Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 188 The lady who needs more protection (Thanks to the leader of the ‘Shadow of Lawlessness’)

"Here are two important news items for you."

"Ye's Company issued a public statement and confirmed that the matrix space has been suspended due to obstacles in the trial operation. The cooperation agreement signed with the relevant company has been put on hold. The issue of liquidated damages is currently being negotiated."

"Affected by this factor, the stock market opened downward today. The stocks of many companies fell. Ye's stock price plunged, triggering a new round of selling. Shareholders generally expressed a pessimistic attitude towards the company's new infrastructure plan."

"Regarding this issue, the CEO of Night City stated that the cause of the matrix space operation failure is under investigation. The new infrastructure project will still be implemented as scheduled. The development and progress of Night City will be shared by the citizens."

"According to our special guest, many companies represented by Arasaka will not divest their investment or cancel their cooperation."

After the TV host finished broadcasting the first news, he immediately continued with the second important news.

"It is confirmed by the city and NCPD that Mayor Lucius Lane passed away last night."

"The current deputy mayor Huot made a public statement on behalf of the municipal government. Mayor Lucius Lane worked overtime until late last night and suffered a heart attack. He was sent to the public health center and died after rescue efforts failed."

"Currently, the main municipal work will be presided over by Deputy Mayor Huot."

"Deputy Mayor Holt emphasized in his public statement that he will actively participate in this round of mayoral election and firmly implement Mayor Lucius Lane's freedom proposition."

“According to a preliminary survey of citizens’ support intentions, Vice Mayor Holt’s approval rating is low, not only lower than that of Mayor Lucius Lane, but also lower than that of Councilman Jefferson Peralez.”

These two pieces of news were like bombshells, quickly igniting the discussion in the entire Night City.

While Tang Yu was preparing breakfast, he listened to the sound of the TV and turned his head to look at it from time to time.

He prepared breakfast and brought it to the table. After wiping his hands, he began to fill his stomach for the day.

Regarding the first piece of news, Tang Yu was not surprised.

The suspension of the matrix space was an agreement reached between him and Mr. Blue Eyes.

Arasaka did not withdraw his capital from the cooperation, so he could just muddle along asking for some compensation from Ye's Company.

But the second news, the death of Mayor Lucius Lane, made him guess something.

The murderer behind the scenes is Mr. Blue Eyes and they can't escape. As for the sudden death overtime mentioned in the news, just take it as a joke.

The company dog ​​who works overtime day and night throughout the Night City can fill the entire company square when pulled out.

There are indeed many people who died suddenly while working overtime, but none of them were high-level employees.

Tang Yu judged that Lucius Lane's death had a lot to do with the outage of the matrix space.

According to Ye's company's vision, the new infrastructure plan was proposed, the matrix space was operated, and then Jefferson was supported to run for office as the new mayor. After brainwashing, he fully cooperated with the new infrastructure plan.

However, due to Tang Yu's intervention, the matrix plan was suspended and the new infrastructure plan was blocked. Citizens were dissatisfied with Ye's company's practices, and Jefferson, who was in charge of the project, also suffered a decline in his approval rating.

On the contrary, Lucius Lane, who insisted on independence from the beginning, has seen his support rate rise even higher, leaving other competitors far behind.

If this trend continues, Jefferson's dream of becoming mayor may be far away.

The higher Lucius Lane's approval rating soars, the sooner he will naturally die.

As for Deputy Mayor Huo Te, in Tang Yu's opinion, he is just a loser and has no competitiveness at all.

Tang Yu remembered that the last time, in order to increase his approval rating, Deputy Mayor Huote simply teamed up with the NCPD to exclude Taiping Prefecture from the crime rate statistics to prove that the safety factor of Night City had significantly improved under his governance.

Tang Yu looked at the breakfast he had prepared in front of him, thinking that it was almost time to call Sasha back.

Gloria has been in charge of Ritz Bar these days, and has gradually started to get on the right track, and everything is progressing smoothly.

The matter between Mr. Blue Eyes and Ye's company has been settled for the time being. As for Arasaka, he had already talked with Michiko-chan last night.

It's just that the two didn't communicate for long, and Tang Yu rushed upstairs to give a report to Saburo Arasaka.

It was learned from Michiko that Arasaka Yorinobu had quietly arrived in Night City, and Arasaka Saburo had not expressed his position yet.

Moreover, Arasaka Yorinobu also stole an experimental Relic biochip from the Arasaka headquarters laboratory.

Tang Yu knew that the chip contained Johnny Silverhand's soul imprint, but he did not tell Michiko.

Little Michiko revealed this information to him in advance just to let him stand in line in advance. The members of the Night City Arasaka Tower Hawks were already ready to move.

There was a leak in the house and it rained all night. Little Michiko couldn't control the board of directors. Now it was even more difficult for her to control Arasaka Tower in this situation.

Tang Yu read little Michiko's thoughts, and she was already a little confused.

No matter how much preparation she had made in advance, when Prince Arasaka came to Night City, the highest throne in Arasaka Tower would undoubtedly belong to him.

Tang Yu tactfully hinted that little Michiko should learn to avoid his sharp edges and that she should not be the front line of conflicts and confrontations.

But little Michiko hesitated. It was not easy to let her give up the power and career she had managed to gain for many years.

Seeing her attitude, Tang Yu couldn't persuade her anymore, so he said goodbye and left, went to the top-floor office, and reported to Saburo Arasaka about the situation in the matrix space.

Tang Yu truthfully told the fundamental purpose of Ye's company's infrastructure plan, as well as their intention to use the matrix space to bypass the black wall and secretly incubate the circulating AI, and even mentioned their coveting of the gods.

He feels that the front lines with Saburo Arasaka are currently the same on the matter of circulating AI, so there is no need to hide the main content.

on the contrary.

The more serious Tang Yu makes the matter, the more wary Arasaka Saburo will be, and he will carefully consider his own use value when the cunning rabbit dies and the lackey is cooked.

When the work is done, the tools are useless. He understands this truth clearly.

as expected.

Saburo Arasaka did not respond to Tang Yu's handling of the matter, which just shows that he acquiesced in Tang Yu's approach.

If Saburo is upset, it will be impossible for him to enter this office again.

Tang Yu sorted out what happened last night, and after realizing that there was nothing wrong, he emptied the breakfast on his plate.

The matter between Ye's Company and Matrix Space has come to an end for the time being.

Prince Arasaka ran to Night City at this time, still holding his old friend in his hand, and he had to find a suitable opportunity to meet him.

Tang Yu couldn't help but have a headache when he thought about things happening one after another.

After rebirth, many things have undergone fundamental changes, and some things seem to be developing according to their original trajectory.

This was not a good sign for him.

He stood up, hugged a guitar, and sat on the balcony, but he had no intention of playing.

Looking at the scenery of Night City outside the window, his thoughts started to fly again.

"The Fifth Corporate War"

The apocalyptic scene of that nightmarish global war is still vivid in our minds, and everything we look at is devastated.


Full of passion and romance, they vowed to overthrow the company's corrupt and dirty rule and try to reborn a new order from the ashes.

But no one waited for that result.

The power of the company is far more powerful than imagined.

The nightmarish past has become a nightmare in Tang Yu's heart at this time.

These days, he is indeed growing, and has changed the fate of many people around him, rewriting their life trajectories and helping them gain a new life.

But the huge gears of this world are still turning all the time, trying to pull everyone into the mechanical gears.

Tang Yu wanted to wrestle with the mechanical gears, but he seemed to win, but he seemed not to win.

He cannot see the correct answer, just like in real life, there is never an answer.

Just as Tang Yu's thoughts were wandering, he suddenly received a call from Gloria.

The phone was connected and a familiar voice came from the other end.

"Mr. Tang, is it convenient now?"

"Well, what's wrong?"

Gloria on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, and she was a little surprised when she suddenly heard Tang Yu's gentle tone.

Not sure if she was too sensitive, Gloria had no choice but to suppress her suspicions and continued to ask: "Mr. Tang, there is something I need to report to you."

"Say it." Tang Yu said softly.

Gloria felt a tingle all over her body. What was wrong with this tone? It was gentle and delicate, with a little concern.

She was a little unsure, but amid her doubts she felt a little happy and moved. An inexplicable emotion came to her heart, causing her head to go blank.

He was stunned for a moment.

Suddenly I heard someone on the other end of the phone ask with concern.


This tone of voice seemed to be more caring, and anyone with a discerning eye could hear it. It was completely beyond the ordinary greetings.

Gloria's cheeks turned red and she felt a warmth welling up in her heart.

I don't know if it was because I was too surprised, or because I was so moved that I didn't know what to say. Just when I was about to thank Tang Yu for his concern, I felt so nervous that I vomited.

She was so frightened that she quickly covered her mouth with her hands, trying to calm her undulating chest.

With her eyes wide open, she held it in for a while before she recovered, and then said, "Mr. Tang, I'm sorry, I just..."

"It's okay." Tang Yu once again tolerated her gaffe, and his tone was extremely gentle.


Gloria had no choice but to start reporting the matter cautiously.

She first told about things related to V and others.

Although it was Tang Yu's intention to participate in the Matrix Space Operation last night, the remuneration for the entire operation came from her.

The main large-scale remuneration was paid in full to Mann's team. Although they declined for a while, they still accepted it.

Since starting to work with Gloria, they have earned much more remuneration than before.

Next was Panan, because she sent three people to participate in the operation and also provided necessary facilities in the Adecado camp as a base of operations.

This credit is not small, so I received the second highest remuneration.

Next is mercenary V. She received a reward for fighting alone.

Gloria specially changed her money into banknotes, for which V was deeply grateful.

Finally, Lucy, who works for network surveillance, declined the remuneration on the grounds that she was performing a field mission for network surveillance and was not participating in the operation for the remuneration.

The amount of money involved in this operation was not small, and it was all drawn from the million-dollar sum paid by Tang Yu to Gloria.

After reporting on the mission, Gloria said she had one more request.

Tang Yu asked her to speak directly.

Gloria tentatively asked if Sasha could return to him and continue working as an assistant.

Now her personal safety is guaranteed by Mox, and the major power relations have recognized her as the proprietress of Lizzy Bar, so there is no need to bother Sasha with her all the time.

Regarding Gloria's request, Tang Yu refused without hesitation: "You need protection now more than before."

Gloria: "."

There’s another chapter tonight.

PS: Thank you to the financial backer of ‘Shadow of Lawlessness’ for joining the alliance!

Arrangements will be made after the small theater! (loudly)

I’ll make it up later (whisper)

A leader keeps his word for ten times!

This book is not finished yet, I will continue to return the next book!

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