Wild West.

The dust in the sky was scattered by the wind, rolling up a khaki world, which was very desolate.

In a weathered stone forest, Mann and others were hiding behind dirt and rocks, their faces full of anxiety and nervousness. A trace of blood overflowed from the corners of their chapped lips, which had been dried and scabbed by the dry yellow wind.

Mann frowned, beads of sweat slipped from his forehead, and his broad chest whirred like a blower.

The use of military-grade Sianwistan many times in a row put him under a huge physical load.

Under the scorching desert sun, he suffered both physical and mental burns.

Rebecca discovered that Mann had been shot in multiple places. Although the subcutaneous armor blocked some of the damage, the heavy fire bullets still left burn marks.

She said with great concern: "Mann, can you still resist? It can't be used anymore!"

Mann endured the pain that penetrated his bones and forced out a smile: "It's okay, I'll just rest for a while. Are they chasing me?"

Rebecca carefully poked her head out, checked the surroundings, and said in a deep voice: "They are still looking. There are more rocks here, which is enough for us to hide for a while. We have already contacted Dolio and the others, so just wait."

Pila took out the few high-explosive grenades she had left on her body and clamped them all between her ten metal fingers in order to launch a final counterattack. Then she cursed angrily: "You guys, if I had known I would bring more grenades, I would kill them all." Send it to the west."

Rebecca couldn't help complaining: "I've already said that the four-eyed guy is unreliable. He didn't even keep his word. He attacked us backhand and said there was a piece of goods missing. Why don't you blame those useless guys for just robbing us?" Come here with something."

Mann could only smile bitterly. The muscles of the wound were stretched and stretched, and he grinned in pain: "It was careless. He probably had no intention of letting us go from the beginning."

He estimated that it was Dolio and the others who helped David secure the goods and were discovered by Faraday.

Just now, Mann chased the hijacked convoy as planned. After a chase, the goods were about to be obtained, but another team appeared halfway.

The sudden attack knocked Mann and the others to the ground.

Mann discovered that the team that attacked them turned out to be Arasaka troops. The opponent was well-equipped and even equipped with plasma heavy artillery. Their posture looked very similar to Tang Yu's troops that night at the abandoned steel factory.

Arasaka Elite Team?

What surprised Mann even more was that Faraday was also on the team.

At first, Mann thought it was just a misunderstanding. Just as he was about to get out of the car to explain, he was violently attacked by the other party. He had to activate his rapid neural response and hid with Pyrrha and Rebecca.

All the people who hijacked the convoy died without exception.

Immediately afterwards.

Mann saw a man in a white suit among the crowd in Arasaka. After giving Faraday some instructions, he approached the amphibious armored vehicle, opened the trunk door and got in. The vehicle then started and drove towards the city.

Faraday stayed and led the Arasaka Elite Team to continue clearing the area.

After several confrontations with the elite team, Mann killed two of the opponents. He was also shot and injured. In addition, he was exhausted from turning on Si'an Westan many times and his body was overwhelmed.

Since the weathered stone forest is relatively vast, the three of them took advantage of their speed to hide behind the big rocks. It was difficult for Farah to find their traces for a while.

But this is not a long-term response. If you keep waiting, you will be killed by the opponent sooner or later.

Faraday put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked slowly in the weathered stone forest. The three prosthetic eyes on the left side of his face kept turning to scan the surrounding environment.

At the same time, the Arasaka elite team cooperated in searching for traces, and the Arasaka armed aerial vehicle in mid-air above their heads emitted a laser matrix to increase the detection range.

Faraday was sure that Mann and the others were hiding nearby. As he walked, he said confidently: "The quality of your Sian Westan is amazing to me. The equipment is an experimental type of military technology. Tsk, tsk, tsk, I didn't expect you to be really willing to be a part of it." Guinea pig. It seems that the guy from Arasaka Company thinks highly of you. Are you running errands for him?"

The sand and wind rustled, and no one responded.

But Faraday didn't care. He believed Mann could hear him, so he continued to stimulate.

"To be honest, the man named Tang in Arasaka is no longer reliable. Today may be his last day in Night City."

"After he falls, it will be difficult for the middleman at Lizzy Bar and you to stay any longer."

Faraday felt that he was quite lucky. Tang Yu, the senior executive of Arasaka, supported the new middleman Gloria, forcing him to temporarily give in and losing the big order from military technology.

This made Faraday extremely disappointed in military technology, and even Mann no longer listened to his orders, which made Faraday extremely angry.

Unexpectedly, time passed so quickly and everything turned upside down again. The senior management of Arasaka Company actually took the initiative to contact him.

Faraday used the known intelligence about Mann's team and Gloria to communicate with the Arasaka Special Operations Department and confirmed that the Arasaka company executive who supported Gloria was Tang Yu.

For this reason, Arasaka once again gave him a chance to stand up, assisting Kenji Yeba to get the goods, and at the same time cut off Tang Yu's wings, the Martinez mother and son, and the Mann team.

Ye Bai Xianzhi had just received the prosthetic body he wanted. As for the other item, it was left to David Martinez for the R\u0026D department and was not within the scope of his consideration.

When Rebecca heard Faraday mention Tang Yu, she suddenly became furious and wanted to know urgently what would happen to Tang Yu today.

But when they saw that Mann was seriously injured and everyone was in danger, they still gritted their teeth and endured the conflict, and kept cursing in their hearts: "Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Mann looked helpless. Almost everything Faraday said was true. Unexpectedly, the secret was discovered in the end.

He was worried about this problem at the beginning. Cooperating with Tang Yu would involve the Mann team.

The internal fighting between companies is far more than limited to one person's life and death.

But Mann knows that without Tang Yu, they might not be where they are today.

He was the one who insisted on wearing military-grade Sianwistan, and he was the one who owed Tang Yu favors time and time again. No wonder the others.

Mann's eyes gradually became firmer. If he could exchange one life for another, maybe all this would end here, and at least it would help Tang Yu gain some buffer time.

He looked at the stone forest environment around him and planned to attack east and west together. He would find the right opportunity to rush forward and fight to the death with Faraday to buy time for Rebecca and Pyrrha to escape.

Rebecca saw something was wrong with Mann's expression, and began to reappear in the daze and trance before. She immediately understood his thoughts and reminded: "Mann! Cheer up, we can escape, Dolio and the others will be there soon." Just come over here!”

Mann's stiff face showed a somewhat calm smile: "Pila, you will use the grenade to cover my actions later. After detonating it, you can seize the time to escape."

Before Rebecca could refute, Mann raised his hand and hit her hard on the back of the neck, knocking Rebecca unconscious.

Seeing this scene, Pyrrha said helplessly: "Are you sure?"

Mann nodded heavily, his eyes were firm, and his mind was clear at this moment.

His quick nerve reaction ability is enough to use it over a long distance, and he is certain to kill Faraday.

The Sianwistan implanted by the Arasaka Elite Team is also of good quality. It is slightly inferior in speed and reaction time, but it has an absolute advantage in terms of numbers.

Mann only has one chance to take action, and if he succeeds, he can exchange it for one. If he fails, he can only buy some time for Pyrrha and Rebekah to escape.

Seeing that Mann had made up his mind, Pyrrha suddenly said seriously: "Mann, if we can go back together, I swear to buy you a better arm cannon so that you won't get stuck at critical moments."

Mann smiled. After resting for a few minutes, he clearly felt that the temperature of his spine had dropped a lot, and it was not as irritating as before.

He tried to calm his chest breathing, and at the moment when his whole body relaxed, he shouted: "Let's go!"

Pyrrha obeyed the order and quickly threw all the grenades, falling towards the Arasaka elite team.

burst! burst! burst!

Many Arasaka personnel immediately fled the explosion site, but were still affected by high-explosive grenade fragments.

In chaos.

Mann immediately activated his rapid neural reaction, quickly swept out from the other side, took advantage of the aftermath of the explosion to aim at the target Faraday, and rushed straight away.

Farah's third prosthetic eye rotated at high speed, trying to catch the attacking figure, but the opponent's speed was too fast and he had no time to react.

A blast of wind roared in, and Farah's eyes widened for the fourth time, and his vision was filled with a black muzzle.


The corners of Faraday's mouth rose.


An electric spark suddenly appeared from Mann's spine, and his whole body suddenly lost strength. Due to the inertia of the rapid movement, he fell out and rolled continuously, throwing up a cloud of dust. He lay on the ground twitching and unconscious.

Faraday put his hands firmly in his pockets, looked sideways at Mann, and sneered disdainfully: "You desperate cyberpunk should at least learn to have a long memory."

The Arasaka Elite Team immediately resumed their formation, then jumped in pursuit and blocked Pyrrha's path with plasma cannons.

Pyrrha was carrying Rebecca, facing the muzzle of the arcing gun, not daring to make any move.

Faraday raised his hand and was about to order everyone present to be shot.


A huge invisible pressure enveloped him, as if a thousand pounds of pressure hit every joint in his body.

Almost instantly, a circle of ground centered on him sank.

Faraday's bones and joints were destroyed by this invisible weight, and his entire body was knocked to the ground with an extremely exaggerated curvature.

His legs were folded over his head, half of his cheek was pressed against the dirt, and his three prosthetic eyes popped out, full of disbelief.

When he saw a humanoid robot arriving at the scene, Faraday understood the situation.

His eyes widened with reluctance, and he tried his best to open his mouth and murmured: "You, you are just a low-level bastard from Arasaka, how dare you..."


Another heavy pressure fell, and blood, water and flesh splashed, directly crushing Faraday into a pulp.

David successfully loaded the prosthetic King Kong and finally arrived at the scene at the last moment.

He was sweating profusely and looked around anxiously for traces of another armored vehicle, but what greeted him was only the black muzzle of the Arasaka Elite Team.

David gasped and immediately revealed his identity, but the other party turned a blind eye and attacked him directly.

As a last resort, David could only raise his huge mechanical arms to block the vital points and withstand the first wave of the opponent's attack.

He seized the opportunity to use magnetic adsorption and snatched everyone's guns from the air almost instantly.

The Arasaka armed aerial vehicle overhead launched a heavy fire attack on David, and at the same time activated a heavy pressure matrix to cover him.

David could only activate the anti-gravity system, hold on tightly, and dig out a deep pit with his mechanical feet.

Facing the rain of bullets and the heavy pressure of the matrix, he raised his gun towards the armed aerostat, and several plasma cannons fired out.

The electric arc enveloped the aerial vehicle and quickly destroyed its electronic equipment. The aerial vehicle's power system malfunctioned and its body was crooked and unstable.

David felt the pressure all over his body relax, but the elite team members around him continued to shoot at him.

He was growing impatient and wanted to shout to dissuade them, but all he received in response were bullets.

In anger, David started the mechanical foot running wheel. When avoiding the bullet attack, he quickly activated the magnetic field and crushed all the members of the elite team into meat paste.

Completely ended the battle.

He stood there and couldn't believe it when he saw the wreckage in front of him. The power of the prosthetic King Kong was indeed powerful.

Dolio and Qiwei rushed to the scene and quickly rescued Mann who was lying on the ground. After checking his vital signs, they found that there was still a faint breath and that he was still conscious.

David walked to the side of everyone and said apologetically: "Sorry, I'm a little late."

Dolio said sternly: "Mann can still be saved. He must be sent back to the city for rescue."

David was still thinking about another cargo: "Hurry up and get in the car."

Qiwei glanced at David, who was like a mechanical giant, but his face was pale and less red, and said calmly: "You'd better not use this prosthetic body anymore. It's obvious that you can't bear this level of load for long."

David said resolutely: "It doesn't matter, I can handle it."


Scarlet nosebleeds flowed from his nostrils, gurgling non-stop.

Qiwei didn't try to persuade her any more, everyone had their own choice.

Just when Dorio helped Mann up and carried him on his back, Mann suddenly opened his eyes, looked at David with difficulty and said.

"Faraday still has a backup plan. Gloria is in danger."

David was stunned for a moment, never expecting that his mother would be involved in this matter.

There was no time to ask any more questions. He had to rush back to Night City as quickly as possible, and he definitely couldn't take off this prosthetic King Kong.

Dolio added: "This attack is most likely organized against you, and it is related to Mr. Arasaka Tang. I suggest you act with caution."

David tried to calm down, turned his eyes, and called his mother first.

After a while, the stone in his heart fell halfway.

Gloria tells David that everything is fine on her end.

David reminded her to be careful, and Faraday arranged a secret operation.

After giving the instructions, he immediately decided to intercept the escaping goods and then rush to Night City.

David activated the positioning system and searched for clues to locate the amphibious armored vehicle's location and route.

Company Plaza?

He found that the other party did not change the navigation and positioning, and the armored vehicle was still driving automatically towards the set destination.

David looked at the prosthetic King Kong on his body and instantly guessed something.

It seems that the other party is targeting the cargo in the car, an implant that is comparable to or even surpasses the prosthetic King Kong.

Dolio was carrying Mann on her back and was about to take him to the car, when she suddenly felt two pinches in front of her.

She glared at Mann behind her angrily, but she only saw him saying with a playful smile.

"This is much more effective than inhibitors."

"By the way, go find Lao Wei, he can definitely save me."

After saying that, Mann could no longer hold on and fell with his head on Dolio's shoulder.

Dolio immediately helped Mann into the car, turned to David and shouted: "How is it, what are your plans?"

David said frankly: "I might have to trouble you. I'll go to the company square."

Without wasting any more time, everyone crowded into the front of the car and gave up their seats in the back compartment to David.

In the carriage.

David's mechanical bulk occupied most of the space in the back seat. Qiwei connected the prosthetic King Kong data cable to the notebook and quickly helped it debug its functions.

"The prosthetic King Kong is slightly damaged, which does not affect its use."

"But you need to inject inhibitors now, otherwise the high-intensity painful nerve stimulation will cause your will to collapse."

After hearing Qiwei's words, Dorio quickly took out several bottles of green bottles, including respiratory and injection types, and handed them to Qiwei.

"It's Mann's spare. He can't use it now, so give it to him."

Qiwei put a respiratory inhibitor on David's mouth and nose, pressed the switch, and a mist sprayed into his nasal cavity, instantly cooling his brain and lungs.

David said solemnly: "Thank you."

Now his limbs were all huge pieces of machinery and he was squeezed into the trunk. He was unable to complete the injection and could only rely on Qi Wei's help.

Mann was lying in Dolio's arms. He had taken multiple bottles of respiratory suppressants, but his vital signs were still weak.

Rebekah fell asleep on the carriage floor, with Pyrrha taking care of her.

After David inhaled and injected the inhibitor one after another, he felt his whole body cool down, and the burning pain caused by the prosthetic body was relieved a lot.

Qiwei took off the data connection and said in a deep voice: "I suggest you take a rest and replenish your strength."

David closed his eyes, and after a moment, he asked: "You know about my mother, right? She has been hiding it from me."

"We were in a car accident that day, which led to the misunderstanding later."

"Actually, I want to thank you. That money is really important to us."

Qiwei raised her head and glanced at David without saying anything, while Dolio, who was sitting in front, replied.

"The misunderstanding has been resolved. It was also our fault that we were too impulsive at the time and did not understand your situation."

As he spoke, Dolio touched Mann's rough cheek: "Mann has no ill intentions. Anyone who knows him knows that he is a man of faith."

David continued: "So the transaction was completed with the help of Mr. Tang, right? Is the transaction item the Sian Westan that Mann had on him?"

When he arrived at the scene, he noticed that Mann's quick nerve reflexes were so fast that he even moved past the Arasaka Elite Team and couldn't catch up with him.

David received basic cybernetic transformation from Arasaka Company, and because of his field missions, the quality of his prosthetic body was higher than that of other employees of the company.

Similarly, he also implanted Si'an Westan, but the effect was much worse than Mann's.

Dolio admitted David's guess. When things have developed to this point, there is no need to hide it.

She could foresee that David would definitely have Tang Yu's help when he joined Arasaka. In addition, he was Gloria's son. He had just rescued Mann, so he was considered a member of the same camp.

"You just ambushed Mann. The man you killed was named Faraday. He was the middleman we contacted before. Later, due to various things, we switched to Gloria to take over the job, and we basically had no contact with him."

"Perhaps out of competitiveness, Faraday seized this opportunity and wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of his opponent."

"Not long ago, we just took an order from Faraday and came here to hijack the goods, and that's when we met you."

"Moreover, this matter seems to have also affected Mr. Tang. Behind Faraday, Mann also has the support of Arasaka Company executives."

David's heart suddenly tightened, and he supported Faraday's company executives.

The first thing that came to his mind was the old woman, Director of Special Operations Susan Abernathy.

There will be no other person except her.

This operation was kept strictly confidential, and she was the person who approved it.

The convoy was inexplicably attacked in such a remote area of ​​the desert, and the middleman Faraday arranged for the Mann team to be entrusted, and even the Arasaka elite team was dispatched.

His entire action was exposed in the eyes of the enemy. Unexpectedly, the person who attacked Arasaka's convoy in the end was actually Arasaka's people.

David only found it ironic. He didn't understand it before. Carter Smith in the company was involved in corporate struggles and his whereabouts were unknown. Deputy Minister Kate died after being removed from the company.

Now he understands clearly that from the moment he joins the company, everyone is attacking each other, and only the person who survives to the end is qualified to ascend to the throne of power.


He had new feelings and understandings of what Tang Yu said and did. Like him, he was involved in factional struggles and fought openly and openly with Susan Abernathy and others, facing life and death danger at all times.

Assassination, expulsion, power seizure, frame-up, etc. are all inevitable means of struggle to be dealt with.

David had extreme doubts about himself and felt that he could never be like Tang Yu.

He doesn't like such a world of intrigue and intrigue. There is no trust, no friendship, no help. There is only cruelty and strife where everything is supreme and the winner takes all.

Taking a few deep breaths, he filtered out the distracting thoughts.

He knew that a product launch conference was being held in the company square, and the person in charge of organizing it was Tang Yu.

He must intercept the goods before they arrive at the company square. If the goods in another armored vehicle are an implant similar to the prosthetic King Kong, then there may be big problems at the press conference, and even Tang Yu will be in danger. .

Think about this.

David Yi's eyes rolled around and he quickly sent the situation here to Tang Yu to facilitate him to make countermeasures.

Company square, product launch site.

An Arasaka armed floating convoy came into the air and slowly landed surrounded by various armed forces.

Tang Yu is wearing special glasses and preparing to watch the upcoming product launch conference.

Meredith stood beside him and asked with a smile: "You guys are making quite a fuss this time. Are you sure you can control the situation?"

Tang Yu replied calmly: "It's hard to say, it depends on the other party's methods, but if you play too much, you will always get burned."

Meredith smiled: "I can't protect you, but it's okay to protect your people."

After the floating car stopped safely, the door slid open automatically, and a group of samurai bodyguards came forward to protect the surrounding area.

Yorinobu Arasaka personally stepped out of the floating car and immediately became the focus of the audience.

Prince Arasaka has arrived in Night City, making his first public appearance and promoting new products that will be released soon.

Behind Yori Xuan was Adam Hammer, whose black mechanical body looked like a demon.

Adam Hammer's scarlet prosthetic eyes scanned the entire audience coldly, his cold eyes seeming to be looking down at a large swarm of ants.

He carried a silver safe and followed Arasaka without saying a word.

The last person to step out of the floating car is Anderson Herman. He will serve as the introductory host of this conference and promote the product to everyone present.

Herman's eyes were eager and he looked around, until he saw Tang Yu's figure, he felt a little more at ease.

He was a little worried that if Tang Yu's plan went ahead, Adam's hammer would crush his head with one palm.

Tang Yu confirmed that Arasaka Yorinobu and Adam Heavy Hammer left the Kanbi Building, and then sent a message to V, indicating that she and Jack could take action.

As soon as the message was sent, he received a message from David.

The unidentified cargo was heading towards the company square, and someone was preparing to attack Gloria.

Tang Yu gently raised his wine glass towards Aunt Mei.

"Then I'll trouble you."

None tonight!

PS: Change it first and then post it. Try to make a million dollars this week.

Thanks to the following donors for the reward!

Lime 1.00

Preparing for the Rising Moon Path Sequence 1 30.00

Preparing for the Rising Moon Path Sequence 1 15.00

The sender has returned, Qidian Reading iOS 1.95

Preparing for the Rising Moon Path Sequence 1 15.00

unTornished, Qidian Reading iOS 5.00

Wei Xia Pot 50.00

Blackwatch s1 6.00

Night Book 880.00

Nine paintings in one stroke 1.00

DeathEaters 15.00

zjdsdzj 5.00

Flat-headed Brother Nanfu King 1.00

Third Emperor Guilliman 1,000.00

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