Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 183 Adecado Sharpshooter

"Get ready to go."

In the safe house, Lucy shut down the office system, confirmed that the surveillance system was on, and then looked at V behind her and said.

V stood up from his seat and stretched, as if he was bored after waiting for too long.

She had been sitting in this chair since a few hours ago, quietly watching Lucy busy in front of various electronic screens.

V couldn't help but sigh that he was really not suitable for sitting in an office. After a while, he yawned and dozed off.

Seeing that he had finally come to work, he could finally go out and stretch his muscles, V said simply.

"Let's go and catch some guy who doesn't want his brain today."

After explaining the situation to Gloria not long ago, V started working and living with Lucy.

First, it was to help Lucy with some field tasks so that she could earn some remuneration. After all, Gloria didn't have a way to make a living doing it every day.

Secondly, she wanted to express her gratitude. Seeing that Lucy was responsible for the network monitoring work alone, she was obviously a little overwhelmed.

The content of the work is not complicated. She sits and waits for Lucy to monitor cyber sabotage criminal activities on the Internet. After tracking the target clues, they set off to the destination together to arrest those cyber hackers.

Generally speaking, there is no danger in performing these tasks. Most hackers are in teams of two or three, and their force value is not high.

Although these cyber hackers had many means of attacking, under Lucy's protection, she just rushed in and killed them randomly, and she was never hacked again.

Sometimes if the task is quick, by the time they arrive at the scene, the target person's brain has been burned.

The two work well together.

Lucy applied for an informant subsidy from Internet Supervision, and V received a subsidy every time he attended work.

Since there is a shortage of regular Internet surveillance soldiers and they are not short of money, they have enough money to hire informants, and the money V gets is no worse than if they were entrusted with it.

After packing their things, the two left the safe house.

Lucy explained as she walked down the stairs.

"This time we are not going to arrest anyone. We are now going to the bad land, the Adecado Wandering Tribe."


V is not sure about the purpose of going to the Bad Land. The scope of responsibilities of network monitoring should not include the Bad Land.

"I've heard about Adecado, a famous family in the bad land, and their leader Thor is quite famous, but the wanderers don't seem to welcome city dwellers."

Lucy said bluntly: "This matter was arranged by Tang Yu. It may be related to the subnet Poseidon in your mind. You will know the specific situation when you get to the scene."

V felt a little strange.

Is the guy in the suit involved in this?

She followed Lucy closely and came downstairs to the apartment. A Draman was parked on the roadside waiting for her.

V looked a little surprised when he saw Delamain's taxi: "It's probably not cheap to rent this guy to go to the Badlands, right? This trip is worth half a month's work for me."

Lucy opened the car door and chuckled: "What are you afraid of? Someone is responsible for paying."

V made a mistake and muttered that Bao Laman ran to the bad land, which was somewhat of a treacherous behavior.

The two of them immediately got into the car.

After Delaman received the designated customer, the mechanical voice said: "Welcome to ride Delaman Taxi. Delaman will wholeheartedly provide you with the best ride service experience."

"This destination has been accurately navigated for you. Camp Adecado in the Bad Land. Mr. Tang specifically asked me to convey my instructions to you two. He is already waiting at the destination."

"If there are no further doubts, Dramain will be ready to start."

"Lao De, let's go." Lucy said calmly, her tone unconsciously similar to that of Tang Yu when she spoke.

V heard that Mr. Tang was already waiting at the destination, and there would be no other person to book this car except him.

Thinking of Tang Yu's high-level style of the company, it would be much more reasonable if he was the one who asked Laman to go to the bad land.

However, she still knew something about the Badlands environment. The level of danger there was no less dangerous than the streets of Night City, or even worse.

It is a paradise for criminals and disorder. Although there is chaos in Night City, at least there are armed backers like the Terrorist Mobile Team.

If you die inexplicably in the bad land, you may not even be able to find the shadow of the body.

V was slightly worried: "Is this mission dangerous? Why did he even go on it?"

She felt that Tang Yu was not the kind of person who would take risks personally. He must have had a plan when he went to the bad land this time.

Lucy's eyes were calm.

She knew why Tang Yu went to the bad land in person. In addition to communicating with the Adecado family, there was another reason.

During her deep dive, she could not have any outsiders, only Tang Yu could accompany her.

This time to go to the bad land, you need to dive deep into the cyberspace and find the address of the matrix space through the signal source placed by the Mann team to determine what the purpose behind it is.

She looked at V next to her and said bluntly.

"If everything goes well, there shouldn't be any danger. It's just that this mission has something to do with Ye's Company."

V remembered that a few days ago, she and Tang Yu attended Ye's company's annual meeting, and the content of that party immediately came to mind.

Super running, high heels, tying shoelaces, dancing in my arms.

No, no.

It should be the waiter's strange attack, Miriam Knight's intriguing conversation, and the new infrastructure plan announced by Ye's company that night, which emphasized the matrix space.

It's just that in the past few days, the Matrix Space is no longer a secret, and the cooperation between Ye's Company and major companies has long been on the table.

And if the construction of the matrix space proceeds smoothly, network services will be provided to the entire Night City residents.

V asked with a bit of surprise: "Is it related to Ye's Company? I remember that when I was investigating the cyber madman, the first destination was the site of Ye's Company. The gatekeeper at the construction site was very strange, as if he had been It’s like being brainwashed.”

"Furthermore, the charity plan implemented by Ye's Company is not as beautiful as they say. There may be some cruel and inhumane experiments going on behind the scenes."

Lucy nodded slightly. She already understood what V said. What Ye's company did was not within the scope of network supervision responsibilities, unless there was evidence to prove that they were destroying the black wall, or even trying to help the rogue AI outside the black wall. Advent.

And this evidence is probably hidden in the matrix space.

Delamain heard the conversation between the two involving the keyword 'Ye's Company', an expressionless bald image appeared on the electronic screen, and a mechanical voice said.

"There is now an advisory broadcast about Ye's company's real-time news. Do you want to listen to it?"

"Tell me about it." Lucy looked indifferent. She also knew a little about Ye's company's discussions with major companies on matrix space cooperation.

Internet Supervision also sent representatives to participate in the talks, but most likely they were just a formality.

In order to circumvent network supervision and regulation as much as possible, Ye's company also specially invited municipal representatives to participate in the talks, trying to control the regulatory authority in Night City's own hands.

After all, network monitoring is not a local service organization in Night City, and it lacks manpower.

It is basically impossible for a company to completely regulate the matrix space by itself.

With Night City Municipal Government joining in joint supervision, network supervision can also save manpower and material resources.

Network monitoring is much more tolerant of these large and well-known companies than general team organizations.

These upper-level decisions have nothing to do with Lucy, and she cannot shake the decision to monitor the network.

After receiving permission, Delamain continued to report the news: "Today, under the leadership of city representative Jefferson Peralez, Ye's Company held business project talks with Arasaka, Military Technology, Biotechnology, Contao and other companies. "

"Consultations and discussions centered on the implementation of the new infrastructure plan for Night City proposed by Ye's Company, and intentional cooperation discussions on the key network service project 'Matrix Space'."

"With the agreement of major companies, the first stage of the 'Matrix Space' will be launched tomorrow to provide some basic network services to major companies."

"At the same time, the supervision of matrix space operations will be included in the scope of municipal supervision and jointly responsible for supervision with network supervision agencies."

"According to current known information, many companies, including Arasaka, have signed cooperation agreements with Ye's Company, and some companies are still in the intention negotiation stage."

When Lucy heard the news broadcast, there wasn't much new content, it was basically all news she already knew.

Arasaka has arrangements with Tang Yu, and must be the first company to reach cooperation. Only in this way can Ye's company open the matrix space.

On the contrary, V next to him felt that things were developing more and more strangely.

Jefferson Peralez represents the municipal side and takes the lead in negotiating cooperation between companies.

At that party, Lucius Lane's plan failed.

This really makes Jefferson look good.

The people of Night City are not optimistic about this matter. They feel uneasy about Night City switching to the network services provided by Ye's Company's matrix space in the future.

They figured they might as well use the last remaining public network after the collapse, where at least companies weren't as pervasive.

If we switch to the networks provided by these big companies, no one will dare to surf the Internet with confidence in the future. I am afraid that there will really be no privacy left at all.


Jefferson brought the matrix space under the joint supervision of municipal and network surveillance. To a certain extent, it can be regarded as the better of the worst results.

Delamain continued to report: “After the disclosure of this new infrastructure plan, it was not welcomed by the people of Night City. On the contrary, many underground hacker organizations and groups have spoken out about the matter through channels and opposed the implementation of the new infrastructure plan, especially the Matrix. Space Network Services.”

"Fuck, these companies are really bad. Are they going to drive everyone out of business?"

V is used to hanging out on the streets and has already figured out the temper of this city. More than life or death, Night City needs space, space for people to do whatever they want.

This is the charm of Night City, and it also attracts people from all over the world to gather here and come to Night City to pursue their dreams.

Nowadays, the company wants to take away even the last bit of cyberspace. People living in Night City will definitely not be happy.

Fortunately, Matrix Space currently only serves major companies and has not affected a wider scope.

"Indeed, no one expects the company to have any good intentions." Lucy murmured with lowered eyes.

"If the new infrastructure plan is really implemented successfully, Night City will be no different than a prison."

V agreed very much with this statement: "That's right. If staying here is no different than going to jail, can it still be called Night City?"

Delamain went on to report on the latest advisory he was aware of.

"Dr. Paradox publicly stated that the matrix plan launched by Ye Company is to turn the entire Night City into suitable fertile soil."

"To cultivate the gods they worship, the AIs that flow in cyberspace."

"At that time, everyone has to worry. Maybe one day another voice will suddenly appear in your head and say to you with a smile."

"You have a good mind, it's mine now, hehe."

Valley area, large municipal conference room.

After the meeting ended, the participants in suits and ties stood up one after another and walked out the door.

The military science and technology business group was the first to leave the meeting, followed by Meredith Stout, walking behind the vice president in charge of external public relations.

The delegation of Military Science and Technology was large in size and showed great importance. A senior vice president, accompanied by a director and three ministers of the administration department, project department, and special operations department, attended the delegation.

Although Military Technology apparently gave Ye's Company enough face, it still conservatively refused to cooperate with Ye's Company and chose to continue to wait and see for the outcome of the situation.

Military Technology cooperates with Ye's Company on many projects. The security of Ye's Company is basically fully handled by Military Technology, and at the same time, they purchase their weapons and equipment in large quantities.

Meredith originally thought that Military Technology would agree without hesitation, but things turned out to be completely different from what she thought.

Military Technology's branch in Night City does not need the network services provided by Ye's Company at all.

Even if cooperation seems redundant, for the long-term cooperative relationship between the two companies, joining the Matrix Space will not have much impact on military technology.

Meredith quickly realizes that's not the point.

Mainly because Arasaka's attitude was so weird that they agreed to cooperate without hesitation.

According to intelligence sources, Arasaka was the first to respond to Ye's company's proposal, and only other companies followed suit.

What exactly does Arasaka want to do, and what is the purpose behind Ye's company, makes her unsure of the situation.

After the vice president of Military Technology got in the car, he motioned for Meredith to find her in the office when she returned to the company.

After a while.

The Military Technology business team returned to the company building, and Meredith went directly to the vice president's office.

She stood at the door of the office and waited for a while. After showing that the door was unlocked, she walked in.

The senior vice president of military technology management in front of him is not only one of the board members in charge of Night City affairs, but also Meredith's immediate boss.

Military technology attaches far more importance to Night City than other regions, and even the management is highly qualified.

Seeing Meredith's arrival, the vice president said bluntly: "Please keep an eye on the recent matter of Ye's company's matrix space. What it means is that we don't want to see another country within a country appear in this area. "

Meredith's heart skipped a beat, and she agreed with a serious face. After accepting the order, she turned around and left.

She probably guessed something.

The superiors don't want Ye's Company to really implement the new infrastructure plan successfully and build Night City into an "independent" kingdom.

What they want more is a chaotic and disordered Night City, and finally find a chance to re-integrate into the territory.

The importance of Night City to the west coast of New America is self-evident. It is not only an international metropolis, but also has an excellent deep-water harbor, and its regional economic strategic value is extremely high.

Meredith rode the public elevator all the way back to her office and lit a cigar.

She held a cigar and stood in front of the panoramic glass, looking a little sad. This matter really made her a little difficult to deal with.

The matrix space will be opened tomorrow. It is obviously too late to lay hidden stakes and destroy it. Moreover, this approach is too stupid. Once the flaws are revealed, it will inevitably give the impression of incompetence.

The security of Ye's company is in hand, and the conflict between Congressman Jefferson and Lucius Lane seems to be a good entry point.

It is really not easy to destroy the new infrastructure plan.

Meredith took a deep breath of smoke and frowned even more.

Camp Adecado.

Tang Yu wore a cowboy hat and tipped the gun in his hand. After checking the bullet, he turned it around twice in his hand.

This is an old revolver. It is a hard-currency weapon. It does not have any intelligent auxiliary equipment. Whether it can hit or not depends entirely on the user's touch.

Nowadays, not many people use this kind of gun, and Cassidy is a loyal believer in cowboys and revolvers. Even in his old age, he still loves these antique gadgets.

"You're good with guns, but we have to see if your real ability is as good as Panan's boasting." Cassidy stood aside and smiled at Tang Yu playing with the revolver.

Panan, who had a wheat complexion, stood aside with his hands on his hips and said proudly: "Don, don't let everyone down, let them gain knowledge and become a sharpshooter. I absolutely believe in you. If you win the game, we will come together later." Touch one!”

Mitch was wearing overalls and overalls, waiting for the gun competition with great interest, and added jealously: "Although Don gave me a big machine, I think Cassidy still has a better chance of winning. After all, no one has played it these days. Such an old antique."

Panan looked unhappy and tried to find some ground for Tang Yu. He said loudly: "Mitch, let's make a bet. If Tang wins the game, how about giving him your 'Watch'?"

Mitch put on a frustrated look: "Even if I don't make this bet, I think it would be a good idea to give 'Watch' to Tang."

These words made Panan choke, and he couldn't help laughing and scolding: "Fuck you, Mitch, don't use this to piss me off."

Before the argument between the two ended, several gunshots were heard, followed by the sound of glass bottles breaking.

Panan quickly looked sideways and saw that during the interruption, Tang Yu and Cassidy drew their guns and fired at the same time.

Glass bottles exploded in the distance, and debris flew in all directions.

After the two men collected their guns, everyone immediately checked the shooting results.

There was one glass bottle left within Cassidy's target range that had not been hit, but Tang Yu's six glass bottles were all penetrated and exploded without exception.

This precise and fast shooting technique surprised everyone present.

To know.

Both of them used cowboy-style drawing and shooting. It was difficult to judge the accuracy even with the naked eye when looking at a glass bottle in the distance, let alone use the gun feel to perform casually.

Cassidy had practiced this draw-and-shoot technique for years, so he knew it by heart.

But Tang Yu won the game with a perfect score for the first time.

It’s clear whether it’s luck or strength.

"I'll go, okay, Tang, I saw you right."

After saying that, Panan turned his head to look at Mitch and asked proudly.

"How about it, Mitch, now you have nothing to say. Entrusting 'Watching' to such a sharpshooter will not bury your craftsmanship."

Mitch was quite calm: "I don't know how to use a sniper rifle anyway. You can give it to Tang for me later, but to be honest, I'd love to have him come to NTU again anytime."

Tang Yu took off his cowboy hat, returned the hat and the pistol to Cassidy, and said, "There will be a chance soon."

Cassidy took the object and praised: "What Panan said is still not accurate. You are not a sharpshooter, but a natural sharpshooter on horseback."

Everyone laughed happily.

Tang Yu came to Panan and said softly: "Panan, I have something to do. Let's talk alone for a while."

Panan nodded and followed his pace.

After everyone left, the two of them came to an unoccupied tent and sat down.

Panan took out two bottles of beer from the freezer, opened the lid with his teeth, and handed one to Tang Yu.

Tang Yu took the cold beer and the two touched it.

Panan said with some pride: "I didn't expect you to integrate into Adecado very quickly. If only Saul was here, he would definitely appreciate you very much."

Sol led some key family members to the city to discuss business with the company. Panan even had a quarrel with him over this matter.

Tang Yu took a sip of beer and looked at the loess tribe under the afterglow of the setting sun, feeling as if he had returned home.

He had spent time here with Panam and was familiar with everyone in the tribe.

The wild and gentle Panam, the righteous Thor, Mitch, and Scorpion, Dakota and Carol with good hacking skills, etc.

Tang Yu once sat here with his tribe members, played folk songs, and enjoyed the bonfire surrounded by the silence of the wilderness.

He also indulged wildly with a wild girl under the stars, and unexpectedly saw her shy and sensitive side.

Those times were great.

And now.

The Adecado family is thriving, everyone is still talking and laughing, and the war has not yet affected them.

Tang Yu thinks this is good, and it is best for the family to be together.

He slowly said: "This is exactly what I want to say. Since Thor is not in the tribe, you don't need to participate in this operation, so as not to cause unpleasantness when Thor comes back."

The relationship between Panan and Sol has been somewhat tense recently. If Panan does not discuss with Sol and secretly mobilizes tribal power to support Tang Yu, it will inevitably cause greater differences.

Tang Yu doesn't want Panan to be kicked out of the tribe again. Cherishing the present is the most important thing. Who can say clearly what will happen in the future.

Panan said confidently: "I thought it was something. Don't worry, Sol is not a stingy person. He will remember the favor you gave to the tribe."

"What is the goal of this operation? We are preparing deep-diving equipment and using a fleet of vehicles. I have long wanted to do something big."

Tang Yu saw that the time was ripe, so he spoke.

"The target is Ye's Company. I plan to sneak in from the maglev tunnel in the suburbs and install the signal source program chip to see what they are doing."

Ye's company?

Panan looked very surprised and asked again: "I know that the construction site is equipped with military technology for security. Do you have any plans?"

While the two were chatting, the hooded Scorpion came over and said in a deep voice.

"Panan, there are two people from the city who say they are looking for you and Tang."

Panan looked at Tang Yu doubtfully and only listened to what he said.

"Everyone is here, ready to take action."

No tonight.

PS: Thank you to the following funders for the reward!

Donghua’s Little Konjac 2.33

Huang Hufa 15.00

The little book friend reads without talking 1,000.00

European admiral eats my spear 30.00

Sikong Guixu 5.00

SunnyW, Qidian Reading iOS 15.00

Blackwatch s1 1.00

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