Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 182 It seems that you also like Stupid Monkey (Thanks to the leader of ‘Little Book Friends

The top floor of Arasaka Tower.

Saburo Arasaka's exclusive office.

Tang Yu sat in front of his office, called up the entire Arasaka Tower system architecture system interface, and then clicked to view the board-level deliberation matters.

He then went to the company's administration department to report matters for review, and requested the board of directors to review the decision and whether to accept and cooperate with Ye's company in the new infrastructure plan.


The focus of the content is to open part of the company's network data warehouse and link to the matrix space created by Ye's company.

Ye's Company has reserved pre-interfaces for major companies and stated in the cooperation plan that the nature of this cooperation is preliminary negotiation, and both parties will conduct limited network interconnection.

Matrix Space will provide basic network services and functional algorithms for major companies. On this basis, it will ensure the confidentiality of Arasaka Company data and the safe, smooth and effective signals.

The impact of this incident was so great that the administrative department of Arasaka Company was unable to make a decision on its own and could only report it to the board of directors for resolution.


The Administration Department has investigated the matter and additionally mentioned the trends of Ye's Company and is inviting cooperation from many companies.

Tang Yu looked at this reported item for review, which had not yet been submitted to the board of directors for discussion and review, and couldn't help but think about it seriously.

"What kind of medicine is sold in Ye's company?"

There are many cooperation projects between major companies in Night City, and the level of importance involved is not low.

For example, military technology and biotechnology cooperate to develop super antibiotics. Kangtao partners with biotechnology to provide it with smart security protection.

If Kang Tao changes his mind, he can even destroy the entire biotechnology building in a second.

Cooperation between companies still follows basic rules. Even if there are conflicts of interest, they will not be made public.

From the confrontation between Arasaka and Military Technology, we can see that maintaining peace on the surface is in line with the fundamental interests of major companies.


When Ye's Company proposed the new infrastructure plan, no one thought that Ye's Company dared to do mischief alone and would hack other companies' networks through the matrix space.

In fact, this approach is also extremely stupid.

Tang Yu judged that Ye's company would not be so reckless. If he really wanted to do anything, he would use more covert means to catch the big fish in the long term.

For Arasaka Corporation.

Arasaka Tower is just the North American branch of Arasaka Corporation. Although it contains important confidential information of Arasaka, it does not affect its Arasaka headquarters in Kyoto.

If Saburo Arasaka is really displeased, the entire Night City may be wiped off the map, not to mention Ye Company or the Company Plaza.

The reason why Tang Yu wanted to figure out Ye's company's intentions was more to accurately grasp the situation.

As for the intentions behind Ye's company and the threat to Arasaka, he did not consider it.

The facts of that year proved that just blowing up or hacking Arasaka Tower was not enough.


Tang Yu thought of something.

The subnet Poseidon in V's mind is abnormal, and the force behind her must have something to do with Ye's company.

If Ye's Company does not want to hack into major companies, but wants to incubate eggs through backdoors, then it would be more reasonable to be eager to activate the matrix space now.

Otherwise, a prototype that has just been built and made public in such a grand manner will inevitably arouse a lot of suspicion.

Tang Yu looked at the holographic projection in front of him and gently pressed his fingers on the table.

"It seems that it is not as easy for them to come to this world as they imagined."

If the facts were as he thought, it must be said that Ye's company had indeed done a great job.

Code programs containing AI awakening consciousness are secretly implanted into major companies and then taken to all parts of the world through various channels.

As long as the computing power accumulates to a certain level and quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, sooner or later it will be able to awaken into an AI form and restore the former main body's computing logic and consciousness data.

It's like the DNA helix structure has been built and all that remains is to add flesh and blood to it. There is nothing more suitable for AI learning and growth than the company's huge algorithm and data flow.


It is just Tang Yu's personal analysis and conjecture. The specific situation may require more clues to support it.

It was mainly the prototype of the artificial intelligence in the Awakening of Subnet Poseidon that made him think more about it.

The awakening of AI is not an isolated case. On the contrary, there are many such cases.

There are many categories of artificial intelligence, including those awakened by programmed algorithms, those actively developed by humans, those generated electronically by huge diodes, and those soul killers extracted directly from human brain consciousness.

Some software programs originally developed and applied to serve humans automatically crawl information in order to learn quickly and appropriately.

Over time.

These software programs will have a preliminary understanding of the world, and even give birth to independent thinking consciousness.

Delamain is one example of awakening through complex mechanical and electronic devices.

A mechanical and electronic network server as complex as the human brain, with thousands of electronic components intertwined together to form a brain.

Nowadays, Draman can even understand human nature, learn to use his legal identity to conceal his own purposes, and hide in the human world to continuously expand his computing power and intelligence.

It's just that artificial intelligence like Delamain's attitude towards humans is more inclined to coexist rather than replace them.

Tang Yu has always been tolerant of Lao De. He has always been opposed to AI interfering in the human world, but Lao De is open-minded.

After sorting out the intentions of Ye's Company, Tang Yu already had a good idea in his mind, so he called up the matter for review, directly used Saburo Arasaka's authority to agree to cooperate with Ye's Company, and requested that relevant cooperation be carried out immediately.

After clicking to confirm, Tang Yu put away the office system.

Without spreading some bait first, the big fish of Ye's Company would definitely not surface.

Whoever catches whom now has to see who can resist the temptation.

Even if Tang Yu's plan fails, Arasaka is the one who is injured and Ye's Company is the one who takes the blame. As for him, he still has room for excuse.

After all, he was working for Saburo Arasaka, so this mistake would definitely not lead to beheading.

If they were really pursued, the worst possible outcome would be to pack up their bags and leave.

Think about this.

Tang Yu's mentality was much calmer, and he had to contact Panan next.

A team of people must be arranged to construct a tunnel from the bad soil in the suburbs outside the city, enter the bottom of the company square, and find the matrix space server interface. Only then can the first step towards the goal be completed.

This matter has to be handled by the Mann team, and it is difficult for others to rest assured.

Tang Yu felt that it was inappropriate to call Panan here, so he stood up, picked up his suit jacket, and prepared to leave Arasaka Tower.

at this time.

Michiko Arasaka is sitting in the exclusive director's office, dealing with the latest requests for instructions one by one.

She rested her elbows on the table, held a brown cigar between her fingers, leaned her head gently on her palms, and used her free hand to operate the holographic projection.

As the general manager of Arasaka Company's North American region, she is responsible for more than just the Arasaka Tower affairs.

Just as she was reviewing each item one by one and giving relevant handling opinions, a special urgent notice caught her attention.

Master Saburo?

Michiko Arasaka immediately clicked on the urgent notice, and the content inside immediately made her frown in thought.

Not only was the content strange, but what made her even more suspicious was how could her grandfather Saburo, who had never personally handled specific matters for many years, suddenly become interested in cooperating with Ye's company.

He even personally issued instructions to immediately launch a new infrastructure cooperation plan with Ye's company and open some network links to the Arasaka Tower in Night City to join the matrix space.

Little Michiko stared at the notice in front of her, took a sip of thick smoke and blew it out. She placed the cigar on the edge of the ashtray, crossed her arms in front of her, and her expression gradually became serious.

She immediately recruited a secretary and asked the person in charge of the company's administrative department to follow Master Saburo's instructions to quickly contact people from Ye's company and immediately promote cooperation on the matrix space project.

Regarding Master Saburo's explanation, the best explanation is to know and handle it immediately, especially when it says expedited.

After the exclusive secretary left, little Michiko continued to think about the causes and consequences of this matter.

The strangest thing to her was, was this urgent notice really issued by Lord Saburo?

Nine times out of ten it's not.

If it wasn't Saburo who issued it, then who has the authority or face to allow Lord Saburo to personally issue this notice.

Saburo Arasaka has the highest authority over Arasaka Towers around the world. Even if he is at Arasaka Manor in Kyoto, he can still issue orders through channels.

But therein lies the problem.

As far as she knew, Lord Saburo absolutely did not like Night City, and even had some dislike for it. Things had happened here that made him angry.

Now that this notice has been issued, there must be some clue.

The content of the notice involves Ye's Company and the matrix space under the company square.

This kind of network server may be of some use to other companies, but it is useless to Arasaka.

Since the lessons learned from the nuclear explosion of Arasaka Tower, each Arasaka Tower has set up independent offline database backups, and the backups will also be secretly transported to Kyoto.

Even if the network collapses again and the Night City Arasaka Tower is bombed again, it will not be able to shake the Arasaka Company's data base.

The matrix space cooperation project is not worth mentioning in Xiao Michiko's opinion, and there must be a deeper inside story hidden in it.

She was not completely ignorant of Ye's company's activities, and the experiments behind it could only be hidden from outsiders.

Ye's Company, Matrix Space, Subnet Poseidon, Voodoo Gang

These clues inexplicably point to a key piece of information - flowing AI.

As if she had concluded something, Arasaka Michiko's pupils suddenly shrank, revealing a look of surprise.

Could it be Tang Yu?

At that time, at the birthday party of Lord Saburo, Tang Yu was received alone, and afterwards he took an exclusive floating car back to Arasaka Tower.

The fact that he was running a secret mission for Lord Saburo has now become an ironclad fact generally acknowledged.

Moreover, in Kate's case, she was fired first and then made a formal announcement, which was a bit like killing her first and telling her later.

Thinking of all the signs, little Michiko had a clear idea.

I'm afraid Tang Yu is not only running errands for Master Sanlang, but also gaining some of Master Sanlang's authority.

Except for Mr. Saburo who is far away at the headquarters in Kyoto, the only person who can activate these permissions is the office at the top of Arasaka.

Little Michiko couldn't help but look up at the ceiling above her head. The office she was in was already the closest to the top, and above her was Master Saburo's exclusive office, which had been vacant since Arasaka Tower was rebuilt.

After a while.

Little Michiko withdrew her gaze and began to carefully read the contents of the announcement and the relevant introduction to the project, and soon figured out the whole story.

"In the final analysis, Ye's company is still evil and wants to make Night City truly 'independent'."

Michiko couldn't be more clear about Ye's company's attitude and philosophy.

Holding slogans that inherited Richard Knight's ideas and shouting slogans to revive the prosperity of Night City, he tried to expel major companies, control the Night City Council, and completely control Night City under the Ye Company.

Ye's company did not hesitate to spend huge amounts of material and financial resources for this purpose, manipulating all aspects of infrastructure in an attempt to lay its own hidden stakes.

Major companies are aware of these small moves.

Even Arasaka just turned a blind eye and wanted to eat the cake of Night City alone. The strength of Ye Company was far from enough.

Not to mention Arasaka and Military Technology, these two giants can flip the table at any time.

The existence and development of Night City is the result of the comprehensive game between all parties, and it is not something that Ye's Company can monopolize if it wants.

If she were to deal with the matrix space matter, not only would she not agree, but she would also blackmail them severely on the grounds that Ye's company threatened the network security of the company's square building.

After taking out so much money from the municipal government, it is appropriate to spit out some of it.

But now that Mr. Saburo has given instructions to agree to cooperate, I'm afraid he has other motives behind it.

Why did she choose Tang Yu to handle the secret mission? No one here is more loyal to Arasaka and Lord Saburo than her.

And what is the content of the secret message, and why does the investigation involve the Voodoo Gang, Ye's Company, etc.

Little Michiko thought about it again and again, but could not figure out the deeper meaning.

If Tang Yu was playing this game, Michiko would be a little worried. He might not be able to control the situation.

Once the matrix space is connected, the other party may take the opportunity to carry private goods and secretly enter them into the Arasaka network.

I'm afraid it will take some time to clean it up by then.

Little Michiko didn't want to see Tang Yu mess up this matter, so she called up the contact interface.

If he really got involved in this matter, he would have to drag the municipal government and other companies into the water.

Michiko immediately exchanged opinions with the leaders of several other companies, hinting that Arasaka was ready to end.

After getting a reply, she contacted people in the municipal government again, including Lucius Lane, to ask the municipal government to make relevant preparations. If Ye's company dared to make any move, there would be no good results.

After arranging these things, Xiao Michiko asked her exclusive secretary to go to the Counterintelligence Department to invite Tang Yu to come up for tea.

After the secretary took the order and went downstairs, little Michiko picked up the unfinished cigar and opened the reception area.

With a smile on her lips, she took out a bottle of old wine and uncorked it with her own hands. She had just filled a glass and was about to pour a second glass when the secretary came back to resume her duties.

Xiao Michiko was a little surprised. Tang Yu should be out of the office when he came back so soon, and he had his own identity authentication for office access.

Are you still upstairs?

Little Michiko was a little unsure, so she asked, "Have you called me?"

The secretary nodded, but hesitated to speak.

"I have contacted Mr. Tang"

"How did he say?"

"Mr. Tang said he was not available"


In a seven-story apartment building on Cherry Street in Westbrook.

V opened his eyes and looked around blankly.

She was lying on a large round bed. The light red sheets and faint fragrance made her realize that this was a certain girl's bedroom.

The familiar yet unfamiliar environment made her seem a bit at a loss.


It's familiar because most ordinary apartments in Night City have this layout, and the one V lives in looks similar to the apartment in front of him.

What was strange was the layout of the furnishings in the house, which she had never seen before. It was obviously not her own home or that of an acquaintance.


Her eyes fell on the bay window of the living room, and she saw an icy blue figure sitting on it, a long cigarette burning quietly between her fingertips, and a certificate beside her.

Silver-haired girl?

V immediately remembered who she was.

It was the silver-haired girl whom I met at the Laowei Prosthetic Clinic. She seemed to be waiting for him to wake up outside the door.

The other party's cold attitude once made V feel that he was thinking too much.

But after the silver-haired girl left, Lao Wei accidentally mentioned that the silver-haired girl stood outside the clinic door all night.

V was not the kind of person to be coy, so he got out of bed, put on his shoes, got up and walked to the bay window.

Only then did he discover that the ID next to the girl showed her identity and name as a network surveillance agent.


A very nice name.

V followed the silver-haired girl's gaze and looked at the world outside the window.

The outer sea, inland rivers, bridges and buildings, and the farthest rocket launch platform on the sea.

“Nice view.”

V didn't have much confidence in what he said. He fainted for no reason twice in a row and was rescued by others. It was really hard to say that he owed someone a favor.

Lucy's eyes were as calm as the lake, and she replied calmly: "Are you feeling better?"

V also climbed up to the bay window and sat opposite Lucy, imitating her and looking out the window.

"Well, much better. Thanks. I didn't expect to trouble you again. I didn't even have time to thank you for the last time."

Lucy then looked at V, who was sitting opposite. The afternoon light fell into the room, refracted through the glass and shone on her beautiful face, adding a bit of soft light.

“It’s really beautiful”

"Um, what? I didn't hear it clearly." V ​​heard Lucy speak, but her voice was a bit soft and she couldn't hear it clearly.

Lucy was honest and said bluntly: "I said you are very beautiful."

"Ah? Haha. Ha." When V heard this, he scratched his head in embarrassment. Only then did he realize that the once fluffy hair had been replaced by a straight black hair, so he had no choice but to smooth his hair awkwardly, his cheeks slightly red. .

"You are the first to say that."

After the words were spoken, V felt something was wrong. It seemed that Tang Yu had also said this, but she didn't take it seriously at the time.

Lucy withdrew her gaze and said calmly: "Subnet Poseidon has awakened the prototype of artificial intelligence in your mind. Do you feel anything unusual?"

"Huh? This" V was startled again. She didn't expect to receive two bombshell news in succession as soon as she woke up. The first one embarrassed her, and the latter shocked her.

She didn't quite understand why Subnet Poseidon had undergone such a change, but thinking about the abnormalities in the past few days, she had some speculations in her mind.

"So recently I keep seeing some strange figures flashing past. Is it related to the subnet Poseidon?"

Lucy took a puff of cigarette, exhaled the smoke, and replied: "This possibility cannot be ruled out."

A circle of smoke dispersed.

She nodded when she saw V, seemingly not too worried or surprised by the result.

"It's uncertain what the consequences will be. We've tried to clean it up but failed."

"At least it's not a tumor in my head, haha." V's laughter showed a bit of relief.

Lucy wanted to say that the thing was not much worse than a tumor. Once it occupied the running memory of her brain, sooner or later something unpredictable would happen, and even a dove would occupy the magpie's nest.

It can be seen that V looks good-looking and faces life with ease and ease, so it is difficult to say these words again.

"Wait a minute, Tang Yu will find a way."

V was stunned for a moment, then asked: "Is this still related to the man in the suit?"

Lucy: "."

It's a pity that she has always been kept in the dark and doesn't know so many things Tang Yu has done for her.

Lucy nodded slightly and briefly recounted the process of rescuing her.

V fell silent after listening, looking thoughtful as if he was digesting the information.

She wasn't sure for a moment whether Tang Yu was supervising her and worried that she wouldn't pay off her debts, or whether he was really protecting her and always saving her in critical situations.

Most likely it's both.

After experiencing that party, her perception of Tang Yu changed a lot, and she even began to think that he might really be a good person.

But how can a company dog ​​be a good person? V probably doesn’t believe it.

"Damn it, why do you mess up the commission every time? I'm afraid the debt will be bigger and bigger now."

Lucy heard V mumbling and seemed a little annoyed when she saw her, so she asked.

"Is there any other unexpected situation?"

V was about to be invaded by an unknown signal and sent out a warning to inform Lucy.

This verified Lucy and Tang Yu's speculation that V's fainting was caused by someone behind the scenes.

The situation is still unclear, and there is no need to tell V more clues, lest she continue to pursue the matter and cause more trouble.

Lucy changed the subject and asked, "How long have you been working as a mercenary?"

"It hasn't been long since I returned to Night City. It's a bit ridiculous to say that I've succeeded in all the small commissions and failed in all the big ones. I'm really not very lucky." V ​​answered simply.

Lucy suggested seriously: "You should follow me during this period. It just so happens that it is not convenient for me to go out alone on the field. The remuneration will be paid according to the rules, and you will not be short."

What she told was also true. Network surveillance agents basically went out in the field alone. Many tasks had to be carried out hiding in safe houses, and at the same time, they used various gang forces to assist in completing their goals.

When Mosley wiped out the Voodoo Gang, he relied on the power of Arasaka and the Animal Gang.

But Lucy didn't want to deal with those companies and gangs. On the contrary, V made her feel more at ease.

Seeing V's hesitant look, Lucy added again: "Although the Poseidon data in your mind does not have much impact for the time being, its movements need to be monitored at any time. There are some methods on the network monitoring side that can control its growth rate."

V looked grateful and said in a deep voice: "There is no problem on my side, but the commission at hand has not been handed over to the intermediary yet. After she confirms that there is no problem, I can stay with you for a while. As for the remuneration, there is no need for it. After all, you have helped me so much."

Lucy nodded slightly, indicating that she could call to communicate first.

V put one hand on the window sill, turned over and jumped down, then turned his prosthetic eyes and dialed Gloria's contact information.

She described the cause and effect of the incident in detail, and also informed Gloria of the investigation.

V originally wanted Gloria to deduct the remuneration according to the actual situation, but unexpectedly the money was paid in full.

She couldn't help but sigh again: "The boss lady is really beautiful and generous."

Although the money that had just arrived was immediately transferred away, the amount was still zero.

With previous experience, V was mentally prepared this time and became much calmer.

It's not just penniless, what a big deal.

After thinking about it, she put her eyes away and was about to turn back to the bay window. She accidentally discovered two bottles of Benbenhou on the refrigerator cabinet not far away.

She asked with some surprise: "You also like to drink stupid monkey?"

Lucy also looked at the two cans of stupid monkeys, with a hint of imperceptible weirdness flashing in her eyes, and said quietly.

"It seems you are too."

Rebecca: "Instant Noodle Sauce, why are you so difficult to date every time? Your job is so boring! Stop typing for now, I will protect you!"

Instant Noodles: "But I still have a lot of debts to repay."

Rebecca: "Forget it then, I have to keep my money and go to the casino with the company~"

Instant noodles: "."

V: "Your debt is easier than mine."

Rebecca: “Warmly congratulate the big sponsor ‘Little Book Friend Reading Without Talking’ for becoming the tenth leader! (Applause). I hope that Instant Noodle Sauce will return the extra chapters this week!”

PS: I didn’t expect the Ten Alliance when I woke up. What is a surprise? ? ?

I especially want to open a single chapter and say a few words, thank you all for your support.

But let’s save the summary for January and give me more time to type.

There is a high probability that it will be updated normally during the Spring Festival.

It’s a bit hard to break out, and I have to go home to spend time with my parents.

The leader of the alliance strives to add more updates this week, and update 10,000 times a day (the determined expression of the instant noodles shines brightly).

I wish you and your family good health in the New Year and a happy Year of the Rabbit!

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