Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 213 First time in the field

Coast of the West Sea.

The sea breeze stirred up layers of waves, constantly beating against the cliff, and sprayed out water foam stars with a light salty taste.

Between the steep cliffs, there is a gentle slope extending into the sea water. It is one of the few tidal flats along the coast that is suitable for landing.

David Martinez stood facing the wind, wearing a full black tactical uniform, looking at the boundless sea.

Behind him was an Arasaka special service team, quietly waiting for the target to appear.

David was appointed as the captain of the operation this time, responsible for picking up and delivering the goods sent from the ocean in Kyoto. Due to the need for confidentiality of the operation, the number of the team was not large, and they also deliberately chose this uninhabited beach to land.

Since his meritorious service in the last attack, he has been quickly promoted to a higher rank and has also undergone a higher level of cybernetic transformation.

His eyes have been staring into the distance and never moved away. This is his first time leading a team on a field mission.

It’s almost the designated handover time, and I’m inevitably a little nervous.

After a while.

A giant ship appeared in David's sight. After confirming that the ship belonged to Arasaka, his tense nerves relaxed a little.

He immediately ordered his men to fire flares to indicate their location.


A hole was opened in the cabin of the giant ship, and two waterway amphibious armored vehicles drove out. After entering the water, they headed in the direction of David.

After the armored vehicle arrived successfully, the two parties communicated and confirmed.

There are two pieces of goods in total that need to be delivered to the company plaza Arasaka Tower.

When David saw that everything was confirmed, he directed the SWAT team to get in the car and set off on the road.

This route is very remote, with wasteland terrain all the way, and no existing transportation roads. Generally, no one will notice this place.

The convoy raced rapidly on the loess, its tail sending up dust and sand all over the sky.

David sat in the cab, checking the radar image from time to time, always paying attention to the movements around him, and not daring to slack off at all.

Although this path involves almost no sphere of influence, there is also the risk of intelligence leakage.

This mission was assigned by the Ministry, and the approver was Susan Abernathy.

He suspected there might be something fishy going on, but he wasn't sure of the other party's specific plans.

But what David knows is that once the goods are robbed, his career in Arasaka will basically be over, and all previous efforts will be in vain.

He doesn't like working in the company, but he can't say he hates the job.

Gloria paid too much for him to join Arasaka, and Tang Yu also took risks to help.

There is so much hard work and hard work behind the job and salary he has today that he cannot ignore.

Now he has made a small start in the workplace, made meritorious deeds inexplicably, and received awards and promotions.

‘It’s not like I failed them,’ David thought to himself.

Since Tang Yu was promoted to the public relations department, he has not seen Tang Yu again, and he has not had the chance to express some of what he wanted to say.

David felt that maybe one day in the future, when he strives to rise to that position, he will be able to face it calmly.

While his thoughts were racing, he suddenly received a report from his team members.

"Sir, we found an unknown force at the ten o'clock direction, approaching our route!"

David's heart sank, what was supposed to come finally came.

at this time.

Dozens of kilometers ahead of the Arasaka convoy, on a weathered stone mound, stood a girl with two ponytails, looking into the distance with a radio telescope, her braids on both sides swaying in the wind.

Everywhere she looked was filled with dust and sand, and not even a ghost could be seen.

"What are you doing, Mann, are you sure someone will deliver the goods here, and there will be a wave of people coming here to intercept the goods?"

Mann, who was sitting at the front of the car, replied seriously: "The information Faraday gave is correct."

Rebecca put down the telescope and hung it around her neck, and said dissatisfied: "The job of the asymmetrical four eyes is always mysterious and secretive. It must be unreasonable to hide it behind the scenes. I think next time, I'd better not take it. His job is good, but the key is if something goes wrong, that guy will definitely sell us out immediately."

After the experience of military-grade Sian Westan, Rebecca hated such irresponsible middlemen.

"It's so different from Gloria's commission, and it's also backed by the company. How great. You can spend as much as you want."

Mann laughed helplessly.

Rebecca's words were a bit exaggerated. They were mercenaries, so naturally they would take whatever job they had money for.

Gloria doesn't always have high-priced orders. They usually spend a lot of money and can't always wait for the family to survive.

This time Faraday found them again after a long time, arranged this commission, and gave them a generous reward.

And the content of the commission is not complicated, just waiting for the mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole behind.

After the Arasaka convoy was hijacked, they would rob each other's goods and then deliver them to the designated place for delivery.

Based on the intelligence provided by Faraday, Mann judged that this order was not too difficult. Even if it failed, he could still escape unscathed without causing serious losses or even casualties in the team.

After grabbing things in the wasteland, he ran away, leaving almost no traces, and it was also convenient to escape by car.

Rebecca was not interested in this mission, so she jumped down from the stone pillar, took off the telescope and threw it to Dolio.

"Look, I'll get in the car and take a nap for a while. Call me if anything happens."

Dolio caught the telescope, smiled, and jumped up on the stone pier that was as tall as a person.

She just raised the telescope and shouted: "Mann, there's something going on!"

Upon hearing this, Rebecca immediately turned back, raised her hands high to grab onto the stone pier, and climbed up desperately, kicking her two fat legs on the pier.

"Dolio, pull me up, pull me up, I want to see!"

Dolio had no choice but to pause what she was doing and stretched out her hand to pull Rebecca up.

Rebecca couldn't help but feel excited about watching the excitement, and quickly grabbed the telescope and looked at it: "Where is it? Where is it?"

Dolio had no choice but to straighten the telescope for her and point it in the direction just now.

as expected.

Rebecca spotted a convoy heading in their direction.

She adjusted the far and near focus, zooming in on the distant view until she saw the logo on the front of the car clearly, and shouted: "It's Arasaka! Arasaka Motorcade!"


She moved her gaze to the driver's seat and found that the person sitting in the passenger seat was carefully checking the machine gun ammunition. He looked very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

"Eh? Isn't that the son of the proprietress Lizi?"

Hearing this, Mann also turned over on the stone pier, took the telescope in Rebecca's hand, checked again, and found that it was indeed David Martinez.

Is this a coincidence or intentional arrangement?

Mann didn't know the problems within Arasaka Company, so he could only return this information to Gloria first.

Before he put down the telescope, he spotted movement in another direction in the distance. A motorcade was rushing towards David from the side. It was most likely a hijacking team.

Mann carefully observed the hijacked convoy again. There were quite a few people, and they seemed to want to grab the goods in one fell swoop.

He quickly made a judgment: "Dolio and Qiwei keep an eye on the Arasaka convoy and pay attention to David's personal safety. I will pass the information to Gloria. Pila and Rebecca, you pack your things and get in the car with me. You will be responsible for hijacking the convoy." Grab the goods in hand!"

Mann jumped off the stone pier and took the time to get into the car, followed closely by Rebekah and Pyrrha.

He rolled his prosthetic eyes and quickly sent Gloria the situation here, and received an immediate reply.

[Gloria Martinez: Mann, I’m sorry to have to bother you again. David only needs to be safe, so please be more careful. 】

After receiving the reply, Mann no longer hesitated, stepped on the accelerator and started to take action, looking for a better position to intercept the enemy halfway.

Dolio picked up the telescope and continued to check the situation of both teams.

Seeing the hijacked convoy approaching quickly, the Arasaka convoy lowered their windows and opened fire wildly at the hijacked convoy.

David even leaned out of the roof window and fired wildly with a heavy machine gun.

Dorio soon discovered that the Arasaka team's firepower seemed to be insufficient, and there were not many people accompanying the team.

‘Is it intentional? ’ She had to suspect that this kidnapping was probably organized for David.

Even if David survives the hijacking, it may be difficult to stay in Arasaka without the goods.

Dolio then told Mann his speculation, wanting to confirm whether Faraday's commission would be fulfilled or not.

Mann, who was driving the vehicle at high speed, replied decisively: "Of course you will do what you asked, but the possibility of failure is very high."

Dolio smiled and said: "It seems that we can only go back to Gloria to make up for it."

The hijacked convoy braved the hail of bullets and crashed directly into the Arasaka convoy, quickly separating the two amphibious armored vehicles.

Just as they planned, after ramming the Arasaka convoy, someone quickly jumped on the amphibious armored vehicle, forced open the vehicle's cockpit door, fought their way in, and seized control of the vehicle.

Seeing this situation, David didn't care about setting up the machine gun to shoot. He picked up the machine gun and climbed on the roof of the car. He jumped into the enemy's convoy and started shooting indiscriminately.

Other team members also provided fire support. However, the opponent's numerical superiority and the chaotic gun battle resulted in the few special service team members being shot dead one after another.

David killed several people in a row, stole the opponent's open-top off-road vehicle, and killed one of the amphibious armored vehicles.

A fierce fight was taking place in the cockpit. After David got closer, he jumped up without hesitation and got into the cockpit to fight.

There was a burst of gunfire, the cockpit was spattered with blood and minced meat, and several electronic screens were hit and cracked by stray bullets.

The unmanned armor tilted severely, curved in place, and hit several vehicles one after another.

David quickly rushed to the driver's seat and tried to control the vehicle, but found that there was something wrong with the driver's dashboard.

He looked out the window anxiously and found that another armored vehicle was already driving away under the escort of the hijacking convoy.

David was anxious and watched as the other party left some people to continue the massacre, and the special service members were killed one after another.

He could only guard the hatch with all his strength to prevent this armored vehicle from falling into the enemy's hands.

After killing several more people who wanted to enter the hatch, he suddenly noticed that there seemed to be new movement outside.

A commercially modified car appeared out of nowhere, knocked over two cars, and then entered the hijacking convoy.

The hijackers outside had electric arcs sizzling from their heads as if they had been electrocuted, and then they fell down with a burst of white smoke.

Are there hackers? !

The other party moved very quickly, and the remaining members of the hijacked convoy were shot to death one after another. The movement outside became smaller and smaller.

David stepped on the brake, finally stopped the armored vehicle, and then rolled out of the cockpit.

The ground was in chaos, the convoy was destroyed, and all the team members who followed him on the mission were killed in the attack.

He jumped to the ground and walked towards the modified vehicle he had just rescued, holding the machine gun tightly in his hand.

When the driver Falco saw David's vigilant face, he explained with a smile on his face: "Relax, friend, we are invited by your mother."

my mother?

David was stunned for a moment. He thought the other party was another group of people who wanted to hijack the goods, but he didn't expect that it was the reinforcements invited by Gloria.

Dolio and Qiwei got out of the car and saw David who was confused, Dolio explained.

"This matter is a bit complicated, but you should have seen us, at your home."

After being reminded, David immediately remembered that on the night shortly after the car accident, a group of cyberpunks suddenly broke into his house, aggressively demanding something.

Is it possible that after Gloria became the proprietress of Lizzy, she also hired them for commissions?

David didn't know much about his mother, but he could tell that she seemed to be getting more and more complicated.

He put down the gun in his hand. The fierce battle just now made him nervous. After confirming that it was one of his own, he said apologetically.

"Thank you."

If it hadn't been for them just now, David might not have been able to save anything. Now at least he still has one piece of cargo in his hands.

Dolio didn't care about this. Seeing the mess on the ground, he suddenly found that the rear door of the armored vehicle was broken open.

She reminded: "The goods you transport may have to be moved to another location."

David quickly turned around, only to find that the trunk door had been blown open during the battle, and he quickly stepped forward to check the situation.

When I came to the trunk of the car, I found that there was a mechanical cabinet inside, which was large enough for one person to lie inside.

A string of characters marked the front of the counter - Prosthetic King Kong.

In the mechanical cabinet, a set of combat implants were fixed in order. Two prosthetic bodies that looked like black giant wheel engines made him extremely curious.

Seeing David standing in the back car without making any movement, Dolio and Qiwei also stepped forward to check.

Dolio asked, "What is this?"

David shook his head and said he didn't know either.

On the contrary, Qiwei on the side was holding an electronic tablet and inputting some model information of the combat implant, and then said after confirmation.

"It should be an experimental comprehensive combat implant with its own anti-gravity system and magnetic field control. It is probably newly developed by Arasaka Company."

David looked at this prosthetic body in a daze. He thought that when he took the physical function test at that time, he got a good evaluation of the physical function quality.

Tanaka Katsuo had boasted to him that the R\u0026D Department had several top-secret combat implants, and he might be able to try them out if he had a chance.

David was a little worried when he saw this mechanical cabinet. How was he going to get such a big thing back? The car was basically scrapped, and a piece of cargo was stolen. He couldn't deliver this mission when he returned.

Why don't you try loading it?

Perhaps we can use this combat implant to retrieve the goods, and then return both items to Arasaka Tower.

Qiwei saw his thoughts and said calmly: "I advise you not to think so. This kind of experimental combat implant may have just left the factory and has not been tested for compatibility. The intensity of use is too high to damage your brain and nerves." It will be unbearable.”

Dorio asked him to wait, saying that Mann and the others had already gone to grab the goods.

Before David could express his deep gratitude, Dorio received news from Pyrrha.

"Come on, we are ambushed, Mann has been shot."

Dolio looked horrified.

None tonight!

I originally wanted to write two chapters, but it was too late. Four thousand words is equivalent to two chapters, ugh.

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