Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 211 Preparing for War

V was silent, not expecting to get such an answer from Tang Yu.

She always thought that Tang Yu worked at Arasaka Company and might not have any real friends around him.

"I understand, I'll take over this entrustment."

She did not continue to ask for more reasons. Since Tang Yu valued this commission, it would be the best help to him as long as the order was successfully completed.

Tang Yu already had preliminary expectations for V and Jack's action, so he explained to V.

"There are other people behind this mission. Remember to follow Fatty Hei's commission."

"Arasaka Company will hold a product launch conference recently, and it will be the time for you to take action. I believe Fatty Black will agree with this."

"You get the little crew chief and the specific action plan. When the mission time comes, go to the Chambi Building and go upstairs alone to carry out the mission plan. I will arrange an escape route for you and let Jack keep an eye on Deshaun at all times and don't let him sneak away. .”

V heard that Tang Yu's arrangement was accurate and he should be very confident about the matter, so he asked: "I'm going to get the goods. Jack is staring at the fat black man. What about you?"

Tang Yu: "I personally organized the product launch, so I will be on hand to take charge."

V then felt relieved and made a final promise: "Then don't worry, I won't let you do anything wrong."

After hanging up the phone, Tang Yu guessed that Mr. Blue Eyes would not be honest, and Deshawn's commission most likely came from him.

Now the three relic biochips in Lai Xuan's hands have become the key to solving the problem.

Tang Yu must get the one containing Johnny's silver hand, and at the same time, he must not let the other two fall into the hands of Mr. Blue Eyes.

One is currently in the Kanbi Building, one is being kept in the Arasaka Tower R\u0026D department waiting to be presented at the press conference, and the other one is missing.

After much thought, he couldn't guess where Yori Xuan would hide the last one. This was a hidden danger.

Tang Yu knows better than anyone else that once Mr. Blue Eyes gets the relic biochip and analyzes the key technologies, it will be equivalent to sending them to the end.

The success of biochips carrying personality must be based on strict technical barriers.

At present, the technology for extracting soul imprints has matured. The relic1.0 version can store personality data, and the relic2.0 version can even implant personality into the human brain.

The relic2.5 version is breaking through the consciousness coverage technology and moving towards the 3.0 version to realize the true resurrection of the corpse.

If the circulating AI masters its key technologies, they can hack into these relic biochips at will and replace any personality they want to impersonate.

At that time, no one can tell whether the biochip contains the personalities of their relatives and friends, or a wandering AI with other agendas.

Tang Yu neither wants to see Night City go to destruction again, nor does he want to live in a human world controlled by AI.

Outside is Saburo Arasaka, who is obsessed with immortality and wants to open the Pandora's Box of digital souls at all costs.

There is Yorinobu Arasaka, who is full of passion to overthrow the old system, and wants to destroy the world ruled by companies at all costs.

There are also chaotic forces that want to reap the benefits they want in this game.

He could only rely on himself to maintain this precarious situation and prevent the coming collapse from crushing everything he cared about.

At this point, Tang Yu could only collect his thoughts and take one step at a time.

Fortunately, he still has enough cards in his hand to be the banker of this game.

He stood up again and was about to go upstairs to take a look when he suddenly received another call.

He seriously doubted whether he was in a hurry today and glanced at the caller - Lucy.

Then the call was answered.

"Things have made new progress." Lucy didn't waste any more nonsense and went straight to the point: "Network Supervision has reached an agreement with Arasaka Yorinobu to use the incomplete subnet Poseidon data as payment terms in exchange for Network Supervision's support to assist Arasaka Yorinobu to complete Dive deep and communicate with Otter Cunningham beyond the black wall.”

Only then did Tang Yu realize that Arasaka Yorinobu's method was not simple this time, and he actually used a combination of punches.

First, he held a press conference to slow down his pace and pushed forward the listing plan. Even if the listing failed, he was ready for backup.

Synchronized secret communications contact Ott Cunningham beyond the Black Wall to find a way to disrupt the Soul Killer's technology.

Yorinobu did this because he really planned to completely break up with Saburo Arasaka and start to gain momentum in Night City.

I am afraid that the next step will be a big purge that will shock the entire Arasaka Tower. All those who disobey him will be eradicated until he takes over the highest authority.

If Saburo Arasaka doesn't die of old age and successfully develops the Relic biochip 3.0, then Yorinobu will split Arasaka and fight against Saburo Arasaka who is far away in Kyoto across the sea.

Tang Yu asked back: "Are you responsible for this deep dive operation?"

Lucy denied: "Moxley returned to Night City from the headquarters, and he may be leading the team."

With things developing to this point, he could only tell Lucy more inside information to prevent her from becoming passive in her actions.

"Remember, don't rush into that deep dive operation. There is a rogue AI lurking in Night City secretly fueling the fire. Otter Cunningham is no longer human. She has been silent outside the black wall for decades and has evolved. Far beyond the average personality AI."

"If it cannot be avoided, remember to find a place to avoid the limelight. After a while, everything will be fine."

Lucy's expression tightened, and she realized the seriousness behind this matter. Perhaps Arasaka Yorinobu wanted to get some methods and solutions from Ultra, but what Ultra wanted was to enter the human world and control everything.

One of the key tasks of network monitoring is to beware of personality AIs like Ott Cunningham, and a tracking firewall has even been set up specifically for her.

"I understand, so do you, be more careful." Lucy said solemnly, her tone seemed a bit heavy.

hang up the phone.

Tang Yu already had a worse premonition, but he still wanted to confirm it.

He stood up and left the office, preparing to go to the public elevator.

Passing by several Arasaka employees, I heard them talking about the elevator.

"It's strange. In the past few years since Arasaka Tower was rebuilt, there has never been an elevator failure, and the good public elevators cannot be used."

"Yeah, we can only take the small elevator. We have to wait for a long time, which makes it troublesome to go to the cafeteria to eat."

Tang Yu stopped, then turned back to the office and headed for the secret elevator that led directly to the top floor.

Passing through the secret passage, turned on the Arasaka Saburo access control authentication, and let the elevator lead to the highest floor of Arasaka Tower as before. However, after the elevator ran for a long time, there was no movement, as if it was stuck by something.

He is probably stuck on Arasaka Yorinobu's level.

The other party had realized that he could enter Saburo Arasaka's exclusive office and use some of the highest authority, so he came up with this method to block him and physically prevent him from entering the top floor of Arasaka Tower.

Tang Yu thought for a while, and there were only two options left.

One is to take the stairs up, but it will most likely be blocked.

One is to take Saburo Arasaka’s special floating car and enter from the rooftop garage.

But he didn't want to move the floating car for the time being, so as not to attract Yori Xuan's attention. This car was to be used as an escape route for V.

Tang Yu thought for a while and decided to take the stairs to at least perform the trick well.

Out of the office again, walked to the stairwell and climbed up.

Tang Yu's office floor was still dozens of floors away from the roof, but he was not in a hurry and climbed up the steps step by step.

When I finally came to the stairwell leading to the top floor, I was surprised to find that it was blocked by a steel door, indicating that it was under construction.

Tang Yu guessed that Yori Xuan might be organizing a group of people to secretly tamper with the highest authority of the Arasaka Tower.

After confirming Yori Xuan's determination, Tang Yu felt at ease, because the next thing to do was to prepare for the battle.

No tonight.

It’s time to enter the big plot.

Try to finish it as soon as possible.

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