Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 177 Pas de deux

As the holographic host announced the donation of the last company in a high-profile manner, the charity fundraising session of the party came to an end.

V counted the several zeros at the end of the charity fundraiser and asked eagerly: "I see that everyone present has donated more or less. Why didn't you donate? That doesn't mean you came to the party and had sex for nothing."

Tang Yu looked calm. After eating some fruit, he took a sip of warm tea to moisten his throat, and then said.

"It depends on how you understand it. Personally, I don't really want to come here."

V was somewhat immune to Tang Yu's 'arrogance and arrogance', and asked cooperatively: "Then why are you still wronging yourself? If you don't come to Ye's company, I can't control you."

Tang Yu said leisurely: "I don't want to bring you to see the world. Who knows you still don't appreciate it."

V complained helplessly in his heart.

‘Then I really thank you. ’

Tang Yu's words definitely didn't deceive her. In addition to attending the party, he wanted to do some research on Ye's company and hold an extra trump card in his hand.

More importantly, I want to bring V out to experience things to make up for the regret of being fired by Arasaka and not having time to shine.


All the distinguished guests held hands with each other and walked from the aisle beside V to the dance floor.

The elegantly dressed female companion slowly walked into the spacious dance floor at the invitation of the man and danced to the melodious music.

It didn't take long.

All the distinguished guests in the outfield stepped onto the dance floor, except for Tang Yu and V who were still sitting in the buffet area, attracting many strange looks.

The sensible waiter walked forward slowly and reminded the two that the dance was about to begin.

V was suddenly confused again.

It's not nice to sit here calmly, why is there suddenly a dance session.

Tang Yu took the initiative to stand up, stretched out his hand towards V, and invited her to step onto the dance floor.

V, who was already feeling embarrassed, seemed a little at a loss and didn't know whether to take action or not.

She doesn't know how to dance at all, and she'll probably make a big joke if she gets on the dance floor.

But sitting here was not an option, there was no one around to accompany them, and they were left sitting at the dining table, extremely awkward.

Tang Yu joked: "Miss V, you can't give me some face. Doesn't our relationship require more money to get things done?"

V stood up hurriedly, trying to reach out to block Tang Yu's nonsense.

"You should pay more attention to the impact, you guy who speaks so freely. If you keep doing this, we won't have anything to talk about."

Tang Yu grabbed V's slender hand, pretending to be helpless and nodded in compromise: "Okay, okay, you have the final say, but sitting here is too embarrassing for me. I have good words ahead. After the first dance music ends, I will be free." It’s dance time, if you don’t want to be disturbed, you’d better dance a few songs with me reluctantly.”

V looked at Tang Yu's expression suspiciously, trying to tell whether he was tricking people again.

But soon she discovered the clues. After the dance ended, a few couples of dance partners exited the dance floor. Among them, several single ladies were already walking towards this side, looking at the corners of Tang Yu's mouth with a smile.

Without saying anything, V immediately stood up and urged: "It is indeed better to walk around and hide in the crowd than just sit here and stand out."

She felt that compared to the many male VIPs present, Tang Yu was indeed the most pleasing to the eye, and at least she didn't feel uncomfortable dancing with him.

Tang Yu took V's hand and led her slowly into the dance floor, and then managed to avoid the coming waves of people.

The beauties who had already set their sights on Tang Yu could only watch the two of them walk into the stage, with indescribable lame smiles on their faces.

They saw that the female companion next to Tang Yu was a complete party chick. She couldn't dance at all, and even stepping on high heels was awkward.

For a sweetheart like Tang Yu, he is naturally the dream object of countless girls.

Young, high-ranking, wealthy, and with a promising future in the company, he fully meets all requirements.

If V performs very well, they won't even think about it.

But the female companions around Tang Yu were too weak, which made them feel that they could take advantage of it.


Many women who had left their original partners were sitting in the guest area outside the dance floor, quietly waiting for the opportunity. As long as Tang Yu finished dancing, they could seize the opportunity to come forward and invite them.

Their smiles were a little confident, wanting to see how people who couldn't even wear high heels would cope with such an occasion.

If he stepped on Tang Yu a few times, there would be something good to watch.

But the scene that made them gloat about their misfortune did not happen.

After Tang Yu led V onto the dance floor, he held V's palm tightly with one hand, and slowly put his other hand behind her waist, and pushed her upwards with force.

V suddenly exclaimed.


The toes of her high heels stepped on Tang Yu's toes, and she leaned against Tang Yu's chest, and she could even feel the warm breath.

The unexpected hug made the beauties outside the venue speechless.

It is clear.

Tang Yu planned to teach the young partner to dance, so he let him step on his toes.

V's whole body was stiff. Faced with Tang Yu's reckless behavior, she was angry and annoyed. Dancing on stage was already her bottom line. She didn't expect that he could go so far.

Tang Yu looked at V, who was glaring like a bull in front of him, and explained lightly: "Don't think too much, I'm teaching you to dance. This is normal."

V no longer believed Tang Yu's lies. He looked up at Tang Yu and said with a smile on his face, "Then I'm going to have to repay your tuition fees, huh?"

Tang Yu responded generously: "That's not necessary, after all, you may not be able to learn it."

V: "."

The two moved back and forth across the small space, their movements gentle and soothing, and their dance steps matched the rhythm of the music.

V really doesn’t understand what’s so interesting about this boring ballroom dance.

But when she saw from the corner of her eye, there were many men and women on the dance floor, dancing and nibbling together, looking completely affectionate and contented as if no one was around.

It's not that she has never seen these pediatric scenes, but in such a high-end and solemn occasion, it is somewhat shameless.

All of them were dressed smartly, but I didn't expect that they were still playing so dirty.

V also noticed that greasy Jenkins had walked onto the dance floor with several different hot girls, and had also collected some unknown cards.

Next time I must remind Tang Yu to stay away from such people.

One dance song after another, V gradually relaxed and almost quickly adapted to this simple cross step.

It was nothing more than stepping on the cross back and forth, which was extremely simple for her.

But Tang Yu had been dancing for so long and had no intention of letting her down.

V just raised his head and wanted to scold him, but found that Tang Yu seemed to be staring to the right, with a serious look on his face.

She turned her head and followed Tang Yu's gaze, and saw a gentleman in a high-end suit with a slicked back hair, holding a wine glass and looking at her.

What surprised her was that the other person's eyes were glowing with a faint blue light, and there was an indescribable and strange feeling.

After their eyes met, Mr. Blue Eyes turned around and retreated, disappearing from the spot.

V had a bad intuition inexplicably.


She noticed a waiter in a formal dress slowly walking behind Tang Yu, holding cutlery, knife and fork in his hand, and seeming to be whistling.

But due to the cover of the live music, she couldn't hear it clearly.

The waiter ignored the dancing VIPs and walked straight onto the dance floor, bypassing pairs of dancing partners with a clear goal.

It was Tang Yu.

What made V even more alarmed was that the other person's eyes were also glowing with a faint blue light.

at the same time.

Two more waiters sneaked into the dance floor from other directions, and the three of them formed a horn formation behind Tang Yu and surrounded them simultaneously.

The waiter's weird behavior aroused dissatisfaction among some VIPs on the dance floor, who yelled at them to get off the stage.

But they didn't listen and continued to walk straight towards Tang Yu.

V hugged Tang Yu's back shoulder harder with one hand, with the weight of his upper body hanging on him, and said sternly: "There is something going on behind you!"

When the three waiters had just approached and were about to launch an attack, V directly raised his leg and kicked the oncoming waiter directly, hitting them in the head.

Tang Yu took advantage of the situation and dragged V's waist, using his strength to use his strength, so that V could use his strength to kick three people in a row.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Done in one go.

Three waiters were kicked to the ground on the spot, knocking over several pairs of guests.

The commotion on the dance floor immediately alerted the on-site security, who then came in and controlled the three waiters, taking the knives and forks from their hands.

V was keenly aware that the blue in the eyes of these three people disappeared instantly.

She looked up at Tang Yu, her eyes full of seriousness and doubt.

Tang Yu signaled her not to say more and to wait and see what happens.

This little chaos was quickly brought under control, and the fallen guests were guided out of the venue by other waiters. Many people cursed and said they were having bad luck.

Before many people could realize what happened, someone from Ye's company came forward to explain the situation.

The responsibility is attributed to these waiters, who have not yet adapted to the newly implanted prosthetics, so they will behave involuntarily.

They are specially trained and modified for the service industry and do not have any offensive implants.

The distinguished guests accepted the explanation and did not continue to dwell on these trivial matters. With such a strong security force present, there would be no problems with safety.


The party resumed singing and dancing.

Just when V was wondering about the relationship between the blue-eyed Mr. just now and these three waiters, a special secretary came to the two of them and invited them to the reception room. He bluntly said that it was Miriam Knight who invited them.

The person behind Ye's company?

Tang Yu and V looked at each other and agreed to each other's invitation.

Come to the reception room on the second floor.

In the world of ripples of light and shadow, an old man sat with his back to him, his fine silver hair tied into a bun, meticulously.

"It's Mr. Tang and Miss V, please take a seat." The old man controlled the base and slowly turned around, looking at the two people with a gentle look on his face.

"Thank you for what you just said. Let me introduce you, Miriam Knight."

It was the first time that V met this rumored old man, the wife of Night City founder Richard Knight.

Inheriting the legacy of her late husband, Richard Knight, and using her late husband's reputation and assets, she established the Knight Foundation, which then expanded and developed into today's Ye Company, making many outstanding contributions to Night City.

Under her leadership, Ye's Company undertook the construction of many large-scale infrastructure projects.

Real estate, transportation, water and electricity, and basic network facilities are all contributed by Ye's company.

There are many rumors about her, but I didn't expect that it would really appear in front of me now.

Tang Yu didn't like the old lady, so he said bluntly: "Your company should not make such a mistake when hosting such a party."

"This matter is due to our poor arrangements. We will make satisfactory compensation for this matter, but Mr. Tang, you are a special person." Miriam Knight cleverly avoided the topic.

She spoke slowly in a hoarse voice and continued: "You are the only person at the top of Arasaka Tower, or the entire company in Night City, who still retains his original form."

Tang Yu didn't understand her plan for the time being, so mentioning the original person so bluntly must have made it clear.


Still curious?

Judging from Ye's company's methods, the former means the most.

He thought of Ye's company's so-called charity plan. Could it be that the homeless prophet Gary had accepted their transformation and became like that.

The reason why Gary is crazy and talking nonsense is because his brain prosthesis accidentally and indirectly received signals from unknown sources.

After Tang Yu's tracking and analysis at the time, it was most likely a close communication signal between the top executives of Ye's company, and even involved AI flowing behind the scenes.

Tang Yu said bluntly: "This is nothing special. After all, no one carries an implant from birth."

Miriam Knight smiled and didn't say much. Instead, she asked, "Miss V, are you interested in working at Ye's Company?"

V didn't have any good impression of the company, let alone Ye's company, which was full of weirdness. Even the old woman in front of him had a sinister vibe.

Tang Yu said on V's behalf: "I appreciate your kindness. The problem of mental loss of control here is more serious. She already has a better place to go."

Miriam Knight: "Oh? I would like to know where Miss V will go."

"Terrorist Mobile Team." Tang Yu answered with certainty.

V: "???"

No more tonight, I didn’t expect that the second chapter would take so long.

Damn it!

Instant noodles, stand up for me! ! !

PS: Thank you to the following funders for the reward!

Luo Lan's Little Book 1.00

Ancient City Smuggling Instructor 1.00

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