Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 191 The whirlpool on the first day of employment

Early morning, Champy Building.

David Martinez stood in front of the electronic mirror screen, straightened his appearance, made sure his tie was straight and his suit was neat and wrinkle-free, then he turned and walked towards the door.

After leaving the hotel room, walk into the public elevator, verify the customer's identity information, and choose to go to the hotel lobby.

It didn't take long.

When David arrived at the hotel lobby, he found that the security had recently increased several times compared with usual. Even six security personnel guarding the door had been arranged to check customers entering and leaving the hotel.

Not only that.

Chambi Building has also launched a comprehensive identity verification system, and all customers are only allowed to go to the floor where they live and some public open areas.

David heard that a certain big shot had checked into the hotel, but he didn't know who it was for the time being.

When he walked out of the Chambi Building, a high-end business car was already parked and waiting.

David stepped forward and opened the car door, sat on it skillfully, and then shouted something.


In the carriage.

Gloria was sitting upright and smiling happily when she saw her son David's handsome appearance.

"Are you ready for the graduation ceremony?"

David nodded, indicating that everything was ready.

Today is the graduation ceremony of Arasaka Academy, and it is also David's last day at the academy.

After he finished his internship at Arasaka Company, he had been living in the hotel because Gloria told him that a distant relative of the family planned to stay for a while.

Gloria's prosthetic eyes turned, and the vehicle started the automatic driving mode and drove towards the destination Arasaka Tower.

"Are you still used to staying in hotels these days?"

David sighed softly, and his tone seemed a little helpless: "Mom, my life in Cangbi is much better than at home. I just don't think it is necessary to spend this money."

He knew that Gloria was now in charge of running the Ritz Bar and it was much easier to make money than before, but he had been used to saving since he was a child and didn't want to spend money lavishly.

People can't just look at the present, they have to make plans for the future.

Gloria comforted her calmly: "David, now that you have joined Arasaka Company, it is normal for you to live in the Kanbi Building. When you become a professional elite in the future, you should move to a better villa."


Her eyes revealed her expectations for David's future, and Tang Yu's figure appeared in her mind.

If one day, David can be as good as Tang Yu, then all her lifelong dreams and desires will come true.

David didn't know why, but he felt a little depressed and couldn't be happy. When he saw the happy smile on his mother's face, he still managed to squeeze out a smile.

He finally got to where he is today, achieved an achievement that many people cannot achieve, and successfully joined Arasaka Company after graduation.

Just because of this, anyone would be extremely happy and proud.

David recalled the process of joining the company. Tang Yu had talked to him and asked him about his true inner thoughts.

Faced with such a profound question, David didn't think it through clearly. He just hesitated and said he wanted to join Arasaka Company.

It seemed that if he didn't say yes, he would disappoint Tang Yu and his mother Gloria.

After all, David didn't know how to take the future. Now that there was a bright and beautiful road in front of him, he had no reason to refuse.


He submitted his resume to Arasaka Company, participated in multiple rounds of interviews, re-examinations, and general examinations, and finally got a place to join Arasaka Company.

When he told Gloria the news, as he expected, Gloria was overjoyed.

When David thought about the car accident and compared it with the scene at this moment, he felt happy and moved from the bottom of his heart, but he was still confused.

Seeing that David didn't seem to be very interested, Gloria could only smile and comfort him: "Once you join the company, everything will go smoothly in the future. I believe in you."

David said nothing, kept looking out the window, and nodded silently.

The vehicle was getting closer to the company plaza, and he was getting closer to Arasaka Tower.

Gloria also felt the emotions in David's heart, and she couldn't help feeling a little helpless, but she still believed that when the result came, David would understand her intentions.


She felt uneasy, and the sudden dizziness made her want to vomit.

David noticed something strange about her and quickly asked with concern: "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Gloria quickly started the ventilation and heat dissipation and explained: "I'm just a little motion sick. It's okay. The place is here. Go to the meeting quickly."

David was a little worried, but seeing that Gloria was fine, he told her to take care of herself, then opened the car door and stepped out of the car, heading towards the main entrance of Arasaka Tower.

After closing the car door again, Gloria's heart skipped a beat. She slowly reached out and touched her belly, her pupils showing a look of shock.

the other side.

David passed the security check at the Arasaka Tower gate and took the public elevator to the academy auditorium.

There was still a while before the graduation ceremony, and the students were all wearing formal attires and gathered together in twos and threes, talking and laughing.

David was not in the mood to chat. He usually interacted with his classmates to sell Mewtwo and game chips. Now that he didn't need these, there was naturally nothing to talk about.

He had to find his own seat first, and after scanning around, he found that his name was not in the back row where he used to sit.

David had no choice but to step forward and get closer, and looked through the rows. His name was not there in the rows where he usually sat in the back.

When he came back to his senses, he discovered that David Martinez's electronic seat sign was placed in the first row, near the middle.

That place, at the time of the college meeting, had always belonged to those powerful children, and he had no chance to do so.

But this time, he was actually arranged to sit in the front row.

David blinked, thinking he was dazzled, but after checking again, he found that he was right, he was sitting in the front row.

At this time.

He didn't really want to take a seat in advance.

None of the other students were seated, but he took his seat in advance alone. Sitting in the first row would inevitably attract attention. He didn't like the feeling of being quietly watched and discussed.

Just as he was hesitating whether to take a seat, a familiar voice came.

"David, your place is over here."

David looked around and saw that the source of the voice was none other than his classmate, Tanaka Katsuo.

What was different from before was that Tanaka Katsuo's face was full of smiles, and his demeanor was not as arrogant and domineering as before. His expression was as happy as if he was greeting an old classmate.

Facing Tanaka Katsuo's enthusiasm, David didn't want to pay attention, but he found that the two people were seated next to each other, which was unavoidable no matter what.

David stood up helplessly and walked over, said hello to Tanaka Katsuo calmly, and sat back in his seat.

He guessed the reason. Both of them must have joined Arasaka Company, so they were specially arranged by the academy to sit in the front row, next to each other.

Tanaka Katsuo didn't mind David's indifference. He sat next to him and leaned forward and said, "David, I didn't expect you to have successfully joined Arasaka Company. Now we have become colleagues from classmates. Congratulations."

For a moment.

David feels that Tanaka Katsuo is really suitable for the mixed workplace. He is not only able to bend and stretch, but also has excellent technical qualities.

He had no choice but to reply politely. Three years of resentment made him no longer fond of Tanaka Katsuo.

Tanaka Katsuo's eyes moved slightly, but he still refrained from showing it. He just said quietly: "The results of the company's internal job allocation have come out. I will definitely go to the R\u0026D department."


Only then did David remember the job allocation in the company, but he had been interning in the Counterintelligence Department and would not be assigned to other departments, so he had to ask patiently.

"It's good for you to go to the R\u0026D department. It's suitable for you in every aspect."

Tanaka Katsuo waved his hand: "The R\u0026D department is suitable for me, but as you know this department, it is difficult to take a step up. Unlike your department, there are many opportunities for meritorious service and rapid progress. I am very envious. oh."

David was really curious, and he wasn't sure yet. What would he do if he really wasn't assigned to the counter-intelligence department?

"Tanaka Katsuo, may I ask, what department am I assigned to?"

Tanaka Katsuo looked generous, looked around, and after confirming that no one was there, he whispered: "Special Operations Department."

Special Operations Department?

David's pupils shrank suddenly and he was completely stunned.

I didn't realize why I was assigned to this department for a while.

Whether it was Mr. Tang's intentional arrangement or the result of automatic assignment by the Human Resources Department, he didn't know.

The key is that he knows that the Counterintelligence Department and the Special Operations Department have not dealt with it.

Tanaka Katsuo said with envy: "The Special Operations Department is an important department with real power, and Mr. Tang also serves as deputy minister. You will definitely do well in the future."

In Tanaka Katsuo's view, whether David goes to the Counterintelligence Department or the Special Operations Department, it is a very good result.

Because these two departments hold great power and have many opportunities to perform tasks in the field, if a job is done well, they can even be promoted and reused like Tang Yu.

Moreover, Tang Yu is the deputy minister of two departments, which is more than enough to cover David.

Regarding the relationship between Tang Yu and David, Tanaka Katsuo believes that there must be some connection between them.

But David was completely confused by this assignment news, which made his mind buzzing and unable to focus on the present.

Tanaka Katsuo reminded him that after reporting to the Special Operations Department, he could go to the Arasaka Prosthetic Implantation Center for basic modifications and then select some suitable prosthetics.

David just nodded mechanically and expressed his gratitude to Tanaka Katsuo for his kindness in sending some extra company goods.

This is a basic onboarding process, a company norm, and involves some R\u0026D department business.

It didn't take long.

The graduation ceremony begins.

David found that Tang Yu was not among the company executives present. While he was a little disappointed, he began to feel a little uneasy.

After joining the Arasaka Company's Special Operations Department, he had to report this matter to Tang Yu.

Although he didn't know the purpose of such an arrangement, he could realize that it would be better to go to any other department than to the Special Operations Department.

It is true that Tang Yu is the deputy director of the Special Operations Department, but Susan Abernathy, who originally wanted to kill him, is the actual head of this department.

David was keenly aware that a whirlpool was beginning to surge, and on his first day on the job, he wanted to get him involved in it, making it impossible to escape.

None tonight!

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