Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 201 Whose life is life?

Valley area, Peace Park.

A business building stands on a busy street. Its silver-gray glass curtain wall reflects golden phosphorescence and shines brightly.

In front of the large revolving glass front entrance of the building, two red warning light strips lit up, dividing the crowded crowd into two sides, leaving a carpeted passage in the middle.

Dozens of security personnel in suits worked hard to maintain order at the scene, report and exchange on-site information with each other, and prevent unexpected situations.

Reporters from many authoritative media outlets were stationed at the entrance of the passage, wearing electronic ID badges and holding miniature microphones, doing warm-up reports before the opening.

"Dear viewers, this is News 54, and the place I am now is the Highland Business Building."

"Today, under the leadership of the municipal government, Military Technology and Arasaka Corporation will hold the first round of bilateral negotiations here to discuss the specific handling of the attack."

"At the same time, this round of negotiations is not only related to the future relationship between the two countries, but will also have a profound impact on the global situation."

"Currently, Arasaka has not made any public statement to apologize, and some people are not optimistic about the outcome of this round of talks."

"Military Technology Company's foreign relations spokesperson Meredith said that Military Technology has been committed to stabilizing the situation in Night City and even the world, and does not want to expand the conflict between the two companies, but its tough attitude and stance will never change. Arasaka Company should Be responsible for your own actions, rather than keeping silent and perfunctory.”

A female reporter wearing a blue uniform and short skirt also talked eloquently in front of the camera. Her electronic identity tag showed that she belonged to the media company - World News Service.

"Currently, the bilateral conflict between Arasaka Corporation and Military Technology continues to intensify, which has caused global stock market turmoil and market tightening."

"According to our intelligence channels, the losses caused by the attack to both parties are completely within control. Military Technology has publicly made tough speeches many times in an attempt to escalate and expand the impact of the situation in order to gain more from the game between the two giant companies. Benefit."

"Our reporter learned from senior sources within Arasaka that Arasaka believes that the conflict between a small number of troops from both sides in the suburbs is not an exception. It is extremely irresponsible to define the incident as an attack. Arasaka is still seeking a more stable way of negotiation and consultation. .”

The reporters stationed at the scene kept expressing their views and opinions on the negotiations between the two companies.


A black business fleet arrived at the main entrance of Highland Building from far to near, under the gaze of many cameras.

Jefferson, wearing a silver suit, strode out of the car, and the bodyguards around him immediately stepped forward to protect him.

Mrs. Peralez followed closely, walked to her husband Jefferson, stretched out her hand and gently held him.

She looked directly into the camera, looking dignified and full of confidence and charm.

After the municipal delegation appeared on the stage, it immediately caused a sensation. Photo flashes came on frequently. Many media reporters gathered around and tried to reach out their microphones to get interview opportunities.

"Congressman Jefferson, what do you think of this round of bilateral negotiations? Will the conflict between the two giant companies further escalate?"

"According to public reports, you accepted Arasaka's invitation to host this round of negotiations. Will you favor Arasaka Company during the negotiation process?"

"Is Night City's municipal government prepared for a large-scale conflict? Will the hot war between the two companies escalate into the fifth corporate war?"

Faced with aggressive inquiries from the media, the Peralez couple did not leave the scene in a hurry. Instead, they listened to various questions and showed seriousness.

Mrs. Peralez smiled, her eyes never blinked, and she always maintained a good manner.

Beside her, Jefferson tried his best to smile and answered patiently.

"I am chairing this round of negotiations on behalf of the municipal government, and I was indeed invited to attend by both companies."

"But during the actual consultation process, I will uphold the principles of fairness and reasonableness and try my best to promote the success of the bilateral peace talks."

"Here I have to talk about the view that I have always adhered to. We need a prosperous Night City, not a ruin."



Jefferson led Mrs. Peralez, escorted by a group of bodyguards, towards the hotel door and left the scene.

Jefferson arrived at the conference center ahead of schedule and walked into the meeting room to wait.

However, at this time, he did not sit down and drink tea leisurely. His mind was full of envisioning the process and results of today's meeting.

The reason why he was able to host this round of bilateral talks on behalf of the municipal government was mainly due to the invitation extended by Arasaka Company.

To his surprise, Military Technology also agreed to the proposal.

The person who originally wanted to get this job the most was Acting Mayor Holt. He had been actively contacting the two companies, hoping to get this opportunity.

Now is the critical moment of the election, and several candidates need an exciting event to win over people's hearts and votes.

Hosting bilateral peace talks between two giant companies is the best opportunity.

If we can successfully promote peace talks and save Night City from the flames of war, then we will have more solid reasons and achievements when canvassing for votes.

The former mayor Lucius Lane relied on this trick to not only retain Night City, but also retain his position as mayor.

At present, various media have over-exaggerated their reports. In order to gain traffic and attention, they have over-promoted the seriousness of the matter and even proposed that a world war will start tomorrow and a fifth world war will be launched.

Mrs. Peralez stood in front of Jefferson, carefully stretched out her hand, adjusted the collar of his suit shirt, and expressed concern.

"The meeting is about to begin. There are some things that you need to know how to handle. The two giant companies now have no sufficient reason to escalate to a larger-scale hot conflict. There is no need for you to be a buffer zone between them so as not to affect the election."

In her view, since the two companies have agreed to start bilateral talks, it means that the conflict in fundamental interests has not yet become serious enough to lead to a war.

So the talks will definitely be successful, but the way of success and the results are very different.

If after the peace talks between the two companies end, neither side is satisfied with the results of the peace talks, then both sides will blame Jefferson and insist that he favored the other party.

Although Jefferson did not rely on these two large companies, being treated with hostility for nothing would have a negative impact on his campaign.

Jefferson raised his hand, touched his wife's face, and said softly: "Don't worry, I know all this. They have no handle on me and can't shake my foundation."

"Actually, what really surprises me is that the person who took the initiative to invite me to host the bilateral peace talks this time was actually Tang Yu."

"I remember at the last manor banquet, he and Lucius Lane were very close. Arasaka had a close relationship with the former mayor."

"This sudden thought of me is really puzzling."

Jefferson released his stroking palm, walked to the electronic mirror screen, readjusted his collar, and said: "Neither company has dispatched large-scale armed forces. From the beginning, they never planned to really escalate the conflict. Now they are stirring things up." It’s so lively, I suspect this negotiation has another purpose.”

"I believe it will make no difference whoever presides over this round of peace talks. There is only one outcome waiting for us."

"If Deputy Mayor Huo Te stands here today, then the title of hero for maintaining peace in Night City will naturally fall on his head."

"This is a test gift. You don't need to be too nervous. I will never be influenced by the company. I have my own opinions."

Peralez's eyes were calm and his hands were folded in front of his abdomen: "Well, it's good to have an idea."

"By the way, what are you going to do about the other thing? If you still want to continue the investigation, I can arrange mercenaries, but there is a high chance that we won't be able to find out the reason. There are too many people who want to kill him."

Jefferson did not look back and asked in a deep voice: "Are you investigating the cause of the death of the former mayor? His sudden death is indeed very strange. I suspected that Holt did it at first."

"But he doesn't have the ability to control the situation, and he doesn't have the guts to kill Big Brother. There are other forces involved behind this, so we must investigate."

Mrs. Peralez did not respond directly, but reminded softly: "It seems that the delegations of the two companies have arrived at the scene."

at this time.

At the main entrance of Highland Building, two business fleets approached from one side and slowly gathered in front of the passage.

The one coming from the left is Arasaka Corporation, and the one coming from the right is Military Technology.

The two leading high-end business company cars were parked steadily on the edge of the passage, facing each other.

As the delegations of the two giant companies arrived at the scene, the atmosphere immediately became more sensational. Countless cameras were aimed at the target, and the flash lights were on frequently.

Immediately afterwards.

The bodyguards of their respective companies came forward, slowly opened the back seat door, and escorted the owner out of the car.

Meredith was dressed in a light gray dress and short dress. The hem of the skirt tightly hugged her ample curves and fit just above her knees, with a distance of twelve centimeters, which fully showed off her mature figure.

Wearing black leather gloves, she folded her hands in front of her body and calmly faced the crowd of reporters rushing to surround her.

The scene was extremely noisy, with security personnel forming a human wall, trying their best to fend off reporters struggling to interview and the crowd watching the excitement.

Meredith didn't answer any questions, but looked to the other side.

Following her gaze, she saw a young man in a neat suit steadily stepping out of the car door.

Tang Yu buttoned up his suit and turned a blind eye to the microphones and weapons in front of him. He also ignored the reporters' questions and looked to the other side.

The two met their eyes and smiled meaningfully.

Tang Yu slowly walked to the front of the car and made a gentlemanly gesture of "please", letting Meredith go first.

This scene was quickly captured by reporters from various media, and then edited into graphic, text, and video headlines for publication.

# The negotiator of Arasaka Company took the initiative to show weakness and released a signal for peace talks!

# In bilateral talks, is military technology a sure winner?

Meredith glanced at Tang Yu, said nothing, and walked straight towards the Highland Building with confident steps.

Tang Yu watched Aunt Mei walk into the building with her charming steps, and sighed in his heart that power really makes people rejuvenated.

Aunt Mei, who was promoted to the position of director, has truly entered the center of the high-level power circle. She must be very proud of herself at this moment, and she is full of confidence and domineering even when facing the camera.

Especially in response to the recent attack on Arasaka Corporation, Aunt Mei has been almost portrayed by the media as a hard-line representative of military technology.

Her tough style and attitude have left many people with a stereotype of her - a strong single woman at the top of the company.

Now that Aunt Mei has been promoted successfully and is in the midst of success, Tang Yu doesn't mind giving her another storm.

The success of the peace talks is an inevitable result. Even if Arasaka Yorinobu comes to negotiate in person, it is impossible to really break up and start a war.

His father Saburo, who is far away in Kyoto, is still keeping an eye on everything in Night City at this moment and will not let Yori Xuan mess around.

The key point in the peace talks is who suffers more.

What the two giants care about is not the amount of compensation, but the company's reputation and face.

The company's reputation is the biggest thing for departments engaged in public relations.

Tang Yu and Aunt Mei have both just been promoted to this position, and they also need a beautiful diplomatic battle to prove their abilities.


For Tang Yu, this result is not very important.

But for Aunt Mei, this achievement is the best and most needed proof.

Tang Yu didn't mind giving Aunt Ashume face. Considering that the internal fighting in Arasaka Company was becoming more and more troublesome, he needed to arrange more escape routes.

As long as Aunt Mei can't deal with Tang Yu, even if he loses power one day in the future, Aunt Mei will be forced to cooperate with him.

Tang Yu put away his mind and walked towards the hotel calmly.

In front of the projector TV.

David lay on the hospital bed, his eyes full of surprise.

He participated in the last attack and fainted for no apparent reason on the front line of the battlefield. When he woke up again, he was lying in a public medical center.

According to the intelligence fed back by the ministry's front desk, he was successful in the attack, successfully obtained the target equipment, and was allowed to take leave to recuperate upon approval.

David felt that except for dizziness and some skin injuries, he was not seriously injured. He originally wanted to be discharged from the hospital, but Gloria stopped him.


He saw TV reports that two giant companies were in peace talks over the attack, and immediately realized that the attack had been exposed.

Except for him, all the field troops who were operating with him died on the battlefield.

David was at a loss. He had never thought that all his colleagues who had not even had time to remember their names would die after an operation.

So how did he survive? How did you achieve meritorious service? David had no clue.

He seriously suspected that something had gone wrong, and that his survival was not a matter of luck.

David looked sideways at Gloria who was peeling fruit, wondering if this matter might have something to do with her.

He couldn't understand his mother more and more now. He didn't know what he was doing all day long, and if he wasn't careful, he would get unexpected news.

When did this all start?

David thought, trying to figure out what was going on.

It seems that after the car accident, Gloria became mysterious.

He never asked much about his mother before, but at that time, all he saw was Gloria returning home exhausted.

Later, Gloria seemed to have opened up a new life of opportunities, gained wealth, took charge of the Lizzy Bar, and stood in a position that she could not have imagined before.

Gloria raised her head and found David looking at her, so she asked with a smile: "What's wrong, David, does your head feel better?"

She made a special trip to spend time with David today. David was living outside for a while and almost had an accident during the operation, which made her unbearable.

David just shook his head and said helplessly: "I'm fine."

After a while, he asked: "Mom, are you hiding something from me?"


Gloria's heart skipped a beat. Facing her son's sincere questioning eyes, she realized that some things might have revealed clues that could have made David aware of something.

If David really finds out about her and Tang Yu, she doesn't know how to deal with herself, nor how to face the two people she values ​​most.

From the corner of her eye, she happened to see Tang Yu on TV, meeting with senior military technology executives, and a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes.

Gloria quickly turned off the TV and suppressed her excitement. She was worried that she would show her weakness again and arouse David's suspicion.

David looked at the turned-off TV and then at Gloria, feeling a little guilty.

Seeing David's confused look, Gloria had no choice but to explain: "I'm worried that the TV is too loud and will affect your rest."

David: "But just now on TV, it seemed that Mr. Tang was attending on behalf of Arasaka Company."

"Stop talking, Mr. Tang will be fine." Gloria hurriedly interrupted David and then changed the subject: "What I mean is that Mr. Tang's attendance at the peace talks has nothing to do with your participation in the operation. You don't have to worry too much. .”

David was a little confused. He just thought it was a good thing that Tang Yu was suddenly transferred to the public relations department and promoted. He didn't know why Gloria was so nervous.

But it's also possible that Gloria secretly asked Tang Yu for something behind her back, so she seemed a little nervous when talking about Tang Yu.

"Mr. Tang will definitely be able to handle this. Mom, you don't have to be too nervous."

"Uh, I'm not nervous. You're right. Mr. Tang is so powerful, so there must be no problem." Gloria agreed with a guilty conscience.

David brought up the topic and asked about the confusion in his heart: "Mom, I suddenly fainted on the battlefield. My colleagues told me that I had performed a meritorious service. When I woke up, I showed up here again and told me the truth. Was it you who arranged it?"

Gloria was obviously stunned for a moment, and she quickly thought about it in her mind. This matter seemed to have little to do with Tang Yu. There was no need to hide it from David. She could reveal some truth appropriately to dispel his doubts.

She nodded and admitted somewhat helplessly: "I arranged for the Mann team to take care of you, and you have met them before."

David thought of the Mann team, the cyberpunks who suddenly broke into the apartment that night. Unexpectedly, Gloria continued to cooperate with them.

"Then the information about my participation in the operation was given to you by Mr. Tang, right? Have you gone to see him?" David knew that Arasaka Company's operations were strictly confidential. If Gloria wanted to arrange someone to protect herself, she had to do it in advance. to information.

The only channel through which Gloria could obtain Arasaka's top-secret operational information was Tang Yu, who worked in the Special Operations Department.

Gloria nodded slightly and explained: "I know it was your first time to participate in an operation. You realized that the situation might be too dangerous, so you secretly made such an arrangement."

"This is what I begged Mr. Tang. If you want to blame, just blame me."

"I know that all the SWAT teams involved in the operation died, but I don't want that."

After listening, David generally verified his idea. He could understand Gloria's good intentions, but he couldn't accept it.

Now that he has joined the company, Gloria is still trying to influence and control herself. This helpless and oppressive feeling makes him not sure how to deal with it.

David knew that he was not qualified to blame anyone. After all, without this secret protection, whether he could survive was doubtful.

He persuaded in a deep voice: "Mom, this time Mr. Tang has been promoted to the head of the Public Relations Department, and he will not be in charge of my department in the future. You should not trouble Mr. Tang about my affairs anymore."

"You cannot tell anyone about revealing the company's top-secret information. This matter stops here. Once the information is leaked and the company grasps it, Mr. Tang will be dealt with very seriously."

"Did you know? Everyone in the company knows that the Counterintelligence Department and the Special Operations Department don't get along, and Mr. Tang has a deep conflict with the Director of Special Operations."

Gloria's eyes trembled. She didn't know the meaning behind this piece of information before.

Only then did she truly understand that Tang Yu almost risked being severely punished or even fired by the company to provide her with information about David.

And it was on the eve of his taking office. At such a critical moment, if any link in the chain was dropped, the success might end in failure.

Gloria felt sad in her heart, with mixed emotions, and her eyes gradually dimmed.

She nodded solemnly, agreed to David's request, and seriously stated that she would never trouble Tang Yu for such a thing again.


In her eyes, Tang Yu is almost omnipotent and always has control over everything.

Tang Yu could find the key to solving all difficulties, and he saved the day time and time again.

But she had never understood the pressure and burden Tang Yu was carrying behind him.

Because Tang Yu gave her the feeling that he was born so powerful that everyone had to look up to his existence.

David patted his head helplessly and sighed: "Mom, we owe Mr. Tang, I'm afraid we won't be able to repay him in our lifetime."

When Gloria heard this, she felt very upset and put down the fruit in her hand.

Watching David succeed step by step according to her expectations, she deeply understood that she was not the one who had been supporting David.

"David, I will find a way to thank Mr. Tang, but you have to remember that our lives were really given by Mr. Tang."

David nodded seriously and agreed: "Mom, I know."

While the mother and son were talking, the door control of the ward showed that someone was visiting.

The two looked at each other and felt a little strange. It seemed that no one knew that David lived here. Could it be someone from the company?

David signaled to remain silent, then the prosthetic eyes turned and the door unlocked.

Standing outside the door was Susan Abernathy, the special operations director of Arasaka Company.

Seeing the company's senior leaders, David deliberately shouted: "Director Susan Abernathy, why are you here?"

He quickly turned over and prepared to go down to the bunk to greet him, but was stopped by Susan Abernathy.

"David, you're welcome. I'm just here to see how you are doing on behalf of the company. Is everything okay here?" She said, her eyes falling on Gloria, a graceful red-haired beauty who was neither humble nor overbearing. Make eye contact with her.

David hurriedly introduced the identities of both parties.

Susan Abernathy smiled and said proactively: "Hello, David has performed very well in the company. It's great that you can raise such an outstanding son."

Only then did Gloria realize that the person who came was the person who targeted Tang Yu, or the person who almost killed David, and her eyes gradually turned cold.

"You're welcome. I just hope that your company will consider it maturely before making a decision when assigning new employees to work."

"It's everyone's life, isn't it?"

None tonight!

The helmsman’s small theater and reward thanks will be written together at the beginning of the new year!

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