Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 187 The man who always brings surprises

Inside a construction tunnel in the suburbs.

A transport vehicle arrived at the end of the tunnel, its searchlight illuminated the front, and several mechanical function vehicles blocked the way.

Lucy quickly jumped out of the driver's seat of the transport truck, walked around the convoy and quickly trotted to the front, only to find that a pile of dirt was blocking the way forward.

At the edge of the mound, Mann's team and V all fell to the ground, looking like they had passed out.

Lucy walked up to V first, squatted down next to her, pulled out the nerve data cable from her wrist, and embedded it into the interface behind her neck. Then she rotated the prosthetic eye to detect V's vital signs and help her restart the operating system.

It didn't take long.

V raised his eyes drowsily, and the overlapping images around him continued to zoom in and out. What finally came into view clearly was ice-blue pink hair, and a delicate and beautiful face, with crimson eyelids dotted with neon eyes. Mysterious and profound.

"Lucy?" V recognized her, his tone full of confusion.

It's just that he has no memory of what happened just now. He can only look at the person in front of him, hoping to get the answer from her mouth.

Lucy suddenly smiled, thinking that from the moment she met her, V opened his eyes and saw her after fainting for the third time.

"Get up first, it's not convenient to talk here." Lucy helped V get up, and then said: "Your vital signs are stable, and the operating system is basically normal after restarting."

V covered his head and thanked him softly. After calming down for a while, he finally regained consciousness. Only then did he have the energy to look around and found that many people were lying nearby.

Panam, Mitch, Scorpion, and others involved in the operation lay motionless on the ground.

She was so excited that she suddenly woke up, and then realized that this was an encounter with the group being destroyed.

V quickly climbed up from the ground, ignoring the dust on his body, and immediately came to Panan, held up the back of her head, and said: "Wake them up quickly, we were invaded remotely before, and were hacked before we even met. Come on, this place is too weird."


V stretched out his hand and patted Panan's face gently. When he found that there was no response at all, he pinched her philtrum again, and then used his fingers to test her breathing to see if she was still alive.

Lucy also took action immediately, walked to Qiwei and squatted down to insert the data cable.

"The other party's hacker technology is far superior to ours, but fortunately Tang Yu has solved the matter and the matrix space has been shut down."


This news surprised V. She originally thought that this action plan had completely failed.

At that time, she learned that Mitch and Scorpion had lost contact after entering the construction site. She and Panan tried their best to slip away the pursuers of Ye's Company in a large circle, finally shook off their tails and returned, rushed into the construction site, and went straight into the tunnel.

Just as he reached the end of the tunnel, before he could even fire his gun, his vision suddenly went dark, and then he fainted, and the person he saw when he woke up was Lucy.

With V's efforts, Panan opened his eyes in confusion and murmured with great difficulty.

"V? It's great that you're okay."

V did not dare to delay and said quickly: "Everyone is fine for the time being. Let's evacuate here first."

Lucy also woke up Qi Wei and Rebecca who had fainted.

Rebecca slowly opened her eyes, rubbed her eyes, and looked around blankly.

A brief brain short-circuit prevented her from coming back to her senses.

"Where is this? Am I asleep?"

She blinked hard, turned her head and looked sideways, and unexpectedly discovered that Lucy was waking up Dolio, while Qiwei was rescuing Mann.

"Lucy? Why are you here?"

Lucy had no choice but to explain again: "Leave here first and go back to talk about something."

Rebekah nodded as if she understood, then looked away and saw her brother Pila sleeping next to him, looking like he was snoring, so she kicked him awake.

As Panan woke up Mitch and Scorpion and joined the Mann team, several people drove the transport truck and hurriedly left the tunnel.

Everyone took their vehicles and returned to the Adecado tribe.

In the tent.

A group of people stood around the tactical table. Compared to how they looked before they set off, everyone was in an extremely embarrassed state, but fortunately, everyone came back safely.

After everyone looked at each other for a moment, Panan was the first to change the subject.

"Ahem. This mission did have a lot of surprises, but we all followed the plan firmly."

"Now that everyone is back, it's time to talk about the information you know."

"But before I start, I want to ask, where is Don?"

When Panan asked, everyone looked around and realized that the mastermind of the operation was not at the scene.

Lucy had no choice but to explain: "He left with the people from Military Technology. It should be Ye's company asking for help from Military Technology."

Hearing that military technology had come to the scene, everyone had different expressions and reactions, but they all fell into silence.

"However, it seems that the senior officials from Military Technology, who are very familiar with Tang, did not notice the existence of you." Lucy suddenly thought of the woman, reached out and touched the place where she shouldn't have been, and continued.

"Tang has persuaded the people in Military Technology to leave, so you don't have to worry about what happens next."

Panan nodded and asked with concern: "Did the plan succeed? Why do I remember seeing Tang in the tunnel, but he was really in a bad state at the time, or maybe I was dazzled."

Lucy explained: "So far, it can be considered a success. The matrix space has been shut down, and I have also found their whereabouts in the cyberspace."

After hearing the news, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the atmosphere in the tent became more lively.

Then, they exchanged their experiences.

Qiwei told everyone that after she entered the matrix space, she fainted after embedding the signal source program chip, and she didn't know what happened next.

Mann told everyone that he and Pyrrha also entered the matrix space and fainted before they could take action, and they did not know what happened next.

Rebecca told everyone that she was sitting on the ground holding a gun, and without doing anything, her vision went dark and she fainted. She also didn't know what happened next.

Dolio said frankly that she was in a similar situation to them.

Panan's face also looked a little embarrassed, and she motioned to Mitch next to her to speak first.

Mitch smiled helplessly and said that after he and Scorpion rushed into the construction site, they were invaded by a mysterious signal and the screen went black, and they didn't know anything after that.

Panan and V were in a slightly better situation and fought their way into the tunnel.

Panam lasted a little longer because she had fewer implants.

After the chat, everyone fell into silence again.

It turned out that there were surprises in every aspect of this carefully planned and mobilized operation.

They couldn't help but wonder, since accidents happened in every link, how come everyone was still standing here, and the matrix space was shut down according to the established goal.

Lucy had the answer in her mind.

All this was done by Tang Yu alone.

I just don't know what happened to him in the matrix space.

Tang Yu's true strength is probably far more powerful than she imagined.

Think about this.

Lucy's mood was also much more stable. Tang Yu's identity alone was enough to be on an equal footing with people in military technology, not to mention that he was resourceful and had supernatural powers, so he would definitely be able to escape unscathed.

V looked at Lucy suspiciously, opened her eyes. She was the first to arrive at the scene, so she asked: "Since everyone has fainted and the operation failed, Lucy, do you know what happened? Why did everyone In the end they all fainted together."

V's question was also a question on everyone's mind, and they all looked at Lucy.

Lucy explained in a deep voice: "It's Tang. After your accident, he entered the tunnel alone. After that, the matrix space was shut down. When he came out of the tunnel, he followed the military technology people. When I entered the tunnel, you were already fainted. Fell together.”


Mr. Tang?


In a suit?

Everyone spoke in unison and each read the person's name in their hearts.

V suddenly thought of something and added: "Is it because he has never had a prosthetic implant, so he will not be invaded by mysterious signals and is not afraid of electronic pulse interference."

Lucy nodded slightly: "It should be"

But she knew in her heart that things were definitely not that simple.

Only then did everyone suddenly realize.

Rebecca slammed the tabletop and praised proudly: "Hey! I just said he would come. Look, everyone is safe."

Her confident tone sounded like she had already figured out how things would turn out, and she felt a little complacent about it.

Knowing that it was Tang Yu who finally solved the trouble, the stone that weighed on everyone's hearts was relieved. Returning safely was more important than anything else.

Dolio still had some doubts in her heart and asked, "Lucy, who is that person from Military Technology?"

"Meredith Stout, Director of Military Technology Special Operations." Lucy recalled the identity she had just scanned and confirmed.

Mann and the others' expressions suddenly darkened. They looked at each other and silently exchanged the information in their eyes. They couldn't help but feel nervous. If they were caught by her, it might be difficult to escape.

The information everyone had was limited. After the exchanges were almost complete, Panan proposed to rest in the camp tonight to check the situation. If it was safe, he would send them back to the city tomorrow morning.

Everyone should accept it, the matter is over, everything can only wait until tomorrow morning.

The military technology armed aerospace vehicle flew slowly towards the company square. The speed of the vehicle was neither urgent nor fast, passing over the bustling evening scene below the Night City.

In the carriage, the originally small space was squeezed by various mechanical and electronic equipment.

Meredith folded her legs, and her raised toes were almost touching Tang Yu's trouser legs.

She slowly took off her black leather gloves and leaned lightly on the soft back of the sofa, looking a little lazy.

"It's a pity that it's not my personal float car, so I can't buy you a drink or two."

Tang Yu smiled calmly and said: "We naturally talk about business on the bus. Tonight is a good night for you."

He roughly judged that military technology's attitude towards the matrix space must be opposed.

So Meredith led people to the tunnel construction site. In addition to showing off, she also wanted to see the results of the failure of the matrix space.

If she doesn't get what she wants, she will find a way to achieve it. After all, the person who took the blame is lying there.

This was not the first time she had done something bad and she was very good at it.

Meredith smiled and asked with a look in her eyes, pretending not to understand: "Why, is this the surprise you are talking about?"

After saying that, she slowly leaned forward, placed her well-maintained right hand on Tang Yu's knee, and rubbed her thigh back and forth.

She kept staring at Tang Yu's face, wanting to see if the young man in front of her was really so calm, or if he was just pretending.

After observing for a while, she found that Tang Yu neither stopped her nor showed any grievance or embarrassment, which made her feel unmotivated.

Meredith retracted her hand, sat upright, put her right hand in front of her eyes and looked over it several times, and said quietly: "It seems that time is not forgiving. When I was in my teens or twenties, I was like that person just now. As tender as a silver-haired girl.”

The words sounded a bit threatening.


Meredith saw some clues, and Lucy's eagerness aroused her suspicion.

However, she is not very sure that a lone wolf-like company executive like Tang Yu will really fall in love with anyone. Everything is just for profit.

Tang Yu chuckled and said, "Each has its own taste."

Hearing this, Meredith couldn't help but laugh. She was used to being serious, but her smile made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"You said why Military Technology didn't recruit talents like you in the first place. Whether it's the ability to do things or the ability to talk, it's incredible."

"I submitted my resume to your company back then." Tang Yu took over: "But your company's human resources department rejected it because of lack of ability and expertise, so naturally I didn't have the chance to see it."

Meredith looked a little surprised: "Really? It's just their fault for being blind, but I am willing to understand your abilities and specialties now, if you don't mind."


Meredith smiled and looked at Tang Yu with interest.

Tang Yu said calmly: "Of course I don't mind. Take the matrix space as an example. It is almost impossible for Ye's company to continue to make new moves for a while."

"I went into the matrix space and looked. They still lack a main program, and this main program is currently in Arasaka's hands."

Meredith immediately said seriously: "Main program? Can you tell me something?"

She knew that tonight's action against the matrix space was planned by Tang Yu, but she still didn't understand the deeper meaning.

Now she had two choices before her.

The first is to choose silence and protect Tang Yu as before, so as to reach a certain deal with Tang Yu.

The second is to choose to rebel and make public Tang Yu's plan to invade the tunnel construction site of Ye's company and disrupt the matrix space. Then Arasaka will have to explain the matter and even deal with Tang Yu.

But Meredith felt that Tang Yu was so understanding and must know what she wanted.

Tang Yu had no intention of hiding it from Meredith. She wanted to wade into troubled waters, so she couldn't blame him.

"Subnet Poseidon."

Meredith froze.

Ye's company needs 'Subnet Poseidon' as the main program, and this intention is obvious.

As the core technology of the Voodoo Gang, ‘Subnet Poseidon’, in addition to basic network services, also has one of the most important functions, which is to travel through the black wall and communicate with the existence on the old network.

Meredith asked again: "Is it Adam's share? If so, Ye's company can go and talk to Arasaka Yori. I think Prince Arasaka will not refuse the business that comes to him."

Arasaka Yorinobu's various disobedient actions have long been spread in the City of Night.

In the eyes of most people, Arasaka Yorinobu had a conflict with Arasaka Saburo because he couldn't wait to get the upper hand.

Tang Yu shook his head slightly, denying her guess.

"The Poseidon data in Adam Heavy Hammer's hands is damaged and has little value to Ye's company."

"The real Poseidon data, in the mind of a mercenary, has now awakened into an artificial intelligence with a certain degree of self-awareness."

Meredith's pupils shrank suddenly, her eyes full of surprise.

A subnetwork with sophisticated and powerful algorithms has awakened into artificial intelligence, and the value contained in it is self-evident.

She was thankful for her superiors' decision and did not choose to cooperate with Ye's Company. Otherwise, if a powerful and uncontrolled AI with a powerful algorithm had access to the company's servers, the consequences would be unimaginable, and she couldn't help but sneer.

"It seems that Ye's company is really ambitious. The so-called new infrastructure plan is just a cover for them."

Everything Tang Yu said was true, and it was none of his business how Meredith understood it.

"The matrix space is now closed. As for when it will be reopened, I'll have to wait and see."

Only then did Meredith understand the relationship. Tang Yu not only held mercenaries, but also held the secrets of Ye's Company, so he had the bargaining chip to negotiate with Ye's Company.

She judged that the man in front of her definitely did not want to work hard for the Arasaka Company and completely break up with the Ye Company, so both parties gave in and reached a cooperation to suspend the matrix space.

Meredith smiled angrily and said, "You are quite brave, you can do little tricks right under Arasaka's nose and you are not afraid of being caught."

"Oh, I don't know if we are destined. Every time I happen to have a problem, I run into you, and then it is solved inexplicably."

"To tell you the truth, my superiors asked me to investigate the purpose behind Ye's company's space matrix, but I was worried that I had no clue."

"It's good now. Everything has been resolved. I just have some time off from my busy schedule and can take a short vacation."

"I have to say, you always surprise me every time we meet."

Tang Yu thought.

If you're brave, you can take more than just a short vacation.

He didn't ask about Meredith's behind-the-scenes affairs. As long as the two of them cooperated and had common interests, this delicate relationship could continue.

With Aunt Mei assisting, you can get twice the result with half the effort.

If someone else came to Military Technology this time, Tang Yu might really have to put some thought into dealing with it.

Tang Yu looked out the window and found that he had reached the sky above the company square, so he said in a deep voice.

"That's good, that's all I can say, but if you want to get deeply involved in the affairs of the Arasaka family, I'd be happy to."

Meredith looked suspicious: "Are you serious?"

Tang Yu nodded slightly and vowed.

Meredith covered her mouth and was very happy, and then said jokingly: "Then I can only thank you for your sincerity. You should worry more about the affairs of your company's Arasaka family."

She glanced out the window, stretched out her fingertips and pressed them on the armrest. After the storage device recognized her fingerprint, a black box slowly popped out.

Meredith took out the box and handed it to Tang Yu, and introduced: "The latest model of Military Technology's Sean Westan, the Raptor, is one version higher than the one stolen by your R\u0026D department."

"It was previously planned to be delivered to the NCPD for use in arming the violent terrorist mobile team. After the incident of the cybermaniac who experimented with prosthetics was exposed, this batch of high-end goods had nowhere to sell."

"The mercenary you mentioned has a brain that can withstand the 'Subnet Poseidon', so he might be the same material."

Tang Yu took the black box and pressed the switch button. The inner box automatically slid out, with white air conditioning, and an exquisite black Sian Westan was refrigerated inside.

Meredith smiled calmly and said: "Don't worry, it's clean. The only requirement is that the human body's operating data be left with me. Just remember to keep it secret. This is a secret between the two of us."

Tang Yu closed the box and said bluntly: "There seem to be too many secrets that we can't tell."

Meredith chuckled and said, "If you mind, I can drop you off somewhere else, such as going to my villa to sit there. There is no one there."

Above the company square, the Military Science and Technology Building and Arasaka Tower face each other.

Tang Yu returned in a military technology armed floating vehicle, and it was difficult not to attract the attention of others.

However, he was already prepared, so he declined: "Next time, there are still people waiting for me to report back tonight."

"Michiko Arasaka?" Meredith asked.

Tang Yu nodded: "Well, just park in front of the main entrance of Arasaka Tower."

The military technology aerostat slowly landed in front of Arasaka Tower. After landing, the engine flame went out, and the door opened and extended out of the base.

Although it was late at night, there were still many people working overtime at Arasaka Company, and the entire Arasaka Tower was brightly lit.

The unusual scene attracted the attention of some Arasaka employees, who cast curious glances at this place.

Military Technology and Arasaka have never dealt with each other very well. Although the two companies have some contacts, they usually choose third-party addresses and rarely visit publicly.

Tang Yu got up and walked out of the float car, fastened the buttons with one hand, and walked to the main entrance of Arasaka Tower as if no one else was around. After undergoing security inspection, he went straight to the public elevator.

When the Arasaka employees saw that the company's senior officials were actually taking a military technology aeroplane back to the company, they couldn't help but be stunned and began to whisper.

Tang Yu is the only one who dares to associate with military technology people without hesitation.

Tang Yu ignored other people's reactions. After entering the elevator, he went directly to Michiko's office.

After breaking up the appointment last time, Michiko said she would wait for him in the office tonight.

Tang Yu didn't plan to go back to Camp Adecado. The matter there had been resolved and he would just let Gloria settle the commission fee.

It's just that it's not a commission from Lucy, but more of a favor. Risking life and death to climb over the wall and enter the old network does require a lot of courage and determination for her.

In Tang Yu's view, this is indeed a big favor.

In the tent, Lucy's sudden initiative made him feel that maybe there was no need to get too aggressive.

‘After this thing is over, let’s make a date for a night run. ’

Tang Yu got out of the elevator and walked straight to the office. After passing the access control authentication, he came to the office that was half the size of a football field.

Little Michiko stood in front of the glass window, suddenly turned back, looked straight at Tang Yu and said.

"Yorinobu Arasaka has come to Night City."

No more tonight.

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