Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 179 I'm ready

"Here's your morning news bulletin."

"On that day, Mayor Lucius Lane held a municipal press conference, focusing on announcing the city's infrastructure development plan for the new year."

"It is reported that this round of municipal planning involves the construction of infrastructure projects in Night City in the next ten years, including network services, rail transit, signal transmission, water and electricity supply and other plans."

"The most noteworthy thing is that in the new round of infrastructure planning, the municipal government plans to refinance and tender, with the hope that more companies will become important participants and invest in the Night City construction project."

"Mayor Lucius Lane said that in the past, Night City infrastructure projects were often won by one or a few companies, which is not conducive to the integration of scale effects. There should be more capable companies to participate in the construction of Night City. .”

"Currently, this resolution is applying for parliamentary review."

“According to an interview with this media, Congressman Perares Jefferson claimed that more companies participating in infrastructure projects will not be conducive to the rapid development of the city. On the contrary, it will weaken the municipal government’s say in infrastructure construction. The municipal government should control urban development. In the hands, not in the hands of any company."

While Tang Yu was having breakfast, he noticed that the morning news was broadcasting municipal news.

He saw that Lucius Lane had already begun to take action and wanted to use his power to put pressure on Ye's company.

In the past, Night City's infrastructure projects were basically handled by Ye's Company.

The infrastructure project cake is monopolized by the Ye family.


Lucius Lane wants to start a fight between companies by dragging more companies into trouble so that he can reap the benefits.

The purpose of the party held by Ye's Company that day was to allow major companies to connect to the so-called Internet of Everything and use matrix space network services. It was not to allow companies to intervene in infrastructure projects.

No company with any brains would build its own database in someone else's home base, unless major companies can also allocate a piece of their own territory from the matrix space.

Ye's Company seems to have anticipated this and promised to provide relevant service facilities and technical support so that major companies can enjoy regional network services.

Another problem facing Ye's company is the huge basic network nodes, which is difficult for Ye's company to complete in a short time alone.

Only with large-scale development and construction can there be a chance to complete the plan in just a few years.

This is inseparable from the support of the municipal government and the investment of major companies.

The slogan shouted by Ye's Company is to build Night City into the pinnacle of global cities and a truly 'independent' city, whether in real space or cyberspace.

Tang Yu could only say nonsense about this.

In his opinion, the city that Ye's company put all its efforts into building was probably prepared for the rogue AI behind it.

By then.

All people or things connected to the matrix space will mechanically ascend in the same second.

This scene is indeed sci-fi enough, but also dark enough.

in addition.

Ye's company is becoming more and more restless, and it even hesitates to announce its bottom line in order to gain more support. It seems that it is somewhat anxious.


Tang Yu was most worried about V. On the same day, he suffered multiple targeted attacks, all of which seemed to be linked to V.

If the other party is eyeing the subnet Poseidon in V's mind, it shouldn't be difficult to get this data.

They could even take advantage of Sandra Dorsett's incident to directly copy the data in V's brain, but they did not do so.

Such abnormal behavior attracted Tang Yu's attention.

After the party that night.

Tang Yu once had an in-depth communication with V in a sports car and mentioned the matter of letting her join the violent terrorist mobile team.

Who would have thought that V would say that she had dreamed of being a sheriff when she was seven years old, and now she is more than seventeen years old.

V is very insistent on this matter. She doesn't like the feeling of being trapped in a cocoon.

She has long been accustomed to the unrestrained street life, and doing cyberpunk makes her feel good.

As for the debt she owed to Tang Yu, she finally figured it out. It was the uncle who owed the debt these days. At worst, he could pay it back slowly, and he wouldn't be able to take it with him to the ground after he died.

It's hard for Tang Yu to impose anything on the sharp-tongued V.

The reason why it was suggested that she try to join the violent terrorist mobile team was mainly due to the special nature of this armed force.

As a team dedicated to hunting down out-of-control cybermaniacs, it is a team that major companies default to as being absolutely neutral.

Even if Ye's company wants to get involved, it still has to weigh the consequences.

Before Tang Yu solves the problem of Ye's company, V's risks are not small.

Tang Yu finished his breakfast, put down his chopsticks, picked up a tissue and wiped it, then brought up the contact interface.

He selected Lucy's contact information and displayed the other party's job information as network monitoring.

Tang Yu immediately dialed Lucy's number, and the call was connected after a while.

Lucy: "What's the matter?"

Tang Yu: "Are you free now?"

Lucy: "Come to me at the safe house. [address]"

After receiving the address sent by Lucy, Tang Yu estimated that she should still be working, so he packed up and went out, stopped a Draman and headed to his destination.

The address is located in an old commercial building in Westbrook. This kind of place is relatively hidden and has a more abundant power supply than an apartment building, making it suitable for setting up hacking equipment with extremely high consumption.

Network surveillance will select these points as safe houses to conduct secret network activities.

Tang Yu walked into the old shopping mall, took the stairs to the fourth floor, passed two security gate inspections, and then entered the network monitoring safe house and saw Lucy at work.

Standing in her office, she monitors the data streams of multiple monitors at the same time, and her prosthetic eye continuously collects and analyzes information.

After hearing Tang Yu's arrival, he said calmly: "You are here, just in time, help me do a deep network dive first, and I caught a cyber hacker in my hand, trying to communicate with the dangerous flowing AI outside the black wall. "

Tang Yu noticed that something was wrong with the surrounding atmosphere.

Seeing Lucy who was meticulous and busy at work, she seemed much colder than she thought.

Tang Yu didn't quite understand the reason, but he had previously promised Lucy to send her to work as a network supervisor, but he missed the time due to various reasons.

It didn't take more than two or three days before and after. I didn't expect Lucy to complete the onboarding work so quickly.

However, Tang Yu felt that Lucy would most likely not act so coldly on purpose for this matter.

Maybe she was a little uncomfortable with the network monitoring work. After all, she hadn't done a deep dive for a long time.

Lucy stopped staring at the screen, turned around and walked towards the deep dive room next door.

Tang Yu kept up with her and asked casually: "Where did Mosley go?"

Lucy's voice was still cold: "Back to the European Internet Supervision Headquarters."

This made Tang Yu a little surprised. He didn't expect Mosley to throw the Night City stall to Lucy so quickly, and he was also very considerate.

"Are you still used to working?" Tang Yu had to change the topic.

Lucy stopped and looked back at Tang Yu, her neon eyes filled with coldness.

The two of them immediately fell silent, and the small safe house became quiet. Only the hum of the chassis fan could be heard.

After a while.

Lucy opened the door to the deep diving chamber, walked in, stood in front of a white bathtub filled with cold water ice slag, and said softly.

"We don't have a choice, do we?"


Lucy began to take off her clothes on her own, and her snow-white slender shoulders were displayed in front of Tang Yu's eyes without any obstruction.

The clothes slowly slid down her waist along her tall figure. Lucy hooked her thumbs on the belt and slowly squatted down, revealing her back, which was covered with metal panels and slots.

She skillfully lay down in the water tank, and the biting coldness swallowed her up instantly.

Lucy tore off the bandage covering the deep diving interface on the back of her head and rested her neck on the edge of the water tank, while the water surface floated in microwaves.

Tang Yu stepped forward, picked up the cable connector, and with a mechanical click, he firmly inserted it into her interface.

Lucy looked calm and said calmly: "I'm ready."

After saying that, he closed his eyes and dived deep into cyberspace again.

Tang Yu stood in front of his office and carefully observed Lucy's deep dive.

The process seemed to go smoothly this time. After only ten minutes, Lucy came out of the deep dive state.

After undoing the plug on the back of her head, she stood up and stepped out of the water tank. Taking the clean towel, Lucy thanked her.

Tang Yu asked: "How is the deep diving situation? Did you catch the target?"

"There was some trouble, but fortunately it has been solved. How about you?" Lucy wiped her silver hair and looked at Tang Yu.

Tang Yu explained.

"Same as you, I encountered something difficult."

"Huh? Let's talk about difficult things."

It didn't take long.

The two of them walked out of the deep dive room and came to the office.

Lucy stared at the screen and said seriously: "This matter sounds quite big. If there is really a matrix space under the company square, then the network supervision work would be too sloppy."

"But it's also possible that Mosley is really too busy. The Voodoo Gang affairs alone are enough for him to eat."

"Now someone has finally taken over this stall, and they can't wait to go back to the headquarters to report."

Tang Yu said: "That's why we need to use network monitoring signal fluctuation detection technology to check what's going on in the matrix space."

Lucy glanced at him with a teasing smile: "What? This is not something you would worry about."

It seemed that the deep-diving mission went well, and Lucy's tone was no longer as cold as before.

Tang Yu said helplessly: "I'm not worried, but I can't help but someone above is worried."

Lucy said calmly while debugging the program: "Nowadays, the problem of AI leakage is becoming increasingly common. Just in the few days since I took over the job, several related cases have occurred."

"A matrix space that is divorced from network surveillance and supervision is a time bomb for everyone."

Tang Yu nodded slightly, agreeing with her statement.

Maybe Lucy didn't really want to join network monitoring, but at least in terms of work, it wouldn't be a reason to stump her.

The network signal fluctuation program was launched, focusing on snooping the company square.

After a while.

Lucy stared at the screen display and said solemnly: "No results can be detected. If you want to explore further, you need to get closer to the scene."

"It seems that it is indeed hidden very deep."

Tang Yu fell into thinking.

No more tonight.

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