Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 189 V, who has two loans

Early in the morning.

The self-disciplined V has just finished today's morning jog and returned home to take a shower.

She took off her sweatshirt and threw it on the sofa, unbuttoned her sweat-soaked underwear, and threw it into the clothes basket.

He walked to the bathroom door, held on to the wall door and took off his pants. With his bare feet, he tiptoed under the showerhead and took a cold shower.

Just as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the coolness brought by the cold water, she suddenly received a call.

In a suit?

She hung up the phone decisively. It was a bad time to make a call, but she chose this time.

Less than two seconds passed.

The call came again, along with a message.

"I'm giving you a surprise. Don't wait until it's late."

V was speechless. Feeling guilty, she had to turn off the shower, wiped her face dry, and answered the phone.

"What's up?"

"You hang up on me?"

came the question on the other end of the phone.

V explained helplessly: "I was in the bathroom just now, it was not convenient, OK?"

"I know, usually at this point you would take a shower after running."

V: "."

She said angrily: "I said that if you really want to monitor my every move, for fear that I will escape your debt, you might as well install a probe in my apartment."

V has been on the streets for a long time, and has a rather boyish personality. He has no inhibitions when it comes to speaking, and he can say anything to make her angry.

The reason Tang Yu knew her daily life was mainly because he had been used to living together for too long.

The two of them did morning exercises together and rummaged through the treasure chest, and then took showers separately after they came back. Afterwards, Tang Yu had to accept criticism and education from Mr. V, and he would lose face if he went out to hang out.

Tang Yu couldn't adapt to the huge psychological gap from being at the top of the company to being on the street overnight.

Saying goodbye to the glory and wealth before you have even enjoyed them will break anyone's mind.

Tang Yu thought for a while and replied: "Your plan is not impossible."

V didn't know how to answer this for a moment. He only blamed himself for not being able to use his iron fist when he faced his creditor.

‘I must have owed him something in my previous life. 'V comforted himself like this.

Tang Yu asked her to go to the Laowei Prosthetic Clinic, saying that he had prepared a surprise for her and invited her out for a boxing match.

surprise? Boxing?

V felt a little suspicious.

She had no problem punching her, but Iron Fist was already itchy, so beating a few people would just relieve her boredom.

After returning from Adecado, she didn't go to Lucy's side.

Lucy meant that after Ye's company ceased operations, her personal safety was guaranteed and she didn't have to worry too much for the time being.

V felt sad in her heart. Anyway, she had never been worried from the beginning. She just didn't want to let down the silver-haired girl's good intentions.

have to say.

If she was asked to choose now, whether to go with the man in the suit or the silver-haired girl, she would definitely choose Lucy.

So what is the surprise Tang Yu has prepared? Although it sounds unreliable, V still can't bear the curiosity in his heart.

After making an appointment with Tang Yu, V hurriedly dried himself, changed his clothes, opened the door and set off, heading straight to the Laowei Prosthetic Clinic.

It didn't take long.

V rushed to the underground clinic and found that Tang Yu and Lao Wei were already sitting inside, sitting around in front of the electronic screen watching a boxing match.

When Lao Wei saw someone coming, he smiled and reminded Tang Yu: "Our boxers are here."

V deliberately said hello to Lao Wei first, and then asked Tang Yu jokingly: "What's the surprise this time? It's not because he wants me to get a loan. It was agreed in advance that I may not accept it. As Lao Wei testified, Don't come here to force me to buy or sell."

Tang Yu looked sideways at V and smiled thoughtfully: "Lao Wei, let's make a bet. Do you think she will ask me for a loan this time?"

Lao Wei stood up, came to V's rescue and said, "Okay, you are not young anymore, and you still like to play tricks. You two should talk about business."

Then, Lao Wei picked up a black box from the counter, walked to the operating table, and urged V: "Come here, kid, Tang has prepared a good product for you, a brand new version of the Sian Westan 'Raptor'. This It’s not a small thing.”

Birds of Prey Sean Westan?

V has never heard of this model on the market, and it is probably an internally developed version of the company.

She came to the operating table and hesitated a little while she waited for Lao Wei to level the operating chair.

V glanced at Tang Yu, guessed that he got it, and asked doubtfully: "Lao Wei, is this new version reliable?"

Lao Wei opened the black box, used tweezers to take out the chip prosthetic and its connecting components that were refrigerated, put them in a sterile tray and brought them over, smiling.

"It is the latest version developed by military technology. In terms of performance, it is even higher than the Furious Type 5 on the market, but the load on the body is much reduced."

"I've checked the thing, and there's basically nothing wrong with it. As long as it's not used many times in a row, it won't burn out your brain. Don't worry."

After listening to Lao Wei's explanation, V's heart became even tighter.

She really wanted this Sian Westin. Even the mounting slots had been implanted before, but she just needed a suitable Sian Westin.

Unfortunately, due to financial problems, I don’t want cheap goods, I don’t dare to buy second-hand goods from unknown sources, and genuine high-end goods are too expensive to afford.

Now that there was such a good product in front of her, she was indeed moved, but she still couldn't help but murmured: "Such a good thing must cost a lot of money."

She knew that Tang Yu would not harm her, so she still had some confidence.

After all, if she dies, who will pay the debt?

Lao Wei saw through the clues between the two of them and said bluntly: "Let's pretend first and then talk about it. You have to be able to pay back the money."

V felt that what Lao Wei said was true, and there was no such thing as too much bad debt, so he took out a sum of cash notes from his pocket and placed it on the table next to him.

"Thanks, Lao Wei, let's talk about his debt later, but your surgery fee must be calculated first."

Lao Wei smiled and said nothing. After V turned around and lay on the operating table, he started the robotic arm to perform the implantation surgery.

Because there is a spare spinal slot at the back of the head, the installation process of the Sianwestein was smooth.

After everything was settled, Lao Wei reminded V to check the status and see if the relevant functions of Si'an Westan can be started normally.

V's prosthetic eyes turned and he began to check the implantation status of his whole body. Unknowingly, he had a lot of high-end products on his body, and his strength was greatly improved.

If she had gone to Atlanta wearing this high-end product two years ago, would she still be worried about not being able to make a name for herself there?

After confirming that it was correct, V jumped off the operating table and said to Tang Yu who was watching the boxing match: "Please count this debt and I will pay you back."

Tang Yu said nothing, still immersed in the world of boxing matches.

V turned to look at the busy Lao Wei and asked, "Are we going to practice boxing? I just pretended to be a good guy, and I can't wait to try it."

While taking off the auxiliary exoskeleton surgical glove, Lao Wei said with a smile: "Well, not bad, I will take you to two boxing matches later, but we still have one person missing. We will set off as soon as we are all together."

V asked curiously: "Is he the big boy Heywood I mentioned last time?"

Lao Wei responded: "Yes, his name is Jack. Just like you, he is a native of Heywood and has a life-long friendship with Don."

"At that time, Tang was still on a mission at the border. Fortunately, he met Jack, who was also working as a mercenary on the border, and he narrowly saved his life."

V couldn't help but look at Tang Yu. What on earth did that Heywood boy named Jack do to have a life-long friendship with Tang Yu?

While they were chatting, a burst of hearty laughter came from outside the door.

"Ah hahaha, Hermano, I haven't seen you for a while. I miss you so much. I remember the boxing match. I need to relax my muscles today."

"Damn it, those guys from the Sixth Street Gang have become dishonest recently. The priest gave them some color to taste, and threw one of them off the street on the spot."

As he spoke, Jack waved his thick fist and jumped twice imitating the pace of boxing.

Tang Yu looked at Jack and said with a calm smile: "Oh, really? It's just that we already have boxers today."


Jack followed Tang Yu's gaze and looked at V on the other side of the operating table. He was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but ask quietly.

"Brother, where is this boxer? Are you sure this isn't your sister-in-law?"

V seemed to realize that Jack didn't say anything nice, and said in a sharp tone: "Heywood people never whisper."

"Huh?" Jack looked a little surprised and asked, "Are you also from Heywood?"

V proudly said: "If it's fake, it's a street fight with one fist, just like that."

Jack was even more unbelievable: "Chica, this is not a joke. Why didn't I remember that there was a person like you in the Wild Wolf Bar?"

V said bluntly: "Don't believe it? You can try my fist and you will know if it is Haywood's stuff."

Lao Wei came out to smooth things over and introduced each other's identities to them.

Only then did Jack learn that her name was V, and she was the mercenary Tang Yu asked him to inquire about.

However, looking at V's body and appearance, he does not look like the Heywood who can control the situation, but his flashy clothes are still a little bit dirty.

After Lao Wei packed up his things, he said: "Okay, Jack, today's home field is V. Now that everyone is here, let's get ready to go."

Jack rubbed his hands excitedly and asked, "Lao Wei, where should we go first?"

Lao Wei asked V: "Kid, are you confident?"

She considers herself an all-around player and nodded: "Not bad."

Lao Wei continued: "I know someone, his name is Buck. After retiring, he boxed under the overpass in the River Valley area. He was the boxing champion in that area."

Lao Wei once boxed at the Devil's Boxing Club in Night City. He is a boxing master himself and knows the trends of people in the boxing industry very well.

A sniper?

Hearing the mention of Buck by Lao Wei, Tang Yu immediately thought of the black boxing champion in the river valley and gave him this nickname.

Back then, when Tang Yu had nothing to do, he went out to bet on boxing, and he beat the black boxing champion Buck very hard, but no matter how badly he was beaten, Buck would not spit out the gambling money, and he would only fire a sniper rifle.

Because Tang Yu had 'Watch' in hand, he had no memory of the sniper rifle.

But it would be nice to give V a little side dish and get a sniper rifle to use.

Lao Wei continued: "But his boxing skills are not very good, and one of his legs was removed. You have to spend real money to bet with him."

Tang Yu looked at V with interest, took over the conversation and said, "I remember you should have more than 10,000 bills on hand."

V: "."

Johnny: "Instant noodles, I seem to smell the smell of the eleventh alliance leader."

Instant Noodles: "Yes, yes, thank you 'Shadow of Lawlessness' for rewarding the leader!"

Johnny: "Thanks, boss!"

V: "Hey, it's Johnny's scene again? Are you suddenly so enthusiastic today?"

Johnny: "Have one."

Instant Noodles: “No!

PS: No more tonight!

Thanks to the following sponsors for the rewards!

Shadow of Lawlessness 600.00

Mo Yi Ao Meow 50.00

Little Smart Fish 50.00

Elegy of the Soul 15.00

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