Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 175 Power is the oldest building

V, dressed in a black dress, held Tang Yu's arm tightly with both hands, not daring to relax at all.

In order to avoid being spotted, I could only stand on tiptoes and walk slowly on black crystal high heels.

The red carpet was neatly laid out on the lawn, leading straight to the steps of the new manor villa.

Due to the extremely slow pace of the two, the runway not far behind them began to become congested one after another.

The manor concierge is responsible for maintaining order on site. According to etiquette reception requirements, only one pair of VIPs can walk on the red carpet at a time, so those behind them need to wait in line.

V Zi wore a black butterfly half-face mask, which greatly concealed his true expression.

When Tang Yu proposed to take her to the dance, she stated that she must wear a mask, otherwise she would never participate.

She was extremely grateful for this decision. If she really made a fool of herself, at least no one would recognize her, even though she didn't know anyone there.

At such a high-end and upper-class party, she, a mercenary who lives on the streets, would naturally have no interaction with the people here. If it weren't for Tang Yu, she would never have come to a place like this in her life.

at this time.

The old boss, Arthur Jenkins, stood on the lawn not far away and raised his glass to Tang Yu with a smile on his face.

Tang Yu saw Jenkins' actions. There were many people standing around him, all wearing expensive dresses, gathering together to talk and laugh. They should be in the same circle of friends as Jenkins.

He led V towards the direction of Jenkins.

Stepping from the red carpet to the lawn, V obviously felt extremely uncomfortable. The soil of the lawn was soft and loose, and his center of gravity was unstable when he stepped on it.

V had no choice but to lean half of his body on Tang Yu's arm to reduce the pressure of the high heels and stabilize his body.

Jenkins seemed to feel that Tang Yu's pace was a bit slow, so he took the initiative to take a few steps forward and greeted him warmly.

When V saw Tang Yu next to him replying, he had no choice but to nod and nod. He didn't say much and focused all his energy on uniforming the two high heels.

Jenkins saw the abnormality of the female companion next to Tang Yu, but smiled heartily, ignored it, and continued to introduce Tang Yu to the mayor of Night City who was standing not far away.

Lucius Lane.

He had a big belly and seemed to have heard the flattery from the people around him. His face was full of smiles and he was very happy.

Jenkins called the bartender, picked up a cocktail and handed it to Tang Yu, then picked up another glass and prepared to hand it to V.

Tang Yu declined on behalf of V, saying that she did not drink.

Jenkins shook his head meaningfully, put the wine glass back on the serving plate, and said with a smile.

"Tang, maybe you rarely attend such parties and don't know much about the party's stories."

"In my opinion, a party is a romantic movie that belongs only to men."

Romantic movie?

Tang Yu smiled. It seemed that Diamond King Laowu Jenkins had a unique and distinct personal understanding of the party.

"How do you say this?" Tang Yu asked as he walked.

Because of taking care of V, Tang Yu walked very slowly, even taking a casual stroll with Jenkins.

When it came to the field he was most good at, Jenkins got drunk and immediately started using the topic.

"Don, think about it, a party is like a battle."

"Before the show starts, the men prepare solemnly. They will be armed with fancy clothes, cars, watches, etc., and expensive accessories that they don't usually wear will be displayed."

After hearing what Jenkins said, V looked around curiously and found that, as he said, almost everyone was wearing all kinds of luxury goods, and watches were the most common.

Not to mention luxury cars. On the road outside the manor, there are rows of high-end cars, including many high-end aerospace vehicles with sky-high prices.

Jenkins continued to explain confidently: "But whether the decoration is expensive or not depends on the occasion."

"If you wear it during a casual chat or gathering, it will look different."

"But on an occasion like tonight, no matter how expensive a watch is, it seems too ordinary, and even a top-notch luxury car can't cause any waves."

"These external luxuries cannot make you the center of attention and attract more social attention."

After listening, V felt that what Jenkins said actually made some sense.

In many occasions where the upper class and the powerful gather together, no matter how extravagant and expensive the clothes are, they can only be reduced to the background of the party.

She was a little curious, this party was like a follow-up to the battlefield theory.

"The reason why I am keen on decorating myself with those vulgar luxuries is just to save the face that is thinner than paper." Jenkins raised his hand, stretched out two fingers, and pinched it in front of him.

"So in this party where no swords can be seen, there are only two things that determine a man's face."

"The first is power status, which is a man's main weapon on the battlefield. Power is no different from real estate. The closer to the center, the more expensive it is."

"Look." Jenkins pointed to Lucius Lane again. The crowd gathered around him, drinking and talking and laughing.


He pointed to another place, where a group of people gathered together in twos and threes, and the excitement was not as lively as Lucius Lane's.

"That's a high-ranking member of the Night City Municipal Council, who has always had trouble getting along with Lucius Lane."

"Back then, he was a strong competitor of Lucius Lane. Because he had received lobbying bribes from military technology, he was on the wrong team during the All-Metal War seven years ago, and ultimately lost the chance to compete for mayor."

The contrast between the two groups of people was obvious. V immediately understood what Jenkins meant. Power determines a man's overall situation on the battlefield.

V can only say that he is indifferent to these twists and turns of the so-called top society. He thought that Jenkins could come up with some new tricks, but he didn't expect that these truths can be understood even by moving his toes. In Night City, power is not the only thing. Higher than the sky.

Jenkins said with some sigh: "Almost everyone in this city has made this mistake, giving up power for money."

"Money is just a beautiful mansion made of inferior materials, which cannot withstand strong winds and rains."

“And power is an ancient stone building that can stand for thousands of years without falling.”

"The scenery in Night City is so intoxicating that not many people can stay awake."

Tang Yu knew that Jenkins was implying that in the eyes of this old boss, he was an out-and-out climber who was dedicated to climbing to the top of power.

From the Counterintelligence Department to Michiko Arasaka, and now working for Saburo Arasaka, he has verified Jenkins' theory with practical actions.

To this.

Tang Yu did not refute its correctness, but just smiled and said nothing.

Jenkins continued to explain his unique insights and said with some excitement: "But the party is different from the battlefield. Power is not the only weapon. Another thing that can determine a man's success or failure on the battlefield is..."

Although V was not interested in the twists and turns of power, he couldn't help but become curious again. Besides power, what else could determine a man's success or failure at the party.

Tang Yu was also a little curious and wanted to hear what his old boss had to say.

Although the theory about power was correct, it was not new to him. Instead, it was a second weapon, and even he could not guess what it was.

Jenkins took a sip of his cocktail and emphasized seriously.

"A perfect companion."

Female companion?

Ling V didn't expect this.

Jenkins once again took another crowd on the lawn as an example and explained: "Look at the man in the silver suit. His name is Jefferson Peralez, a member of the Night City Council. He announced his candidacy for Night City mayor this year. One position.”

"Currently, Jefferson's support rate is not high, and he cannot catch up with the current Lucius Lane. As a member of the House of Representatives, the dignitaries surrounding him are not inferior to Lucius Lane."

"In addition to Jefferson's well-versed know-how on how to get to the center of power, more importantly, Mrs. Peralez's decency and strong communication skills won Jefferson more attention and opportunities."

"It is said that Mrs. Peralez owes a lot of credit to Jefferson for getting to where he is today."

"The marriage relationship between the two has also become a good story in high-level circles."

Tang Yu and V both looked at where the Peralez couple was, and saw Mrs. Peralez wearing a high-end and elegant silver uniform skirt, which completely complemented Jefferson's silver suit.

at the same time.

Mrs. Peralez was also active in the group chat, serving as a guide for her husband, Jefferson. From time to time, she came up with some fascinating topics, which made everyone present laugh and talk, and gradually gained popularity.

Compared to Jefferson, who was the focus of the crowd, Mrs. Peralez was more in control and quietly set up a speech stage for her husband Jefferson.

Tang Yu has a certain impression of the Peralez couple, especially Mrs. Peralez.

Compared to Jefferson, his wife was more resolute and decisive in her skills and actions. She even contacted him to investigate the cause of Lucius Lane's death.

It's just that Mrs. Peralez's hands and feet are not clean, and her attitude towards Jefferson may not be what the public thinks.

V also noticed Mrs. Peralez’s wonderful performance and could only express admiration and sigh.

It's okay for her to chop melons and vegetables, but she's a mess in social circles.

She suddenly felt that coming to a place like this with Tang Yu was a big mistake.

It's better now. Not only did it not help, it also embarrassed Tang Yu.

No one would recognize her even though she was wearing a mask, but Tang Yu was different. He was a well-known figure in this circle.

V can clearly feel that Jenkins has a good position in strength, can understand so many secrets in high-level circles, and his appreciation and attention to Tang Yu are revealed in his words.

But if you think about it carefully, she came here exactly as Tang Yu insisted on requesting. If he really loses someone, he can only blame himself.

Thinking of this, V felt a little calmer.

However, her impression of Jenkins was completely ruined, and she was full of crooked rhetoric. If Tang Yu stayed with this kind of person for a long time, there was no telling what would happen.

Jenkins didn't have any scruples about the female companions around Tang Yu, and finally added: "If you can't find a more suitable one, I can introduce you to two."

“Not only can they make you look stunning at the party, but they can also highlight your unique vision.”

"After the party ended and we got off the battlefield, we rushed to another battlefield. That's why I said this is a romantic movie for men only."


Jenkins looked at Tang Yu meaningfully. Since the words were so clear, it was impossible for the other party not to understand.

His subtext was obvious, implying that the female companion he brought tonight was a complete novice at the party and would not be of any help to him at all.

In Jenkins' eyes, V's performance was extremely poor. Not to mention that she didn't know anyone at all, she couldn't even step on basic crystal high heels, and she couldn't even speak a decent sentence from the beginning to now.

Because of the darkness at night and the fact that V was wearing a mask, it was impossible to tell what he looked like.

Although V's body and bones are extremely beautiful, he huddled next to Tang Yu and lowered his head, showing no temperament at all.

Jenkins could basically conclude that the female companion Tang Yu brought was not from an upper-class family, and her words were a little less polite.

When V heard what Jenkins said, he almost lost his temper and rushed forward, punching him twice in the face.

I couldn't stand hearing his nonsense, but now he was belittling himself and encouraging Tang Yu to change his female companion. He was really doing all the bad things.

V felt that she was out of place here from the beginning. She couldn't get used to wearing this black dress, couldn't stand on these black crystal high heels, and couldn't get used to a group of sanctimonious upper-class dignitaries talking about everything, with their words full of sarcasm and ridicule.

If it weren't for Tang Yu, according to her temper, even if she starved to death on the streets, she wouldn't ask for any mercy from these people.

She had never been wronged like this before, and she just felt that her worries were unnecessary.

As a gathering place for celebrities in Night City, Wood Manor has extremely tight security, so there is no need for her to worry about Tang Yu's safety.

Although Tang Yu, who was wearing a suit, liked to bully others, he was still kind to her after all.

V trusts his instincts.

The reason why she was willing to follow Tang Yu to fool around was not only because she owed him a lot of debts and favors, but also because she believed that Tang Yu was not the same type of person as other people in suits.

V was not used to being here, so his mood gradually became depressed, and even the initial sense of novelty disappeared.

Jenkins' laughter and the laughter of the senior people around her made her feel extremely harsh.


Tang Yu's familiar voice came into his ears, his tone was calm and firm.

"No need, this is the most perfect companion in my heart."


V felt that Tang Yu's right hand had deliberately clasped her fingers, tightly preventing her from letting go.


"What a perfect companion."

"Can you say this nonsense?"

V wished he could give Tang Yu another iron fist on the spot, but his beautiful oval face couldn't help but blush a little.

It was the first time I heard such heart-wrenching words, and V was so embarrassed that he dug his toes out of the living room.

Fortunately, how Tang Yu said it, don't you find it embarrassing?

What's even more annoying is that he said it so seriously and firmly, making it seem like they really meant something.


Isn't it just firm? The debt relationship is firmer than any other relationship. Even if she escapes to the ends of the earth, the man in the suit will probably not forget to ask her to pay her back.

She made up her mind and vowed never to come to such a ghost place with a man in a suit again.

But before V could continue to bury her head in shame, more noisy sounds came to her ears.

I heard Jenkins smiling enthusiastically and saying: "Mayor Lane, let me solemnly introduce you. This is Tang. You have always remembered him before. Today I finally have the opportunity to introduce you to him."

Lucius Lane, with his big belly, slowly turned around, broke away from the topic, and looked at Jenkins and Tang Yu.

His big, fat face had even more creases in his smile, and he praised repeatedly: "Sure enough, a person cannot be judged by his appearance. I didn't expect that Mr. Tang, the first deputy director of Arasaka Company, would be so young. His future will definitely be difficult." Estimate.”

Lucius Lane conducted a special investigation on Tang Yu and knew that he was the first and only double deputy minister of Arasaka Tower in Night City.

And relying on Michiko Arasaka's relationship, she hooked up with Saburo Arasaka and made great contributions in the recent operation against the Taiping Prefecture Voodoo Gang.

Tang Yu said a few polite and perfunctory words, but there was no need to waste any words on the dying person.

But this time many things have changed, and Lucius Lane may not die from the Black Mewtwo virus.

His death depends on whether the person behind it is still operating secretly.

Due to Lucius Lane's attention, the focus of the surrounding circle quickly fell on Tang Yu and him.

Jenkins took the initiative to bring up the topic and create better communication opportunities for Tang Yu. Everyone present was working at the top level of the municipal government and the company. Making friends with them would be of great benefit to Tang Yu's development in Night City. This was why he strongly invited Tang Yu to attend the party.

"The Counterintelligence Department owes a lot to Don for the few months I've been away."

"It's ridiculous to say that during my absence from the department, the Counterintelligence Department has achieved more and better results."

"In my opinion, sooner or later, I have to abdicate and give way to someone more worthy, haha."

Jenkins' self-deprecation immediately aroused the agreement of a group of people around him, and they couldn't help but think more highly of Tang Yu.

If Tang Yu really succeeds Jenkins as the Minister of Counterintelligence, his power and status will be even higher, and he is definitely a connection worth making in advance.

Lucius Lane also smiled and sighed: "Jenkins, when you mention this, I feel exactly the same as you."

"The area in Taiping Prefecture has been a concern of mine in the past few years. I have invested a lot of money and manpower, but the security is still deteriorating day by day."

"This is all thanks to Mr. Tang, who vigorously and resolutely cut off the voodoo gang's tumors, which relieved a lot of the burden on our municipal government."

"Because of this incident, the approval rating increased by two percentage points."

"You must know that our Mr. Tang is still his original self so far and has not undergone cybernetic transformation."

"If your Arasaka company is willing to release you, the municipal government will definitely welcome you. If you don't mind, the seat in the deputy mayor's office will be freed for you."

The words just fell.

Everyone laughed enthusiastically again, and praised Tang Yu endlessly.

The deputy mayor is an appointment system rather than an election system. As the mayor of Night City, Lucius Lane has full power to re-nominate the deputy mayor and take office immediately after being voted by the members.

Tang Yu looked indifferent and did not show any signs of behavior because of their rainbow farts.

He is well versed in the ways of power and understands that what really attracts the admiration of these people is not his ability or charm at all.

It was entirely because of where he sat and the Arasaka family represented behind him.

After leaving Arasaka Company, no matter how powerful Tang Yu was, he could not get into the sight of these people.

Tang Yu saw it very clearly, and he also saw it clearly.

All he wants and cares about are the people around him.

When Jenkins heard the support rate, he immediately thought of the new round of mayoral election, so he glanced at Jefferson not far away and asked Lucius Lane.

"How is the situation recently? Looking at the support rate, the chances of winning are still very high."

Lucius Lane was open-minded and seemed not to pay attention to his competitors at all. He said bluntly: "The basic calculation is stable, but that guy's momentum is not weak. There are many speculators who want to find opportunities from him. If you try to get into the municipal circles with just a few slogans, you probably won’t be fooled to death.”

"Tonight is crucial. Ye's company is going to reveal its new infrastructure plan. Jefferson has been eyeing this plan for a long time."

"If this project can be municipalized and in my hands, he can basically announce his withdrawal in advance."

Jenkins has heard about the new infrastructure of Ye's Company. Ye's Company intends to create an 'independent' network data pool unique to Night City and network nodes throughout the city. At the same time, based on this, it will comprehensively strengthen Night City. Construction of urban public intelligent transportation network.

It is equivalent to building Night City into an independent kingdom that is not affected by the outside world. It not only achieves 'independence' in the region, but also gains 'independence' in cyberspace.

After the Internet crash, most networks and servers were contaminated by electronic viruses. Currently, public networks and subnets are subject to network surveillance.

If Night City establishes a separate server and network, it will be possible to become the development pole of the new global network.

"So how is the progress of this plan? It has been proposed for many years and no results have been seen." Jenkins asked doubtfully. He thought it was just a high-sounding gimmick by Ye's company.

Lucius Lane said disdainfully: "The devil knows how they are progressing. They are digging everywhere under the Night City all day long. I don't know what they dug out, but the new underground comprehensive transportation network has basically taken shape. In terms of public infrastructure, In this area, Ye's Company has indeed done well."

Jenkins nodded. As for Ye's company's new infrastructure, we will have to wait until the party starts to know more about it.


Tang Yu felt that his elbow was grasped very tightly. He turned his head slightly and looked at V beside him, and found that she seemed to be shaking a little with her head buried in her head.

He probably guessed the reason, so he said goodbye directly to Jenkins and others, then turned around and left with V.

Lucius Lane originally wanted to say something, but the other party had no intention of staying at all, so he put away his smile, looked at Tang Yu's back and asked in a deep voice: "Is Mr. Tang also so proud in Arasaka?"

Jenkins also looked at Tang Yu's back and said with some helplessness: "It's true that he has this temperament. I wanted to take him out to integrate into the circle, but I didn't expect that he would still be the same."

The two of them took a sip of wine each and remained silent.

at this time.

Tang Yu led V to a quiet place and asked with concern: "What, are you not feeling well?"

V smoothed his hair, suddenly grabbed Tang Yu's hand, and bit it down hard until a tooth mark was left.

She seemed to feel much more comfortable, and she sighed softly: "It's much better now."

"Oh, by the way, this debt will be counted as my debt. At worst, I will have to work two more jobs to make up for it for you."

Tang Yu: "???"

No more tonight.

Tomorrow, depending on the situation, I will change it to three thousand words in two updates. It’s so tiring to write them all together.

PS: Thanks to the following big guys for the reward.

This place is quiet and crazy 1.00

Divinerlove 1.00

ADKiss, Qidian Reading iOS 50.00

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