Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 178 Matrix Space

The party is in full swing.

After calming down the little interlude just now, the distinguished guests still raised their wine glasses and chatted and drank.

Arthur Jenkins finished a dance, let go of the pretty girl in his arms, left the dance floor with satisfaction, and came to sit next to the Mayor of Night City, Lucius Lane.

"Why, are you not interested today?"

He knew the bald and pot-bellied mayor very well, and his private ways of playing were wilder than anyone else's.

It is estimated that due to the occasion and face, it is not convenient to hunt for beauty here. As a public figure that attracts much attention, you need to always pay attention to the impact on your image.

Lucius Lane looked cold and replied with a smile: "It's true that I'm not interested. After all, the fun is not here."


Lucius Lane's eyes fell on the dance floor, staring directly at a pair of couples. Both of them were wearing silver and luxurious dresses, and they matched perfectly.

The focus of his eyes moved back and forth on the curves of his female companion, and the smile at the corner of his mouth rose slightly.

Arthur Jenkins followed his gaze and quickly realized the intention of Mayor Yeluzi, and smiled meaningfully.

"The relationship between the Peralez couple is a good story in the industry. If Jefferson can marry such a woman, he has already won half the battle."

What Arthur Jenkins said is true. The two have known each other since they were students. They accepted the sponsorship from Ye's company's scholarship fund, successfully completed their studies, worked as lawyers, prosecutors, and finally became the upper class of Night City through transformation of parliamentarians. powerful people.

The couple has supported and accompanied each other all the way to today, and they can definitely live up to their reputation as a model couple.

Compared with Jefferson, Mrs. Peralez is not only mature, beautiful, and communicative, but also seems to have more personality and charm.

"Some things can't just be seen on the surface. The more affectionate and loving they appear to be, the more they seem to be inseparable behind the scenes."

"Jefferson can't hold down such a woman. Hehe, I guess even his posture is at a disadvantage."

Arthur Jenkins just smiled. He had been working in the Counterintelligence Department for many years, and he had developed some skills in reading people.

He and Lucius Lane agreed that Jefferson appeared to be a young, energetic and determined man.

But in fact.

Jefferson's experiences over the years have shown that he is a soft-food guy from the bottom of his heart.

In his early life, his studies were all sponsored by Ye's Company. Even though he has now become a member of parliament and shouts that he will not accept any corporate coercion, he still has to rely on the competitive capital provided by Ye's Company.


Jefferson was deeply influenced by Mrs. Peralez, and the two were deeply tied together, whether in love or career.

Model couples can be placed in other circles, but not in the political circle of Night City.

This circle is reserved for careerists, and everyone’s will is the master of their own territory.

Judging from the performance of both Mr. and Mrs. Peralez, the one who dominates is more like Mrs. Peralez.

"It seems that we have the same idea, but Jefferson's ability to conquer such a woman can be considered a success." Jenkins took a sip of his cocktail and said with a chuckle, his tone a bit pitiful.

Lucius Lane sneered disdainfully: "Conquer? I'm afraid Jefferson himself doesn't know who conquered whom."

He suddenly thought of something interesting, changed the topic, and the smile on his fat folds deepened: "If you really want me to say, in this room, I am truly qualified to conquer Mrs. Peralez and become the one who plays the power game. There is one more careerist besides me.”

A trace of surprise flashed in Arthur Jenkins's eyes, and he couldn't help but look at Lucius Lane next to him with a more serious expression.

He didn't think the fat man's boastful words were a joke.

Lucius Lane relied on his sharp eyes and tough skills to welcome Arasaka Company back to Night City against all odds, helping him win the position of mayor.

At that time, the overwhelming voice of the Night City Council was that they actively compromised with military technology and chose to return to New America in order to avoid the destruction of Night City.

Military Technology used a lot of human resources to lobby everywhere and convey benefits to many Night City legislators.

With soldiers pressing down on the territory outside and collaborators inside, it was almost a generally accepted outcome that military technology would capture Night City.

Only Lucius Lane withstood the pressure and returned to the grand situation of Night City today, which shows his arrogant courage.

As a veteran, Lucius Lane's comments will not be without purpose.

This actually made Jenkins curious about who Lucius Lane was referring to.

He didn't think much about it, and even Jefferson didn't pay attention to it. There were really not many people who could compare with him.


Arthur Jenkins had one person in mind.

A subordinate that he has always been proud of. His status in Arasaka Tower has risen like a rocket. He is a guy with truly strong strength and determination.

He softly uttered two words, seeking confirmation from Lucius Lane.

"Tang Yu?"

"That's right." Lucius Lane nodded slightly, and the fat on his neck squeezed out folds.

Arthur Jenkins continued to ask why he had such a view. Tang Yu's ability was indeed confirmed, but Lucius Lane didn't have much dealings with Tang Yu.

Lucius Lane explained confidently: "The original body without any implants, the new female companion with zero experience at the party, and the deliberate indifference towards his network of contacts all show that he is a maverick."

"This kind of lone wolf either dies miserably because of his unruliness, or he eats meat with his own cunning and ruthlessness, and Mr. Tang is obviously the latter."

"Miriam Knight's personal secretary just invited them to the back room. The old guy is probably very angry."

"If you dare to think about subduing a lone wolf, you must be careful about having a piece of flesh torn off your thigh."

Jenkins looked solemn. According to Lucius Lane, those three waiters were most likely deliberately arranged by Ye's company.

But why should Tang Yu be targeted? Arasaka Counterintelligence Department and Ye's Company don't have much trouble.

If military technology did this, he would understand why Ye's company did this.



Jenkins thought of Tang Yu's current status as a person who ran errands for Mr. Saburo Arasaka.

Could it be that this involves conflicts at higher levels, but due to his ministerial status, he is not involved for the time being.

Jenkins thought to himself silently and did not disclose it to Lucius Lane. There are some things that cannot be said in the intelligence business.

He estimated that Lucius Lane most likely believed that Ye's company liked something about Tang Yu and wanted to find an opportunity to contact him.

While the two were discussing, the entire hall fell silent.

The music gradually died down, and all the distinguished guests present left the dance floor and returned to their seats, all looking towards the main stage.

I saw an old man with silver hair, sitting on a magnetic suspension seat, slowly coming to the front of the crowd.

"Everyone, I'm Miriam Knight."

Tang Yu and V also returned to the auditorium seats from another corridor and watched the performance of this century-old man.

V had a certain understanding of the story of the founder of Night City, and was originally somewhat curious and fond of Richard Knight's wife.

After all, the couple themselves created this dream city and laid the foundation, and Ye's Company is also adding bricks and mortar to the city.

But after the conversation just now and Tang Yu's explanation, she no longer had a good impression of Ye's company.

Whether it was a hypocritical charity cover-up plan or a strange and weird atmosphere, her intuition told her that something was wrong with these guys.

On the main stage.

Miriam Knight's old and hoarse voice seems a little difficult to speak, but she is still trying to describe the beautiful vision of the future of Night City, which is like the longing for the rest of the world in her twilight years.

at last.

The blue holographic host floated in the air, and following Miriam Knight's words, he continued to introduce passionately.

"Ye's Company will inject new impetus into Night City's better future development."

"New infrastructure plan - all companies are welcome to actively cooperate and participate in the construction."

Immediately afterwards.

In the middle of the conference hall, a holographic projection emerged showing the entire city of night.

A little blue light embellishes the center of the city, underneath the company square, and then spreads across the city like a network.

The holographic host waved his hand, and the blue light pole under the company square was enlarged. It looked more like a large base, with various channels, pipes, and network cables leading to all directions.

"We will strive to build a network data pool unique to Night City. By setting up a server matrix that can carry global network data, it can link every electronic device in Night City to create a clean, smooth, safe and secure network that everyone can share. New Everything Network.”

"And this core pole facility will be responsible for becoming the last bastion of human network security."

"We named it - matrix space."

After hearing the host's introduction, everyone present looked horrified and marveled at this huge project.

What made them even more unexpected was that Ye's Company had already been building an underground network matrix through various infrastructure projects for many years.

Now that the matrix space has taken shape, this means that there is a technology palace under the company square.


Ye's company wanted to call on major companies to join, and the exposed matrix space was like a thunderbolt thrown into the crowd.

They looked at each other in shock, not knowing what to do.

When Lucius Lane saw the so-called matrix space, as well as the new infrastructure plan that boasted of heaven, and dreamed of the Internet of Everything, he couldn't help showing contempt.

"It seems that Ye's company has been doing a lot of projects for the sake of private gain in recent years."

He knew that Ye's Company had been digging and constructing underground over the years. In the name of building traffic tunnels and urban underground infrastructure, it kept making small moves with money from municipal investment.

He didn't expect that such a big hole would be dug for him in the blink of an eye.

But the actual situation is definitely not as complete as Ye's company claims. It is estimated that the prototype of the project is limited to a few main pipelines and the matrix space under the company square.

After all, the municipal government has not approved Ye's company to develop more places, so if there is any news, he can't hide it.

the most important is.

What Lucius Lane wants to get is this new infrastructure plan.

If major companies can come in and muddy the waters, he can reap the benefits he wants.


Ye's company must not be allowed to use this plan as a wedding dress for Jefferson.

Jenkins was dumbfounded when he saw such a huge new infrastructure plan and the fact that there was such an underground facility deep under Arasaka Tower.

This is definitely not a good thing for Arasaka Company, but as for the existence of matrix space, it is not his turn as a minister to make a decision.

at this time.

Tang Yu also became serious and carefully observed the matrix space projection. He did not expect that Ye's company had unknowingly dug such a big hole in the ground.

Why haven't you heard of this before?

But there is indeed a huge tunnel under the company square. You can even dig up from the tunnel and go straight to the shrine at the bottom of Arasaka Tower.

He's done this before.

But he had never delved deeper into the tunnel. When he saw the walls under construction and blocked, he thought the tunnel was in an unfinished state, but he did not expect that secret work was still being done inside.

The clues to the Internet of Everything, Mr. Blue Eyes, and brainwashing experiments are already obvious.

This matrix space is like a parasitic insect nest under the Night City, incubating a black hole that enters the human world from another dimension.

Tang Yu leaned back on the seat, his expression slightly relaxed, and murmured.

"Sanlang, I can only borrow your crutch this time."

There will be another chapter later.

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