Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 185 The ice blue breath on the tip of the nose

Late night, Company Square.

Colorful lights interweave into a neon night scene, with two large holographic carps, one blue and one gold, slowly swimming in the air.

In the high-rise office of the Military Technology Building, Meredith held a cigarette between her fingers and quietly looked down at the night scene below. The cigarette butts and ashes were scattered half a circle around her feet.

Her expression was solemn, and she was smoking one cigarette after another. Her mind was not at all on the dreamlike neon night scene in front of her.

Meredith's eyes looked down without moving at all, as if they had passed through the layers of traffic circles and penetrated the ground.

Military Technology does not want to see a Night City that is completely free from the radiation of New America. It is not in their interests.

Even though New America openly agrees with the independent nature of Night City, Night City is still deeply bound to New America in terms of culture, economy, transportation, location, network, etc.

But now the situation has changed. Ye's company has proposed a new infrastructure plan to build an independent network empire.

If this new infrastructure plan is truly realized, Night City's global influence will be even greater than before.

It may be even harder for military technology to regain Night City.


Regarding Ye's company's activation of the space matrix, how to obtain the necessary information to destroy it was a big problem for her.

According to the past practice, perhaps we should mobilize the hidden stakes buried in Ye's company, collect the necessary information, determine the action plan and then take action.

Even if a few hidden stakes are spent, as long as it can destroy the activation of Ye's company's matrix space, it is still worthwhile.

The news received is that the people involved in the construction of the matrix space have all undergone in-depth transformation and training by Ye's company, and there is no chance of setting up a trap.

Moreover, after the matrix space is built, it will be almost fully automated and no one will be required to maintain it.

In other words.

Even if Military Technology wanted to provide matrix space security for Ye's Company, it would not have the chance.

There are only two ways for Meredith to accomplish her goal.

One is to use force and directly find mercenaries to do the dirty work, but the probability of success is hard to say. If the operation fails, there is a risk of leakage.

The second is to wait and continue to collect intelligence while waiting to see if a solution can be found internally.

She has been thinking about this problem, hoping to find a feasible solution.

Why did Arasaka respond so actively to the new infrastructure plan? He was the first to agree to connect to the matrix space, and even had directors and senior executives specifically call him to communicate with him.

Meredith was keenly aware that there was a hint of conspiracy in this. The more diligent Arasaka acted, the more it showed that there was another purpose behind it.

Maybe she wanted to complete the task assigned by her superiors this time, and the hope might fall on Arasaka.

After military technology has reached its current position, Meredith knows that nothing can go wrong, otherwise it will affect her future career.

She could feel that taking another step was not far away.

Regardless, Matrix Space must be shut down.

Meredith planned to dig up more information about Arasaka and why he was so proactive in getting involved with Ye's company.

It's almost time for the Matrix Space to be activated, and there should be no way to deal with Ye's Company today.

Meredith put out the cigarette butt in her hand and was about to turn around and leave, indicating that the secretary had a special report to report.

She asked the secretary to come in, and then returned to her desk and sat down, waiting for the report.

The secretary hurried in and said urgently: "Director, there are two things that need to be reported to you in time. They are about Ye's company."

Meredith nodded, motioning for her to continue.

The secretary immediately reported the report.

"Arasaka Company and Ye's Company are cooperating on the new infrastructure plan and agreeing to access the matrix space. This is the order given by Saburo Arasaka. According to reliable sources, this order is urgent."

Saburo Arasaka?

Meredith's pupils shrank suddenly and her expression became serious.

According to this, Saburo Arasaka, who is far away in Kyoto, is also paying attention to the Ye Company.

If it was Saburo Arasaka who ordered it, this would be too abnormal.

Arasaka has been operating in Night City for so many years, but he still cannot get the recognition of Saburo Arasaka.

It is a common rumor among the company's senior management that Saburo Arasaka hates this city.

With Saburo Arasaka's position and his focus on global affairs, why would he pay attention to the construction of Night City in the next ten years?

Night City becomes more independent, which may not be a good thing for Arasaka Company.

But relatively speaking, military technology is more uncomfortable than Arasaka.

Meredith couldn't figure out whether Arasaka was igniting the fire from underneath or if he had other backup plans.


She definitely judged that this matter was not worthy of an urgent order from Saburo Arasaka, unless there were more stories behind it that would affect Arasaka and even Saburo Arasaka's rule.

Seeing that his superior was silent, the secretary waited for a moment and then continued to report the second situation.

"Ye's company's maglev tunnel in the suburbs was attacked by unknown forces. We are now requesting reinforcements."

"The picture returned by the drone can be determined to be from the Wanderer tribe, and the reason for the attack is unknown."

Meredith was a little surprised to attack the suburban construction site of Ye's company at this point.

She quickly asked her secretary to bring up the screen, placed the chip on the office computer and read it, and a scene of a chase in the wilderness at night unfolded before her eyes.

The video is not long. It basically shows that the construction site was attacked by a small group of people, and then drones came out, and everyone at the construction site chased away in vehicles.

These armed drones are equipped with military technology. The intelligent security of the construction site is all handled by military technology. People from Ye's company have certain command rights.

Meredith looked at the scene in front of her and quickly discovered a few questions, so she asked.

"I remember digging this tunnel for a long time. Have you found out where the tunnel leads?"

The secretary replied in a deep voice: "After checking, it turns out that leading to the underground of the company square is a major transportation line in Ye's company's new infrastructure plan."

A strange color flashed in Meredith's eyes, as if she realized that someone might be more eager to touch the matrix space than she was.

in addition.

She found that the people from Ye's company were only focusing on the modified off-road vehicle, but did not pay attention to other attack points.

"Who is sitting in this off-road vehicle? Can you find out?"

The secretary immediately reported: "The drone cannot distinguish the people in the car, but the clues to this car have been found."

"The actual owner of this car is named Panan Palmer. He comes from the Badlands Adecado family. He often runs the Badlands transportation line and picks up some commissions at the Afterlife Bar."

After hearing this information, Meredith felt confident, so she stood up and gave the order.

"Return the call to Ye's company. We will now set off to the Badland Wasteland for support. Let Gilgist prepare and lead three special service teams to go out."

She looked at the time and added again: "It's still early, let them play for a while, the special service team will leave in fifteen minutes."

"Let's go over and watch the show first."

Camp Adecado.

In a military green tent, Lucy stretched out her hand and slowly pulled the tent chain, blocking out the dark night outside the wasteland.

Inside the tent, several electronic devices emitted strobe white light, and a pool filled with cold water and ice slag was placed nearby.

Tang Yu was standing in front of the electronic screen, debugging the necessary procedures before deep diving. Based on the lessons learned last time, he had to add more insurances to increase Lucy's self-protection ability during deep diving.

Lucy closed the door curtain, looked back at Tang Yu who was busy, and then walked towards the water tank.

She raised her hands to unbutton her collar, pulled out her two slender white arms from her sleeves, and then took off her upper body clothes down her shoulders.

Finally, he squatted down and took off his pants and underwear on the ground.

Lucy raised her legs and stepped into the cold pool. She resisted the biting cold and didn't say a word, not even frowning.

She held the edge of the water tank and slowly lay face up in it. The ice water floated in the microwave and made a splashing sound.

Lucy leaned against the edge of the tub, staring directly at the top of the tent, and murmured, "Don, I'm ready."

the other side.

After debugging the program, Tang Yu came over with the optical cable interface, skillfully removed the bandage on the back of her head and embedded the interface into it.

With a mechanical click, preparations for deep dive were completed.

"Pay attention to safety." Tang Yu warned seriously.

Lucy did not close her eyes immediately, but asked in a deep voice: "Will it go well this time?"

She realized that the power behind the matrix space was probably a powerful existence that she could not imagine.

There is no turning back when the bow is drawn.

Once this action against the matrix space begins, there will inevitably be a fight to the end with the opponent.

The dangers Tang Yu faced went far beyond the inside of Arasaka Company.

She gradually discovered that everything Tang Yu did was playing with fire.

Tang Yu is not only playing chess with Arasaka Company, but also competing with major companies.

Even though he is now regarded by others as Arasaka Tower's rising star in the workplace, he has a bright future.

But actually.

This is precisely the most dangerous moment for Tang Yu. The higher he climbs, the bigger the whirlpool he gets involved in. A slight mistake may lead to disaster.

Arasaka, Military Technology, Biotechnology, Kangtao, plus now Ye's Company.

Tang Yu has already stood at the forefront of the storm, facing the danger of being targeted and devoured by these giant beasts at any time.

Lucy didn't know why Tang Yu chose this path and for what purpose. There were still many secrets hidden in his world.

Tang Yu thought that Lucy was worried about deep diving. Now that he has "weak electric control power", he can still exert almost half of his hacker strength.

Even in cyberspace, he could still keep an eye on Lucy, so he smiled calmly.

"Don't worry, everything will go well." Tang Yu reached into the water and held her wrist as before.

Lucy was a little surprised. She looked at Tang Yu's hand holding hers and felt a trace of warmth flowing into her body and mind.

"I hope you have good luck this time." After Lucy finished speaking, she gently closed her eyes and immediately entered the cyberspace.

As soon as her data consciousness took shape, she sensed the signal source in the blue ocean of data. It was the matrix space signal positioned by Mann's team.

Lucy waved her hand decisively without hesitation and teleported towards the source of the signal.

Like traveling through the stars in the deep sky, layers of code and data flow passed before my eyes, and they found their destination in an instant.

Lucy's expression tightened, and her heart sank when she saw the scene around her.

as expected.

Matrix space is not a simple network server, but a secret entrance and exit to cyberspace.

What made her feel even more chilled was that this passage was set up outside the black wall.


Lucy was standing under the black wall of the giant screen in cyberspace. Through the signal transmitted by the signal source, she looked into the dark abyss beyond the black wall.

That was her nightmare. Since escaping from the Arasaka secret base, she has never set foot in the world outside the black wall.

Lucy gritted her teeth tightly, hesitating whether to walk through the black wall and walk to the other end.

She knew all too well the dangers there, and if she took this step, she would face the risk of not being able to come back.

The wildly growing mobile AI, after years of growth and evolution, is no longer what it used to be.

Not to mention the countless malicious programs and electronic viruses outside the black wall, which may defeat her data consciousness at any time.


If she doesn't climb this black wall, she won't be able to get the information Tang Yu needs, and the efforts of Mann's team will be in vain.

Lucy clenched her fists and was making a difficult choice.

Just when she was in a dilemma, a familiar voice suddenly came to her ears.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

When Lucy heard these words in her mind, her hesitant heart immediately became firm, her clenched fists unclenched, and she smiled silently.

"Oh, that's really crazy."

She raised her hand, and the blue light flickered, and ripples appeared on the black wall of the grid.

That is the program channel for network monitoring to pass through the black wall. To a certain extent, it is the shuttle method recognized by the black wall.

Although Lucy remembers Arasaka's crossing route, as time has passed, online monitoring is more reliable.

After activating the shuttle channel, Lucy floated forward and touched the ripples.

In an instant, she seemed to have walked into a mirror and onto the old network of endless darkness.

In the dangerous darkness, Lucy must remain vigilant.

In order to avoid being targeted by rogue AI, she set up a covert protection program for herself to avoid causing abnormalities in the surrounding data flow.

After completing the supporting concealment program, she cautiously headed deeper into the darkness.

From time to time, various bright lights can be seen flashing through the pitch-black old network, like lightning flashing across the void.

Occasionally, you can see data blobs that look like human faces, wandering around like ghosts, emitting indescribable wails.

Since most of the content on the old network is related to humans, these programs have learned a lot of relevant knowledge and gradually developed towards a more human-like image.

Lucy was already accustomed to the sight before her, and she walked cautiously towards the source of the signal.

She broke through layers of obstacles and tried her best to break through weak points, narrowly missing out on AI derived from malware several times.


Lucy bypassed the maze-like restricted obstacles, arrived at her destination, and saw a spatial matrix composed of blue codes.

She immediately pulled out a light from her wrist, inserted it into the space matrix, and started scanning and screening its core program.

Time passed by minute by second, and the huge amount of data flow detection caused Lucy to fall into searing pain, and the nerve terminals of her brain were under load and high temperature.

Fighting back her discomfort, she finally completed the screening.

The entrance and exit of this space matrix is ​​temporarily closed, and it still lacks a main program to operate effectively.

Lucy withdrew the light and prepared to get up and return to the cyberspace within the black wall.


She noticed several abnormal data streams coming towards her, and immediately raised her hand to apply a firewall without causing any disturbance.

A defensive halo protected Lucy's body, resisting the sudden attack of multiple spikes of malicious code.

Fortunately, the firewall level is high enough, so there is no life threat to Lucy's data consciousness.

She looked intently and quickly distinguished the dark figure hiding in the darkness. The familiar figure made her pale.

Voodoo gang?

Only then did Lucy discover that the Voodoo Gang whose brains had been burned by Ott Cunningham had once again appeared in the old network in the form of AI.

They were not brain-burned, but used soul killers to forcibly upload their consciousness data to cyberspace, and then flowed into the old network to avoid arrest by network surveillance.

Before Lucy had time to react, dense worms covered the firewall and began to penetrate into the light mask bit by bit.


Lucy was just about to seize the moment to escape, but found that the worm exploded in front of her, directly shattering her firewall program.

Her data consciousness was exposed to danger without defense, and the strong signal fluctuations attracted malicious glances from those around her.

A series of extremely aggressive program spikes were coming towards her. If she was hit, she would be disintegrated into data fragments on the spot, and she would never be able to return to the real world.

Between the lightning and flint.

A light blue electric arc enveloped his entire body, blocking all incoming spikes.

All data codes that touched the arc were instantly wiped out.

The Voodoo Gang's data soul imprint also wants to use a virus that freezes the neural network to trap Lucy's consciousness.

But a strong blue electric arc was faintly accumulating energy with Lucy as the center.


It exploded in all directions like a thunder explosion, instantly cleaning away all debris, leaving only ashes-like data fragments.

Lucy opened her eyes, her pupils trembling, and she looked around in surprise, only to find that the surroundings were empty and no one could be seen anymore.

Cleared out?

Her eyes moved slightly, and she immediately seized the opportunity to dodge away from here, running straight towards the black wall, and successfully arrived inside the black wall.

Lucy breathed a long sigh of relief, and after calming down a little, started the exit process.

Just as Lucy flashed away.

A huge red figure arrived at the scene, reaching out to suck in a wisp of the remaining arc.

Her fingertips touched the arc, and the flowing data code instantly turned into sparks, collapsing together with the arc.

The red figure was silent.

Inside the tent.

Tang Yu squatted next to the water tank, holding Lucy's wrist with one hand and covering his head with the other, his face a little pale.

The excessive use of 'weak electric energy control' just now made him feel that his body was drained, his whole person fell into a weak state, and even his nose spilled a little blood.

Just now, Tang Yu endured the pain and answered V's call, saying that they were in trouble.

Mitch and Scorpion lost contact after entering the construction site. The Mann team has completed the task, but there is still no news.

V and Panan were both impatient. After talking on the phone, they headed back to the construction site without giving Tang Yu any time to dissuade them.

After the two of them dealt with Ye's company's pursuit, they immediately turned and rushed back to the tunnel construction site.

Tang Yu probably knew what happened. The Mann team definitely encountered an unexpected situation in the tunnel.

When he got the news about V, he wanted to set off for the tunnel site. Seeing that Lucy was still deep diving, he had to suppress his anxiety. Everything would be clear until Lucy came out.

Tang Yu was glad that he had stabilized his mentality. In the blink of an eye, he realized that Lucy was in danger.

In order to prevent her from getting into trouble, Tang Yu directly invoked the maximum power of 'weak current control energy' and used his previous hacking skills to help Lucy clear the obstacles and escape.

While his stamina was being exhausted, his other talent, ‘Tenacity’, was rapidly starting to recover his stamina.

Lucy in the pool slowly opened her eyes and found that Tang Yu beside her was still holding her wrist tightly, but she looked a little embarrassed with her head buried.

Lucy reached out and unplugged the interface from the back of her head, and quickly leaned forward to check on Tang Yu, and found blood overflowing from the tip of his nose and dripping on the dirt ground.

"What's wrong?!" Lucy asked urgently.

Tang Yu raised his hand to wipe away the nosebleed, stood up, and explained: "I'm fine. Did you find anything in cyberspace?"

Lucy's pupils moved slightly, thinking of Tang Yu's extremely weak appearance last time, and guessing that this was the price of excessive use of mysterious powers.

She vaguely felt that this was a bad sign, and couldn't help but worry, and asked, "Is it true?"


Lucy stood up from the bathtub, and the ice cubes slipped from her delicate skin and fell back into the water tank with a popping sound.

Tang Yu nodded slightly, picked up the blanket that had been prepared, handed it to Lucy, and affirmed again: "Well, it's okay. The situation outside is urgent now. I have to go there. Mann and the others have lost contact."

Lucy's heart trembled. What she was worried about at first happened.

Seeing Tang Yu's current state, wouldn't it be dangerous to rush over? But if they don't stop the other party, then Mann and the others will be in greater danger.

Lucy no longer hesitated and explained immediately.

"Don, this is a trap!"

"The matrix space has been activated. The connection point in cyberspace is located on the old network beyond the black wall."

"Obviously, they want to use the matrix space as a carrier to help the flowing AI outside the black wall invade the human online world."

"But now they still need a main program, a channel AI program that exists like a black wall."

"Subnet Poseidon."

Tang Yu frowned, which coincided with his previous thoughts, so they started to focus on V for this purpose.

If you want to obtain a channel program with the same functional attributes as the black wall, you can grow and update iteratively by yourself, build a new channel on the old network, and completely bypass the black wall.

By then.

The forces behind the Ye Company have the final say on who can enter the human online world for incubation among the circulating AIs in the old network world outside the black wall.

These AIs flowing into the human world can also use the huge network data of major companies to incubate artificial intelligence accordingly.

By that time, even if major companies leave Night City, there will be AI programs to fill their vacancies.

AI company, AI city, AI human being

Ye's company's ambition is even greater than Saburo Arasaka's dream of eternal life.

Tang Yu listened carefully to what Lucy said, and he was going to take action no matter what this time.

Delamain was waiting outside the tent, ready to go.

He stood up and walked to the tent, about to open the door curtain, when a slender, cold hand stopped him.

Lucy grabbed Tang Yu's wrist tightly, and fine water droplets stained his clothes.

Tang Yu turned around silently, but his mouth was blocked by the cold and gentle touch of two people, and the ice-blue breath penetrated the tip of his nose.

She held his face with both hands and closed her eyes tightly, with crystal tears flashing in the corners of her eyes.

Tang Yu looked at the silver-haired girl in front of him in astonishment, feeling her coldness and warmth.

Don’t back away when you have a long mouth.

Lucy let go of Tang Yu's face, stared at the man in front of her with neon pupils, and murmured.

"I'll accompany you."

No more tonight.

Thanks to the following donors for the reward!

Mo Yi Ao Meow 10.00

Book Friends 20180828115902909, Qidian Reading iOS 6.00

Book Friends 20220801132035912 1.00

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