Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 180 Her choice

V feels that he may be a little uncomfortable today, mainly in his head.


It is easy for some afterimages to appear in front of the eyes, sometimes flashing past like lightning, and then disappearing immediately.

She found that this 'symptom' had become more severe in the past two days. Although she did not have any headaches or visual impairment, she could not help but feel a little worried.

V changed into clean clothes in the bedroom, with sweat-soaked underwear from the run piled at his feet.

Just as she was putting on her sweatshirt, she 'saw' a figure that seemed to flash past. To be more precise, she felt a figure appear behind her.


"It must be psychological."

V resisted the urge to look back, continued to get dressed, then opened the door and set off.

That day, she rejected Tang Yu's suggestion and joined the so-called violent terrorist mobile team.

V is not interested in the life of wearing a uniform and going around 'punishing evil and promoting good'.

Tang Yu repeatedly stated various benefits for her, such as getting more powerful advanced combat implants after joining, high salary and benefits, protection from team background, etc. Every benefit mentioned hit her pain points. .

But V just didn’t want to.

Especially after witnessing the hypocrisy of those upper-class people at the party, she also lacked a favorable impression of similar organizations.

V likes this unrestrained street life. She feels that she was born on the street and will die on the street in the future. She even hopes that one day, she will be lucky enough to become a legend in Night City.

She could survive the days of searching for treasure chests, not to mention that she now owns a car and a house, even if she still owes a loan to wear a suit.

However, V is also a pragmatist. Since he has not joined the terrorist mobile unit, he still needs to find some work.

She found that Gloria seemed to be avoiding her in the past few days, always refusing to arrange any good jobs, just trivial things. Today she had to get a big job no matter what.

In my impression, V remembers that not all middlemen are looking for mercenaries to work. It may be that the way of living arranged by Gloria is really good, and there is no need to worry about cyberpunk taking over.

V came to the apartment building and dialed Gloria's phone. After getting through, he directly stated his intention and expressed that he wanted to take on a job.

On the other end of the phone.

Gloria was confused.

The reason why she didn't arrange a way out for V these days was mainly because she realized that this girl was somewhat unlucky, and something would happen to her inexplicably every time she tried to find a way out.

Last time I lost an arm in Taiping State, and this time I was hacked in Watson.

Although the commission was successfully completed every time, there were quite a few surprises.


Gloria was not worried that V could not complete the commission, but was worried about her safety.

She had previously arranged high-paying jobs for V, largely because of Tang Yu's intention.

Although Tang Yu never said it explicitly in front of her, she knew that Tang Yu cared about V, so nothing could happen to V.

But the first two commissions made Gloria difficult, so she hoped that V could do something simple.

But V obviously doesn't understand the rules, and only wants to do bigger and more lucrative commissions, and strive to pay off the debt as soon as possible.

Gloria thought about it for a moment and decided to arrange a slightly difficult commission for V, and planned to communicate the information with Tang Yu in a timely manner.

After all, if she keeps wasting V like this, there's no guarantee that she won't turn to other middlemen for help, and she'll be out of control if something unexpected happens.

"V, it's like this. I really don't have much work at hand lately, but there is something that I might want to trouble you with."

When V heard that he was finally in trouble, he joked: "It finally looks like something. Tell me, just leave it to me."

She was already very familiar with Gloria, and she felt that the proprietress Lizzy was really nice, beautiful, generous and considerate.

It is indeed a rare good thing for her to find such a middleman who can cooperate with her for a long time in Night City.

Gloria sent the details of the commission via message, and specifically told her to just investigate the situation and try not to cause conflicts.

V hung up the phone, opened the message interface, and checked the commission content.

Investigate cyber maniacs?

I'm going to check out the situation on the Watson Vortex Gang's territory, and investigate the reasons for the recent frequent appearance of cyber lunatics, and I've attached a few addresses.

After V received the address, he set off towards his destination.

Since the destinations are not far apart, it can be completed in one morning without incident.

It didn't take long.

V rushed to the first destination. It was a construction site. The building walls blocked the view inside. From the outside, it looked like there were many large machines at work, digging something into the ground.

She came to the entrance and exit of the construction site and found that the sign posted was Ye's Company, which should be the infrastructure project site of Ye's Company.

After looking at the venue for a while, I saw a guard guarding the door, so I stepped forward and asked.

"Hey, hello, can I ask a question?"

The guard of Ye's company had a stiff expression and said bluntly: "No comment."

Seeing that the other party did not chase anyone away, V took out two bills from his pocket and handed them over quietly.

V found that the guard was a little weird. His face remained stiff after accepting the banknotes, but he still asked.

"Brother, I would like to ask if any of the workers at your construction site have gone insane recently. Can you tell me what happened?"

In the commission content, V already knew what happened at the construction site, but he still wanted to confirm the details.

The guard turned his neck stiffly and his throat creaked, as if he wanted to make a sound but couldn't. The sound was stuck in his throat and felt uncomfortable.

V could only hear him speaking words intermittently.

"Not crazy."

The guard raised his hand and pointed at his head.

The words just fell.

His prosthetic eyes instantly glowed with a blue halo, as if his body was controlled by some strange force, and he launched an unchecked attack on V.

V reacted very quickly. He popped out the mantis knife in his left hand and cut off his protruding arm with a wave of his hand. Seeing that the situation was not good, he immediately turned around and ran away.

This is the construction site of Ye's company, surrounded by military technology defense equipment. If you escape slowly, you will inevitably be tracked and targeted by drones.

She escaped several corners in a row and felt relieved after confirming that there were no pursuers behind her.

What happened just now?

blue eyes?

She quickly thought that the accidents she encountered at the Jingu Temple and the party seemed to be related to Ye's company.

Could it be that those people were similarly controlled? It would be terrifying if they could control other people's minds at will.

The opponent's methods must not be so high, otherwise Night City would have been in chaos long ago.

V quickly calmed down and recalled that the man raised his hand and pointed to his brain.

These people who are easily manipulated may have certain brain problems that have been modified or affected by unknown factors.

She couldn't help but think of what Ye's company's charity plan had done to those who received assistance.

There must be a big ghost in Ye's company.

V stabilized his mind and continued towards the next few mission points.

She ran through several of them one after another, and finally there was only one left, which was located in a small square close to the core area of ​​influence of the Whirlpool Gang.

Except for the first Ye's Company construction site, nothing was found at other points investigated.

V seizes the time and rushes to the last destination.


She arrived at the scene and saw strange movement in the small square not far away, so she first found a corner and started to enter the stealth state.

Near the small square, there are two or three members of the Whirlpool Gang scattered around, monitoring the surrounding situation.

Maybe it was because the place was too remote, so these Uzumaki Gang members were absent-minded and chatting away.

"They are painting pictures and singing lyrics in there, and they are so fussy. What on earth does the boss want to do?"

"You know it, it's all those companies who made up a series of code names, such as Wolf Father, Blood Moon, and Shenlin. It makes me so embarrassed that I almost have cancer. Who knows what kind of ball it is."

"Stop talking, let's talk about our new work. Recently, the company sent another batch of goods. I heard that there are also monks. I want to think of something new for them."

"Well let me think about it, a full metal transformation would definitely be awesome!"

While they were chatting, V found a slightly hidden passage and sneaked into the small square smoothly.

She didn't have time to sort out the mess these people talked about.

She quietly sneaked into the small square and hid in the dark to observe the movement.

I saw a freezer placed in the center, with the door wide open and filled with ice water. There was a person lying down, with an optical cable connected to the back of his head, as if he was conducting deep diving activities.

On the ground, there are strange symbols painted with red blood, which is extremely weird.

Surrounding the freezer were members of the Uzumaki Gang, dancing around the freezer and mumbling words, as if praying for something to come.

V felt that the situation was not good, and the guy who was eating popped out from his left hand, ready to knock them to the ground at any time.

This group of lunatics are dancing like a bunch of demons, doing weird things.

V didn't know their intentions, so he had to observe the situation temporarily in order to learn more about the conspiracy behind them.

As the members of the Uzumaki Gang jumped more and more crazily, there was a sudden movement in the freezer.

They stopped dancing on the spot and stared directly at the freezer, expecting the person in the freezer to wake up.

The small square fell into dead silence.

Their eyes were full of surprise and expectation, as if the person in the freezer would not wake up originally.

As they expected, a hand reached out from the freezer, directly grabbed the interface on the back of the head and pulled it out.

The faces of the Uzumaki Gang members showed joy, and they seemed satisfied with the result.

The person in the freezer sat up, naked, and looked around confusedly.

A member of the Uzumaki Gang was stunned and tentatively called out: "Lilith?"

The other party looked at him as if he was electrocuted, and then nodded.

The members of the Uzumaki Gang immediately relaxed and continued: "The God's Descendance Plan has been successful. You can ask them for a price. If you don't get some real money this time, they won't be able to get it easily."

Several members of the Uzumaki Gang also smiled and agreed, and then began to pack up the on-site equipment.

One of the members of the Whirlpool Gang approached 'Lilith' with an electronic tablet and said: "We still need to confirm your program code to match it with Ye's company. You have to stay with us these days. "

The words have not yet finished.

His belly was penetrated by the sharp mantis knife, and the red prosthetic eye flashed a few times and then went out.

‘Lilith’ rolled out of the freezer and went straight towards everyone in the Whirlpool Gang, killing two of them one after another.

The members of the Uzumaki Gang were shocked and quickly took out their guns and started to fight back, but the bullets fell on the Cybermaniac and there was no reaction at all.

"Young fool, who implanted the subcutaneous armor into her?"

"Call for help quickly, she is not Lilith!"

"Kill her, quickly!"

The scene suddenly erupted with gunfire.

'Lilith' relied on her ruthless ferocity and full-body combat implants to wildly harvest the lives of the members of the Uzumaki Gang.

The combat implants that had just been implanted in her body had not even healed, and even the sutured wounds had not healed, and the flesh and blood could be seen connected to the machinery.

V hid aside and stared coldly, realizing that the background of this 'Lilith' was very strange, and she was not from the same group as the Uzumaki Gang at all.

Is there something wrong with this ceremony?

The object they summoned was not the 'Lilith' who was killing like crazy in front of them?

V was unsure of the details, so she immediately called up the contact interface and sent a message to the senior officer of the Terrorist Mobile Team.

Crazy and violent cyber lunatics, this falls squarely within their business scope.


Melissa Rory replied to V's message, saying that she was on her way and hoped that she could prevent the cybermaniac from expanding the scope of damage.

V couldn't help but cursed.

"Fuck, if I take action to solve it, what else do I need you to do?"

She knew that the 'Lilith' in front of her was not easy to mess with, and she had to be careful if she wanted to capture her.

After a few rounds, the hands of the people coming from the Whirlpool Gang were cut into pieces.

Lilith's scarlet eyes turned to look at V who was hiding in a hidden corner, and she smiled weirdly.

"Hello, human."

V noticed that he seemed to be double-imaged again and blinked quickly.

Before she could react, 'Lilith' rushed over.

V had no choice but to take action, and the two started slashing and slashing in the small square.

She first blasted Lilith in the head with her pistol, and after sweeping away the bullets, she ejected the mantis knife. While dodging the opponent's attacks, she slashed her ruthlessly.

It may be that 'Lilith' does not have combat expertise. Even though she has many combat prosthetics implanted in her body, she is still no match for V. She was quickly defeated and fell to the ground with her hands and feet broken.

She didn't seem to feel any pain and was still mumbling her own words.

"You are all blasphemers and all of you must die."

With a wave of his hand, V cut off his head, and the modified circuit at his neck was sparking.

at this time.

An aerial vehicle overhead approached the sky and issued a warning.

"Sure enough." V sighed helplessly. He always arrived on time when things were over.

V put away the mantis knife, followed the instructions of the violent terrorist mobile team, and retreated to a conspicuous position.

Melissa led two team members, jumped off the float vehicle, issued an order for the team members to investigate the scene, and walked directly to V.

V first explained the situation at the scene according to the necessary procedures, but hid the information about the company he heard from the Uzumaki Gang.

After Melissa finished taking notes, she looked back and saw the pieces of flesh and blood on the floor, and said in a calm tone.

"It seems that you have great potential to join us. How do you think about it?"

V shrugged and refused bluntly: "Maybe it would be appropriate for us to be friends. As for joining the violent terrorist mobile team, I have no plans for the time being."

Melissa didn't force it, and explained: "Everyone has different reasons for becoming a cybermaniac, but in the end they inevitably slip out of control."

"There are many factors that can lead to a person slipping out of control. Psychological stress, emotional disorders, prosthetic disorders, chronic pain, and even past experiences and current experiences can all become triggers."

"If you want to avoid losing control, join the Terrorist Mobile Team. We can tell you the answer."

"Even cyber lunatics can be transformed and join the violent terrorist mobile team."

V was actually a little surprised when he heard these words.

For some reason, she felt like Melissa was sure that she would join the Terrorist Mobile Team.

V was just doing business. After assisting Melissa in handling the incident, he planned to return to Lizzie Bar to hand over the commission to Gloria.

The violent terrorist mobile team confirmed that their duty was over and quickly left the team.

V walked alone on the street, thinking about the information gained today.

The Whirlpool Gang organized a bloody ritual, trying to summon unknown existences to the body, and had entanglements with the company.

I met a person who was inexplicably controlled at the venue and seemed to be related to the company. The clues all pointed to one place.

Ye's company.

V could clearly feel that this company was plotting something.

Just as she was deep in thought, her vision suddenly went dark, and then a paragraph of words popped up.

"Your existence is special, we know what you want, and soon you will understand"

Message ends.

V felt like his brain had been hit hard again, and he fell to the ground dizzy.

Company Square.

Tang Yu was driving a Renfield supercar, driving Lucy around in circles.

The red aperture of Lucy's prosthetic eyes rotated, and her hands controlled the mechanical equipment in her arms, as if searching for something.

After a while.

Her eyes returned to normal and she said calmly: "No signal can be found. At present, the so-called matrix space should be in a non-activated state."

"But even if it is activated, according to the confidentiality level, there is a high probability that the wave frequency will not be received from the outside world."

Tang Yu held the steering wheel with both hands and drove casually on the street.

"It seems like we have to wait for the matrix space to be activated before we have a chance to find their signal source."

Lucy nodded slightly: "This is how the company always behaves, isn't it?"

Ye's Company is a typical example of not leaving any flaws until the last step.

She continued her analysis: "If, as they say, the matrix space is an independent service network, then the threat is not great."

"If there are secret channels in the matrix space, communicating with public networks, or even connecting to cyberspace, there will be endless troubles."

Tang Yu definitely doesn't believe that Ye's company is really kind. The more upright it is on the surface, it just proves that there are more tricks inside.

"At this point, if you want to cut off this tumor, you must encourage the tumor to attack first."

Lucy chuckled: "This metaphor is good, but when the tumor breaks out, it can be fatal."

Tang Yu looked at Lucy in the passenger seat, hesitating in his heart whether he should involve her in this matter.

Now Lucy has joined the network surveillance team, her identity has been completely cleared, and internal threats to Arasaka Company have been eliminated.

If you get involved in this matter again, you will inevitably get into new trouble.

Lucy noticed Tang Yu's look from the corner of her eye, and said softly: "Since I have stayed in this city, I want to stay for a while. I have traveled to too many places, and I haven't found anything comparable to this place yet. "

"In the final analysis, the matter of matrix space is within the scope of the network supervision business. It is good to allow Night City to live a peaceful life for a few more days."

"What do you think?" Lucy turned her head slightly to look at Tang Yu, her neon pupils reflecting his delicate face.

Tang Yu was a little surprised by Lucy's choice.

In fact, she could take advantage of her identity as an Internet surveillance agent, find a suitable opportunity to resign, and live a free life.

But she is willing to stay in this city and continue her life.

Tang Yu was relieved immediately and asked with a chuckle.

"I still don't know how much salary the Internet Supervisor pays you per year. Is it convenient to disclose it?"

Lucy immediately didn't want to talk to him anymore and said casually: "Of course I'm not as high as you. If you don't count the task performance in one month, it's only about 20,000 euros. It will be higher when you get a full-time job later."

Tang Yu nodded and said thoughtfully: "Then you have to work hard. We are still far away from the spaceship ticket to the moon."

Lucy smiled angrily and said: "Fuck you, wait until you save enough money to buy a house on the moon before you talk to others."

Now that Lucy has decided to help, Tang Yu is no longer vague and begins to finalize some details.

Tang Yu said seriously: "If you want to truly confirm the situation in the matrix space, you must first let Yeshi Company start up and run the matrix space. This is the prerequisite for detecting the network signal wave frequency from the outside."

Lucy nodded: "But considering that Ye's company has been preparing for so long, it may be difficult to start with signal shielding. We must make follow-up preparations."

Tang Yu immediately thought of a good idea. Thanks to the experience of sneak attack on the base of Arasaka Tower, there is a tunnel that can lead directly to the core of the matrix space.

"If you install the program chip into the server interface before the matrix space is started, you can get the data flow."

"I know a tunnel in the suburbs. From there, you can go directly to the company square."

Lucy thought for a moment and thought that this plan could make preparations.

But Tang Yu realized some problems: "After the matrix space server starts running, it will definitely generate huge data. No program chip can identify and extract such a massive amount of data."

"And the matrix space has powerful computing power, so it is easy to detect these small actions, and it will be difficult to successfully achieve the goal."

Lucy thought of a way: "The program chip we choose does not have to be an intrusive type. It can also be a functional type, such as locating the matrix space network signal source."

"I can then enter cyberspace through deep diving and check whether the matrix space is linked to cyberspace."

"If any clues are found, the matrix space must be subject to network surveillance intervention."

Tang Yu thinks Lucy's method is very good.

The entire planned operation must have two sets of people.

A team of people sneaked into the company square from a suburban tunnel, broke through the physical restrictions, found the server interface, and installed the program chip.

This process cannot be too early or too late. It must be stuck at the moment before the matrix space is started.

After the signal source was activated, another team immediately sneaked into the cyberspace, found the matrix space link point, and checked whether there was anything abnormal about the other party.

Without a signal source, it is impossible to locate the location of the matrix space in the vast ocean of data world.

Once it is confirmed that there is a problem in the matrix space, network supervision can act according to the regulations, and major companies can also ask Ye's company for an explanation.

After deciding on the plan, Tang Yu planned to return to Arasaka Tower to ripen this big tumor.

Just as he was about to drive back, he suddenly received a message reminder.

[The person you are paying attention to is in a dangerous coma]

Tang Yu: "."

No more tonight.

PS: Thanks to the following big guys for the reward!


Mulan Valley 15.00

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