Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 203 The man behind the scenes

Highland Building, in the large conference hall.

People coming and going are busy setting up the municipal press conference.

Backstage at the press conference, senior municipal officials and company delegation members gathered together to discuss the upcoming press conference.

Standing at the center of the crowd were Mr. and Mrs. Peralez, and Acting Mayor Wilton Holt.

Jefferson looked at the time. Today is the third day of the meeting.

In the small conference room, representatives of the two giant companies were conducting the final round of negotiations.

Looking at the conference room gate, Jefferson's eyes were a little anxious.

The last round of negotiations has taken longer than expected, and the on-site press conference has been fully prepared. Just wait for the two sides to finish the talks, and then they can go on stage to announce the results.

Whether it is good or bad, the municipal government must give the people an answer.

At this time, Wilton Holt, who was standing next to him, spoke.

"It seems that the situation is not very optimistic. Is there any new progress in the previous rounds of talks?"

He was invited by City Councilor Jefferson to come here to attend the on-site press conference on behalf of the city.

Jefferson shook his head slightly and explained: "The three-day public negotiation meeting basically became more and more noisy day by day. Military Science and Technology proposed that Arasaka issue a public apology statement and admit that he organized the attack."

"But Arasaka was not to be outdone. They also had evidence that military technology attacked Arasaka, and they insisted that military technology was the first to attack Arasaka." Jefferson felt his head grow bigger thinking about the talks over the past few days.

The two giant companies have no sincerity in peace talks at all, and both insist on their own interests and will not compromise at all.

In particular, the two high-level representatives of the company have been competing overtly and covertly. The delegations from both sides have even gone to great lengths to dig out each other's background. The more they talk, the more tense the atmosphere becomes.

Hearing this, Holt just sneered secretly.

At first, Holt didn't understand Jefferson's approach and why he wanted to give himself a share of the upcoming results.

Although various media have been exaggerating the atmosphere of imminent war, in the eyes of Night City's elite, the possibility of a large-scale hot war between the two companies is not high.

Therefore, Jefferson, who brokered the peace talks, can take full advantage of this achievement and use it as a stepping stone for his election campaign.

Holt originally wanted to get this job, but unfortunately the two companies did not give him face, and instead handed over the results to Jefferson.

He knew that the performance of the two giant companies in public negotiations was not friendly to Jefferson, and was even contemptuous.


Jefferson strongly invited him to attend the on-site press conference, on the one hand to find someone to share the pressure of the failure of the peace talks, and on the other hand to provide conditions for Holt to agree to compensate the two companies for the projects.

In this regard, Holt saw clearly that Jefferson could not eat this big fruit on his own.

Holt originally wanted to see Jefferson making a joke, but considering the importance of the peace talks between the two companies, he agreed to attend the meeting, at least on the surface he would take more credit.

However, the development of the talks was unexpected. The representatives sent by the two companies were too tough in the public talks, leaving no room for relaxation.

Huot has tried his best to promise from the municipal side to give both companies enough profit for the project, but he still cannot get a compromise from them.

"How about the private meeting? There are no outsiders present, so you don't need to worry too much. After staying in there for so long, if the two parties can't get along, I'm afraid I won't be able to stay for a minute." Holt wanted to know what happened to the two senior company representatives. opinions and their attitudes can directly determine the success or failure of this negotiation.

He firmly believes that a large-scale hot war will not start, but local conflicts may be unavoidable.

As the world's top giant company, even a small-scale hot war will have a great impact on the stability of Night City.

The election was coming soon, and he didn't want anything to happen.

He needs to create an image of himself as a hero who saves the city, and this meeting is the best time.

Jefferson looked helpless and could only tell Holt some of his findings and judgments.

"The private talks between senior representatives of the two companies took quite a long time, but after the talks, they did not reveal too much about the specific progress of the negotiations."

"But judging from the expressions on both sides' faces every time they walk out of the meeting room, the high-level representatives of Military Technology may have the upper hand, while Mr. Tang, the senior executive of Arasaka, may have made some concessions."

Jefferson did not hide the information he knew.

He personally invited Holt to participate in the on-site press conference, and was even willing to give up the majority to the other party, which showed that he was determined to promote peace talks.

Without Acting Mayor Hott's approval, the compensation plan provided by the municipal government was empty talk.

As a councilman, Jefferson did not have that much energy to get the entire city council to agree with his compensation plan.

Holt became interested and asked: "What details do you judge this from? If Arasaka is willing to make more concessions, then the probability of success of this meeting will be much higher."

Jefferson thought about it carefully. Every time the two came out of the small conference room, Meredith always had a somewhat proud smile on his face, while Tang Yu in Arasaka looked calmer, as if he was deliberately concealing his inner turmoil.


The reason why he was able to host this meeting was also because of Tang Yu's active invitation.

"It should be that after the private talks, the two people showed different attitudes, but I can't say for sure now. In short, this is the last round of private talks. I believe there will be results."

The two chatted for a while, then stopped talking and quietly waited for the outcome of the talks between the two parties.

Time passed by minute by minute, and many people were waiting anxiously outside.

Preparations for the press conference have been completed, and reporters from all media are already in place, ready to record the latest results of the talks.


The electronic access control of the small conference room lit up, and the steel gate slowly opened.

The first person to appear in everyone's sight was Meredith, the high-level representative of military technology.

She glanced at the people present, wiped the corners of her tightly closed mouth in front of everyone, and said nothing more.

After putting on the black leather gloves again, the people with the military science and technology delegation left and walked towards the press conference in a hurry.

Jefferson has become accustomed to Meredith's arrogance. The other party does have a status and strength that arrogantly dominates everything.

What he really cares about is Tang Yu's attitude. If the peace talks can succeed, Arasaka must have made a big concession.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Yu stepped out, his expression still calm.

Jefferson took the initiative to take two steps forward and asked somewhat eagerly: "Mr. Tang, has the negotiation concluded?"

Tang Yu nodded slightly and signaled to Jefferson as he walked: "Basically there is no problem. The direction of the peace talks has been decided. There are still some issues that need to be negotiated by the municipal government."

A flash of light flashed in Jefferson's eyes, and he immediately introduced Wilton Holt on the other side.

When Tang Yu saw the acting mayor, he knew what the two people were planning.

For Huot, the acting mayor's time is limited, so it is best to use this period of power to gain more capital.

Jefferson wanted to use Holt's help to make the peace talks successful.

In Tang Yu's view, Jefferson is still a bit young.

It is not like Jefferson to be able to be so calm and give half of the duck to others.

Unless Jefferson really doesn't want to see Night City reduced to ruins, and just wants to be a bright councilor who is dedicated to the city.

Tang Yu turned his head slightly and glanced at Mrs. Peralez.

She was following Jefferson silently, looking at Tang Yu vaguely from the corner of her eye.

Her eyes just met Tang Yu's, and she moved away very sensitively. She honestly lowered her head and stopped looking around.

Tang Yu withdrew his gaze, knowing that this wife with superb skills was more eager to be in power than Jefferson and hoped that her husband would become a successful man.

Holt next to him had a smile on his face and politely extended his hand to say hello. Facing the senior management of Arasaka Company, he bowed even more than Jefferson.

Tang Yu just dealt with it casually and had no intention of shaking hands with Holt. His fingertips were not very clean and were a little sticky.

He always held his head high in front of Aunt Mei, and naturally he would not pay too much attention to an acting mayor who was about to be dismissed.

Seeing Tang Yu's indifferent attitude towards Holt, Jefferson was actually a little secretly happy.

He felt that the peace talks were now on track, he had personally facilitated the talks, and everything was moving in a favorable direction.

After the on-site press conference is over, he can start a new round of campaign promotion.

The hot face touched the cold one, and Holt's smile froze on his face.


He somewhat regretted his decision to attend the press conference.

It can be seen from Tang Yu's attitude towards Jefferson that Arasaka wanted to bet on Jefferson, not Wilton Holt, in this election.

Then in the subsequent statements of the two giant companies, it is very likely that most of the credit will be given to Jefferson.

But it is now difficult for Huot to escape, and there is no way to overturn the municipal compensation plan for the two companies.

If it was because the municipal authorities had ruined the peace talks, Jefferson would have seized on this and vigorously criticized what they had done.

At the same time, he will offend two companies at once, making it more difficult to run for mayor for no reason.

At this point, Holt could only bite the bullet and follow a few people into the press conference.

When Holt arrived at the press conference, his face became even more ugly.

On the main stage, conference tables covered with blue cloth were arranged in a straight line. Electronic seat cards were placed on the table. The delegations of the two companies were arranged on one left and one on the right. There were no Wilton Hotte cards on them. famous brand.

at the same time.

The municipal speaking platform is placed on the left front side of the main stage. It is only equipped with municipal badges and microphones, and also does not have any nameplates.

Jefferson's intention is obvious. When the on-site press conference begins, anyone from the municipal government can come on stage to say a few words.

Meredith has already sat down with several negotiators from Military Technology. Her seat is in the middle, and next to Tang Yu's seat on the left.

Tang Yu also led the Arasaka delegation to sit down, and the main conference table quickly filled up.

The media reporters and electronic live broadcasts in the audience started one after another, waiting for the next important speech.

Seeing that everything was ready, Jefferson politely invited Holt to the main podium to open the ceremony.

He knew that Holt did not understand the actual situation of the meeting and it was difficult to say anything meaningful.

Holt immediately took the stage and began to make the opening remarks for the conference.

Meredith was sitting on the main stage with an arrogant expression, slightly looking down at everything in the audience, as if she had a chance to win.

Tang Yu, who was next to him, was much more low-key, calmly waiting for Huot to make his opening remarks.

At this time.

He suddenly felt something soft tugging at the back of his shoe.

The bottom of the table was covered so tightly that the bottom of the table could not be seen from the outside.

Tang Yu had no expression on his face. After Huo Te finished speaking, he turned on the microphone in front of him and spoke bluntly.

"Arasaka takes responsibility for the attack. After issuing a solemn apology, he will conduct further negotiations with Military Technology on subsequent compensation matters."

The whole audience was astonished.

There will be another update later!

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