Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 181 The two of them messed up

Safe house, deep dive chamber.

Tang Yu held V across his side, placed her on the hacker chair, and gently helped her straighten her sleeping position.

V lay quietly on the hacker chair, his eyes slightly closed, and seemed to be sleeping soundly.

Tang Yu found V in a small square in Watson. She fainted and lay on the ground without moving at all.

In addition, there was a lot of blood around the small square, and V's 'corpse' shape almost didn't surprise Tang Yu. He thought V had encountered some terrible accident.

After a comprehensive examination by Tang Yu, he found that V still maintained healthy vital signs, so he safely brought her back to the network monitoring safe house.

Lucy was debugging the equipment on the other side, sorting out the optical cables and interfaces, and making preparations for the deep dive.

"Her ICE was invaded and cracked by a program of unknown origin, but it only temporarily caused her brain to short-circuit and shut down, and did not damage the prosthetic hardware."

"Judging from this approach, the other party's warning is more substantial."

Tang Yu stretched out his hand to hold the back of V's neck, and smoothed the hair blocking the neck, leaving a biological neural interface.

"Indeed, there was no trauma to her body."

"The other party uses this method of remotely invading brain prostheses. In addition to warning, they also intend to show their strength, at least in terms of hacking technology."

Lucy's eyebrows looked a little solemn. When she saw V lying unconscious on the hacker chair, she couldn't help but think of what she had experienced.


Being targeted by unknown forces, V must face an environment full of hidden dangers and suffer from a serious lack of sense of security.

Lucy didn't know what conspiracy V was involved in. In a short period of time, she was unconscious and seriously injured twice in a row, which showed that she was indeed not very lucky.

"This time it's just a warning, but it may not be the case next time."

"Fortunately, the ICE solid defense upgrade has been done before, and the system operation is very stable. As long as the brain prosthetic system is restarted, it will not take long to regain consciousness."

But Tang Yu wanted to do a more in-depth examination of V's brain before she woke up.

Previously, at Lao Wei's place, I borrowed equipment to check V's underlying database, and found no abnormalities.

There were only some clues about memory storage, and an unknown program had sneaked into her memory block, but there was no other action.

"Yes, but I may need to trouble you to dive deep into her biological nervous system to see if there is any abnormality."

Lucy walked to the hacker chair, handed over the interface in her hand, and said softly: "Connect it."

Tang Yu passed the interface into V's biological nerve slot, looked sideways at Lucy, and found that she was taking off her clothes and stepping into the cold pool water again.

Lucy's originally calm face frowned slightly. Although she held back her voice, she still couldn't get used to the biting chill of the ice water.

She lay quietly in the ice pool, her whole body soaked in the water, and her slender waist was clearly exposed.

Lucy crossed her hands in front of her belly, stared straight at the ceiling, and murmured.

"Don, I'm ready."

After Tang Yu finished processing V's program, he picked up the other end of the optical cable interface and squatted by the pool.

"Twice a day, can you stand it?"

Lucy slowly closed her eyes, no longer speaking, and a look of determination appeared on her face.

Carrying out two deep diving activities in a row on the same day is a huge test for the brain.

Although the previous deep dive went smoothly and did not take long, the brain nerves were inevitably subjected to high temperatures in the face of huge data flows.

So before the second deep dive, Tang Yu was a little worried that Lucy couldn't bear it and was in danger.

But Lucy seemed to be very determined and was ready for the second time.

Tang Yu reached out to the back of her head and gently peeled off the bandage covering the deep diving slot.

Then firmly insert the optical cable interface into it, and with a click sound, the two fit tightly.

Lucy frowned slightly and clenched her teeth.

As the switch was activated, Lucy's consciousness instantly turned into a stream of data and escaped into the data space of V's brain.

Tang Yu reached into the bath and gently held Lucy's wrist. A slightly invisible arc slowly flowed through the bionic skin and from the data interface into her brain.


Lucy was in V's ICE data space and suddenly heard Tang Yu's voice.

Tang Yu is helping Lucy through 'weak electric energy control'.

Following his prompts, Lucy quickly unlocked the ICE defense and headed towards V's core data area.

V's ICE solid defense was upgraded by Lao Wei, so Tang Yu knew it very well.

With Tang Yu's help, Lucy found the memory storage area without much effort.

In the endless dark space, a matrix composed of countless codes is running and flowing in an orderly manner.

"The check confirmed that there is no problem with the nervous system."

"The inspection confirmed that there is no problem with the biological sign maintenance system."

"Check and confirm."

Lucy screened V's situation one by one, trying to find out what problems existed in V's head.

"Have a look in the memory storage area and check if there are any abnormalities in the subnet Poseidon." Tang Yu's words flowed through Lucy's heart.

She quickly switched the screening area, entered the memory storage area, and flipped through the contents.

Lucy immediately saw a lot of detailed memory fragments about V. Some were recorded in V's biological memory, and some were recorded through prosthetic eyes.

It shows a lot of V fighting in the streets and hanging out in various fight scenes all year round.

There was also the recent experience of her being traumatized by Adam's hammer and losing a forearm.


A picture caught Lucy's attention, which was recorded through the prosthetic eye.

The content is from V's first-person perspective, as if he is leaning on a man's arms, lowering his head shyly.

Because the data flow rate is too fast, these pictures only flash by and are not very relevant to the content Lucy is looking for.

She just paid a little attention and passed by, but she still felt that the shirt in her sight was inexplicably familiar.


Lucy discovered the key point through the screening data and was suddenly shocked.

There is a huge thing stored in V's brain, which is integrated into a group and forms a whole, directly absorbing the data code symbols flowing around it.

The large group of data is like a giant bee swarm, and each code symbol is like a small bee, flying up and down regularly around the bee swarm.

Lucy tentatively analyzed the data mass in front of her and immediately discovered the clues.

Subnet Poseidon?

This blob of data that seemed to come alive was the Poseidon data that had been copied into V's brain not long ago.

However, the server was severely damaged during the data copying process, causing the subnet Poseidon data in V's mind to be missing.

But now the subnet Poseidon seems to have regained its vitality, and is gradually repairing and improving its own data by using the computing power of V's brain prosthesis.

Codes are like little bees, gathering from all directions to join the subnet Poseidon.

Lucy was horrified.

The subnet Poseidon data actually produced a preliminary artificial intelligence ideology, or it can be said that Poseidon was an artificial intelligence from the beginning.

Now stored in V's biological brain computer, another survival update mechanism environment is obtained.

If this continues, Subnet Poseidon can use V's brain computing power to recover bit by bit until it evolves a newer algorithm or artificial intelligence.

Lucy realized that something was wrong and immediately waved her hand and started the cleaning program to try to erase the data.

Now that the Voodoo Gang has been destroyed, and the subnet Poseidon's damaged data has been handed over to Arasaka, the data in V's mind no longer has much meaning. Network monitoring does not need to use this data to do anything.

Lines of cleaning program code, like white iron chains, invaded the Poseidon Data Group.

When the cleanup program code comes into contact with the Poseidon data group, it is swallowed up and disappears silently.


The computing power of the Poseidon Data Group has developed to a certain extent, and it can independently resist intrusions. It has even gradually begun to take on a human form. Judging from the blurry figure, it looks more like V.

This was the first time Lucy had encountered this situation, and she felt extremely troubled.

This mass of data is now equivalent to being 'parasitized' in V's head. Although it does not have much impact at the moment, there is no guarantee that it will cause trouble in the future.

Before Lucy could activate a more powerful offensive program again, the Poseidon Data Group suddenly stretched out several codes and attacked her like octopus tentacles.

Since it was in V's biological neural data space, Lucy did not dare to use too radical methods to avoid damaging V's brain nerves.

Taking advantage of her cowardice, the Poseidon Data Chain instantly trapped her, locking her in a cage like an iron chain.

Lucy was stunned. If she was locked up here and couldn't get out, when V woke up and disconnected the link, she might be trapped here forever and never be able to return to her body.

Before she had time to worry about what would happen next, the situation in front of her was already precarious.

The cage that trapped her was slowly pulling towards the Poseidon Data Group, and it seemed that the other party was going to use Lucy as a new supply.

This kind of data consciousness with logical thinking is undoubtedly the most tempting meal for the Poseidon who has just taken shape.

Lucy made a quick decision and used all her strength to break open the cage that trapped her and rushed towards other areas.

But just after she escaped from the cage, her legs were tied by two data chains, blocking the transfer program she had started.

Poseidon Data's powerful basic algorithm program gives it more room and room to play.

Lucy's eyebrows were anxious. If she couldn't escape from here, she would be in danger.

But facing the Poseidon data group and the data space in V's mind, Lucy couldn't wantonly destroy it and escape.

Just when she was in a stalemate with the Poseidon Data Corps and was in deep danger, an arc of electricity emerged from her legs, burning the data chains like an electric fire.

Immediately afterwards, the electric arc wrapped around Lucy's body, blocking all the countless stretched data chains, and any data code that touched the arc network was burned.

Lucy's expression turned calm, and she immediately seized the opportunity to activate the return flow and end the deep dive operation.


When Tang Yu turned off the deep dive program and unplugged the socket on the back of Lucy's head, Lucy took a sharp breath and woke up suddenly, unable to stop coughing several times.

Lucy's whole body was shaking because of the violent cough, and her wet hair was littered with water droplets.

Tang Yu quickly took the blanket, put it on her shoulders, and helped her up from the cold pool.

Lucy stepped out of the pool weakly, her slender legs wobbly and almost unsteady.

She held her hands on the wall, lowered her head and frowned tightly, trying to calm down her excited emotions and disordered breathing.

Two consecutive high-intensity deep dives and a fierce confrontation with ICE overloaded her brain, giving her an extremely uncomfortable headache and a painful look on her face.

Tang Yu knew that this was the sequelae of the hacker's deep dive activities, and there was no better way than waiting for the brain to recover naturally.

Lucy had a blanket draped over her shoulders, water droplets dripping down her smooth skin, and the evaporating heat on her head was rising up in wisps.

She regained her composure a little, turned her head to look at V who was lying on the hacker chair, and said softly: "There is something wrong with the subnet Poseidon in her mind, and it has come to life."

Is the subnet Poseidon alive?

Tang Yu felt a little surprised in his heart.

He had suspected this at the beginning, but during Lao Weiner's inspection, no symptoms of the problem were found.

This shows that Ziwang Poseidon is hiding very deep and disguises himself very well.

When I got the intrusion record before, it was very likely that I saw the status of the subnet Poseidon, so I chose to wait for the opportunity to mature.

"How are you doing? Can you still hold on?"

Lucy said solemnly: "I'm fine. Let's check on her first. This problem is not easy to solve."

She had tried hard just now to eliminate the existence of Poseidon from the subnet, but it ended in failure.

Tang Yu nodded, but with the technical means in front of him, he couldn't handle it for a while.

"We can only find another way to solve this matter. It cannot be solved by deep potential. Let her wake up later."

Lucy nodded with some difficulty, but it was difficult for her to even stand upright, and she couldn't even squat down to pick up the clothes.

She tried to squat down and reach out to pick up the clothes. Her hands and legs trembled involuntarily, not listening to the instructions of her head at all.


The deep diving activity just now caused excessive pressure on the cranial nerves, and it would take at least a period of recovery.

Tang Yu saw her difficulty, so he picked up the items on the ground one by one, wiped them clean, hung them on his wrists in an orderly manner, and walked to Lucy.

"I'll put it on for you." Tang Yu said bluntly with a calm expression.

He didn't seem to think there was anything wrong. When he was working as a hacker for deep dives, he often took off his clothes.

Once in cyberspace, I had a battle with the Arasaka hacker group. After spending a lot of effort to solve the problem, I almost collapsed when I returned to reality.

They were also the ones who helped lift out the freezer, wipe it clean and change clothes.

During that time, he was like a vegetative state. He lay dead for several days and was paralyzed for a while, unable to cheer up.

Compared with his embarrassment at the time, Lucy was relatively decent.

Seeing Tang Yu's behavior, she looked embarrassed, with a hint of shame and anger in her eyes, and stared at Tang Yu coldly with a pair of neon eyes.

After a while.

Lucy put away her hostile gaze, slowly closed her eyes and said.

"Close the curtain"

Tang Yu thought to himself that there were no outsiders around here, and V was still in a coma. It would be redundant to close the curtain.

But considering Lucy's sensitive self-esteem, Tang Yu had no choice but to do as she was told, closing the curtain to isolate V who was lying on the hacker chair.

It didn't take long.

Tang Yu hugged Lucy and walked out from behind the curtain.

Lucy glanced at V and then said: "Let me go outside, and then you take her away."

Tang Yu was worried that Lucy was so weak that it would be inappropriate to stay in the safe house alone, so he kindly suggested: "Send you back."

Lucy tried to clench her fists, but her fingers were weak and couldn't close them together. So she looked coldly at Tang Yu in front of her and asked, "Do you think that sports car can fit in it?"

Tang Yu thought she was worried and couldn't put her face down, but she didn't expect it to be such a trivial matter. He replied easily: "It's okay, I have a spare limousine."

five minutes later.

An Arasaka luxury business car drove steadily on the road, heading towards Westbrook Sakura Street.

In the carriage.

Tang Yu leaned against the soft leather seat, and two people sat opposite him, each wearing a seat belt.

One was V, who was sleeping soundly, with his head drooped and completely unaware.

One was Lucy, who held her stubborn head high and closed her eyes tightly. There was a bit of coldness and shame in her brows.

Tang Yu looked at the two people on the left and the right, and they both showed up on the same day. It was somewhat of a coincidence.

However, these things are inseparable from him. If V hadn't been arranged to steal the Poseidon data from the Voodoo Gang subnet, V wouldn't have had multiple data tumors in his head for no reason.

If he hadn't let Lucy dive deep into V's brain, Lucy wouldn't have struggled twice in a row, encountered danger and finally exhausted herself.

He tried his best to hide his guilt and asked Lucy with a serious face: "Are you feeling better now?"

Lucy didn't open her eyes at all. She seemed to be worried about what happened just now, and asked, "What do you think?"

Tang Yu didn't care about her tone, and still said to himself: "Maybe you need to rest for a while recently. If there is something urgent, I can arrange someone to take care of it for you."

Lucy did not refuse: "Thank you, you really mean it."

The carriage fell into silence again.


Lucy seemed to have thought of something and asked, "Does she know your secret?"

Tang Yu immediately realized that Lucy was referring to his mysterious power.

There is no prosthetic body installed, but it can precisely control the prosthetic body by controlling its weaknesses, and can even connect to the cyberspace to transmit data and energy.

"Only you know now." Tang Yu seemed calm.

Lucy thought about that night run, and her shock when she saw him display his amazing abilities was really incredible.

She had thought about this matter many times alone, but she never asked Tang Yu.

In fact, these secrets belong to Tang Yu alone, and no second person needs or should know it, but Tang Yu chose to tell her in this way.

Lucy opened her ice-blue eyes, and when she looked at Tang Yu again this time, there was a slight glimmer in her neon pupils.

"You are so special, so special that you feel like you don't belong in this world."

Tang Yu's eyes stagnated slightly. He didn't expect that the silver-haired girl in front of him had such keen intuition and discovered unusual clues.

He looked out the car window helplessly, as if he had just returned to Night City, feeling a little emotional.

"If this city is really destroyed one day, and everyone around you disappears, and you are given another chance to come back, will you still choose this path?"

Lucy's pupils shrank suddenly, and she was particularly surprised by Tang Yu's question.

She thought seriously with some difficulty, but her eyes couldn't help but fall on Tang Yu's face.

There was a long silence.

"I, I don't know." Lucy murmured.

Tang Yu smiled, with a hint of helplessness in his emotional laughter.

"In fact, I do not know."

"Once upon a time, we carried torches and lit the world on fire with rage."

"But right now, I'm really not sure."

"The gifted ability is very powerful, but the price for using it is something I am not willing to pay."

"Sometimes I wish I wouldn't be able to use these abilities for the rest of my life. At least this means everything goes well for the time being."

Lucy's eyes were calm, and she couldn't help but think of the scenes where Tang Yu used his mysterious abilities many times, all of which were to save the situation, or to save himself.

Now that V next to her is in danger, she knows that Tang Yu will do whatever it takes to save V.

Because Lucy knew that the chest in the memory picture in V's mind belonged to Tang Yu.

V must be a particularly important person to him, even if the two of them look like they just met at this moment.

Lucy's heart began to become complicated, and she didn't want to deal with or figure out these things.

"How are you going to deal with V's matter?" Lucy changed the subject and stopped talking about Tang Yu's secrets.

Tang Yu glanced at V, who was sleeping soundly, and knew that she was physically strong and very nervous, and that nothing would happen for a while.

"Let's wait until the time is right. Even I can't solve the trouble in her mind now. I may have to find someone to help, or maybe one day I will be able to solve it and it will be solved naturally."

Lucy then thought of the powerful figure outside the black wall of cyberspace, Otto Cunningham.

If she were to take action, it wouldn't be difficult for the subnet Poseidon in V's mind, but the subnet Poseidon is a tool of the Voodoo Gang, so handing it over to the AI ​​outside the black wall would lead to great risks.

Although Lucy doesn't really want to work in network surveillance, she has learned more about cyberspace through her identity as a network agent these days.

AI outside the black wall not only grows wildly and attacks hackers who try to climb over the black wall to the old network, but also consciously wants to break through the black wall and enter the only remaining cyberspace of mankind, thereby penetrating into the human material world.

Preventing AI intrusion and penetration into the human world is the main responsibility of network supervision.

And Subnet Poseidon is exactly the important tool that AI needs. If it falls into their hands, the consequences will be endless.

After a while.

The vehicle arrived at its destination.

Tang Yu knew where Lucy lived, so he stepped forward to help her unbuckle her seat belt and prepared to take her back upstairs.

Who would have thought that Lucy stopped him with a voice: "Wait a minute, send V upstairs first, and I'll give you the access control authentication."

Lucy's prosthetic eyes turned and then transmitted the access control authentication system to Tang Yu.

This made Tang Yu feel a little strange, why did he send V upstairs so well.

He also planned to take V back to the apartment and supervise her to avoid her running around and causing trouble outside during this period.

"She will be safer with me now. Network supervision is strict enough in network security protection."

"By the way, I will upgrade her ICE defense and add program confinement to the subnet Poseidon data in her mind. The network monitoring side has a more advanced version."

Tang Yu seemed to be serious when he saw Lucy's serious expression.

When it comes to ICE software programs, Network Monitor's is definitely more reliable than Arasaka's.

Moreover, he had to go back to Arasaka Tower later and had some things to deal with, so it was inconvenient to have V with him all the time.

It was impossible to lock her in her apartment, and with her temperament, she couldn't be stopped by jumping off the building.

After thinking about it, Tang Yu agreed.

After opening the car door, he carried the unconscious V upstairs and to the apartment where Lucy lived.

When she came back, she found that Lucy was holding on to the car door with all her strength, resisting the weakness and trembling of her legs, trying to get home on her own strength.

When Tang Yu saw this, he didn't ask any more questions. He just stepped forward, picked her up and carried her upstairs.

After settling them in, they turned around and left, immediately rushing to Arasaka Tower to prepare their next plan.

No more tonight.

PS: Thank you to the following sponsors for the rewards!

Sikong Guixu 5.00

SunnyW, Qidian Reading iOS 15.00

Blackwatch s1 1.00

Barrykin, Qidian Reading iOS 1.00

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