Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 184 He is quite generous in this regard

Dark night enveloped the entire Badland Wasteland, and gusts of cool wind blew yellow sand and dust across the hills and plains one after another.

The Adecado camp was also silent under the moonlight. The curtains of the old tents were tightened, and the people in the tents fell into sleep.

Only one tent still had a roaring bonfire burning in front of it, illuminating the surrounding open space.

In front of a square table, a group of people stood around, discussing something, with serious and cautious expressions.

Tang Yu stared at the overlooking high map on the table and introduced the entire action process to everyone present in detail. After everyone had an idea, he continued to add.

"After twelve o'clock tonight, Ye's company will activate the matrix space according to the procedures. The three teams must complete their assigned tasks as quickly as possible, so as to escape smoothly and retreat."

Panan listened carefully to the action plan and agreed with Tang Yu's plan.

She is also a person who likes to make plans. She wants to cooperate perfectly in such a limited time. Everyone involved in the operation must do their best to ensure that they complete their assigned tasks.

If something goes wrong in one place, it is likely to have a chain reaction, affecting the safety of others.

Panan was a little confused about the three teams Tang Yu mentioned.

She looked up at the silver-haired girl. As a cyberhacker, she was mainly responsible for the deep dive part of this plan.

After the matrix space is activated, Lucy will enter the cyberspace to search for the signal source and find relevant clues.

The deep dive part is the core of this operation plan, and the actions of other people are all to cooperate with Lucy's deep dive.

If Lucy's part goes wrong, the whole operation will be in vain.

Panan didn't know much about the silver-haired girl's hacking skills, but Tang Yu brought him here, so he should be reliable.


She looked at Mitch and Scorpion, who were standing next to her. The three of them would be responsible for rushing to the tunnel construction site and attracting the attention of construction site security on the periphery, so that the team in the tunnel could easily carry out operations.

It was the Mann team that was responsible for breaking through the tunnel and entering the core of the matrix space.

Panan was deeply impressed by them. At that time in the bad land, they even collaborated on a night wandering ghost project, which attracted support from biotechnology companies.

There was a big guy who led the team, a little girl with twin tails, a fierce girl in a jacket, an uncle driver and a tall hacker.

Regarding the strength of Mann's team, Panan has a preliminary judgment and estimate. They are definitely the ones who can stand up to them at critical moments.

Breaking through the barriers in the tunnel and entering the core of the matrix space is the most dangerous.

The success of Panam and the others in attracting firepower from the construction site will determine the situation of Mann's team in the tunnel.

If the noise is too small and the firepower is not attracted enough, Mann's team will have to bear greater counterattack pressure.

Making too much of a fuss could attract the attention of military technology and send additional support to the construction site.

It is necessary to grasp the degree of trouble and entangle the people and security forces at the construction site, which is the best result.

Mann's team has quietly sneaked into the tunnel in advance and should be waiting for the time to expire.

In order to maintain confidentiality, the Mann team has cut off all contact with the outside world.

The success of Panam's action will directly determine the success rate of Mann's team.

Once it fails.

It is very likely that you will have to go through a life-and-death battle to escape from the tunnel.

at last.

She turned her head and focused her gaze on V, a girl whose appearance and temperament didn't quite match.

She has long black hair, an oval face, and sexy red lips that are both pure and lustful. If it weren't for her sharp temperament and her tendency to use a few dirty words, one would have thought she was a wealthy woman coming to a bad land for vacation.

In this action plan, V is responsible for mobile support and follows him on the mission.

Panan saw her temper and seemed to be unable to suppress the throbbing in her heart and wanted to go out and show off her talents.

Although V didn't say anything, his expression said it all.

After Tang Yu finished introducing the plan, Panan said decisively: "Tang, now that the plan is finalized, Mickey Scorpion and I are ready to set off now."

"Although you don't want to trouble other people in the tribe, they will take action if necessary, even if Thor is not around."

Tang Yu nodded slightly, having previously rejected Panan's proposal and mobilized other members of the Adecado family to participate in the mission.

First of all, this is his private matter and has nothing to do with the Adecado family. There is no need to involve the entire tribe.

Secondly, he didn't want Panan to have another fight with Sol. This matter was within his control and he didn't need too many people.

"Okay, Panan, V, Mickey, Scorpion, be careful."

Mitch crossed his arms and said, "Don't worry, as the first step of the operation, we will definitely fire the first shot."

"But having said that, I like this plan, it's like a gear, but it's a bit regretful that I can't get any new products from the company."

Panan smiled and said: "With Tang here, you are still worried about this. It will be settled later and I will deliver the goods to your door, haha."

After saying goodbye to everyone, the three Panan set off towards the outside of the camp.

V looked at Tang Yu beside him, slapped Tang Yu with his iron hand, and joked in a low voice: "You're not bad at it, I finally have something big to play this time."


V kept up with Panan's pace, walked side by side with her, and said loudly: "Hello, I am V. I hope this cooperation will be pleasant."

Panan walked towards the off-road Tingwei in a hurry and opened the car door: "Little girls from the city, don't be scared by the big guys later. If you can hold your hand steady, I think I will take good care of you."

After speaking, Panan sat in the driver's seat, then stood up and pushed open the passenger seat: "Get in the car quickly, Miss V."

V looked a little helpless and had no choice but to follow him and get in the car.

After getting into the Tingwei, V looked around the car and found that the car was highly modified and equipped with all kinds of electronic equipment, and there was a big guy leaning on the back.

Outside the car window, Mitch took the lead on a motorcycle and rushed toward his destination. He drove a modified armored vehicle and flashed his lights twice behind him.

Panan held the steering wheel steady and stepped on the accelerator. The Tingwei engine roared like a beast and rushed forward.

The strong pushing feeling on the back made V's heart beat fast, and he couldn't help but praise: "This car has been modified quite a lot."

Panan looked proud when he heard V's praise: "You haven't seen Ting Wei's true strength yet, but you will know it later."

V became interested and raised his hand to knock on the iron shell behind him: "Are you referring to this fort? How did you think of it? Installing such a big thing on an off-road vehicle is no different from driving a tank."

"It does feel like driving a tank. You may not believe it, but it was Tang's idea."

"At that time, as soon as I heard the idea, I felt it was very agreeable, so I asked Mitch to help me work together, dismantling a turret from the Kangtao armored vehicle, and then assembled and modified it on the Tingwei."

"The access point is at the console. Give it a try. It's definitely cool enough. It's just that you use it too little and it gets stuck occasionally, but it'll be fine if you pound it a few times."

V was a little embarrassed. He didn't expect Panan to be so brave. He pulled out the connecting cable from his wrist and inserted it into the interface.

Her eyes flashed twice, and soon the perspective of the fort appeared, overlooking the front from the roof of the car.

The two tested the firepower in the wasteland, and it was definitely big and fierce enough. The fierce fire made V feel extremely satisfied.

After trying out the cannon, V exited the connection, unplugged the interface and put it back into his wrist, and asked curiously.

"When did you and Tang meet? Does he know anything about car modification?"

Panan smiled and explained: "It's very simple. I lead the way, he gives the money, and we get to know each other. But what really makes me appreciate is his shooting skills. Why, you haven't seen it yet?"

Seeing that V was brought by Tang Yu, she always thought that V was very familiar with Tang Yu, but from what V said, it might be an employment relationship, and he was hired to work with money.

V said angrily: "I've never experienced marksmanship, but I've seen a lot of corporate dog-like behavior."

"So, you are doing things with money?" Panan smiled, feeling that Tang Yu was somewhat misguided in finding such a beautiful girl to do things.

V: "It can be said that he is quite generous in this regard."

Panam: "I agree with this."

"Ha ha."

The three vehicles were galloping under the desert night, heading towards the tunnel construction site of Yeshi Company.

In a construction tunnel in the suburbs.

Mann was carefully hiding in the shadow of the wall, moving slowly inside to avoid moving too much and causing unnecessary trouble.

He led his team members, using the construction site layout drawings provided by Gloria, to successfully sneak into the construction tunnel and reach the deepest end of the tunnel.

According to the established cooperation plan, they must break through the tunnel restrictions on time, enter the core of the matrix space, and successfully install the signal source program chip.

to this end.

Mann specially formulated a detailed action plan for the team, and everyone had a specific division of labor.

Dolio is responsible for monitoring the movements near the perimeter and providing a lookout for other team members.

Mann and Rebecca are responsible for the firepower and stay in the middle section, responsible for handling emergencies and buying more time for their teammates.

Pila is responsible for fixed-point blasting to dismantle the wall restrictions and help Qiwei enter the core of the matrix space.

Finally, Qiwei found the server interface, embedded the chip and retreated immediately after completing the task.

The deepest part of the tunnel is in a state of shutdown. No one comes to patrol and check. A small number of monitoring facilities have been controlled by Qiwei. It is almost impossible for Ye's company to detect any signs of movement in the tunnel.

Mann moved some distance inside, and with the faint light of the electric light, he saw Rebecca holding a shotgun, sitting alone on the stone, propping her chin in a daze.

Mann asked in a low voice: "How are Pyrrha's preparations going?"

Rebecca said with some boredom: "He said it's no problem. The thickness of the fence and the prohibited materials have been clarified. The miniature fixed-point blast bomb has been installed. A small hole can be opened and Qiwei can be sent in."

"Oh, by the way, he said he also prepared other tools in case of emergency."

After Mann confirmed the situation, he saw that the clock was getting closer and closer to the agreed time, and his brows gradually furrowed, hoping that nothing would go wrong.

Seeing his worried look, Rebecca calmly said with relief: "We are taking Tang Yu's job, don't worry."

She is very open-minded about this commission. According to the company's practice, every commission has a back-up plan, so she can always avert danger, and I believe this time will be no exception.

The last time we burned down the biotechnology company building, it was such a big fuss. In the end, everyone successfully completed the task without any problems.

This time the target has been changed to Ye's Company, so there is nothing to worry about, and the content of the commissioned task is simpler. Just enter the core of the matrix space and embed the program chip.

So she felt that Tang Yu's arrangements must be thorough, so naturally there was nothing to worry about, and she even felt a little bored.

Mann looked at the outside of the tunnel, which was also dark, and whispered: "That's a good thing to say, but the tunnel is a desert after all, and there is no room for any accidents. Fortunately, the tunnel construction standards are high enough and the base is strong enough."

While the two were talking, they heard a faint sound outside, which seemed like artillery fire.

Mann looked at the time again and found that it was already past time.

The first part of the action plan begins, with a team of people attracting construction site security firepower.

With the cover outside, Mann let go and walked straight into the tunnel, where he saw Pyrrha who was preparing to explode, and Qiwei who was operating a portable tablet.

"Are you ready?"

Pyrrha stretched out her shiny golden arm prosthetic and made a no-problem gesture.

Qiwei stared at the electronic tablet and said: "We have detected current and voltage change signals in the enclosure. It is estimated that the matrix space is being warmed up and started. This is the best opportunity."

Mann made a quick decision: "Pyrrha, blast!"

Pyrrha punched the red button in her hand, and several deep holes in the earthen wall in front of her suddenly made a muffled sound.

Then a big bump bulged out of the earthen wall, and white smoke came out from several deep holes, accompanied by the strong smell of burning gunpowder.

Qi Wei quickly checked the situation and found that the detection signal was strengthened, and said bluntly: "The blasting was successful."

Pyrrha raised the corners of her mouth and gave a thumbs up.

Mann picked up a sapper shovel from the ground and threw it to Pyrrha.

"Seize the time to clean up the debris and escort Qiwei in."

In just half a minute, the blasted hole was revealed in front of the three people.

Qiwei took a long breath through the mask, and lowered her body close to the entrance of the cave.

"I'm in."


Qiwei then got into the hole and entered the core of the matrix space.

As soon as she came out of the cave, the huge underground mechanical palace in front of her made her heart tremble.

Qi Wei was currently located in a corner of the palace, looking towards the center of the palace in the distance.

Under the dome of the palace, black-screen servers rose from the ground and stood on the central square, forming a network matrix.

Various blue, white, and red data streams scrolled above it, gradually converging into the blue holographic cloud above.

In the data cloud, there seemed to be a figure standing proudly, floating quietly without any movement.

With the server matrix as the center, bundles of electronic optical cable lines extend in all directions, connecting electronic fortresses everywhere.

Without enough time to appreciate the technology and architectural aesthetics, Qiwei immediately started scanning to find the target interface.

If we wait for the matrix space to be fully activated, there is no guarantee that there will be no early warning system. If someone's hands and feet are discovered, it will be difficult to evacuate here.

Qiwei immediately set off and ran forward, reaching the server matrix as quickly as possible, finding a data interface, and handed the programmable chip in to start.

After completing the set task, Qiwei breathed a sigh of relief. Just as she was about to turn around and leave, her heart suddenly became tense.

A strange figure stood behind her at some point, blocking her way back.

The other party was dressed in a straight suit and looked out of place with the surrounding environment. His expressionless face made it impossible to guess his intentions, except for his blue-light eyes, which were strange and sinister.

Are you from Ye's company?

Qiwei didn't hesitate, turned her eyes, and immediately sent a secret message to Mann, asking for support, and at the same time drew her pistol and pointed it.

Mr. Blue Eyes didn't stop Qi Wei from what he was doing, he just stared at her quietly, motionless.

Qiwei didn't dare to shoot rashly, but she felt that the heat behind her was getting hotter and hotter. The server matrix started to heat up after it was started.

at the same time.

Her vision began to appear blurry and ghostly, various warning windows began to pop up crazily, the prosthetic body overheated, and the ICE protection was fatally invaded.

Qi Wei endured the severe pain in her brain, and then realized that the other party's hacking skills were far beyond her own, and they were no match for her at all.

Her vision began to flash with a strange blue light, a sign that made her realize that the situation was extremely critical.

Tampering with cognitive programming?

She instantly activated the system's emergency lock program, directly shutting down the running system lock, cutting off the interaction of all electronic components, leaving only her body to maintain vital signs.

Qi Wei then collapsed to the ground, her eyes out of focus, and she fell into a shutdown state.

This is the only way she can protect herself, otherwise if the other party continues to invade, this body may not belong to her in the end.

After Qiwei fell to the ground, Mann Pila also rushed in, but before he could see the situation clearly, his vision fell into darkness, and even the prosthetic body could not be controlled freely.

What made Mann even more panicked was that the other party seemed to be able to control his prosthetic body at will, directly bypassing his consciousness, calling up the contact interface, and sending a distress message to Rebecca and Dorio in the tunnel.

No matter how much Mann and Pyrrha struggled, they were still unable to resist each other's methods. They fainted and fell to the ground in an instant, foaming at the mouth and unable to move.

Mann could only rely on his remaining consciousness and murmured: "Run quickly."

Outside the construction site tunnel.

Panan looked serious, holding the steering wheel tightly with both hands to drive the Tingwei, speeding across the wasteland with all his strength.

Seeing the piles of drones in the sky behind and the heavily armed off-road vehicles chasing after her, she almost wanted to curse.

"Fuck! What the hell is going on? Did they take the wrong gunpowder today? They left the construction site unattended and chased me after me. Is there some incredible treasure in my car." Panan was driving while observing the situation behind the car.

V was a little confused when he saw this fight. It was completely different from what he had expected before. Piles of people rushed out of the construction site and chased the two of them. The tail of the Tingwei car was almost blooming.

According to earlier expectations, Ye's company security would strictly guard the construction site to prevent vandalism and fight with them from a distance. No matter how troublesome it was, they would at most send out drones, but now it seemed more like an outpouring of force.

"Fuck! You didn't mention this link, did they? Do they want to fight to the death?" V cursed urgently.

Panan said angrily: "V, show them some color, hurry up!"

V couldn't control that much anymore, so he directly connected to the turret program and began to control the barrel to aim at the drone and fire wildly.

Chug tug tug.

Fire bombs shot out one after another, destroying multiple drones in the air.

The convoy following behind and the armed drones in mid-air also launched a counterattack, and fine bullets rained down on the Tingwei body.

This made Panan's brows frown even tighter.

In another place, Mitch and Scorpion were fighting on their own and constantly attacking the construction site, trying to attract their attention.

But they soon discovered that the other party suddenly came out in full force, completely ignoring the two of them, and headed straight for Panan's Tingwei.

The huge construction site instantly became empty, and all construction machinery stopped.

Mitch and Scorpion were stunned when they saw this scene. They didn't know whether to throw the bomb in their hands or not. After all, there was no one at the construction site, so who would attract firepower?

They didn't understand what was going on, but suddenly received a signal from Panan.

"Mitch, Scorpion, these guys seem to be staring at us for other purposes. You should seize the time to seize the location of the construction site and meet the people in the tunnel."

The two reacted quickly and immediately rushed into the construction site, looking for the construction site control center in order to prepare for the retreat of Mann and the others.

Tingwei was speeding on the gravel surface, and the car was bumping constantly. Panan didn't dare to be distracted, but he still looked at V beside him with some doubts.

The people in the construction site chased her with a fierce attitude, as if they would not give up until they achieved their goal. It could not be for the Tingwei car or her.

The only reason that can be explained is V beside her.

Yes, he should have come here to find her.

After V got rid of the aerial drone, he found that the turret was suddenly stuck, and he couldn't turn his camera angle to aim at the vehicle on the ground behind him.

She quickly said: "Panang, I'm stuck."

Panan had no choice but to ask V to exit the turret control first, explaining: "That's how big guys are. You have to get used to it slowly. Maybe the bullet got stuck."

"But fortunately you have dealt with the drone and the group of brats behind you. I am confident that I can get rid of them."

V picked up the automatic rifle, loaded it and took off the safety, and then asked: "Why are these brats coming at both of us? Do they have any purpose?"

Panan did not say anything, but changed the subject and said: "Who knows, maybe they were annoyed and wanted to catch someone."

"But it's not good for us to go back to the camp now, lest the address of the camp be exposed and the trouble will be even greater."

V nodded seriously: "Indeed, if it doesn't work out, let's find a good place and fight them."

Panan said solemnly: "No problem. When we get some distance, I will prepare the fort. When it comes to fighting in the bad land, these guys are all amateurs compared to us."

V looked through the rearview mirror and accidentally noticed that some of the people behind him had blue lights in their eyes, which didn't look right. He immediately thought of the various behaviors of Ye's company, and immediately understood something.

"Panan, I know what their purpose is. These brats want what's in my head."

Panan glanced at V in surprise: "What, is the thing in your head valuable? It's worth the company's war."

V said with a cold face: "It doesn't matter whether it's valuable or not, it must be important to them anyway."

"Panan, give me Tingwei. You and Mickey Scorpion and the others will join up. Those brats won't care about you."

Panan refused directly, and instead connected Mitch and Scorpion, saying in a deep voice.

"V, don't worry, if we come out together, we will be able to go back together."

"Tang Ke is still waiting."

No more tonight.

PS: Thank you to the following sponsors for the rewards!

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Do you believe I am a loli 15.00

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