Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 202 True Allies

In the business roundtable conference room of Highland Building, people from the municipal government, Arasaka, and military science and technology were sitting around the table.

The Round Table Conference was arranged by Jefferson.

He rejected the previously decided triangular seating layout and deliberately changed it to circular seating for the talks.

The purpose is to reduce mutual hostility during negotiations and create a more harmonious and friendly atmosphere for talks, hoping to promote the success of peace talks between both parties.

Representatives of both companies are preparing for negotiations, constantly flipping through electronic files to find the identity information of the other party's representatives.

Tang Yu acted very calmly. Although he already knew the result, he still had to do enough foreplay.

Meredith, who was sitting opposite him, looked equally calm and seemed to have a full grasp of the situation at hand.

Neither company representatives said a word, and the entire scene was silent.

Jefferson looked at the time and saw that it was already time for the meeting.

As the host of the talks, he first gave a brief introduction and expressed the wishes of the municipal government.

The two giant companies are among the top in the world and are important stabilizers of the world situation. The relationship between the two companies can even determine the future direction of the world.

Jefferson was sincere and said seriously: "The outcome of this meeting is of great importance. Night City and even the world are on the rise. If a larger-scale conflict breaks out between the two companies at this critical node, I think no one is willing to see it. I hope the representatives from both parties can take the overall situation into consideration."

Meredith took out a cigar, cut off the butt, lit it, and started smoking.

After listening to Jefferson's talk, she didn't even raise her eyelids. She just sneered twice and asked.

"Ha, considering the overall situation, according to your opinion, we deserve to be beaten, and He Xini is not the one who makes peace with us."

Jefferson looked obviously stunned for a moment. He was about to argue something, but was interrupted again by Meredith.

"If you don't know what to say, just say less. You are here to preside over the meeting, not to side with Arasaka. Do you understand?"

Jefferson, who had always been eloquent, was also a bit dumb at this time.

He also didn't expect that the other party had such a harsh attitude and had no intention of giving him face, making him seem redundant.

Judging from the attitude of military science and technology, Jefferson believed that the probability of success of the peace talks was not as high as expected.


If the other party doesn't take away a piece of meat from Arasaka, he won't give up.

Jefferson suppressed his embarrassment and anger and explained to Meredith: "For the losses you suffered during this attack, the municipal government will try its best to coordinate with Arasaka Company to compensate."

"In addition, in order to maximize the benefits of cooperation between both parties, I would suggest that the municipal government come up with some leading projects for joint development by the two companies."

Meredith kept her eyebrows motionless, only looking at the person opposite her from beginning to end, and was not optimistic about Jefferson's proposal at all.

"Be careful when you say this. You are not the mayor yet, are you the leader of the municipal government?" Her words were sharp and compelling, and she did not care about the psychological feelings of a small council member.

The reason why Meredith kept pushing Jefferson was not only to show off her tough attitude, but also to send a favor to Tang Yu.

She knew that Jefferson was invited by Tang Yu to host the meeting, which meant that Tang Yu was optimistic that Jefferson could be elected as the future mayor. This was a plan in advance.

The tougher Meredith is towards Jefferson now, the closer Jefferson will be to Tang Yu.

Jefferson's face became even more ugly, but he didn't dare to say anything more and could only endure it silently.

On the other hand, Tang Yu, who was on the other side, took over and said smoothly: "My opinion is that I am willing to negotiate, but if military technology continues to be aggressive, then I also have enough information on hand to ensure that you are willing to sit down and have a good talk."

Meredith leaned back gently on the chair and smiled meaningfully: "Really? I would like to know more about how much details you have?"


The holographic projection in the middle of the conference table was activated, and members of both delegations transmitted the information at hand to it.

Military Technology has pictures, texts, audio and video that prove the recent attacks launched by Arasaka Company, many of which caused casualties among Military Technology.

On the Arasaka side, there is also intelligence showing that military technology has also carried out many sporadic attacks on Arasaka Company, but they were not as large-scale and organized as Arasaka.

The delegations from both sides listed the information they had in their possession. This information may be true or false, but it is enough to show that the two companies have never stopped in private.

Part of the evidence presented by Tang Yu came from Arasaka intelligence, and part of it came from the attack base information originally provided by Aunt Mei.

In order to deceive others, some cases that could not prove the source of the attack were deliberately assigned to military technology.

He continued: "It can be seen from so many attacks that Arasaka has been trying to avoid and reduce the negative impact of the incident."

"And this attack was entirely due to your serious wrongdoing, which forced you to organize a counterattack."

"Military Technology wanted to make the matter bigger and put all the blame on Arasaka. This wishful thinking was wrong."

Meredith chuckled twice: "Oh, it seems like you guys don't have any small tricks. In the past, everyone tolerated small-scale conflicts, but this time you have a premeditated and organized large-scale attack, which is different from an open declaration of war." What's the difference?"

Both sides insist on their own opinions, and no one can convince the other.

Seeing that the bilateral relationship was getting more and more tense, Jefferson was more anxious than anyone else.

The outcome of the peace talks was related to his subsequent election campaign. The peace talks could only succeed but not fail, so he had no choice but to speak again.

"Both companies suffered certain losses in this conflict, but if the conflict cannot be contained here, they will definitely suffer greater disasters and losses in the future."

"When two powerful forces fight, both sides will lose in the end. How about we each take a step back, focus on how to resolve the current differences, and carry out further talks."

After Jefferson finished speaking, he used his eyes to consult the representatives of the two companies for their opinions.

He knew that if the quarrel continued like this over old scores, the talks would only intensify and eventually break up.

Tang Yu remained silent, acquiescing to Jefferson's proposal.

Meredith continued to smoke her cigar and made no objection.

Other members of the delegations from both sides began to explain their opinions and reasons for handling the matter in accordance with the procedures prepared in advance.

The entire meeting lasted for three days, and this was only the first round of public negotiations. In the afternoon, there were meetings between high-level representatives of both sides to exchange each other's true opinions in a more in-depth manner.

There was a lot of noise in Tang Yu's ears, with representatives from both sides arguing with each other, each protecting their own reputation and interests without giving in at all.

He looked straight at Aunt Mei without hesitation, looking at her upper body wantonly.

His long brown hair is draped behind his shoulders. The cold prosthetic metal wires between his eyebrows add a cold and serious look, and the playful smile at the corner of his mouth is slightly mature.

The round low neckline exposes most of the neck and shoulders, and the slightly dark skin is well maintained and still looks delicate and smooth.

This intensely aggressive gaze, in the eyes of others, is more like expressing a tough stance.

Aunt Mei seemed to be stimulated and could not help but straighten her back, confidently facing the scrutiny.

As her posture straightened, the folds of her suit were tightened, and her proud career line became more obvious.

Tang Yu's eyes continued to slide down, falling on the two looming points.

Playing so wildly?

He was a little unbelievable, but when he saw the bow-tie belt around Aunt Mei's waist, he understood everything instantly.

The belt Aunt Mei wore today was exactly the same as the one she wore at the 'Tight-mouthed' hotel that day.

Meredith smiled, looking like you should understand.

She reached out and knocked on the table. The debate immediately fell silent, and everyone's eyes were focused on her.

She said, "I am sincere enough that I can sit here and talk about it, but you don't seem to appreciate it."

"To be honest, I have no interest in this kind of empty talk meeting. If the next three days of talks are like this, we might as well break up and go back and have a good rest."

"As for how to resolve the matter, we can't make a decision. Let's just speak on the battlefield. Maybe there won't be a full-scale war, but local conflicts may be unavoidable."

"What do you think?"

Meredith's words were full of threats, and she looked directly at Tang Yu across the round table, waiting for his answer.

Tang Yu lifted the silver safe at his feet and placed it on the table. He tapped it with five fingers and smiled calmly.

"That's right. Local conflicts are inevitable. Since you are ready to fight, I will naturally come prepared."

Everyone's eyes fell on the silver suitcase again, their expressions seemed a little heavy, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Representatives from both parties have no intention of peace talks, and the talks that have just begun have sent out strong signals of conflict and conflict.

Jefferson wanted to persuade him something more, but the conference secretary stepped forward to remind him that the first round of public negotiations had ended today, and the second round of high-level talks would follow.

He had no choice but to hold back what he wanted to say, announced the end of the first round of meetings, and then invited high-level representatives from both sides to go to another small conference room to continue negotiations.

At Jefferson's invitation, Tang Yu and Aunt Mei stood up and transitioned.

The purpose of his arrangement was mainly to take into account the public talks. Both parties had many concerns and some sensitive topics were inconvenient to be discussed in public.

Especially in this kind of bilateral negotiations with conflicts, high-level representatives often speak sharply and refuse to back down in order to create a stronger image.

But it's different in a small conference room. Only high-level representatives from both sides are present, and they can be more relaxed when exchanging each other's demands and opinions.

Many fruitful negotiation results are achieved in private.

On the surface, they are tit-for-tat, but privately, they exchange interests and each gets what they need.

Jefferson led representatives from both companies and a group of teams to the small conference room.

He faced the two company executives and asked pleasantly: "Do you two need a short rest?"

Aunt Mei said calmly: "We haven't officially started yet, why should we rest?"

Jefferson just laughed twice, and then made a pretentious introduction: "The following is arranged according to the meeting procedures. It is a private meeting time. This conference room has been shielded for safety signals. You two can safely exchange opinions. We are outside. Looking forward to good news from the talks.”

Meredith glanced at Jefferson and knew that he had put a lot of effort into promoting this peace negotiation, even arranging a private meeting.

Her eyes fell again on the more famous Mrs. Peralez next to Jefferson, quietly accompanying her husband, with a somewhat behind-the-scenes feel.

Meredith said nothing and walked into the small conference room early.

Before entering the room, Tang Yu said to Jefferson: "Arasaka came to this meeting with sincerity. I have to ask you to pay more attention. If the municipal government can stabilize it, it's okay for me to suffer a little loss here."

Jefferson immediately understood what Tang Yu was referring to, which was to make the municipal government a buffer zone between the two parties and make more room for concessions.

As Meredith said, he is still only a member of Night City, not the mayor, and the power he can exert is limited.

But Jefferson still nodded firmly: "I will work hard. After all, no one wants to see the Night City in ruins."

Tang Yu gently patted his shoulder, carried the silver safe, and walked into the conference room, and the electronic gate was closed.

In the conference room.

High-end sofas, tables and chairs are neatly arranged, and fresh fruits and meals are placed on the table.

There are complete signal shielding devices on the walls of the house, as well as various functional electronic devices.

Tang Yu's fingers glowed with invisible electric arcs. He quickly checked all the electronic equipment to confirm that there were no confidentiality risks and took control of their highest authority.

Aunt Mei was more relaxed and went straight to the wooden wine cabinet and took out two goblets and a bottle of red wine.

She held the wine utensils in both hands, lightly bumped the cabinet door with her waist and hips, closed the wine cabinet, walked to the sofa and sat down.

Tang Yu was not polite to Aunt Mei, and went straight to the other side of the sofa to sit down and put the silver suitcase on the table.

Today's local conflict is probably inevitable. In order to face an increasingly uncertain future, he needs a stronger relationship.

In other words, they now each get what they need.

Aunt Mei poured two glasses of red wine, slowly handed one of them to Tang Yu, and took advantage of the situation to get closer to him.

After Tang Yu took the red wine, she said playfully: "Why, your performance just now was tough enough. Could it be that you wanted to be serious?"

Tang Yu mixed the red wine in the glass, drank it down, and said with a smile: "Aren't you always being aggressive? I am forced to accept the challenge."

Aunt Mei smiled, and then drank the red wine in one gulp, with a blush on her cheeks.

She put down the wine glass, slowly touched the silver safe, and murmured: "Are you brave enough to even bring this?"

"After all, you are using it a lot." Tang Yu looked calm and continued: "You gave me information last time, and now I can return the favor."

Aunt Mei smiled: "You are giving me difficult multiple-choice questions. On the one hand, there is a great achievement that is easily available, and on the other hand, there is a conflict that I cannot refuse. It really makes me feel itchy."

"Can I ask more, how about taking both of them?" Aunt Mei opened the safe with both hands, and the familiar indescribable objects were making a restless buzzing sound.

Tang Yu got straight to the point and said, "As the saying goes, everything is easy to discuss."

Aunt Mei stopped Tang Yu's words, picked up the utensil with one hand, moved the other hand to the butterfly belt around her waist, and then took the initiative to ride in front of him.

"It's better to discuss while doing things."

Tang Yu held her waist and said, "After this meeting, I will issue a public apology. As for compensation, I can't influence the opinions of the upper management, but the municipal government will provide certain benefits. Are you satisfied?"

Meredith: "Satisfied. Of course I'm satisfied, but if you kill first and then tell later, aren't you falling into your opponent's trap? Isn't your beautiful boss secretly worried about how to keep you?"

Tang Yu: "After the change in the company's top management, she cannot protect herself. She is just a minister. I don't take her too seriously."

Meredith: "Oh, I don't see how ambitious you are. To be honest, if you were really fired from Arasaka, would you be interested in joining military technology?"

Tang Yu sighed helplessly: "Do you think I can leave Arasaka alive on that day?"

Meredith frowned, closed her eyes tightly, and hissed: "So this is your condition, do you want me to escort you for once?"

Tang Yu shook his head and denied, "I need you to help me and watch over a few people."

Meredith laughed again and again: "It seems that you have connections and secrets that I couldn't think of. Forget it. Since you work so hard, I agree to you."

She is currently riding a tiger, and the relationship between the two has reached this point, and they have officially announced their alliance.

Because there are enough common interests and secrets, a good relationship can be maintained for continued cooperation.

Meredith said 'hmm' a few times, as if she remembered something, and suddenly asked: "But... if that day comes, and you are not in this position, you are not afraid that I will turn my back on you and everyone else involved." , will it be quick to eliminate it?”

Tang Yu exerted his strength: "Don't worry, I won't surrender so easily."

It's too late to go home, so I hurry up and catch up on a chapter.

Two 6,000-word updates will be resumed tomorrow.

Wait for the holiday and then wait for another day.

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