Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 199 The real goal

Suburban transport lanes.

The charred black soil after the violent explosion was emitting traces of white smoke, indicating that a hot fire conflict had occurred here not long ago.

Several transport vehicles and armored vehicles were swaying this way and that, turning sideways on both sides of the road. The doors and bottoms of the vehicles were covered with craters and stuck shrapnel.

The paint on the overturned vehicle's shell was printed with "MILITECH", indicating the origin of the transport convoy that was attacked.

at this time.

Rebecca was holding a large sniper, and lying at her feet was a fainted person who was in a coma.

She chewed bubble gum in her mouth, raised her foot and kicked the guy lying in front of her, checked it casually, and muttered: "This guy is sleeping quite soundly."

Then the prosthetic eyes turned and reported to Mann Hui.

"The target person confirmed that he was safe and fainted after being hit by the tranquilizer gun."

On the other side, Qi Wei added: "The electronic equipment on site is temporarily blocked. Reinforcements from military technology are expected to arrive at the scene in three minutes for a quick victory."

Mann said bluntly: "We collected the team as planned. Rebecca returned first, Pila prepared to blast the scene, and Dolio packed the target person into the car and sent it away with the contents of the transport convoy."

Dorio was concentrating on breaking open the door of the transport truck with all her strength, and the high-heat melt gun in her hand directly burned a big hole.

"Copy that, I'll finish it right away!"

Following Mann's instructions, several people speeded up their actions in unison, racing against time to finish.

They received a commission from Gloria to protect a target person during an attack on military technology.

David Martinez.

After receiving the relevant information entrusted to him, Mann led a team to wait on the transportation road outside the city.

He knew that David was not only Gloria's son, but also a member of the Arasaka Company's Special Operations Department.

Thinking back to a year ago, Gloria was still working in a public medical center, earning some living expenses by selling second-hand prosthetics, and struggling to support her children in Arasaka Academy.

Now Gloria has become the proprietress of Lizzie Bar, and David has successfully graduated from Arasaka College and joined Arasaka Company. The identity and status of the mother and son have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Such opportunities and good fortune are not common in Night City.

He learned from Gloria that this was David's first time participating in a company's armed field operation, and that the operation was very dangerous.

The mission is to keep David alive during the operation to avoid any accidents.

After seeing the scene of the attack, Mann understood that Gloria's worries were not unnecessary.

The military technology transport convoy had powerful firepower and was not weak in the face of the attacking team. It continued to fight until both sides had very few surviving forces left.

At the beginning of the attack, David, who was ordered to act, charged forward recklessly.

Seeing this scene made Mann's heart palpitate. A newcomer who had just entered the battlefield charged forward without any scruples. In all likelihood, he would come out standing and go back lying down.

Fortunately, Rebecca's sniper marksmanship was accurate enough, and she took advantage of the chaos of the operation to shoot David an anesthetic, knocking him unconscious to the ground and lying on the outside of the front line of the battlefield, basically not being affected by the conflict.

When Rebecca saw how brave David, a dumb green rookie, was, she couldn't find any other better word to describe it than admiring his courage.

They waited for the attack to be over before starting the real action.

Clean up the remaining forces of both sides, shield on-site signals and electronic equipment, and then fake a second scene.


Everyone in Mann completed the finishing work according to plan.

David was packed into a small car by Dolio, holding an unlocked box that had been stolen from the transport truck.

The vehicle immediately turned on its autonomous driving mode and sped towards an Arasaka stronghold.

Pyrrha arranged a swarm of bombs at the attack site and could detonate them at any time after leaving, completely destroying any trace of their actions.

Falco drove a medium-sized commercial vehicle. After picking up all the team members, he stepped on the accelerator and sped away from the scene.

Qi Wei, who was sitting in the back car, closed her notebook and said in a deep voice, "Someone is about to arrive at the scene."

Pyrrha said with an indifferent expression: "Don't worry, just press the explosion button and keep it until he doesn't even recognize it."

As Mann confidently clicked the button.

A dazzling fire suddenly ignited in the distance behind, and then a black mushroom cloud rushed into the sky.

There was an explosion and a roar in my ears.

Seeing that the commission was successfully completed, everyone in the car smiled at each other and gave a thumbs up.

Arasaka Tower.

Susan Abernathy sat in her office, waiting for reports from the front line.

The plan she formulated was to quickly raid multiple military technology strongholds and transport convoys within one day, causing them to lose sight of one.

In addition to giving a retaliatory blow to military technology, they also need to obtain an experimental product.

This product is a device prepared by military technology to be transported out of Night City and sent to other areas.

The Arasaka R\u0026D Department had its eye on this piece of equipment, so it proposed adding an additional mission objective to the operation.

Looking at the holographic image in front of them, the attack teams organized by Arasaka launched a strong offensive.

Most of these attack teams were composed of gang members and mercenaries, with only a small number of Special Operations Department members participating.

The field team that attacked the military technology transport convoy was basically composed of field forces from the Special Operations Department.

I just received the latest news that the Arasaka special service team has been wiped out, and military technology reinforcements have rushed to the scene.

But Susan Abernathy was unmoved. Failure in field operations was perfectly normal.

Moreover, this attack operation was approved by the upper-level meeting. Even if she really wanted to be held responsible for the failure of the operation, she would at most be responsible for the failure of the command.

The attacks in various places are gradually coming to an end according to the established arrangements. There are reports of failures and successes, and a lot of lives have been paid.

After all, there is a huge gap in strength between the large-scale armed attackers organized by Arasaka and the elite forces that attacked the Arasaka stronghold at that time.


Susan Abernathy received a call from Tanaka, and she immediately realized that the other party was here to inquire about the operation and was concerned about the military technology equipment that was being transported out of the city.

Communication is connected.

The two exchanged polite greetings and got straight to the point.

"Have you got the equipment?" Tanaka's tone was as cold as usual.

Susan Abernathy said calmly: "It may be hanging, and the entire army will be wiped out. No news has been returned yet."

Tanaka was silent for a while on the other end of the phone and asked calmly: "Didn't you arrange for the company's special service team to attack the military technology transport convoy, so you didn't get the piece of equipment?"

Susan Abernathy reluctantly replied in the affirmative, and Special Operations sacrificed two field teams.

"The other party's armed firepower is very strong. When faced with numerous attacks, military technology immediately chose to support their transport convoy. There is a high probability that the piece of equipment will not be available."

On the other end of the phone, Tanaka was wearing long-rimmed sunglasses and frowning slightly, a little dissatisfied with the result.

"Then what are you going to do about it?"

Now that the operation has gone awry, Susan Abernathy may have to face punishment from the top again.

To his surprise, the other party didn't seem worried about this.

"Hey, do you know who approved this operation?" Susan Abernathy chuckled.

Tanaka: "Yorinobu Arasaka, but this is not a reason for you to shirk your responsibility."

"Director Tanaka, you only saw one layer. In fact, whether this operation fails or not, it doesn't matter to us, because the real target is not military technology." Susan Abernathy knew that Tanaka belonged to Arasaka Saburo faction, but they all have a common target enemy.

Tanaka remained silent, waiting for her to answer what happened next.

Susan Abernathy said: "If you think about it carefully, the conflicting relationship between the two Arasaka family members and the situation we are about to face after the operation fails."

"Should we fight to the end with military technology, or should we negotiate?"

The words stop at the point.

Tanaka quickly understood the meaning.

The two companies are bound to move towards peace talks, so this matter will naturally fall on the head of the public relations department.

And it was Tang Yu who was recently promoted to the public relations department.

Tanaka knew that Tang Yu was running a private errand for Saburo Arasaka, but this did not mean that the two belonged to the same camp.

In his opinion, Tang Yu is more like a disposable chess piece in the hands of Lord Saburo, which can be discarded after using up its remaining value.

He asked solemnly: "Is he worthy of you targeting him like this?"

"No, no, it's not that I'm targeting him, but he's getting in the way of some big shot and it just so happens that I can do something about it," Susan Abernathy explained.

Although she is from Arasaka Tower in Kyoto, she does not belong to any faction in terms of workplace philosophy.

If we really want to say she has any faction, she belongs to the power faction.

As long as you can climb higher and stand firmer, it doesn't matter which faction you belong to. The key is to assess the situation and seek your own interests.

No matter which faction you follow firmly, once the tree falls, disaster awaits you.

The R\u0026D department didn't have its own special service team, and even if Tanaka wanted to get the piece of equipment, he couldn't force Susan Abernathy to do it.

Tanaka has no interest in the increasingly fierce factional conflicts in the company. Research and development work is his foundation.

Both parties hung up the phone.

Susan Abernathy sat back in her office chair, feeling inexplicably good.

She called her personal secretary into the room and asked her to start preparing materials. Once the operation was over, she would report to the board members.

The attack cannot be concealed from military technology, and it is inevitable that the two companies will sit on the negotiating table.

This time, she wanted to take a good look at Tang Yu's performance.

Military technology is not a soft persimmon. Once the negotiation breaks down, Tang Yu will not only have to bear the pressure of external relations, but also the pressure from within the company.

She saw with her own eyes how Tang Yu climbed to his current high-level position step by step by hooking up with Michiko.

Now, Arasaka Tower welcomes a new king.

As much benefit as the 'dove' label brought him, it will now bring him as much disaster as possible.

Think about this.

Susan Abernathy even looked forward to it.

Lizzy Bar.

Gloria breathed a deep sigh of relief. After receiving the news from Mann and learning that David was safe, her heart that had been hanging on her chest finally settled.

She had previously learned from Tang Yu that David, who had just joined the company, would participate in the company's field operations. Thinking of the fierce battle, Gloria's heart instantly panicked.

Fortunately, with the advice and intelligence provided by Tang Yu, she was able to arrange for the Mann team to keep an eye on David in case something unexpected happened to him.

Gloria also didn't expect that David would be assigned to the Special Operations Department.

Fortunately, Tang Yu is the deputy director of the Special Operations Department, and David's actions are under his control.

Otherwise, without the necessary information, even if she wanted to help David, she would not be able to find a chance.

With David's temperament, he would definitely not reveal even half of the company's action plan to her.

When David was an intern in the Counterintelligence Division, he rarely discussed company operations matters in front of her.

She realized that David was assigned to the Special Operations Department and would definitely participate in similar operations in the future, and it was impossible to arrange mercenaries to protect him every time.

The living environment of Arasaka Company was far worse than she initially imagined.

Just sitting in the office, typing on the keyboard in front of the office computer, you can be promoted step by step. It is a ridiculous fantasy that does not exist and cannot be realized.

Perhaps just like Tang Yu, everyone who climbs up is actually facing a life and death crisis all the time.

If it weren't for Tang Yu who was also in charge of the Special Operations Department, who took over the Lizzie Bar and had access to the strong and reliable Mann team, David might not have even been able to pass the first hurdle of joining the company.

Gloria now has a clearer understanding of the brutal nature of the corporate environment, but she also understands that opportunity often comes with danger.

No matter what, it is better to climb to the top of the company than to struggle in vain at the bottom of Night City society.

She firmly believes that as long as David works his way up and stands at the top of Arasaka Tower, there will be more solutions to difficulties.

She sat alone in the box, thinking about how to deal with the follow-up matters.

There were no mistakes in Mann's operation, and the payment was settled as agreed.

David had safely arrived at the Arasaka stronghold. In order to avoid David becoming suspicious, she could only resist the urge to call and send a message later to inquire about the situation.

Finally, do you need to report this matter to Tang Yu?

But when you think about Tang Yu's company identity, you must know the results of the action well.

Rather than having a quick chat on the phone, Gloria wanted to express her gratitude in person.

Her and David's future depends on Tang Yu.

This makes her always feel ambivalent when facing Tang Yu.

The relationship between the two has developed to this day, and she is still not sure about her position in Tang Yu's heart.

Gloria has always placed herself in a very humble position, trying not to have any impact on Tang Yu's life and work.

She stretched out her hand to touch her belly and looked at the reagent strip next to her.

For Gloria, it all seemed to happen too quickly, catching her off guard but willingly.

Just as she was hesitating, Sasha came over.

The door opened, and Sasha went straight into the room and sat next to Gloria, telling interesting stories about Lizzy Bar.

But as he talked, Sasha seemed to feel that it had no taste and became bored.

Gloria listened to her with a smile, and then comforted her softly.

Sasha said with a hint of apology: "It's not like Sasha is looking for trouble. Lizzy Bar is quite good, it's Mr. Tang's place."

Gloria happened to think that Sasha had always been Tang Yu's company assistant, so she seriously asked her for some information about the company and about Tang Yu's bright side.

As soon as she talked about Tang Yu, Sasha got excited. After praising him, he said: "Mr. Tang is amazing. There has been a major adjustment in his position recently, but he has been promoted!"

Gloria was pleasantly surprised when she heard that Tang Yu was promoted, and quickly asked what was going on.

Sasha explained: "Mr. Tang was promoted to the main person in charge of the Public Relations Department and no longer serves as deputy director of the Counterintelligence Department and Special Operations Department."

Gloria's pupils shrank suddenly, realizing that the direction of things had deviated from her expectation.

None today.

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