Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 190 The Great Boxing Champion V.

"Ah hahaha, that kid from the gangster in the Valley area didn't lie. It is indeed a classic 2056 model that has been tuned. The whole car has original sheet metal. It is both stylish and smooth to drive."

Jack held the steering wheel with one hand and leaned his elbow on the convertible door. He increased the accelerator speed to 70 miles and enjoyed the joy of driving.

Lao Wei was sitting in the passenger seat with a smile on his face: "Oh, it seems that our boxers are really strong. We have defeated many regional boxing champions one after another. In half a day, V's reputation has spread throughout the streets and alleys of Night City. "

at this time.

Tang Yu and V were sitting in the back of a gold convertible, tinkering with the Ice Storm sniper rifle they had won from Buck, the boxing champion in the River Valley.

"Lao Wei, Jack, you two, please stop teasing me. In the two years since I left Night City, it seems there aren't many people who can fight on the streets."

Not long ago.

The four of them formed a team and went to the valley area to fight with Buck and win the Ice Storm sniper rifle. Then they went to the valley area to fight with the golden boy Caesar and won this convertible sheet metal sports car from him.

Then he fought all the way to the territory of the Taiping Prefecture Animal Gang, found the gym rhinoceros and had a one-on-one fight, and then defeated the stupid Ozob.

Now they are driving a sheet metal roadster, rushing to the last stop, Zephyr Manor to find Night City's only heavyweight boxing champion, Razor Hughes.

Lao Wei really saw V's talent in boxing and thought she was born to box.

Jack also had his eyes opened, and now he is completely convinced, admitting that she is a serious Heywood person.

V was quite satisfied with the Ice Storm. After checking the disassembled parts one by one, he reassembled it and looked at it twice.

Tang Yu explained on the side: "SPT32 Ice Storm was distributed by Ke Gebo, and only three hundred of them were made in total."

"I know that." V picked up the gun and made a few aiming movements in the distance. Suddenly he thought of something and turned to look at Tang Yu beside him and asked.

"I heard from Panan that your marksmanship is very good. Is it true that you are a real sharpshooter?"

Tang Yu asked, "You will know if you try it."

"Heh, so you want to spar with me." V set the gun again, aimed at a can in the open space in the distance, and pulled the trigger.


After a gunshot, a can in the distance exploded.

Being able to hit distant targets while driving at high speed is enough to prove that V's marksmanship is excellent.

Jack was so startled by the gunshot that he shivered and said in a bleating voice: "Hey, hey, hey, drive safely and don't make any dangerous moves. I'm so nervous, I almost scared my little heart out."

Lao Wei praised: "It seems that our boxers are not only good at boxing, but also very talented in marksmanship."

V raised his chin proudly, handed the gun to Tang Yu and said, "Here, you try?"

Tang Yu refused directly and did not let V get what he wanted.

"Well, my marksmanship is pretty good, but I usually only use my gun at critical moments in battle."

V's proud look disappeared instantly, and he put the gun away angrily.

Lao Wei, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned his head and asked: "V, how are you doing? Do you still have the ability to play the next game?"

Hearing Lao Wei's question, V raised his iron fist and said confidently: "Of course, it's still early, and I'm in a good mood today, so I might as well have a good time. I have to say that this Raptor is easy to use, but high-end products are different. "

Seeing that V was in full swing, Tang Yu didn't see any side effects of using Si'an Westan at all, which showed how strong his physical fitness was.

In the recent boxing matches, V has used Si'an Westan to fight more than several times.

Even though the Sian Westan model she was wearing was advanced and powerful, using it so frequently would definitely put a severe load on the human brain and spine.

But V acted like nothing was wrong, thinking it was because the prosthetic version was advanced.

Lao Wei also discovered that V's true talent lies in her ability to withstand the high intensity of the prosthetic body. She seems to be born with desensitization to the side effects of the prosthetic body. This kind of gifted physical quality is one of a kind.

The last one who could pretend so well was the living legend - Adam Hammer.

The degree of prostheticization has reached more than 90%, the brain has not gone crazy, and the world is unique.

Since the boxers all said there was no problem, Lao Wei didn't say much.

He knew that the reason why Tang Yu brought V out for boxing was not only to further strengthen V's ability to use the prosthetic body, but more importantly, to observe the impact of the prosthetic body on her in advance.

There is no activity more suitable for mobilizing full-body prostheses than boxing. Only under high-intensity confrontation can we see the degree of matching between the implant and the body.

From the current point of view, V is very adaptable to these prosthetics on his body, both in terms of burst and durability.

It's getting late.

Jack drove a sheet metal convertible car and drove all the way to the West Wind Manor Boxing Arena.

In the boxing gym.

There was a huge crowd and many boxing fans gathered to watch the match.

They are excited about tonight's match, as Night City Heavyweight Champion Razor Hughes will appear in person.

As for V, Lao Wei signed up for her in advance. Shazhao heard that V had defeated boxing champions in several regions during the day and wanted to know her iron fist.

The four of them walked into the boxing gym, and Lao Wei skillfully led them to the ring, and then introduced V to tonight's final opponent.

Lao Wei pointed to the dark-skinned muscular man sitting far away: "He is Razor, a professional boxer, three-time heavyweight boxing champion. He has won forty-seven games, including twenty that knocked out his opponent with one punch."

V looked in the direction that Lao Wei was pointing. He saw that the opponent was extremely muscular and had various auxiliary enhancement prosthetic plug-ins implanted all over his body.

"It does look more difficult to deal with than the previous ones. It's as strong as a tank."

Lao Wei cheered up: "Don't be afraid, kid, he's not easy to deal with. Just like you said, that guy is a tank. It's made of nanofiber high-imitation leather, shock absorbers, hydraulic joints, and titanium alloy skeletons. He might not even be able to avoid hitting his head with an iron fist."

Jack laughed from the side and said: "Old Wei, is this how you encourage our boxing champion V?"

"I haven't finished talking yet. He has a fatal weakness. He just had bionic abdominal muscles a while ago. He probably hasn't gotten used to it yet. If you hit him hard in the stomach, he will definitely be in pain, very much." Lao Wei He said with a smile and touched his belly.

Jack echoed from the side: "Look, in the boxer business, you must have a good relationship with the prosthetic doctor, maybe your weakness will be sold as intelligence, haha."

After Lao Wei finished explaining, he sent V to jump onto the ring and get ready for the game.

At the opposite corner of the ring, Razor stepped onto the stage, looked at V with an expressionless expression, and his tone seemed a bit mocking.

"Wait a minute. Is there a mistake? You are the one who swept through all the black boxing districts today? Are you V?"

V looked like you had guessed it right, and said "hmm" twice, "It's guaranteed to be fake."

Razor laughed loudly: "This is a joke to me, but not to you. It's too late to regret it now."


With V's pretty face, it's really hard for people to believe that she is a top boxer.

She didn't intend to defend herself. Whoever got beaten would be embarrassed later.


The referee walked onto the ring and asked both sides if they were ready.

V said there was no problem, but found that the referee came over on his own initiative, squatted down and whispered.

"V, I know your ability, but the boss behind the razor spent a lot of money to buy him a chance to win. If you can defend for a few rounds, and then find an opportunity to go underground and earn more than you win, the key is easy, isn't it? "

V asked calmly: "Who is the boss of Razor?"

The referee pointed to a fat black man sitting not far away and introduced: "Dexter, a well-known middleman in Night City. He guarantees his credibility and will never rely on you."

V just glanced at him and refused: "Stop this trick, my fist is worth more than this price."

Seeing that trying to dissuade V had no effect, the referee returned to the ring and gave Shao Shao a look with a hint of murderous intent.

Razor smiled and nodded, clenching his fists, ready to let go and hit hard.

With the referee's order, the game officially started.

Judging from the physiques of the two boxers, V has an absolute disadvantage. Anyone who sees this match will first instinctively think that V may be beaten badly.

Tang Yu and the three of them stood under the ring and watched the show.

Lao Wei said happily: "V refused to fake the match, and finally he didn't embarrass me."

Jack also looked proud: "No, after all, I was born in Heywood, and I have moral principles engraved in my bones. It is absolutely impossible to crack down on match-fixing."

Tang Yu sighed and said: "Lao Wei, you were forced to leave the boxing industry because you refused to fix matches. Do you regret it now? If you continue, Razor may not even be able to carry your shoes."

Lao Wei smiled helplessly and said he didn't want to mention Yong again.

Tang Yu suddenly thought about how there could be no bets on the boxing match, so he asked: "Why don't you place bets on such a wonderful boxing match?"

"That's for sure, I've already placed my bet." Lao Wei said bluntly, his eyes invisible under the black sunglasses.

Jack reminded from the side: "Lao Wei and I made the bet together."

Tang Yu didn't expect them to be so quick, so he went to the front desk to place a bet and bought V to win the game.

Return to the spectator seats.

The fight was very fierce in the ring. Both sides started to move around the stage with lightning, and then hit each other hard.

Fortunately, V's body skills were more flexible, and Razor's several heavy blows missed. Instead, V took the opportunity to punch him in the abdomen several times.

The situation on the court gradually began to reverse. Shao Shao, who had the upper hand, gradually lost his strength. Frequent use of Si'an Westan was unbearable for him. At the same time, he suffered severe pain from a heavy blow to his abdomen, and had to turn on the pain editor to reduce his pain sensitivity.

Jack asked Tang Yu curiously: "How much did you bet?"

"Ten thousand euros." Tang Yu answered truthfully.

Jack nodded thoughtfully: "Oh, this is a big deal. I bet six thousand euros."

"Where's Lao Wei?"

"I bet four thousand euros."

Jack shrugged helplessly: "It seems that we are all going to suffer a heavy loss today."

Lao Wei looked very calm and said with a smile: "If Razor wins, we will be happy. If V wins, we will be happy for her."

Tang Yu was stunned and asked: "You two all-in razor wins?"

Jack was confused and asked: "Aren't you?"

Tang Yu: "."

There will be another update later.

PS: Thanks to the following financial sponsors for the reward.

European Superman opens his eyes and starts reading 20.00

Lonely little bird of prey 1.00

Slag Mine Kunpeng 0.02

Fanfan can hit ten 1.00

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