Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 186 The person who dissuaded Arasaka Yorinobu

Badlands wasteland.

A Draman was speeding across the loess, its two high-beam lights illuminating a large area ahead.

Delamain's mechanical voice reminded: "Delaman warmly reminds you that when driving at high speed, please fasten your seat belt."

But Tang Yu ignored Lao De at all and waited for Lucy sitting next to him to process the message.

The red aperture of Lucy's prosthetic eye rotated, using the electronic tablet to search for other people's signals.

After a while.

She lowered her gaze and sounded anxious.

"It's already past the agreed time, and there's still no signal from Mann and the others. V and Panan can't be found either. The signal must have been blocked."

Tang Yu nodded slightly, looking a little solemn.

"They were most likely shot. However, Ye's company did not invest strong security forces at the tunnel construction site. They were probably attacked by hackers, so the signal was lost. There is no danger to their lives for the time being."

Now everyone is deep in the tunnel construction site, which shows that Ye's company is prepared for this.


Tang Yu had expected this. The reason why he let V go out with Panan was because he guessed that the main target of Ye's company was V.

Now that the truth has been figured out, it's time for a showdown.

Ye's company does have a skill in remote intrusion and physical brainwashing. Their powerful technical means and self-confidence make them more inclined to "collect" enemies rather than kill them directly.

The matter is not really over yet, V’s life is not in danger.

Others will become the trump card to restrict Tang Yu, waiting for his move.

As Delaman galloped all the way, he soon reached his destination.

Delamain explained: "If a strong pulse signal is detected ahead, Delamain's operating system will be severely interfered and will be unable to continue to provide you with ride services. A certain safe distance must be maintained."

Seeing this, Lucy promptly added: "There is indeed strong electronic interference ahead. V and Mann's prosthetics are probably down."

Tang Yu ordered: "Lao De, park the car outside the construction site."

Delaman parked the car outside the construction site as Tang Yu said, but the electronic interference had reached this point, and Lao De's image showed twitching and patterns.

"Mr. Tang, I wish you a safe journey and please be sure to come back safely."

Tang Yu looked at Lucy beside him and said seriously: "You stay in the car, I will check the situation."

Lucy's eyes were filled with worry. Thinking of Tang Yu's weak appearance just now, she couldn't bear to say, "Can you still hold on?"

She really wanted to go down with Tang Yu and break into the construction tunnel, but the reality was that she might not even be able to help, or even be a hindrance.

This kind of electronic interference is almost fatal to cyber hackers.

Tang Yu smiled confidently: "Believe me, it's no problem."


Tang Yu opened the car door and stepped out, looked at the tunnel construction site, and walked inside.

Through the car window, Lucy saw Tang Yu's gradually leaving figure, her eyes calm, and she could only pray secretly for more good luck.

Tang Yu walked into the enclosure and found that there was no one in the huge construction site, so he walked to the main control station of the construction site, an electric arc appeared in his right hand, invaded the electronic panel of the control system, and took all the networked smart devices on the construction site into his hands.

The panoramic headlights of the construction site came on, illuminating the entire construction site, and various machines began to idle automatically.

After getting it done, Tang Yu left the main console, started several transport trucks, earth drills, and excavators to open a path ahead, and rushed into the tunnel in a mighty manner.

The construction site convoy rumbled into the tunnel, several headlights illuminated the dark end of the tunnel, and the roar of the huge engine continued to echo.

Not long after driving, a strange sight appeared in sight.

A pair of blue eyes lit up deep in the tunnel.

Tang Yu was not in a hurry, and steadily controlled the convoy moving forward.

When I got closer, I realized that these guys with blue eyes were all workers at the construction site.

One by one, they held machine guns and fired wildly at the excavator. The crackling bullets landed on the windshield, creating layers of spider web cracks.

Tang Yu controlled the convoy to continue accelerating, and at the same time, arcs of electricity spread out from his hands and spread around, wrapping the electric light and rushing towards them.

After a sudden sound of bones breaking, a group of blue eyes were crushed into the mud.

Those blue eyes that had not yet fallen to the ground were caught by the arc, directly burning their prosthetic brains. They fell to the ground in an instant, with white smoke rising from the back of their necks.

The convoy rushed unstoppably to the end of the tunnel, and the dazzling lights enveloped a figure.

"Who's riding the horse? I'm not afraid of you, hurry up and let me go." After saying that, she raised her gun and fired two shots at the drill machine at the front of the convoy. It was obvious that her physical strength was not strong enough.

Tang Yu recognized that it was Panan's voice, and immediately stepped out of the cockpit and helped Panan before she fainted.

Panan raised his hand to block the dazzling light, and tried to struggle out in confusion, but found that the other person looked very familiar.


"V her, she is in the space matrix"

Panan tried his best to point to the mound, and there was a small hole exposed.

Before she could say anything more, she fainted.

Tang Yu carried Panan to a safe area and put him down, and then made a preliminary inspection of him.

Panan has not had many cybernetic transformations throughout his body, and he is accustomed to using mobile phones even for daily communication.

This may be the reason why she resisted better than others, and she could barely faint until now.

Seeing that Panan was fine, Tang Yu controlled the excavator and continued digging along the opening.

Under the hard work of the excavator, the gap quickly became large enough for one person to walk in.

The scene inside the matrix space also shows the corner of the film. The mechanical and electronic space is filled with science fiction colors.

Tang Yu settled Panan and walked straight into the matrix space.

Just as he expected.


Rebecca held the shotgun and fell to the ground with no trace of wounds visible on her body. She fell asleep.

Mann and Pyrrha fell closer inside, but again did not do any fighting.

Except for the big hole in the wall, no trace of the exchange of fire could be seen. Mann's team was almost instantly defeated.

Immediately afterwards.

Tang Yu's eyes were attracted by the behemoth in the distant hall. A matrix like a giant maze was displayed in the empty hall.

It is hard to imagine that Ye's Company has been digging under the company square for so many years in such a huge underground palace.

Secrecy was kept to the extreme, and I am afraid that countless people have sacrificed their lives on this project.

Qiwei fell next to the matrix server, and the signal source program chip sneaked into the interface and continued to work.

Tang Yu understood that the other party had planned to ask him out from the beginning.

He saw V's figure, so he continued to move closer to the inside.

He didn't stop until he reached the server matrix and took a look at this black technology matrix building.

In the center of the stacked servers, there is a seat filled with black metal texture.

After fainting, V lay on the seat, with a black helmet hanging on her head, ready to cover her head.

A bunch of transistors are connected to the top of the helmet, slowly flowing light blue arc light.

"Come out. After playing for so long, aren't you tired of hiding?"

Tang Yu felt countless weak detection light waves and electric currents sweeping through him. It was obvious that the other party was very interested and wanted to find out the origin of the mysterious power.

There was a sudden burst of applause.

Tang Yu followed the sound and saw one of his old acquaintances, Mr. Blue Eyes, walking out and looking at him with interest.

He knows something about Mr. Blue Eyes and is a wise man behind the scenes.

He would not use up the cards in his hand easily before the plan was actually completed, so Mann and the others were only fainted by the invasion of the prosthetic body, rather than burning their brains.

On Mr. Blue Eyes' home turf, burning their heads off is about as difficult as blowing a breath away.

"Mr. Tang, seeing is better than hearing. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. I am really excited to have an appointment with you alone." Blue eyes clapped and walked up to Tang Yu.

Tang Yu said calmly: "Fortunately, I didn't disappoint you."

Mr. Blue Eyes was not angry at all, and continued: "The Voodoo Gang did a great job. After you closed the team, my people went in and made another fortune."

Tang Yu asked coldly: "So you even dare to take V's head?"

Say it.

Arcs of electricity erupted from his hands, and several fine currents invaded the server, instantly covering the entire maze-like matrix.

Now as long as he is willing, whether it is to destroy, paralyze, or take it for himself, it is within his thoughts.

It's just that the huge matrix capacity cannot support Tang Yu at all. He just shows off to the other party and uses a lot of trump cards.

After all, Mr. Blue Eyes has already spied on this ability, so he might as well open his eyes.

When dealing with this kind of person, you have to show your true strength before you can have a good discussion about the next thing.

Therefore, when Tang Yu stepped into the construction site, he never thought about continuing to hide the "weak electric control energy". Mr. Blue Eyes must be afraid.

With Tang Yu taking control, the data flow of the entire server began to become chaotic.

A trace of surprise flashed in Mr. Blue Eyes's eyes. Perhaps he didn't expect that Tang Yu's mysterious power could reach such an extent, so he quickly tried to dissuade him.

"I had no intention of becoming an enemy of Mr. Tang. They just crashed and fainted. They are all safe."

Only then did Tang Yu retract the arc, and the entire matrix returned to normal operation.

"In that case, how should you explain those things before?"

In his opinion, Mr. Blue Eyes has a strong real power background. He can even be called a god on the old cyberspace network, and his network technology far exceeds that of other hackers.

But these are not threats at all to Tang Yu.

Mr. Blue Eyes looked calm and explained: "Now we have a better solution."

Tang Yu looked directly at the other person: "Tell me about the better solution in your mouth."

"We take away the subnet Poseidon from V's mind. This is our only purpose, and we will try our best to meet your request." Mr. Blue Eyes said in a deep voice.

But Tang Yu would not believe the lies of these guys, AI people with unknown origins who engage in assassination, brainwashing, deception and abduction.

He sneered: "It seems that you still don't understand human cooperation very well. You only care about satisfying your own goals first. There is nothing to talk about sincerity."

"I say three conditions."

"First, I want to take V away. She is mine, not a tool for you to raise Gu."

"Second, the matrix space is suspended and activated. I have to decide when it can be activated again."

"Third, tell your people to put away their claws and never let me see them move their hands or feet again."

Upon hearing these three conditions, Mr. Blue Eyes' expression turned cold, as if he didn't want to act on them.

Tang Yu changed the subject and continued.

"Of course, this is cooperation between both parties. I am not like you who only care about yourself. Human cooperation is about mutual benefit."

"If you want the subnet Poseidon in V's mind, it means that Poseidon has grown into an AI prototype and meets the requirements of the matrix space main program."

"I can promise to completely take out the subnet Poseidon and find a more suitable carrier than her. Then you want to activate the matrix space. It's up to you."

When Mr. Blue Eyes saw that his intention was revealed, he really wanted the Poseidon in V's mind, not the damaged Poseidon data, so he stopped hiding his purpose and asked meaningfully.

"Why, I thought Mr. Tang came here for Saburo Arasaka's errand. It seems that you are not as loyal to Arasaka as people say."

"Loyal?" Tang Yu smiled disdainfully: "No one in this world is loyal to Arasaka, unless they are crazy."

Mr. Blue Eyes also laughed: "If this is the case, our affairs will be easy to discuss. I wonder if Mr. Tang is willing to cooperate with us in more aspects."

Tang Yu naturally knew what they were planning, and said confidently: "You are referring to the shrine in Arasaka Tower, tsk tsk, I guess you are going crazy thinking about that thing."

"Since you said so, I can also consider it. It depends on your performance."

Mr. Blue Eyes smiled gently and said: "We have always adhered to integrity. Miss V can be returned according to Mr. Tang's request, and the matrix space can also be temporarily opened, but I still need an accurate time limit."

Tang Yu disagreed: "Be careful if your appetite is too big and it will spoil your stomach. The new infrastructure plan is just a prototype. Even if the matrix space is opened, it will not have much impact."

"I will give you an explanation before the end of the year. Use this time to build infrastructure. Next time you open the matrix space, you may be able to directly upgrade to the second-order form."

The end of 2077?

Mr. Blue Eyes felt that it was still acceptable, but he had to be convincing in the face of Tang Yu's supernatural abilities.

More importantly, Arasaka has now noticed the matrix space. Fortunately, Tang Yu is not Arasaka's loyal lackey. Otherwise, even if Tang Yu is killed, Arasaka Company will destroy the matrix space.

This huge underground palace was the work of his painstaking efforts for many years, and he must not let it go.

"Mr. Tang, then we have an agreement."

In a safe zone far away from the tunnel construction site, a black Draman was parked with the engine turned off.

Lucy was sitting in the special car, waiting anxiously, looking towards the tunnel through the car window from time to time, and the electronic tablet in her hand kept flashing flowing codes.

Delaman proactively suggested parking the car here and keeping a certain distance from the construction site to avoid pulse interference and damage to electronic equipment.

"The interference signal has weakened. Do you need to choose a parking and waiting place again?"

Lucy also discovered this phenomenon, but she didn't know the specific situation of the pulse weakening, but she concluded that it was related to Tang Yu.

When she was just about to let Delamain drive into the factory, she saw several armed aerial vehicles descending from above the construction site, with "MILITECH" printed on the paint on the outer shell, indicating the identity of the other party.

Military technology?

Lucy's heart tightened and she was filled with doubts.

‘Why did military technology come to this point? Could it be that Ye's company asked for help? ’

She knew that Military Technology had deployed a certain degree of security at this construction site, but it was not a key defense area. It only provided drones and firearms, and the security personnel were still mainly Ye's Company workers.

Panan and the others were only four people who invaded the construction site, and they had all been caught by Ye's company. With such a large army of military technology rushing to the scene, they obviously had other intentions.

Lucy must stop military technology to prevent any of them from being taken away. Once the matter is leaked, it will bring huge risks to everyone participating in the operation, and even affect Tang Yu's safety.

Being targeted by the company was definitely not a good thing, so Lucy made up her mind and asked Delamain to return to the construction site. It would take a while no matter what.

The military technology armed aerial vehicle landed slowly, the door opened, and pairs of heavily armed soldiers walked out of it. They immediately guarded the important roads throughout the construction site. There was even a team holding heavy machine guns and guarding the entrance of the tunnel.

After the soldiers confirmed that the construction site was safe, Meredith slowly stepped out of the floating car and glanced around the tunnel construction site. There were signs of fighting, but no one was there.

Her eyes finally fell on the entrance of the tunnel, and she couldn't help but smile. The fun must be in the cave.

Meredith did not choose to enter the tunnel rashly. Walking inward, it leads directly to the underground of the company square and can reach the core of the matrix space.

She planned to wait outside until the commotion inside couldn't be ended. It would be best to blow up the matrix space before she went in to end it.

Anyway, from now on, no one can escape from under her nose.

At this time.

Agent Gilgest stepped forward and reported to Meredith in a low voice: "Director, the network monitoring people are here, saying they are here to check on the matrix space."

Internet monitoring?

Meredith is not interested in this. As an independent organization, Internet Monitoring relies on major companies to support itself and does not have the conditions to compete with major companies.

She said in a gentle tone: "Let's meet."

It didn't take long.

Meredith saw a silver-haired girl approaching under the guard of agents.

She didn't recognize the network surveillance agent in front of her, so she casually glanced at her ID, and then started scanning for identity inquiries.

She confirmed that her identity was correct and that she was indeed an Internet surveillance agent. Then she took a closer look at Lucy and found that the silver-haired girl was quite pretty. She asked casually: "Didn't Mosley do it in Night City?"

Lucy replied in a deep voice: "He will return to the headquarters to return his orders. I will be responsible for the affairs here for the time being."

"Are you responsible? Oh, don't be too loud." Meredith was fierce and did not buy Lucy's fault at all.

She knew that network surveillance was short of manpower, and field operations like this would usually hire mercenaries or gangs.

at this time.

An agent reported to Meredith that two suspicious persons were found fainting. After receiving approval, the agent carried the two people in front of him.

Meredith pointed to the two people lying on the ground and asked, "Are these your people? How much do you know about the matrix space?"

"They are people from the Adecado tribe and were hired to act." Lucy answered truthfully.

"As for the matrix space, it may involve illegal activities in cyberspace. This is what we are investigating tonight."

Meredith was dubious, staring at Lucy's expression change, and suddenly said loudly: "Okay, you can take these two people away. Since you haven't found a clue yet, you don't have to worry about the next thing."

Lucy frowned and was about to say something else, but she saw the opponent's soldier holding a machine gun standing in front of her and beckoning her to leave.


She knew that besides Tang Yu, there were many people inside, including Mann's team.

If Meredith is allowed to see the Mann team, many things will not be explained by then, which will inevitably arouse her suspicion.

After all, Meredith had met them and was personally involved in the military-grade Sean Westan thing.

Seeing that there was no movement in the tunnel, Meredith lost her patience and directly ordered the SWAT team to go to the tunnel to find out.

The military technology warriors immediately formed a team, formed a defensive formation, set up their machine guns, turned on their night vision goggles and searchlights, and headed towards the tunnel.

Lucy's eyes were anxious, trying to stop their actions, but she couldn't. She couldn't show it so obviously that Meredith would notice.

Just when Lucy was helpless, a black shadow slowly came out of the tunnel.

Military technology agents pointed their guns at the incoming people to prevent unexpected situations.

Meredith also noticed the figure and looked at it from afar, feeling somewhat familiar.

Tang Yu?

She quickly recognized the other person's identity. After all, his unique temperament and impression were so memorable.

Seeing Tang Yu coming out of the tunnel, Meredith guessed that the matter was not that simple, and couldn't help but smile.

She waved her hand to let the agents retreat, then took the initiative to greet them and said with a smile: "Long time no see, Mr. Tang."

Tang Yu saw military technology arriving at the site through the construction site's monitoring system, so he chose to walk out of the tunnel alone.

"Well, it's been a long time indeed."

Meredith took another step forward, reached out to brush off the dust on Tang Yu's shoulders, and then whispered playfully: "I originally wanted to catch the mouse that came out of the hole. It seems that we have a lot to talk about tonight, but I don't know that there is a mouse inside." A rat or a bunch of rats?”

Tang Yu was not surprised at all. Seeing Aunt Mei arriving at the tunnel with such a large formation, she must have a purpose behind it, and he also cooperated with the teasing.

"Do you think my rat is not big enough to satisfy your appetite?"

Meredith smiled angrily, turned around and immediately put on a stern attitude and ordered: "Close the team!"

After receiving the order, the military technology agents trotted into the floating vehicle, and the door of Meredith's exclusive car was wide open.

She made an invitation gesture to Tang Yu: "Get in the car and chat, I'll see you off."

Tang Yu did not refuse and walked straight towards the floating car, ignoring Lucy on the side of the road.

Lucy's eyes moved slightly, wanting to ask something, but she held back and could only watch Tang Yu get on the military technology aeroplane.

Meredith looked her up and down, followed Tang Yu and got into the car. Even when Tang Yu bowed and walked in, she took the opportunity to reach out and help her, and said with a smile: "Be careful."

Then the car door slowly closed, the engine ignited blue flames, and slowly took off into the air.

Lucy looked up at the armed aerodynamic convoy leaving, with Tang Yu's secret words just left in her heart.

"Everything is safe."

After watching Tang Yu leave, Lucy immediately turned around and ran towards the tunnel.

Arasaka Manor in Kyoto.

Hanako Arasaka was wearing a kimono and was sitting on her knees in the study, holding a paper book in her hand and reading carefully.

She looked calm, slowly turning the pages with her fingertips, and she was extremely focused. She smiled knowingly when she read an interesting part, and was completely immersed in the story in the book.

The title of the book - "Speechless Flower" is printed in large characters on the cover page of the book.

This book has been published in Night City for a long time. She specially asked someone to send a copy, and she started reading it when she had some free time today.

It contains the story of her and her brother Yori Nobu, describing their relationship in a large and realistic way, which always makes people curious.

Boom, boom, boom.

There was a knock on the door.

"Please come in." Hanazaka Arasaka could not sit still.

Oda Santao, dressed in a ninja uniform, quietly escaped into the house, knelt on the ground and said in a deep voice.

"Miss Hanako, Arasaka Yorinobu left Kyoto and went to Night City alone. Takemura Goro has rushed to report to Lord Saburo."

Hanako Arasaka nodded slightly, his eyes still not leaving the book, and his tone was calm.

"There is nothing wrong with Yorinobu going to Night City. He is the future heir of Arasaka and has the right to decide his own stay. My father will not blame him for this."

Oda's expression moved slightly and he reported again: "But Yorinobu Arasaka also took something away from Arasaka Tower in Kyoto, an experimental relic biochip."

Arasaka Hanako's hand stopped turning the pages of the book, and her calm eyes changed. Then she closed the book and placed it on the table, put on her clogs and walked out quickly.

When Oda saw Hanako Arasaka leaving, he stood up and looked at the "Silent Flower", which he did not move for a long time.

Hanako Arasaka looked grim, and the servants he met on the road bowed to say hello, but received no response.

This made the servants a little confused. Miss Hua Zi, who had always been dignified and elegant, seemed to be acting in a hurry today.

Arasaka Hanako rushed all the way to the study. She had long known that her brother Yori Nobu wanted to leave the manor and go to the Night City to plan his big plan.

But at this juncture, Yorinobu actually stole the Relic biochip from Arasaka Tower in Kyoto.

Not long ago, Mr. Saburo just sent Tang Yu to investigate the matter in Night City, which implicated the Voodoo Gang in trying to collude with the Black Wall to escape the AI.

Master Saburo takes this matter very seriously, and is even more dissatisfied with Night City. He has expressed his disgust for this city many times.

Moreover, the new infrastructure plan proposed by Ye's Company to build an independent Night City and develop a matrix space to form its own network system has undoubtedly aggravated Lord Saburo's anger.

According to the intelligence sent back from Night City, the purpose of Ye's company is by no means simple, and is even worse than what the Voodoo Gang did.

There are too many forces eyeing Arasaka Mikoshi, which is the rebellion of his father Saburo.

Hua Zi is worried that Yori Xuan's trip will offend his father, which will only make the problem even bigger.

She hurried to the study, knelt down outside the door and asked to see him.

The study door slowly opened, and Saburo Arasaka leaned in front of the wooden table, holding a brush in his hand and swiping it carefully.

Hanako Arasaka didn't dare to disturb him, so he had to stand aside quietly, waiting for his father to finish his work.

Saburo Arasaka started to sketch and completed the calligraphy work. His old face could no longer squeeze out a smile, and could only let out a few hoarse dry laughs.

Arasaka Hanako stood up and approached, and found that his father had written a word.


Saburo Arasaka put down his pen and while admiring the strokes, he slowly said, "You must be here because of your brother Yorinobu's affairs."

Arasaka Hanako didn't dare to hide it, so she answered honestly, but out of the corner of her eye, she saw Goro Takemura lying on the ground.

Saburo Arasaka asked Goro Takemura to retreat, and only the father and daughter were left in the study. He spoke again: "You are worried about what I am doing. Yori Nobu should not be like this."

Arasaka Hanako could only explain in a low voice: "Brother, he is just temporarily blinded. When he sees clearly, he will be moved by your grand plan, father."

Saburo Arasaka put his hands behind his back and said calmly: "There is no need to explain to him. I am very pleased that you still have the Arasaka family in your heart."

"Burning companies, urban independence, matrix space, counterattacks, biochips, Night City does have a unique charm."

"The City of Night was once the place where Arasaka fell apart. A few decades passed with the flick of a finger, and now my other son has also gone."

"He who knows himself does not blame others; he who knows his destiny does not blame God."

"This is Yori Nobu's choice"

"Father, there are forces in Night City who are indeed plotting evil, trying to run the matrix space and coveting the gods. However, Arasaka, with you in charge, is still too powerful for Xiao Xiaoxiao to dare to ignore it. Brother Yorinobu will definitely not do it." Hanako Arasaka looked pale. Shen tried to explain to Yorinobu again, but was interrupted by Saburo Arasaka.

"I already know what you mean. Just like the word 'longevity', the City of Night still has its existence value to Arasaka."

"You can't persuade Yorinobu Arasaka to return, but maybe there is someone who can."

A trace of surprise flashed in Arasaka Hanako's eyes, and he couldn't help but murmured respectfully: "Father, please clarify my doubts."

Saburo Arasaka's eyes were stern and he faintly uttered two words.

"Tang Yu."

Arasaka Hanako immediately remembered that young man. At that time, he was met by Master Saburo in the study room and chatted in the same room for a while.

When they came out, they took Master Saburo's exclusive car back to Night City.

She didn't understand this at all, what was the significance of Master Saburo's arrangement, and why did she conclude that Tang Yu could persuade Yorinobu Arasaka to return.

Hanako Arasaka did not dare to ask any more questions, so he bowed his head silently and followed the order to exit the study.

After she returned to her room, she knelt down on the ground again and picked up the book Silent Flowers, but she couldn't read it.

After a while.

She turned her prosthetic eyes around to check the information sent back to Kyoto from Night City.

One of them was found to be that Ye's company's matrix space failed to start.


She immediately thought of her father's intention just now, and I'm afraid it had something to do with Tang Yu.

Hanako Arasaka immediately recruited bodyguard Oda.

"Go to Night City and find out the details of Tang Yu. I want to know all the information about him."

Xiaotian's eyes were slightly cold, and he stepped out after receiving the order.

I originally wanted to write two chapters, but it was too difficult to write, so I had to make do with a whole chapter.

No more tonight.

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