Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 204 The taste of roasting

As Tang Yu publicly announced, Arasaka took responsibility for the attack on military technology and took the initiative to apologize.

The entire press conference was quiet, as if there was no time to accept the result of the peace talks.

At first, everyone thought that either the two giant companies would break up or each would take a step back, but now it is Arasaka who has made a unilateral concession.

Meredith, who was sitting next to her, smiled even wider but still kept her mouth shut.

Jefferson was sitting in the front row of the audience, watching helplessly as Tang Yu took on all responsibilities on behalf of Arasaka, while Military Technology made no comment.

He was completely stunned.

I didn't expect Tang Yu to dare to make such a big concession. Was his previous performance all a bluff?

Or is it that military technology still has more control in its hands, so that Arasaka has to make a retreat.

In other words, there is another possibility.

Tang Yu had to promote peace talks no matter what, whether it was forced or independent, so he agreed to the conditions proposed by Military Technology in the last round of private talks.

Only then did Jefferson realize that Tang Yu was really giving him an assist.

He clenched his fists excitedly. As long as the peace talks were successful, he would have more capital to compete.

Although he had some doubts about Tang Yu's intention to win over him, everything would have to wait until the next mayor to discuss anything.

He looked at Mrs. Peralez, who was sitting next to him. She smiled softly and gently placed her hand on his fist.

this moment.

Jefferson felt it was a great honor to have such an intelligent wife by his side.

He has always insisted on not having anything to do with any big companies. Even Ye's company, which funded his schooling, kept its distance as much as possible.

But now he thinks his wife's point of view is more realistic. If he doesn't want to be enslaved by any big company, he must learn to work his way around the major companies.

On the main stage.

When Tang Yu announced the results of the meeting, his tone seemed very calm.

He was just apologizing for Arasaka, and it had little to do with his personal behavior.

Instead of being roasted on the fire by people in the company, it is better to take them to taste the feeling of being roasted on the fire.

After he said these words, Arasaka had no room for regret, which is why he attended the press conference to announce the results as soon as the peace talks ended.

I want to catch those who are sitting in Arasaka Tower and enjoying the theater by surprise.

In the past three days, he had given Meredith enough face.

When the two completed their alliance, each other learned enough secrets about the other and established a basis for common interests.

Tang Yu believes that this wave is not a loss. Arasaka Company may not be a place to stay for a long time, and more foreign aid will provide more retreat.

Even if he was really fired by Arasaka again and became a boy with nothing, he still concluded that Aunt Mei would not dare to betray her rashly.

No matter from which aspect, Aunt Mei admits that he is definitely an ally worthy of long-term cooperation.

After all, Aunt Mei has stated more than once that what she values ​​is ability, not the position.

The reporters in the audience seized the opportunity and raised their microphones to ask questions.

Tang Yu casually named a reporter, and the secretary at the venue handed over the microphone.

"Hello Mr. Tang, what are your considerations in publicly announcing that Arasaka was responsible for this operation? Why didn't you admit it in the first place?"

Tang Yu said frankly: "You asked the wrong question. Arasaka did not deny anything from the beginning. If you want to ask why you are only making a public statement now, what I can tell you is that it is because the time is right."

Then, he named another WNS media reporter, who immediately stood up and asked: "Mr. Tang, first of all, I am honored to hear that you are willing to make active concessions for the success of the peace talks between the two parties and contribute to the stability of Night City, but I want to I would like to ask, has your decision been discussed and discussed by the Arasaka board of directors?”

Tang Yu casually replied: "I attended the negotiation on behalf of the company, and it was naturally approved by the board of directors. By the way, I would like to say that Arasaka is a responsible company. If it dares to do something, it will also dare to be responsible."

Another reporter asked: "So what do you think are the reasons for the success of this peace negotiation?"

Tang Yu cited several reasons, such as the fact that the attack was indeed organized by Arasaka Company, and highlighted the mediation and efforts of City Councilor Jefferson.

After finishing speaking.

He cooperated with reporters in the audience to ask questions, explained various issues one by one, and played his role fully.

Aunt Mei, who was sitting next to her, smiled thicker and felt Tang Yu's sincerity again.

Reporters at the scene also had many questions from military technology representatives.

Aunt Mei motioned to other members of the delegation to answer on her behalf. Now that they had the upper hand in the negotiations, they looked like winners.

As the press conference progressed, major news hit the headlines.

# History repeats itself, Arasaka admits defeat!

# The peace talks have just ended, and Arasaka issued a public apology!

Arasaka Tower.

"Oh, you are really brave."

Susan Abernathy looked at the projection screen and couldn't help but chuckle.

In the picture, it was the scene of the bilateral talks press conference. Tang Yu publicly issued an apology statement to Military Technology in front of a large number of media.

She knew the inside story of the talks very well. The board of directors gave Tang Yu a task to negotiate with Military Technology on behalf of the company, and he had to stick to multiple bottom lines.

Now Tang Yu not only admitted the attack, but also took the initiative to publicly apologize, without any discussion and decision by the board of directors. This suddenly hit a big bad news.

If the Arasaka board of directors agreed to take the initiative to apologize, why not send someone to discuss it? They would have issued an apology statement and made corresponding compensation.

How much face Tang Yu brings to Arasaka, how much punishment he will receive when he comes back.

"I have just taken over the public relations department and have created such a mess. I really can't be complacent."

She brought up another projection screen and casually checked the relevant hot search headlines.

The direction of the trend has completely changed, from exaggerating the end of the war to Arasaka giving in once again in the face of military technology.

She knew that the main responsibility for the failure of this operation would definitely fall on Tang Yu, and she would wait to see the show later.

At this time.

She received a call from her immediate supervisor, a member of the board of directors.

It was repeatedly emphasized on the phone that her boss was very serious about this matter and was angry about it. It was estimated that she would be held strictly accountable, and she was asked to take the initiative to take the secondary responsibility for the failure of the command operation.

Susan Abernathy decisively agreed, and when the fire started, her secondary responsibility was to be her talisman.

As the central focus, Tang Yu will face everyone's anger.

hang up the phone.

Susan Abner saw that the press conference had come to an end. Tang Yu and military technology executive Meredith left the stage first. Standing on the stage and continuing to speak was Councilman Jefferson.

She estimated that Tang Yu was on his way back to Arasaka Tower, and he was probably anxious about how to explain the cause and effect to the board of directors.

Susan Abernathy felt a rare good mood, and rarely asked her secretary to pour a glass of wine and tasted it alone in the office.

She sat at her desk and called up another image again, which showed the identity information of two people.

David Martinez, Gloria Martinez.

This is another bomb she prepared for Tang Yu.

Susan Abernathy knew that it would not be easy to bring down Tang Yu with one or two things. Only by digging out more information about him could the final decision be made.

She even wondered whether the dead Kate had mastered something, so she was expelled from the company and died at the hands of a heavy hammer.


Tang Yu is not as simple as he seems on the surface. On the contrary, he is very dangerous. If he really wants to investigate, he must remain secretive.

David has been studying at Arasaka Academy and joined Arasaka Company with excellent results after graduation.

Although this is rare, it is by no means impossible.

A new recruit caught her attention not entirely because of his success in his first operation.

More importantly, David's internship department in Arasaka, the Counterintelligence Department.

For this reason, she went to the hospital to visit David and wanted to take the opportunity to test it out.

After meeting David's mother, she was keenly aware that there might be something fishy going on.

After arranging a private investigation, some clues were discovered.

The mother and son were involved in a car accident last year, which happened to be the same day that the man returned to the city.

Many clues point to one person.

Tang Yu.

This mother and son may have some connection with him, but it's still a bit unclear.

She continued to arrange for her men to investigate quietly, but there were no special clues.

We only have some clear information, such as Gloria is now the proprietress of Lizzie Bar, and the former proprietress died in an unknown car accident.

To find out more, she needs to know more about mother and son.

She knew that Tang Yu was a senior executive in the company and was deeply favored by the Arasaka family. It would be difficult to touch him before his complete collapse. The best way was to start with people related to him.

Susan Abernathy hired her dedicated secretary and asked, "Do you have any clues about the person you were assigned to look for last time?"

She asked her secretary to find people who knew about Gloria. She was involved in the middleman business at the Lizzie Bar, and she should be involved in a wide range of things.

The secretary respectfully replied: "There are several candidates, one of whom is a middleman, who claims to know a lot of information about Gloria, but requires an equal exchange."

"Who?" Susan Abner asked coldly.

The secretary's prosthetic eyes turned, transmitted the character information to the desk, and then said.


Susan Abernathy pointed at the white-headed man on the screen and said coldly.

"Go and make contact. If he has genuine goods, you can consider giving him some sweeteners as appropriate."

"If it's something that doesn't serve military technology honestly, there's not much point in keeping it. Just keep it in good condition."

After saying that, the secretary informed her again that Tang Yu had just arrived at Arasaka Tower and the board of directors was holding an emergency meeting.

Susan Abernathy knew that the exciting moment was coming, and the board members must have started arguing, thinking of various charges to accuse Tang Yu.

She asked the secretary to leave first, then opened the office system, and began to think about how to report next, so that she could take on some secondary responsibilities.

None tonight!

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