Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 205 It’s hard to protect yourself

Arasaka Tower.

Jungle meeting room.

The holographic projection on the conference table is playing the live press conference of the bilateral talks.

All the board members were sitting together, either frowning or folding their hands in front of themselves, silent, and the atmosphere was solemn and dignified.

"It's so outrageous!"

A board member's criticism was the first to break the silence in the jungle conference room.

Everyone turned their attention to the director who spoke, and found that he had an angry look on his face, as if he was extremely angry at Tang Yu's behavior in the picture.

The signal sounded and a new round of offensive began. Immediately, someone asked: "Director Yamamoto, how do you say this? Maybe Minister Tang has tried his best to negotiate, but he can't get over the military technology side and has no choice but to make such a choice."

Director Yamamoto sneered twice and continued: "How did Tang Yu promise to the board of directors in the first place? It's good for him. He really didn't stick to any of the bottom lines for negotiation set by the board of directors. If Arasaka had issued a public apology statement from the beginning, what would he have done? I need him to talk about it."

As soon as this statement came out, all the board members gloated and laughed.

The bottom-line negotiation terms previously set by the board of directors do not include a proactive public apology.

Director Takahashi added in an insinuating way: "Although Director Yamamoto's words are a bit harsh, they are indeed true. Considering that Tang Yu's new public relations minister lacks negotiation skills, he can privately decide to issue a public apology statement. The impact is too bad. He has been a senior executive in the company for so many years. Doesn’t he still understand that important matters must be reported to us?”

After Takahashi finished speaking, he quietly observed Michiko Arasaka's movements and found that she was calm and didn't seem to care much about Tang Yu's reckless behavior.

In the eyes of everyone at the scene, Tang Yu committed a major workplace taboo and secretly made decisions in violation of the company's board of directors' instructions. At the least, he could be dealt with internally, and at the most, he could be fired directly.

He publicly apologized on behalf of Arasaka Company, which had a very bad impact on the company's reputation. The entire Internet was overwhelmingly in favor of Arasaka, and even the stock price of Arasaka Company was affected. Almost all opinions believed that Arasaka had given up and could not compete with military technology. .

Director Yamamoto immediately took over the conversation and continued: "Are you talking about the request for instructions report? Some people are used to going with the flow and tend to be self-righteous when doing things. I am afraid they have long forgotten the request for instructions report."

He continued to add: "After all, no one can be perfect. Since Tang Yu can't win the task, he must at least know how to measure it. How troublesome it will be to bring about such a big mistake and end it later. I think this matter must be taken strictly." deal with."

"I agree with Director Yamamoto's opinion that if you have done something wrong, you should be held accountable and punished. A while ago, some relevant departments have made deep reflections on the failure of the attack, and many department leaders have expressed their willingness to admit responsibility and punishment. We cannot do it because of some If people have made merit in the past, they will downplay it and deal with it. If they cannot discuss their merits and demerits equally, let other departments see what they think." Another director expressed his opinion.

Seeing that the situation was favorable, Director Yamamoto asserted loudly: "I disagree with Tang Yu's decision to issue a public apology statement on behalf of Arasaka Company. The impact on the reputation of Arasaka Company is too serious. It has not been approved by the board of directors. It is a serious act of overstepping his authority."

The words just fell.

Several directors present agreed with Director Yamamoto's suggestion and did not acknowledge Tang Yu's public commitment at the press conference.

Director Kandi interjected: "Director Yamamoto, it is okay for you to say that you disagree with the decision to publicly apologize, but it is wrong to say that you have exceeded your authority. The Public Relations Department has the right to carry out external relations exchanges within the scope of its responsibilities, including Make a statement on behalf of the company.”

"When you elected Tang Yu as the negotiator, wasn't it equivalent to acknowledging his autonomy in the negotiation process?"

Director Yamamoto paused and realized that there was indeed nothing wrong with what the other party said, so he changed the focus and said: "Let's not talk about overstepping his authority. Even if he has a certain degree of autonomy, he should carefully consider the negative impact of a public apology."

Little Michiko heard that everyone was once again besieging Tang Yu. This scene was completely beyond her expectation.

She is not worried about whether Tang Yu will be punished. As long as he is still working for the Arasaka family, his existence is valuable for one day.

The crux of the matter is why board members would collectively attack a new minister.

Tang Yu has climbed up to this day as a senior executive of the company and has indeed offended many people, but he cannot be the focus of collective attack by the board of directors.


Behind the board of directors' siege on Tang Yu, there are also higher-level people or forces eyeing him.

Little Michiko estimated that it was most likely her uncle Yori Nobu, who wanted to remove Tang Yu's thorn in his side through a power struggle.

Involved in the game between Arasaka and his son, Tang Yu's ability to protect himself as a company employee is indeed limited.

She felt that it was a bit sad that Tang Yu, a capable person like him, was forced to have no choice but to be forced to go out of his way due to the power struggle of the company.

Little Michiko looked around at the group of people sitting on the board of directors. They were all just like drunkards. None of them were really useful in getting things done. They were quite good at forming cliques and building relationships.

She had some inexplicable empathy for Tang Yu's experience.

Arasaka needs this hard-won peace, but Arasaka also needs high-sounding face.

As someone who mediates between two giant companies, the end result is often shattered into pieces.

Little Michiko wanted to try to help Tang Yu, but found that she couldn't do anything.

She has been dealing with military technology for many years and is well aware of their temper and methods.

Military technology has been eyeing the fat city of Night City for too long.

After New America was reunified, its strength increased day by day, bringing fertile development space for military technology.

In contrast, Arasaka Company lacks a stable and reliable rear.

In order to consolidate his rear, Arasaka finally spent a lot of effort to subdue Kyoto's political scene, once again gained the opportunity to develop freely, and seized one of the few living soils in the world.

Military Technology is not afraid of a fight with Arasaka, and is even fully prepared for this day.

If they can win the fourth corporate war, they will be confident and sure to win the fifth.

In Michiko's view, it is inevitable for Tang Yu to compromise with military technology. A full-scale war may not break out, but the expansion of local conflicts will have an equally serious impact on Arasaka.

A large amount of installation materials for Night City Arasaka Tower need to be transported by sea, and then transported to various parts of North America via land transportation lines.

If the land and sea transportation lines continue to be disrupted by military technology, the Night City Arasaka Tower will be in chaos within half a month.

Little Michiko frowned. Although she knew the stakes, she couldn't say a good word for Tang Yu.

One is because she can't make the final decision on the board of directors like she used to. Talking too much will only be counterproductive and cause trouble.

The second reason is that she is in a sensitive period of power transfer in the Arasaka family. Whether Yorinobu can ultimately take charge of Arasaka will have a critical influence on her. Protecting Tang Yu means openly confronting the hawks.

Little Michiko sighed helplessly in her heart. Perhaps giving up the power and status given by Saburo and giving up the confrontation with Yorinobu is the best way out.

‘Avoid the sharp edge, this is what you taught me, I hope you can learn it too. ’


The board members reached a consensus, rejecting Arasaka's apology statement, continuing to remain silent on the attack, and assigning all problems and responsibilities to Tang Yu, concluding that he abused his power and seriously damaged the company's reputation and interests.

Director Yamamoto was very satisfied with the results of the discussion and said in an open-minded manner: "This bad diplomatic impact was not entirely caused by Tang Yu's negligence in his duties. After all, something did go wrong during the attack, and the relevant departments must also take responsibility and accept punishment." .”

None of the board members objected.

Director Yamamoto suddenly thought of something: "Hasn't Tang Yu already returned to Arasaka Tower? Let him remotely connect to the conference room to see if he has anything else to explain. You can also consider reducing the punishment as appropriate."

The meeting secretary immediately contacted the front desk of the Public Relations Department and reported to the board of directors after receiving a reply.

"Minister Tang has indeed led his team back to Arasaka Tower, but he is not in the Public Relations Department. We are not sure where he has gone yet."

Director Takahashi looked displeased and asked: "Contact him directly and miss such an important meeting. Doesn't he understand the serious mistake he made?"

The secretary of the meeting nervously replied: "We have contacted Minister Tang himself, but he refuses all external contact."

"Haha, ridiculous." Takahashi sneered twice. This was the first time he encountered this in the Arasaka Tower board of directors.

Arasaka would have no problem contacting any staff member. After all, everyone who joined Arasaka had received more or less implants from Arasaka.

But Tang Yu is different. He has not yet undergone basic cyber transformation, and he cannot forcefully position himself.

In the huge Arasaka Tower, if you want to find out where Tang Yu is, you can only use video surveillance.

Takahashi waved back and ordered his personal bodyguard to go to the security department to obtain surveillance and search where Tang Yu had gone.


The private bodyguard got the result and reported: "Over there under the security surveillance, Tang Yu took the public elevator and went to the top floor of Arasaka Tower."

The top floor?

Takahashi and the directors were obviously stunned for a moment. Everyone knew what the top floor of Arasaka Tower was like.

Mr. Saburo Arasaka's office.

No one has entered this office since the reconstruction of Arasaka Tower, and the directors only know that the top floor of every Arasaka Tower in the world is an office tailor-made for Mr. Saburo Arasaka.

In such a highly confidential office, public surveillance cannot detect it. It is only known that when the public elevator rises to the highest floor, all surveillance rights are lost.

How could Tang Yu go to the highest level of Arasaka Tower?

The board members looked at each other in shock. Before they could react, they received an important instruction one after another.

Their artificial vision circles turned, and each of them examined the content of this instruction from a higher existence.

"The board of directors of Night City Arasaka Tower is ordered to issue a public apology immediately to eliminate the possibility of any escalation of conflict with military technology and minimize the impact of the situation."

[Approved by: Saburo Arasaka]

The audience fell silent again.

After reading the instructions, Michiko put her eyes away and asked with a pleasant smile: "Director Yamamoto, since you are so worried about the subsequent consequences, I think it is quite appropriate for you, as the representative of the board of directors, to issue a public apology statement."

Yamamoto was immediately speechless and looked around. The directors who were originally supportive also fell silent, leaving him alone at a loss.

There will be another update later!

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