Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 212 Center of the Storm

[Life points: 2]

[Fusion Ability 1: Tenacity (Rare)]

[Fusion Ability 2: Bullet Time (Rare)]

[Fusion Ability 3: Weak Electricity Control (Excellent)]

In front of the electronic mirror screen, Tang Yu adjusted his clothes and called up the life simulation panel.

Today is the official day of the Relic biochip press conference. Yorinobu Arasaka will be present in person. This is his first public appearance since arriving in Night City.

The press conference was organized by Tang Yu, and the venue was set on the fifth floor of the transportation hub of the company square.

After a while, all the famous people in the Night City will gather here. Not only the senior executives of major companies will be present, but also the elite leaders of various industries will be present.

This press conference adopts a real-name invitation system, and only those who are included in the invitation list are eligible to watch the press conference.

Tang Yu clicked on the life simulation panel and used one of his life points to enhance his 'Perseverance' talent. This was a choice he had carefully considered.

As the life point progress bar is depleted, the 'Perseverance' talent is also upgraded to a higher quality - epic.

[Fusion Ability 1: Tenacity (Epic)]

Tang Yu gently closed his eyes and experienced the changes in his body cells.

Different from the previous experience of improving quality, there is not much movement this time.

He knew that this was not the time for his talent to show its true effectiveness.

Because "Tenacity" has been upgraded to epic quality, it is no longer a simple improvement in endurance and recovery performance, but an extreme body self-healing.

Tang Yu could even feel that every cell contained surging vitality and was full of vitality.

This surging vitality fills the whole body, as if it is inexhaustible, and even broken limbs can heal themselves and grow again.


He can also choose to spend his life points on the other two talents to quickly increase his speed or combat power.

But this is a tough battle. While saving his life, he needs to judge which talent should be added based on what happened on the scene.

The last remaining point in life is crucial to him.

"I hope it won't be needed."

Before going downstairs to the company square, he still needed to confirm his previous arrangements.

Bring up the contact interface, there are several newly received messages.

[Aunt Mei: When will you arrive at the scene? I've already made arrangements for what you told me. It just depends on whether the fish takes the bait. But to be honest, you have a pretty good sense. If you don't mind, we can try to play a multiplayer game. 】

Tang Yu: "We'll wait until we pass this level. I'll be at the press conference later."

[Rogge: I have contacted Panan, and she said that it is no problem. The next life is prepared and will go according to the previous plan. But what you said about Johnny is accurate? 】

Tang Yu: "Thank you. As for Johnny, I think our fate is not over yet."

[V: Tang, Jack and I are about to leave for the Chambi Building. Fatty Hei’s side is temporarily stable, and we can communicate at any time if there is any situation. 】

Tang Yu: "Okay, follow the plan. When you get to Cangbi Building, just report my identity information."

[Lucy: Mosley is leading a group to make a deal with Arasaka Yorinobu's people. I don't know the specific location yet. 】

Tang Yu: "Pay attention to safety and remember not to dive into Ultra rashly."

After replying one by one, Tang Yu left the office and took the offset elevator downstairs.

He walked out of the Arasaka Tower lobby and went straight to the Company Plaza Comprehensive Interchange Disk Hub.

at this time.

The entire transportation hub was put under martial law.

Not only are there a large number of NCPD police officers guarding various important roads, but also top security forces from major companies are stationed at the scene.

Kangtao Company robots, military technology warriors, Arasaka Company samurai bodyguards, and even the Tiger Claw Gang and Six Street Gang are all surrounded by spies on the outside.

The passages and steps on each floor are guarded by NCPD personnel.

Tang Yu walked to the outermost checkpoint and accepted the identity authentication scan.

While the NCPD Sheriff was conducting a security inspection, a heavy combat robot more than two meters tall nearby was vigilantly scanning the surroundings and expelling irrelevant people from the scene.

After confirming Tang Yu's identity, the NCPD Sheriff showed surprise and then let him go.

Tang Yu stepped onto the steps and walked straight towards the upper level of the round disk.

Every time you pass through a passage or step, you will be watched by the curious eyes of the personnel on duty.

The entire traffic hub was blocked, and all pedestrians and vehicles had to go around the road. No one else could be seen except Tang Yu.

The guests invited to the meeting were all celebrities and high-level celebrities in Night City, and without exception, they all arrived in expensive and luxurious floating cars.

There was only that straight figure, stepping up the stairs alone.

It was still a while before the press conference started. Tang Yu climbed the steps slowly and looked around the square.

He was surrounded by tall buildings, and as far as the eye could see was a world of steel, concrete and lights.

The two holographic carps in the square are still swimming slowly, day and night.

In mid-air, NCPD's armed aerial vehicles shuttled back and forth, busy checking every aerial vehicle that arrived at the scene.

There are also swarms of drones flying around to complete scanning, inspection, and guidance for landing.

Everything was in order on site.

The checkpoint inspection at the press conference is basically controlled by the NCPD, while security is provided by each major company, mainly Arasaka, Military Technology and Kangtao.

Tang Yu walked to the top of Yuanpan and arrived at the press conference.

The beautiful waiter came over immediately and handed over a box with both hands. After opening it, there was a pair of special glasses inside, which were used as an auxiliary tool for viewing the press conference later.

Only by wearing this pair of glasses can you see the encrypted projection screen and hear the sounds of the speeches at the meeting.

Tang Yu took the glasses and put them on, looking above the City Eyes screen, he could clearly see the holographic three-dimensional image of the Arasaka company logo.

A white square pillar extends upwards and bifurcates into three pillars, with a round block at the top, which is constantly rotating.

When he looked elsewhere, except that his vision was slightly dimmed, it was no different from usual.

At this time.

A cocktail was handed to Tang Yu, and a familiar voice rang in his ears.

"Let's take a moment to chat." Little Michiko said calmly.

Tang Yu took the wine glass, thanked her, and followed her steps to find the railing where there were few people.

Little Michiko is different from her usual solemn and capable image. She wears an elegant blue silk dress, showing off her tall figure. Like a blue enchantress, she stands out among the crowd of people in suits and ties.

Tang Yu felt that her clothes looked like she was attending a party or a date. This occasion was somewhat inappropriate, maybe for some reason.

"I guess there is no cocktail party planned today."

Little Michiko held the goblet, took a sip of wine, and asked, "Don't you look good in this outfit? At least I think it's much more comfortable and pleasing to the eye than wearing a kimono."

Little Michiko's appearance is more Western, her facial features are deeper, and her body frame is taller than that of ordinary women. Wearing this kind of etiquette can really show your aura.

Tang Yu asked casually: "Is there any reason?"

"It's nothing, it's just my birthday today, I don't know if I can wait until the next birthday." Little Michiko said calmly.

Tang Yu knew what she was thinking. The coming storm of the Arasaka family was likely to destroy everything.

Seeing that Tang Yu remained silent, little Michiko then asked, "How much do you know about this matter?"

Tang Yu said calmly: "It's quite a lot. You don't have to worry too much. The Arasaka family's contradiction has never been with you."

If before, a person with a foreign surname was still his subordinate, little Michiko would never believe what he said.

These words were too arrogant and arrogant, like standing outside the chess game and commenting on the internal situation of the Arasaka family.

But when these words came from the man in front of her, she was extremely convinced.

Little Michiko once tried to see through him and find out his true identity, but she failed.

Tang Yu seems to have some kind of magic power, and he can always hide himself just right, making it impossible for people to see through his disguise.

The so-called lone wolf, supremacy of power, ruthless methods, etc. are all just illusions created by him.

Fortunately for little Michiko, he didn't seem to have any bad intentions towards her, and even helped her many times.

"Are you sure this time?" She asked seriously. Tang Yu was the real center of the storm this time. Others could still hide, but Tang Yu couldn't.

Tang Yu sighed softly: "To be honest, a little, but not much."

He did not deceive Michiko. He did make a lot of preparations and details for this press conference, but until the dust settles, no one knows what the result will be.

There was a hint of worry in Xiao Michiko's eyes, and she was worried about what Tang Yu would face next.

Choosing between Arasaka Saburo and Arasaka Yorinobu, no matter which side he chooses, Tang Yu may become an abandoned child and be abandoned after using up his value.

She couldn't help Tang Yu. She could only seriously suggest: "If you survive this crisis, maybe you should leave Arasaka and leave this place of right and wrong."

If Tang Yu is willing, she can use her connections to help him find any alternative job.

She believes that with Tang Yu's ability, he can do better than now after leaving Arasaka.

Tang Yu thanked him. Being able to say so, at least showed that little Michiko was really moved by compassion.

But leaving Arasaka is easier said than done.

He stayed in Arasaka not for power and money, but to avoid that catastrophe that would destroy his life again.

Now, he has not found a way out of the darkness, but he will never give up his efforts to find it.

At least up to this point, his friends, his brothers, Lao Wei, Jack, V-zi, and Roger, they are all still continuing their wonderful lives.

After today, maybe everything will take a new turn.

Xiao Michiko believed that Tang Yu had his own opinion, so he stopped trying to persuade him and left with a glass of wine.

Tang Yu relied on the railing alone and looked at the giant-like tall buildings at random.

For some reason, the more Tang Yu looks at this city, the more pleasing it becomes to him. No matter how hard he scolded him in the past, he feels so reluctant to let it go now.

How many legendary stories have happened here, how many regrets and wonderful things have been left here.

Everyone living here will either love or hate this city without a father or a mother.

after all.

There was a unique life here.

There will be another update later!

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