Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 174 Terrorist Mobile Team

Haywood Valley area.

A blue supercar was driving leisurely on the road.

Whenever it passes through a place with heavy traffic, the Blue Supercar will slow down and even stop and wait when encountering pedestrians crossing the road.

V held the steering wheel tightly with both hands, stared at the surroundings attentively, and drove the super car with extreme caution.

Now she is keeping her nerves high, fearing that the expensive sports car will be scratched, so as not to pay a high price. After all, she is already burdened with debts.


They arrived at their next destination.

Jinguji Temple.

V Zi parked the car steadily in a special parking space, and light signs immediately floated around the parking space, surrounding the entire car, warning people or vehicles around him not to approach.

After parking the car and turning off the engine, she breathed a sigh of relief. She smoothed her hair, which had just been dyed black and straightened, and tucked a few strands of hair from her temples behind her ears. She felt quite uncomfortable.

Now V not only has long hair shawl, but also has fine and lovely bangs scattered on the eyebrows, adding a bit of youthful and pure atmosphere.

With a flawless oval face without makeup, beautiful big eyes, and sexy little lips, she is pure and lustful.

The full potential of top-notch looks has been unleashed like never before.

The supercar's scissor doors automatically rose, and the two of them stepped out of the car.

After V locked the car, he followed Tang Yu's pace without saying a word and seemed to be in a low mood.

She followed Tang Yu step by step, fiddling with her black hair from time to time. The hair twirled between her fingers, and she looked at it over and over again, no matter how she looked at it, she felt weird.

V sighed helplessly, inexplicably remembering the colorful afros of the past, which were both trendy and independent.

The reason why she changed into this long, straight black look was entirely thanks to Tang Yu.

If Tang Yu hadn't insisted on taking her to get a haircut, he also found several stylists to discuss the design. After a final debate, Tang Yu decided on the current hairstyle without asking her opinion from the beginning to the end.

V didn't want to change any hairstyle, mainly because she had been used to it since she was a child.

But he couldn't stand up to Tang Yu's money-making ability, so he had to compromise and was forced to get a long haircut and completely change his look.

She really couldn't bear to see her hair being ruined by the barber, so she kept her eyes closed throughout the haircut, not daring to see the result.

When the two of them passed by a luxury store on the street, Vzi saw her reflection in the electronic mirror screen and was suddenly startled.


"Is this still me?"

V couldn't believe that the figure in the mirror was so different from her former self, and couldn't help but shuddered all over.

When the beautiful waitress in the luxury store saw V standing in a daze at the door of the store, even though she was dressed like a street kid, she still smiled brightly and said: "Sister, you are so beautiful! This is my first time. Seeing your beautiful face."

Only then did V come back to his senses and looked at the luxury store clerk. Faced with the compliment, he didn't know whether to thank her or scold her.

In desperation, V had no choice but to laugh awkwardly and muttered.


"This word cannot be related to me."

V lowered his head and did not dare to look around anymore. He quickly continued to follow Tang Yu's footsteps, not knowing what he wanted to do.

As soon as she started, V accidentally bumped into someone and felt her forehead hit the other person's chest. She was not happy at all. Just when she was about to open her mouth to say a few curse words, she heard a familiar voice.

"We've arrived."

Only then did V realize that the person he bumped into was Tang Yu. He took two steps back and returned to the front of the store. He found that the uniform of the waiter just now had the logo of Jinguji Temple printed on it.

Jinguji Temple?

This place is a serious high-end custom-made clothing store. People who usually come here to buy clothes are either rich or expensive.

Any piece of clothing here costs tens of thousands of euros, and the more expensive ones can even sell for tens of thousands of euros. It is simply not a place that a street mercenary like her can afford.

The beautiful waiter from Jinguji Temple greeted V warmly again: "Welcome to the store to buy."

V looked at Tang Yu again to confirm whether he had mistakenly entered the store, but found that the other party had already entered the store without looking back.

She had no choice but to keep up. If Tang Yu wanted to buy clothes here, it didn't matter if he waited here.

The beautiful waiter accompanied V and began to introduce the styles of women's clothing in Jinguji Temple in detail: "Is this your first time shopping in Jinguji Temple? We can measure your body first and record your exclusive customer file so that we can You choose or customize suitable and decent clothing"

V felt a little embarrassed. Her clothes seemed out of place here, and she didn't even have the money to buy a sewing machine, let alone the clothes from Jinguji Temple, so she declined softly.

"Thank you, no need. He wants to buy clothes. I'm just following him around." V said and pointed to Tang Yu, who was walking in front. He was wearing a retro plate-style suit. At first glance, he looked like a wealthy corporate dog in a suit.

The beautiful waiter did not leave V's side, but smiled meaningfully and insisted on explaining: "Please rest assured that as a valued customer of our company, I believe that we will provide you with satisfactory service and purchase satisfactory clothing."

Seeing that the other party was so persistent, V had no choice but to laugh a few times, and said frankly: "The ugly thing is, I can't afford any of your clothes. You see, I don't have much money in my pocket. "

After saying that, she put her hands into her trouser pockets, preparing to take out the remaining banknotes as evidence that she had no money.

When I was digging into my pocket, I accidentally fell out two small euro banknotes.

The beautiful waiter put her legs together, covered her uniform skirt with one hand, squatted down elegantly, and picked up the banknotes on the ground for V.

She smoothed the note gently and handed it back to V-zi, her expression still enthusiastic.

V took the note and thanked him awkwardly.

She wouldn't hit the smiling person with her fists. Since the other person was so insistent, she couldn't refuse anymore.

Accompanied by the beautiful waiter, V wandered around the store aimlessly.

She saw Tang Yu walking into the clothing store under the leadership of another tailor, probably to have his body measured.

Anyway, it’s okay now. V is also interested in the expensive clothes sold by Jinguji Temple. He wants to know how much these clothes, which seem to have so few scraps and can’t even cover the shoulders and navel, will cost and which ones they are. People are buying.

The beautiful waiter patiently and meticulously answered the questions one by one, emphasizing that the target customer group of Jinguji Temple is only for high-end and wealthy people.

in short.

Jinguji Temple only deals with the business of a small group of wealthy people.

V Zi sneered inwardly.

‘I’m afraid only a fool would buy this piece of clothing. ’

She asked, "Excuse me, can I touch this dress and try it out?"

The beautiful waiter nodded and indicated that she could try it on.

V quickly explained that she was just curious about the difference between the fabrics of these clothes and the clothes outside.

She touched a few pieces casually and felt that these women's clothes were more brittle than paper. They might break the thread after wearing them with a few raised legs.

Accompanied by the beautiful waiter, V looked at the clothes for a while, returned to the front desk of the lobby, and was ready to leave after Tang Yu came out.

It didn't take long.

Tang Yu came out, looked at V and asked seriously: "Is there an acceptable style?"

V was stunned. What this meant was that Tang Yu wanted to buy her clothes, and he quickly refused: "No, no, no, to be honest, I have no interest in the clothes here. The clothes here are not suitable."

Before she finished speaking, Tang Yu interrupted her and said bluntly: "Pack up all the clothes she saw, asked about, and touched just now."

V: "???"

The beautiful waiter's eyes flashed brightly, and the result was as she expected from the beginning.

Judging from her many years of experience in the high-end clothing sales industry, it is impossible for a powerful company executive to bring such a beautiful girl and wear such shabby clothes to the Jingu Temple other than studing and packing. Two possibilities.

It's just that the girl in front of him is obviously still in the dark, and has no idea what the other person's intention is.

The beautiful waiter heard Tang Yu's instructions and looked at V with envy. She couldn't help but sigh at her good luck to meet such a generous socialite and have such a beautiful face.

V was really confused. He could do nothing but stare at Tang Yu's behavior as a nouveau riche.

This is not about paying off debts, it is clearly about having fun with yourself.

While the waiter was packing the clothes, she saw Tang Yu sitting on the sofa, drinking tea calmly.

If V was still patient at the beginning, he played house with Tang Yu, a company executive in a suit.

As of now, she is really serious and angry.

No matter how rich Tang Yu is, there is no need to tease people like this. She doesn't care about these things at all.

V stood in front of Tang Yu with a serious expression, staring at him and speaking seriously.

"Wearing a suit, I was wrong to steal your car. I should pay off the debt."

"You and Lao Wei saved me. I will never default on the debt you owe me. I will definitely keep my words."

"But is this interesting to you? There is no need to make me happy."

"If you really have something to say, just say it and please stop playing these tricks."

"That's it for today, please return the clothes."


V turned around and walked out of the store, leaving Tang Yu, who was sitting firmly on the sofa drinking tea, and the beautiful waiter who had just packed his clothes with a stunned look on his face.

She had really had enough these days. After returning to Night City, she owed a bunch of debts for no reason, lost her arm in a mission, and was attacked by an electronic virus not long ago.

It really made her feel very unlucky. The irritability in her heart couldn't stop popping up. She clenched her left iron fist unconsciously, and she had the urge to blow everything up.

Just as Viko was about to leave Jinguji Temple, she suddenly saw a man slowly walking towards the door of the store, blowing a gentle whistle.

What caught V's attention was that the other person looked slovenly and was holding out a mantis knife with both hands. From that angle, he didn't look like he was in a store to buy clothes.

I saw the other party ducking into the Jingu Temple at a very fast speed, quietly approaching behind a customer, and easily cutting him in half with a swing of his knife.

After the action, he was still humming a strange little tune, shaking his head and continuing to walk towards the house.

Mr. V looked horrified.


The other party entered the house without asking what was right or wrong. He directly raised the knife and cut the person in two. Without any intention of stopping, he continued to attack another customer.

Such a crazy performance, there is no other possibility except cyber madman.

After the cyber madman killed two people in a row, he immediately caused panic among the crowd in the palace. People wearing expensive clothes screamed and fled in all directions.

"Cyber ​​madman, cyber madman!!!"

"Help, there's a cybermaniac!"

"Oh my god, run away, run away!"

Facing the cold-blooded cyber madman, no one wants to stay here and wait for death.

Before V could react, the gate at the gate of Jinguji Temple automatically fell down, locking everyone in the shop.

The red lights inside Jinguji Temple flashed, and the piercing alarm sounded constantly.

She immediately looked back at the front desk and saw a waiter hiding under the counter, activating the blocking system and calling the NCPD.

V cursed secretly.

Now locked in a hall with a cyber madman, everyone's life will be in danger before NCPD is sent for support, especially Tang Yu, who is defenseless.

While V was distracted, the cybermaniac had killed four people in the store.

It seemed that the more he killed, the more comfortable he felt, and he even started laughing happily.

The crazy cyber maniac locked his sights on Tang Yu. His goal seemed to be very clear. He always aimed at people in suits and started massacring them. He seemed to have an abnormal hatred for such people.

The cyber maniac ignored V in front of him and rushed straight towards Tang Yu who was behind V.

V didn't care about anything else, clenched his fist tightly with his left hand, and punched the cyber madman when he passed by.

The Cybermaniac did not dodge, and directly hit the opponent's door with a steel fist, sending him flying to the other side.

After the cyber madman fell to the ground, he was not disturbed by the sunken wounds on his face. He continued to struggle to get up and wanted to kill Tang Yu, while he kept mumbling.

"If there's not a single good person in the company, I'll kill them all."

V rushed forward without hesitation, trampled him to the ground, raised his heavy iron fist, and smashed the cybermaniac in the face like crazy.

One punch, two punches, three punches.

After countless punches, the cybermaniac on the ground had changed beyond recognition and was completely dead.

But V still didn't let him go and continued to punch hard.

When she raised her fist again, she was stopped by a hand.

"V son." Tang Yu held her wrist firmly and said in a deep voice.

V turned around, with a few drops of blood on her cheeks, and the anger and murderous intent that had not faded were still lingering between her eyes.

She gasped heavily and looked directly at Tang Yu in front of her, motionless.

After a while.

Only then did V release his iron fist and retract his foot from stepping on the cybermaniac.

Perhaps because of her excessive emotion and the excessive exertion just now, her chest was still rising and falling slightly, and her whole body exuded a sharp aura.

What made her feel weird was that a sentence was constantly being repeated in her mind, a sentence from the cyber madman just now.

“There is nothing good about the company”

This made her feel a little nervous.

V took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes, trying to dispel the strange sound.

Just as V was trying to calm down, the electronic gate of Jinguji Temple opened automatically.

A group of people walked in, wearing black tactical uniforms, wearing tactical multifunctional helmets, and holding heavy machine guns.

When the Jinguji Temple attendant saw them, he quickly stood up and went to greet them, saying, "It's great that you are here. Come on, there is a cyber lunatic here."

Tang Yu looked up and saw that the people entering the room were the Terrorist Mobile Team, which specializes in dealing with cyber lunatics and enjoys a prestigious reputation in the Night City.

The violent terrorist mobile team quickly sealed off the scene. The first officer of the violent terrorist mobile team approached and learned about the situation from the waiter.

Seeing the cyber madman who had been killed, she couldn't help but look at V. He smashed a cyber madman to death with his bare hands. This cruelty caught her attention.

The officer of the Violent Terrorist Mobile Team took the initiative to step forward and said in a cold voice: "In accordance with the established procedures, I am now asking you for information related to this attack."

When V heard the stranger asking questions, he opened his eyes and looked at the leader of the Terrorist Mobile Team.

After a moment of silence, she slowly spoke and roughly recounted everything that happened at the scene and how she killed the cybermaniac.

The violent terrorist mobile captain listened and recorded, and then added: "This cyber madman seems to follow a specific habit of killing people. The four people who died just now were all people wearing suits."

After speaking, she raised her head and glanced at Tang Yu. Her eyes were blocked by tactical goggles and her expression could not be seen.

V couldn't help but think of what the cybermaniac said, but he didn't tell the commander of the violent terrorist mobile unit in front of him.

The other party continued to take notes and said as if talking to himself: "You did a good job. Jinguji sealed the scene in time. You took action to deal with the cyber madman without causing more casualties."

V had no reaction to this. She didn't care about these things at all. What really puzzled her was why this cybermaniac was targeting company employees in suits, and what was his hidden purpose.

She looked at Tang Yu beside her, her eyes filled with concern.

The commander of the violent terrorist mobile team quickly finished taking notes, put away the electronic tablet in his hand, and called other team members to prepare to close the team. Before leaving, he specifically said to V.

"If this feels good to you, you can contact me, Melissa Rory, senior operative of the Terrorist Mobile Team."


Melissa Rory left the scene with the violent terrorist mobile team, leaving only corpses and mess on the ground.

After experiencing the cybermaniac's experience, all the customers in the entire Jingu Temple ran away.

The beautiful waiter had recovered from her panic and stepped forward to apologize to Tang Yu and V. Jinguji Temple would provide compensation for this unexpected situation.

Tang Yu was not interested in Jinguji's compensation. It was nothing more than some discount coupons and asked the waiter to continue packing the clothes.

Seeing that V had calmed down, Tang Yu asked, "Are you angry?"

The cyber madman who just entered the store and attacked him was not very strong. He could do a sneak attack, but he was no match for him in a head-on confrontation.

Tang Yu saw a hint of weirdness in V's fierceness and angry mood.

V put down his hands and shook his head helplessly: "No, I was wrong for what I just said. Don't take it to heart."

After she calmed down, she realized that her inexplicable irritability had nothing to do with Tang Yu.

Although Tang Yu always liked to tease her, he had never deceived her, and even saved her life. She kept this kindness in her heart.

But V vaguely felt that something was affecting her, an indescribable smell.


She continued: "Do you have anything else to do later? I'm free today and can talk to you for a while."

Affected by the cybermaniac just now, V was still a little scared.

If it was Tang Yu who was standing at the door at that time, then it is very likely that he is lying on the ground now.

She has never hated Tang Yu, but she can't accept that Tang Yu is always cynical and teases her at every turn.

Everything was obviously good for her, but she always had such a company-like attitude that she couldn't handle both soft and hard, and she felt inexplicably aggrieved.

But now it seems that Tang Yu standing next to him alive is the best result.

Seeing V's sudden change of temper, Tang Yu joked: "Why, you are about to find a new home, so you are willing to make time to spend time with me?"

"I have to say that the Terrorist Mobile Team is really suitable for you. Sometimes you should kill a few people to vent your bad mood."

He was referring to the invitation sent by Melissa Rory to V from the Terrorist Mobile Team. For the unemployed V, joining the Terrorist Mobile Team had many benefits.

Although the Terrorist Mobile Team is officially affiliated with the NCPD, it actually maintains an independent command and dispatch system and is in a relatively neutral position.

As the most powerful department of the NCPD, the Terrorist Mobile Team not only receives the most resource support, but also has sponsorship from major companies.

Their existence is an important cornerstone of the stability of the entire city.

The Terrorist Mobile Team has a clear mission, specializing in dealing with out-of-control cyber lunatics and large-scale murderous riots.

Therefore, they are very well-equipped, and those who join the Terrorist Mobile Team almost all have top-notch combat implants.

If V can join the Terrorist Mobile Team, he won't have to worry about improving his strength.

V seemed to be infected by Tang Yu's joke, so he replied: "I'm not as perverted as you. I have to vent my anger by fucking others."

While the two were chatting, the waiter packed up all the clothes and delivered them over.

Tang Yu motioned to V to bring all his clothes and prepare to leave for the next stop.

V hurriedly followed with large and small bags, and asked as he walked: "Wearing a suit, what do you want to do? You are doing your hair, and you are buying clothes and accessories."

"If you really think you have too much money, you can just donate it. It's also good to do some charity, so you don't have to worry about anything every day."

Tang Yu replied: "You little clever guy, how did you know that we are going to do charity? The clothes we bought for you are for tonight's charity party."

"Get in the car and drive there now, the time is just right."

V was confused.

Charity Gala?

She quickly refused: "I won't go to any charity party. I have never attended any party in my life."

"I can't sing or dance. I'm afraid I'll embarrass you if I go there. If you, a high-ranking company executive, take me there, wouldn't it be a joke if others listen to me?"

Tang Yu stood in front of Renfield and said with a smile: "Although you are not good at everything, you can be more confident in your appearance."

V was speechless for a moment. According to Tang Yu's words, he meant that she was a vase with only appearance, and couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

'Hehe, you're so embarrassed to be wearing a suit. You don't even have a decent implant on your body. If I hadn't come out with you because I felt sorry for you, I probably wouldn't have survived tonight.'

V thought so in his heart, but changed his mind and said, "No, no, I didn't even change into a dress for the party. I can't go to the party dressed like this. If you don't think it's embarrassing, I'd still feel embarrassed."

Tang Yu sat directly in the driver's seat, and after V got into the car with a pile of packaging bags, he smiled and said, "It's okay, just change in the car."

Seeing the V face, Tang Yu froze instantly, and added: "Don't worry, there is everything you need to see."

V grabbed Tang Yu's hand, put it in his mouth and bit it, grinning.

"No! Accurate! Again! Mention it!"

North Oak.

Stone Mountain Peak, Wood Estate.

On the neat runway, luxury cars one after another began to enter slowly.

From time to time, floating cars come down from the sky and fall into the spacious and unique manor.

at this time.

A blue beast supercar rushed through the courtyard gate and passed several high-end business cars one after another.

After a sudden braking, the supercar stopped steadily in front of a red carpet and arrived at its destination.

Party scene.

It is not only the annual meeting of Ye's company, but also a charity party, and it is also a grand event where celebrities from Night City gather.

As a local giant in Night City, Ye's Company was developed from the Ye's Foundation founded by Miriam Knight, the wife of the city's founder Richard Knight, and has made an indelible contribution to the prosperity of this city. .

Miriam Knight inherited her late husband's will and led the Ye Company to invest in the construction of Night City, striving to build the ideal city in their hearts.


Ye's Company has an extraordinary status in Night City, and Miriam Knight also enjoys a high reputation and extensive connections.

This party has publicly announced that Miriam Knight, who has been retired from behind the scenes for many years, will appear at the party.

This news was quite sensational. All the dignitaries from the entire Night City came in droves, feeling honored and proud to receive this invitation to the party.

The scissor door of the blue supercar rose and opened. Tang Yu got out of the car first, then walked to the co-pilot and opened the door.

He extended his hand like a gentleman and invited his female companion to get out of the car.

V, who was sitting in the passenger seat, blushed a little at Tang Yu's actions and knocked his hand off.

"I can walk by myself"


V held the hem of her skirt with one hand and grabbed the roof of the car with the other, stepped on her high heels carefully, and leaned out.

But for the first time she wore high heels, she accidentally sprained her legs just as she stood up, and then quickly hooked Tang Yu's arm to stabilize her figure.

"Well if you don't want to use a cane, it's better to hold on to me."

V had no choice but to compromise and had no choice but to hold Tang Yu's arm and step onto the red carpet with small steps.

Both of them were seen solemnly wearing black dresses. What was different was that V wore a thin black gauze mask, black crystal shoes, and a slender waist with a belt to outline a perfect figure, showing the mysterious feeling of a black beauty. .

While walking holding Tang Yu's arm, V complained fiercely: "I said no, but you insist on forcing yourself."

Tang Yu smiled and said bluntly: "It doesn't matter, I'll add more money."

V: "."

Before the two of them had walked a few steps, Tang Yu saw a familiar face. It was his old boss Arthur Jenkins, who came up to him from a short distance away.

Jenkins came to the two of them holding a wine glass and said with a smile:

"Don, you are late."

"I have a special friend who I must recommend you to meet."

"He told me personally that he has admired your name for a long time."


Tang Yu looked in the direction he pointed and saw a bald man with a big belly waving his hand in this direction.

It is Lucius Lane, the current mayor of Night City.

Tang Yu nodded slightly in response, walking slowly with a trembling V.

No more tonight.

Fortunately, I kept it updated.

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