Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 173: Really accurate at judging people

In the north-central part of Watson District, there are cluttered old apartment buildings, some of which have been abandoned for a long time and overgrown with weeds, and some of which have been used as temporary hideouts by gangs.

With the decline of the northern industrial area, this comprehensive commercial and residential area has also gradually declined. Most of the people wandering the streets are homeless and down-and-out vagrants.

They gathered here, lying casually in the corridors and alleys, barely having a place to shelter from the wind and rain.

A black Delaman business car parked slowly, its destination falling downstairs of an old apartment building.

This neighborhood is sparsely populated, there are very few Delamain taxis stopping there, and almost no one comes here for travel or business.

Therefore, the appearance of Delamain's special car attracted the attention of several thin homeless people on the roadside, but their withered appearance and old prosthetic bodies made them look weak.

The door of Delama's taxi opened automatically, and Tang Yu stepped out, fastened a single button, and walked straight into the old apartment without stopping.

The situation of this apartment is slightly better. Basic water and electricity are connected, and the public elevator can also be used normally.

Tang Yu passed by the dark blue apartment passage, walked into the public elevator, and chose the fifteenth floor.

The elevator began to rise slowly. The wheels and lifting belts made a squeaking sound, and there was some shaking during the ascent.


The elevator reached the fifteenth floor.

Tang Yu continued walking directly into the corridor, and came to an electronic gate near the inside. The arc of his fingertips moved slightly, and he easily broke through the access control.

Seemingly purposeful, he stepped through the gate and headed toward the house.

The furnishings in the house were extremely messy, with operating tables, shadowless lamps, freezers, and various medical equipment scattered on the floor. There were even electric saws, axes, and planks.

There were layers of plastic film hanging on the dirty walls, with bright red blood splattered on them, and the entire house was filled with a damp smell.

Tang Yu raised his feet and stepped over a corpse. The corpse was wearing a green coat, a mask and rubber gloves, like a butcher killing pigs and sheep.

There were several corpses like this in the house.

A brief observation revealed that their necks were either broken from behind, cut into human shapes by sharp blades, or shot to death randomly.

Each corpse has its own unique way of death and has one word in common.


Then, he passed by an operating table. There was a corpse on the table, with all its limbs chopped off and hanging on the wall.

The whole floor of the house winds around several large rooms, all of which are like a purgatory scene.


There was a massacre here not long ago, an atrocity against the butchers on the ground.

Tang Yu walked into the innermost room without changing his expression and found the target person based on the message address.


He has been paying close attention to V's movements. Thanks to the electronic debt relationship contract, whether V escapes, is injured, faints, etc., the contract will notify him as soon as possible to ensure that the debtor fulfills the contract.

all in all.

V can't escape Tang Yu's control before he pays off his debt.

When he was communicating with Jenkins at Arasaka Tower, he received a message prompt, so he rushed over as soon as possible.

I saw V lying motionless on the ground at the door leading to the balcony not far away, as if he had fainted.

Tang Yu quickly walked over and squatted down, picked up V sideways, and briefly scanned her biological signs.

Apart from being in a coma, there are no other life-threatening conditions, except that the body still has some convulsions.

When Tang Yu saw her like this, he probably was infected by an electronic virus and suffered an electronic gunshot. He was knocked down all of a sudden due to double trauma to his body and body.

He activated the 'weak electric energy control', and the weak electric arc was slowly transmitted along the biological nerve slot at V's neck.

Tang Yu carefully controlled it so as not to move too much and injure V's important parts.

As if thoughts traveled through every part of V's body, Tang Yu quickly completed a preliminary hardware inspection of V's prosthetic body.

There is a slight electromagnetic short circuit fault, which can be solved by sending it to Lao Wei Na for debugging. By the way, a comprehensive electronic virus scan can be performed.

Tang Yu picked up V horizontally, then left the apartment, returned to the Delamain taxi, and went straight to Laowei's underground prosthetic clinic.

Delamain detected Passenger V's symptoms and enthusiastically recommended his new medical package service.

Laode will never forget its roots at any time, and the projects launched in cooperation with major companies and institutions are becoming more and more extensive.

The newly launched medical package this time is to cooperate with the trauma team and include rescue, first aid, emergency and other medical services.

It didn't take long.

Delamain's taxi stopped in front of the fortune-telling house. Tang Yu got out of the car with V in his arms. V in his arms fainted and seemed to be unconscious in a deep sleep, unaware of everything happening in the outside world.

Tang Yu took V into the prosthetic clinic and found that Lao Wei was not sitting at the counter watching the boxing match. Instead, he was standing by the sink washing his hands, as if he had just completed an operation.

"Lao Wei, I've caused you trouble again."

When Lao Wei heard the shouting, he washed his hands and replied while his voice, thick with smoke, was as full of vicissitudes of life as ever.

"Well, we are in trouble again this time. The operating chair has just been disinfected."

Tang Yu placed V on the operating chair and explained: "It should be that when he was on a mission, he was accidentally infected by an electronic virus on the scavenger's territory, and then was hit by a stun gun. He still hasn't recovered from it."

Lao Wei washed his hands, drained the water stains, put on the auxiliary finger cots again, and walked to the operating table.

"Okay, let's see why this talented boxer was knocked out with one blow."

Tang Yu stood beside the operating chair and watched Lao Wei's operation.

He expressed absolute confidence in Lao Wei's craftsmanship.

Moreover, V was not seriously injured this time. The only thing Tang Yu cared about was whether there was any private work contained in the electronic virus.

After connecting to the biological nerve slot, all V's biological signs and prosthetic implant information were read out.

After completing the overall inspection, Lao Wei solved several electromagnetic short circuit problems and said after looking at Tang Yu.

"The minor problem has been taken care of. She will wake up soon. It's best to do a full virus scan to make sure it's clean."

Tang Yu nodded, and then added: "By the way, check her underlying database, you may find some clues."

Lao Wei immediately began to operate the screen, clicking to enter Vzi's underlying database, and data symbols appeared on the electronic screen.

"Her ICE protection has been damaged. It should have been caused by some kind of large data torrent. This is a very dangerous state."

"It seems that it is necessary to upgrade her ICE solid defense, and the software program also needs to be updated to adapt to more complex prosthetic functions."

Tang Yu nodded slightly and agreed with Lao Wei's approach.

The last time V Zi sneaked into the Voodoo Gang's territory in Taiping Prefecture and stole the subnet Poseidon data, the memory chip was burned out by the anti-theft function, so he could only use his own biological nerve data line to connect. Not only did he withstand anti-theft attacks, but he also faced Flood bombardment of subnet Poseidon data.

If an ordinary person makes such a risky move, it is very likely that his brain will be scorched by the flood of data. If he is lucky, he will lose his nerve consciousness and become a madman or a vegetative state.

However, V Zi was able to survive, but the ICE and part of the program were damaged and traumatized, without endangering the brain, which shows the strong carrying capacity of his body.

It can be said that V is a natural prosthetic material. Whether he is a martial artist or a hacker, he can carry more implants than the average person, which is equivalent to God's blessing.

Lao Wei is quickly screening the strings in V's underlying database, trying to find some clues.

Generally speaking, if you want to retrieve someone's underlying database, you need the other party's permission approval, or you need to use technical means to break through.

However, V's ICE was damaged and had many security holes. It was almost impossible to prevent it in the face of experienced hackers and prosthetics doctors.


A string anomaly caught the attention of Lao Wei and Tang Yu. They stopped screening and focused on studying this abnormal string.

After analyzing the string, Lao Wei said bluntly: "It's very strange. The string exception occurred in the memory storage functional area and did not affect the operation of any program. Her brain is still good at the moment."

Tang Yu seemed to have thought of something, and then said: "It's like a thief entered the house and stole something. After looking at it, it was returned to the original owner's fingerprints."

Lao Wei nodded: "This metaphor is very appropriate. It seems that some thieves are already thinking about it. This child has good physical fitness. After the ICE solid defense upgrade is completed, we will give her some good products. Then we can brighten her eyes. You can always tell who the bad guy is.”

Tang Yu looked at V lying on the operating chair and fell into deep thought.

What is certain now is that someone is eyeing V-zi.

Judging from the information currently available, there is a high probability that she is interested in the subnet Poseidon data stored in her memory.

But those data were not perfect, and the other party had not copied Poseidon's data.

It was like a group of thieves had attacked the castle. A thief sneaked into the inner room, walked around in circles, and then tiptoed back.

Tang Yu had already roughly guessed the specific content of this task.

He was all too familiar with the scene of Watson District, scavenging, rescuing hostages, and then being knocked unconscious by electric shock.

It's just that it was him, V and Jack, the three of them massacred the scavenger stronghold and rescued the target person, Sandra Dorsett.

When V finally checked on the naked Sandra, he was accidentally infected by an electronic virus and was shot by the trauma team who arrived.

Think of this.

Tang Yu realized that something was wrong.

If the three of them received a rescue commission and were infected with the virus at the scavenger stronghold, it was just an ordinary job.

But now, this bizarre scene has reappeared again, and it still falls on V.

This made Tang Yu raise some bad suspicions. Is it possible that the mission to rescue Sandra Dorsett was not a simple rescue commission, but had a deeper purpose behind it.

In other words.

There are some hidden pushers who deliberately involve V in a situation.

The butterfly effect has already occurred.

Many people and things around Tang Yu are undergoing major changes, and everything is different from what he has experienced.

Why do some things still happen, as if someone is controlling it from somewhere.

The details of Sandra Dorsett are not difficult to find out. Tang Yu already knew her identity. An employee of Ye's Company was abducted and kidnapped by scavengers because he discovered some secrets of Ye's Company.

The problem is back to the original point.

Why can the scavenger, who has always been extremely cruel, tolerate Sandra Dorsett to spend so many days unharmed and lie in the water tank intact, except for the electronic virus in her brain, as clean as if she had taken a cold bath at home? Bathing is no different.

Tang Yu knew the Scavengers very well. Even though Sandra Dorsett was from a noble family, it did not affect the speed of their cruel attacks.

Everything points in one direction.

Ye's company.

However, these are just Tang Yu's speculations for the time being, and he does not intend to disclose them to anyone before they are confirmed.

Because no one except him could detect the abnormality of this commission.

It sounds perfectly normal for a cyberpunk to run into scavenger territory to save people, and then accidentally gets infected by an electronic virus.

Tang Yu put aside his thoughts and waited for Lao Wei to finish virus scanning, ICE solid defense upgrade, and control software program update, and then implanted a new prosthetic body into V.

Qilu Si's optical eyes.

After everything was settled, Lao Wei unlocked the port control, allowing V to wake up on his own.

V dimly opened a slit in his eye.

The familiar scenes of shadowless lamps, red consulting rooms, and somewhat shabby blue leather operating chairs made her seem very puzzled.

She looked around vaguely, but her vision was still blurry, as if the camera was zooming in and out.

But he could roughly distinguish the two people in front of him, namely Lao Wei from the prosthetic clinic and Tang Yu who was wearing a suit.

Lao Wei asked in a deep voice: "How do you feel, kid?"

V heard a familiar voice, tried hard to control his eyes, and finally adjusted the focus, and the whole world instantly became extremely clear.

"Well, there seems to be something different. It feels like I can see more clearly and wipe away the mist in front of my eyes."

She suddenly thought of what happened last time. When she woke up, she was equipped with a high-end prosthetic arm. Could it be that this time she woke up with something hard again?

V blinked and felt a foreign body sensation. It was obvious that he had undergone surgery.

Lao Wei smiled and joked: "It seems that you have discovered it and implanted Qilu Si optical prosthetic eyes in you. This is the best product I have left."

"Qilusi? This is a serious high-end product!" V was surprised and a little unbelievable.

I've only been to Laowei twice, and I've already gotten so much good equipment.

"Maybe, but you want more, and I don't have any more here." Lao Wei spread his hands and warned softly: "You may feel a little uncomfortable at first, such as blurred vision, sensitivity to light, or even Can't see the colors clearly, has frame skipping but will be fine soon."

He prepared this Qilu Division Optical Eye at that time, intending to leave it to Tang Yu when he returned to Night City.

But after learning from Jack that Tang Yu chose not to undergo basic prosthetic transformation, he made a pair of smart glasses.

Therefore, this expensive Qilu Si Optical Eye remained in Lao Wei's prosthetic clinic.

This time I happened to meet V, so I took it out and installed it for her.

V nodded, and the vision in front of him gradually returned to clear and saturated, with almost no abnormalities.

Lao Wei continued: "Try the scanner. I have opened a character database for you. I got it from the NCPD. You need this more than Tang."

V immediately started scanning to identify the old dimension in front of him, and all the information was displayed in front of him.


She looked at Tang Yu again and found that no information could be scanned. The identity in the suit was indeed different.

Tang Yu said: "It's a bit impolite to scan in front of others."

V turned off the scan and pretended to be nonchalant, hiding his guilty conscience and trying to get through: "I know, I haven't gotten used to it the first time I use it, so I have to take some time to adjust. I will pay attention to it in the future."

"I owe you another favor this time. If you have anything to do in the future, just come to me and never say anything."

Tang Yu joked: "Miss V, who said that I only owe you a favor? Apart from the fact that I went to rescue you, I did a full virus scan, ICE solid defense upgrade, and Qilusi prosthetic body implantation at Laowei." This is no small favor.”

The more V Zi listened, the more guilty he became. Then he looked at Lao Wei and said with some embarrassment: "Ahem, Lao Wei, I want to ask you, how much is the cost this time? I will never owe you, including the principal and interest, I will not I will default on my debt, don’t worry.”

Lao Wei waved his hand and said, "Well, you don't have to worry about money. Saving your life is more important than anything else. If you really want to thank me, just tell Tang."

V was stunned. She heard the implication of Lao Wei's words. After this wave of operations, the entire account was charged to Tang Yu.

But being remembered on Tang Yu is no different from being remembered on her. It's just another high debt on top of a pile of high debts.

"Lao Wei, I want to pay for this myself."

"No problem, just explain it to Tang clearly. As for how you talk, I'm old and I don't quite understand how you young people think." After Lao Wei finished speaking, he got up and left the operating table to pack the tools.

Seeing that Lao Wei was about to leave, and only Tang Yu was left standing in front of her, V suddenly became even more flustered. She was about to speak to stop Lao Wei, but stopped when she reached her lips.

She seemed to have compromised. She raised her head and looked at Tang Yu faintly. She felt that her waist could not be strengthened. She just wanted to say thank you, but she didn't know how to say it. After struggling for a moment, she simply said in a haughty tone.

"Tell me what you want."

Tang Yu looked at the frustrated V, and couldn't help but feel like bullying her again, and smiled playfully.

"Why, I dare to get you so many high-end goods, but you blame me instead."

"A kind-hearted person like me is hard to find even with a lantern in the entire Night City. You have such good eyes implanted, shouldn't you be able to see more clearly?"

V was speechless for a moment.

It seems that Tang Yu has not done anything extraordinary so far. He has advanced the car loan, house loan, hand loan, and eye loan, and the benefits have indeed fallen on her, and she has not even received any interest.

But she just felt aggrieved for no reason, and felt that this man in a suit was full of evil.

He pried her chin up, forced to sell her a car, and did so many things without asking her opinion.


Just disrespectful!

But V is not the kind of squeamish girl. She lives on the streets in a carefree way and doesn't care about these minutiae. She has punished many street gangsters in the past.

But for some reason, she always felt so suppressed that she couldn't lift her head in front of Tang Yu. Her iron-like fists couldn't use her strength in front of this number one gangster.

V calmed down his messy mood and returned to his usual sharp tone: "You are from the company, and we can do business on an official basis. Now I really don't have the money to repay the debt, but in Night City, everything can be discussed."

"Whatever your needs are, assassinations, transportation, rescuing people, etc., I can take care of any way of living. A transaction can repay a debt, and you and I will be happy."

After listening, Tang Yu nodded thoughtfully and agreed: "I think your proposal is good. After all, with your earning power, I'm afraid you may not be able to pay it back in the next ten years."

V: "."

"Now that you've said so, don't go back on your word when the time comes. After all, the most important thing for Ms. V in the world is credibility." Tang Yu joked with a smile, feeling that V is more and more fun.

V coughed twice, avoiding Tang Yu's direct gaze, and said seriously: "Don't worry, I'm never vague about business matters. Tell me, what do you need me to do? It happens to be free now."

"But I solemnly remind you once again that my name is V, not some little Miss V!"

V couldn't understand why the man in a suit in front of him always liked to call her this, and it was so smooth, making it seem like they were very familiar with each other.


V realized something, and seemed to have found the reason why he felt strange when getting along with Tang Yu.

That's what it feels like.

Tang Yu always acted like he was familiar with her, but she had obviously just met him not long ago.

V looked at Tang Yu with some suspicion, and felt more and more that his smile was extremely evil. No man dared to look at her like this since she was a child.

Tang Yu said bluntly: "Well, it doesn't matter if you don't like this title. Then our first deal is that your nickname will be V from now on. As for the reward, 10,000 euros should be enough."

Ten thousand euros plus a nickname?

V was stunned.

Even if it's to pay off debt, it wouldn't be such an exaggeration.

She felt that the man in the suit in front of her must have gone crazy to exchange 10,000 euros for a nickname.

She really couldn't understand the world of rich people, but she was greatly shocked and at the same time expressed a certain contempt for it.

Is it great to be rich?

V refused unceremoniously: "Others are okay, but not this one."

Tang Yu was also unambiguous and asked again: "What if we add a deadline to this title, and it is limited to today?"


10,000 euros a day, just to be called a bitch?

I'm afraid he's not crazy anymore, but he's suffering from severe cyberpsychosis.

But Tang Yu couldn't even find an implant in his body. Where did the cyberpsychosis come from?


V swallowed, it was hard to say the words of rejection.

Tang Yu saw that Vzi still refused, so he was confused again: "Then I will add another condition. This title is only for you and me. What do you think this time?"

In order for V to accept this title, Tang Yu spent a lot of effort.


He finally found an opportunity and gently slapped V on the face with banknotes before she made a lot of money. It seemed more interesting.

V was really torn and didn't know what to do, so he had no choice but to say: "Okay, okay, you can call me whatever you want, I'll just call you V."

Seeing V's submission, Tang Yu nodded with satisfaction, and then continued: "Miss V, since the operation has been completed, we will not disturb Lao Wei. I will take you out for a walk."

Tang Yu turned around and walked towards the door of the prosthetic clinic. He said goodbye to Lao Wei first, then turned back and urged V to follow him quickly.

V stood up and left the operating chair. After thanking Lao Wei, he caught up with Tang Yu and asked with some anxiety: "Go out for a walk. What are you going to do? If there is nothing else, I will go to pick up the commission later."

The two climbed the steps and came to the street.

"From now on, I will rent you a day for 10,000 euros. You are not allowed to make any excuses to leave." Tang Yu looked at V and said lightly, and asked V to drive her Renfield.

V was unable to complain, but he didn't expect Tang Yu to actually do what he said.

in a blink.

Her debt was immediately reduced by 20,000 euros.

If this continues, it might not take half a year to pay off the debt.

She turned her prosthetic eyes and summoned the blue beast Renfield to ride in the super coupe of the Sword of the Lake Lady.

The sports car's scissor door wings automatically unfold, revealing a luxurious and sophisticated high-tech interior.

Tang Yu sat directly in the passenger seat, and V Zi was responsible for driving the vehicle.

V held the steering wheel with both hands, listened to the roar of the vehicle's engine, and turned on real-time projection. The images outside the vehicle were restored to the inside of the vehicle one-to-one.

She took a deep breath, calmed down and asked, "Where are you going?"

Tang Yu replied: "Go to the Heywood Valley area."

V gently stepped on the accelerator, and the blue beast began to drive on the wide road, attracting many people's attention and taking photos.

As she drove the vehicle, she seemed to think for a long time and asked a question.

"Why are you doing this to me?"

This question was straightforward, but it was also what she wanted to know most.

Why would a senior executive of a company get involved with him again and again?

If Tang Yu didn't mean it, he wouldn't believe it even if he was beaten to death.

Tang Yu reminded: "Don't be distracted. If the car is scratched, your day will be in vain."

V: "."

Rebecca: "Instant Noodle Sauce, it's the holidays, do you have time to come out for a drink?"

Instant Noodles: "I can't do it. I owe a lot of debt and haven't paid it back. The boss of the 'Meow Rabbit' financial backer has become the helmsman. His fingers typing on the keyboard are so smashed that he is trembling. He doesn't dare to play."

Rebecca: "Instant Noodle Jiang, you are really hard to date. If you don't come out, forget it. I originally wanted to take you to shoot, because I know someone who knows the company, and he belongs to the company, but now I won't give you a chance, hum!"


No more tonight, it’s the end of the year and I’m so busy.

There are still some alliance leaders who have not paid back the extra money, so we should try to pay it back before the end of the year.

I'm afraid I won't be able to rest during the Chinese New Year, so I want to continue rushing.

My book scores have been rising. This may be the best month. I got the premium badge today.

Recommendations next week.

Thanks to the following donors for the reward.

Streaming empty 1.00

Super duck 15.00

Book Friends 20210301106500247890 1.00

One Seven 59 30.00

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