there seemed to be several similar commissions recently, but the reward must be higher here in Gloria.

She agreed immediately.

The two briefly exchanged some details of the commission, and V left Li Zi and set off according to the mission address.

Arasaka Tower.

Counterintelligence Division.

In the minister's office, two company executives in suits were sitting in the reception area, each holding a glass of whiskey and chatting and laughing.

Arthur Jenkins sat in the minister's office after a long absence. Returning to a familiar place made him feel that his nerves and fatigue had relaxed a lot. He had opened up his chat box in the past few months.

"Tang, you have worked hard during this period. I have heard about everything in the ministry. I have to say that your potential is beyond everyone's imagination."

Tang Yu sat across from him, looking at his proud old boss Arthur Jenkins, and said calmly.

"It's nothing. The two of us are not stepping back to normal. You are the boss and I am the deputy. I don't know what I have been busy with in the past six months."

Tang Yu felt very relieved to see his old boss back safely, and he could finally relax and have a good rest.

After Arthur Jenkins returned from his duty, it was logical that he should be promoted, but there was no news yet, so the promotion may still be pending.

Jenkins didn't take the initiative to say anything, and Tang Yu wouldn't ask.

Jenkins disagreed with Tang Yu's statement of standing still and waved his hands repeatedly.

"You can't say that."

"Although you and I are still one and the same, the value is different from the past."

"Especially you. In the entire Arasaka Tower of Night City, no one can beat you. It's only a matter of time that you take a few steps further."

"At the beginning, I didn't think it was safe enough to get Director Michiko. But now it seems that many things can't be limited to the immediate corner, and we have to take a longer-term view."

Arthur Jenkins became interested. The first thing he did when he returned to Arasaka Tower was to hold Tang Yu for a detailed discussion behind closed doors. Not only did he want to show his importance and recognition to Tang Yu, but he also wanted to win over him as soon as possible.

He knew that in the near future, Tang Yu would rise rapidly, be equal to or even surpass him and become his superior.

After all, Tang Yu was the only one who climbed up Arasaka Saburo in the entire Night City Arasaka Tower.

Tang Yu remained silent about this and allowed his old boss Arthur Jenkins to play his part. He could not speak lightly about the internal affairs of the Arasaka family.

If Jenkins knew the truth, he would probably hide far away in the next second.

Jenkins took a sip of whiskey and sighed: "It's a good thing you're in the Counterintelligence Department, otherwise something big would really happen."

"Before, she withstood the pressure of Susan Abernathy's bad cousin, but now that she has been reinstated, she doesn't even dare to fart."

"I met her in the elevator when I came back just now. Guess what, she actually took the initiative to say hello to me."

"The dirty cousin knows what's important and what's minor. He figured that the counter-intelligence department was about to gain momentum, so he even changed his attitude."

"Oh, she really thought someone was trying to trick her."

After Susan Abernathy was reinstated, she was indeed much more honest, and the friction between the Special Operations Department and the Counterintelligence Department was significantly reduced.

So much so that Tang Yu didn't put his mind there, but that doesn't mean that Tang Yu forgot what kind of poisonous snake Susan Abernathy was.

The more honest she appears, the more bad things she may be harboring behind her back.

The more Jenkins talked, the more excited he became. He seemed to feel that bringing out talents like Tang Yu was something he could be proud of.

Tang Yu's achievements are still part of him.

"Now that the heretics in the Counterintelligence Department have been eliminated, the upper-level meeting will really have nothing to say."

"During this period in the ministry, we can take some time to relax."

"But having said that, you are working for Mr. Saburo these days. If you need anything, just ask me. If the resources of the ministry are not enough, I still have some respect for my old face."

Tang Yu thanked him.

The old boss is indeed not bragging. He has worked at Arasaka Company for many years and served as the head of the Counterintelligence Department for some years. In addition, he is also a diamond bachelor. He has a wide network of contacts in Night City and can be seen in almost many high-end high-end situations. His figure.

In the intelligence business, connections are a key factor.

Compared with his old boss Jenkins, Tang Yu is much weaker in this aspect.

Not only does he have little contact with the senior executives of Arasaka Company, he is also not familiar with most of the senior executives of other companies.

Maybe it's because he adheres to the principle that strength is king and has never cared much about so-called connections.

What's more, when he was in trouble, no high-level friends helped him. Instead, a poor girl V took him to sleep on the street.

Playing in that kind of circle is all about profit, and there will never be any friendship.

Tang Yu didn't say much, not wanting to offend his old boss. After the chat, he was ready to return to the apartment after get off work.

With his old boss in charge of the counterintelligence department, Tang Yu can do what he wants to do.

Jenkins chatted more and more enthusiastically. He seemed to suddenly think of something important and said with a serious face.

"Speaking of which, I remembered."

"The annual charity meeting of Ye's Company will be held in two days. They have already sent an invitation letter and specifically told me to take you to the meeting."

Tang Yu thought about it and realized that he seemed to have received an invitation letter, but he deleted it without taking it seriously. It turned out to be a charity annual meeting.

It was probably a group of rich and powerful upper-class people who gathered together to eat, drink, chat, and then each contribute some money to sponsor a public welfare project in a decent way, or establish a charity relief fund or something like that.

Arthur Jenkins continued to emphasize: "Take this opportunity to get to know those prominent figures in Night City. Ye's Company attaches great importance to this charity annual meeting. In addition to the appearance of the chief CEO of Ye's Company, Miriam Knight will also I attended in person and also invited the mayor of Night City, Lucius Lane."

"The scene was quite grand, and they were all celebrities." Tang Yu remembered that the Renfield supercar at that time was given to him by Jenkins from the CEO of Ye's Company.

Miriam Knight is the wife of Night City founder Richard Knight. After her husband Richard passed away, she established the Knight Foundation, which is the predecessor of Night City Company.

Miriam Knight has long since retired from the company's management and rarely attends public events. However, under her control, Ye's company has been developing well.

Tang Yu also knows a lot about the details of night market companies. When he was a top hacker, he had some dealings with them.

He was deeply involved in the brainwashing incident of Prophet Gary and the Peralez couple.

Ye's company has a close relationship with AI with autonomous consciousness, but due to many reasons, Tang Yu has always pointed the finger at Arasaka and has never delved into their shameful activities.

Now Tang Yu has his hands free. Since Saburo Arasaka is so interested in cyberspace and circulating AI, he doesn't mind making the show more lively.

Tang Yu agreed and expressed his willingness to attend Ye's company's annual charity meeting.

Jenkins smiled more contentedly and reminded again: "This annual meeting will be a dance, so don't forget to bring a female companion."

"You know, this kind of occasion is often a duel arena for men. A good dance partner will make you the brightest focus in the room and gain more social resources."


It was difficult for him to bring a female companion to the annual meeting.

There are many outstanding female companions in his circle of friends, but it seems that not many can be brought to Ye's company's annual meeting.

As the proprietress of Lizzie Bar, Gloria's identity is too conspicuous and inappropriate.

Sasha is fine as a company assistant, but it is inevitable that she will have a bad reputation. On such occasions, she will usually invite female companions with whom she has a more personal relationship rather than a work relationship.

As for the others, it's even harder to consider. It's hard to stay in this circle.

Think about it.

It seems that only V son is the most suitable.

As soon as Tang Yu thought about V-zi, he received a message prompt.

[The person you are paying attention to is in a dangerous coma]

Johnny: "Look at what this instant noodles guy wrote. What do you think?"

V: "For a wooden head like me, I can at least understand it, but I'm a little dissatisfied that the instant noodles made me do illegal work in his small theater for many days!"

Instant Noodles: "The financial backer of 'GREENzgsh' has rewarded me with a reward. I'll treat you to a meal!"

V: "Yo, yo, yo, thank you to the big donor, I hope you will make a fortune, and I hope you will become rich overnight!"

Thanks to the ‘GREENzgsh’ sponsor for the reward!

PS: No more tonight.

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