Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 200 I stand at the forefront of the storm

Arasaka Tower.

PR Department.

Tang Yu was in the minister's office, calling up the panoramic electronic mirror screen behind him, and waiting for the video signal to connect to the board of directors.

He sat in his exclusive office seat, turned on the holographic projection of the office system, and watched the public announcement of military technology.

In the TV screen.

Meredith Stout, Director of Military Science and Technology Public Diplomacy, looks dignified and solemn. She wears a business suit with a close-fitting uniform skirt, showing her mature and capable temperament.

She faced numerous media cameras without any fear in her eyes and loudly accused Arasaka Company of its recent provocations.

Meredith emphasized: "Military technology will never tolerate any violations and will seek justice and losses at all costs."

Immediately afterwards, a reporter on the scene asked whether military technology would also use thermal force to fight back?

Meredith replied categorically: "We will never give up force. If the negotiation results do not meet expectations, we will bear the consequences."

A while ago, Arasaka launched an armed counterattack against military technology. The entire operation did not go smoothly, and clues were found by the other party.

Military Technology, which has always been extremely powerful, did not follow conventional routines and directly made the matter public, accusing Arasaka of carrying out attacks and demanding a positive response and compensation from Arasaka.

This incident quickly became breaking news, spreading throughout the Night City and even around the world.

Many think tanks and authoritative media have analyzed and predicted that this attack will become the trigger and trigger a new round of all-out war between giant companies.

Military Science and Technology took a very tough public stance without any prior private consultation, catching Arasaka off guard.

They have conclusive evidence in their hands to indicate that Arasaka was indirectly or directly involved in many of the attacks this round.

at the same time.

The municipal government immediately held a press conference, and Acting Mayor Hott personally delivered a speech, calling on the two companies to engage in peaceful dialogue to avoid escalating into a larger-scale hot conflict.

How the two companies handle the attack is related to the fate of the entire Night City and the world, and it immediately attracted countless attention.

In order to respond quickly, Arasaka Company immediately held an emergency board meeting to discuss how to handle the follow-up matters of the attack.

In addition to board members, principals of relevant departments participated in the meeting remotely.

Tang Yu watched various news reports, repeatedly emphasizing the attitude of military technology, constantly exaggerating the seriousness of the situation, trying to gain more ratings and traffic.

From the beginning of his promotion, he suspected that someone would burn the fire on him after the attack, but he didn't expect that the fire would burn quite brightly.

Tang Yu could already estimate the outcome before the Arasaka board meeting was held.

It is nothing more than Arasaka Company's public statement that it is willing to sit down and negotiate peace talks, but it has its own reserve price and conditions.

And this kind of low price and conditions are difficult for military technology to accept.

Then he began to look for negotiators, and took advantage of the situation to draw the fire to Tang Yu and let him go head-to-head with military technology.

Tang Yu had to deal with the two major companies and was roasted on the fire pit. One mistake could ruin his reputation and ruin his future.

Even if Tang Yu completed the negotiation excellently, he would not get any benefits.

Wiping the Special Operations Department's tail is a thankless job.

Think about this.

Tang Yu felt a little funny.

Everyone thought that the most important thing to him was his position, but they didn't know that he didn't care at all.

The powers and scope of affairs of the Public Relations Department are much smaller than those of the Counterintelligence Department.

This means that if Tang Yu does his job well, it will not have much impact.

The core factor that truly determines a company's diplomatic relations has always been the company's own strength.

Even if he collapses the negotiation between the two companies and receives severe punishments such as demotion and salary reduction, his life will never be endangered like that of the Counterintelligence Department.


The two giant companies can't fight at all. Saburo is in charge of Arasaka, and Aunt Mei is in charge of military technology.

Tang Yu only needs to show up to show off. As for the reputation of Arasaka or Military Technology, it has nothing to do with him.


The video signal from Tang Yu's office is remotely connected to the board meeting.

He held the teacup, sat on the office chair and slowly turned around, watching the performances of the board members indifferently.

The board of directors had already held a round of discussions before the video signal access meeting for various departments.

Now the board members have different expressions, they are no longer talking, and the atmosphere is a bit stiff.

What caught Tang Yu's attention was Xiao Michiko's performance. Unlike before, she did not stand at the head of the conference table this time, but sat quietly in her seat.

Little Michiko crossed her arms in front of her and closed her eyes slightly, as if she didn't care much about what was being discussed by the board of directors.

Tang Yu couldn't help but smile when he saw her "showing off" attitude, guessing that it had something to do with Arasaka Yorinobu.

He knew that little Michiko deliberately put on this attitude because she didn't want to be used as a weapon by others anymore.

Members of the board of directors all know that she is a staunch dove. When a conflict breaks out between the two companies, the one who is most anxious is Michiko. She has always advocated that the two major companies compete on the basis of peace, and will definitely be the first to stand up and request peace talks.

At that time, the board members can sing the opposite, keep clamoring to give military technology a look, and finally pass the pressure on the peace talks to Michiko.

Michiko will bear the main responsibility for the peace talks between the two parties. If the peace talks succeed, she can escape disaster. If the peace talks fail, she will face ridicule and greater pressure.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that peace talks are inevitable, but who is responsible for conducting peace talks has become the key to this board meeting.

He glanced around at the board members again, and everyone kept silent, not wanting to be the one who stood out.


Michiko's uncharacteristic behavior caused all the board members to mess up their plans, and they had to go their own ways to avoid being burned by the fire.

Now that the attack has caused a sensation throughout the city, and the situation has the potential to continue to ferment and spread, the best choice is to protect yourself wisely.

As the principals of relevant departments came to the scene, the boardroom stalemate seemed to have taken a new turn.

Director Takahashi, who represented the Pheasant Sect, glanced at little Michiko and found that she was resting with her eyes closed, and said coldly.

"There were such big mistakes in this attack, and military technology is denounced outside. Is Arasaka just holding back and keeping silent?"

Director Yamamoto, as a member of the hawks, also wanted to blow the flames on Michiko, and echoed: "Director Kandi, do you have any opinions or views?"

Director Kandi spoke in a high-pitched tone, with a bit of anger: "What do I think? You all proposed and agreed to carry out the attack. Now that the operation has gone awry, why don't you have any opinion?"

"Whoever is in charge of this attack should handle it. If you can't even handle this, what's the difference between sitting in this position and being useless?"

Susan Abernathy: “???”

Her originally calm expression suddenly became ugly.

The situation at the board meeting seemed different from what she expected. It seemed that no one wanted to take responsibility for the failure of the attack.

Director Yamamoto looked indifferent and said nonchalantly: "If the matter is not handled well, it will naturally be dealt with. But now the fire outside has burned to the door, and we haven't negotiated a result yet. Isn't it not good?"

"Director Michiko, what do you think?" Director Yamamoto looked at Michiko with a gloomy look.

Little Michiko closed her eyes slightly and said softly: "Then first deal with the heads of relevant departments involved in this operation, and then we will talk about how to respond to military technology."

Susan Abernathy's face became even more ugly. She never expected that the fire would burn her head, and all her previous expectations and plans were disrupted.

She waited nervously, hoping that a director would support her.

Another director added: "Although there were mistakes in this operation, it still achieved certain results. The R\u0026D department got the experimental equipment it wanted. Mr. Saburo gave instructions on this and affirmed the results of the operation."

Susan Abernathy breathed a sigh of relief as if grasping at straws.

If no one on the board speaks for her, she was severely punished last time and will definitely be dealt with even more severely this time.

She quickly remembered what happened that day. A sudden report came from an Arasaka stronghold, saying that a special service agent who participated in the attack on the transport convoy escaped back to the stronghold and brought back a box.

After being cut open, it was discovered that the box contained exactly the experimental equipment needed by the R\u0026D department.

Susan Abernathy arranged for someone to send the equipment to the R\u0026D department. She only had a brief understanding of the situation and did not pay too much attention to it.

From her point of view, it didn't matter whether the action failed or not.

This piece of equipment is just a favor for Tanaka and is optional.

But today, it became the result of her actions.

She remembered the Secret Service agent, whose name must have been David Martinez.

While the board of directors was discussing matters, she pulled up David's resume information.

New employee, initially assigned G2 level salary, graduated from Arasaka Academy, company internship score is A-, internship department.


Susan Abernathy was a little surprised. She didn't expect that the secret service agent who brought her this result turned out to be from the Counterintelligence Department.

Do not know why.

She immediately thought of Tang Yu and realized that there might be something deeper to dig into. She suppressed the conflict for the time being and continued to watch the progress of the board of directors carefully.

Anyway, David was in the Special Operations Department, just like he was in her hands.

The high-level board of directors is still continuing to discuss, but because Michiko does not accept the move, there are still the same few opinions after all.

The hawkish director Yamamoto was a little anxious and couldn't bring the fire to Michiko Arasaka, so he had to go as planned.

If you can't kill two birds with one stone, you must at least hit one.

He added: "Since I can't come up with a definite opinion, I think we'll put the issue of accountability aside for now. This operation was approved by the board of directors. Although the Special Operations Department made some mistakes during the execution, it's understandable. After all, The teams involved in the operation are complex and cannot be carried out completely as planned."

"I suggest that we first resolve the issue on the military technology side urgently. What I mean is that we should conduct peace talks and consultations on the premise of safeguarding Arasaka's honor and interests."

"Directors can also express their opinions."

Director Yamamoto looked around, and all the board members nodded in agreement with this handling method.

His eyes finally fell on little Michiko and asked in a deep voice: "Director Michiko, what do you think?"

Little Michiko still closed her eyes slightly and said calmly: "I have no objection to your proposal."

Director Yamamoto sneered secretly and continued to suggest that the person in charge of the public relations department should be appointed as the main representative, and each relevant department should arrange elites to organize a legal and business team to conduct public negotiations and consultations with military technology.

He did not mention Tang Yu's name, but waited for the directors to express their opinions.

After confirming that there is no objection, ask the meeting secretary to remotely connect the ministers for two-way communication.

The first minister to appear on the live projection of the board of directors was Tang Yu from the Public Relations Department.

After Yamamoto saw Tang Yu appear, he praised: "Minister Tang, you are indeed young and promising. It seems that you are the only one who can take on this important task."

Director Takahashi added: "That's right. By appointing Minister Tang as the company representative, I believe he will live up to his great trust and win reputation and benefits for Arasaka."

The higher the hat is placed on Tang Yu now, the harder he can step on when the negotiation fails.

The board members present were all aloof and arrogant, just waiting to put an end to the matter.

As long as it does not violate their interests, it makes no difference whether Tang Yu or Susan Abernathy takes the blame.

Tang Yu ignored the others and said bluntly: "The public relations department has already made clear the arrangements of the board of directors. If there are no other matters, the batch process can be followed according to the process."

When Director Yamamoto heard this, he finally understood why Tang Yu was said to be a thorny lone wolf, and he didn't take him seriously at all.

He ordered the meeting secretary to immediately generate the tasks to be done, and then asked the directors sitting in the conference room to sign their opinions.

Director Yamamoto turned his eyes and was the first to sign to confirm the approval matters. Other board members also followed his actions and signed their approval.

Little Michiko opened her eyes and looked at Tang Yu in the projection screen. Without saying anything, she stood up and left the scene under the protection of her personal bodyguards.

She neither signed nor objected.

As an associate director, she no longer has the veto power she once had.

Just because Yorinobu couldn't take up a job at Arasaka Tower, she had to handle company matters on her behalf.

With the majority of directors signing and approving, the task arrangement was successfully generated. After being consolidated by the Administration Department, it was transferred to the Public Relations Department for assignment.

After the board meeting ended, Tang Yu and other relevant department heads exited the video signal connection.

Tang Yu was sitting in the office and saw that the office system had received the specific details of the task.

He is responsible for leading the formation of a negotiation team specifically responsible for handling conflicts with military technology.


Tang Yu not only has to consider whether to respond publicly to military technology, but also considers the time and place of negotiations.

Judging from the current situation, the person in charge of this matter at Military Technology should be Aunt Mei.

But Tang Yu had no intention of communicating with Aunt Mei directly about the matter. It was best to build a bridge to achieve the effect of concealing the truth from others.

He thought of Alderman Jefferson. After the death of Lucius Lane, his probability of being elected as the new mayor was much higher.

Due to the failure of hosting the Matrix space project, Night City people's doubts about Jefferson's abilities have only increased.

If he wants to win this election reliably and implement his own governance philosophy, difficulties still exist.

In addition, Jefferson was unwilling to be controlled by the company. Except for Ye's company, which wanted to take him as its puppet mayor, other companies had no intention of supporting him in power.

But for Tang Yu, having one more force to fight against the company also gives him one more trump card.

He decided to give this peace negotiation surprise to Jefferson, which could be regarded as a preliminary meeting gift between the two.

None tonight!

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