Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 215 You are looking for death

Company Square.

As Yorinobu Arasaka arrived at the scene, the press conference officially began.

The invited guests also calmed down, put on special glasses in cooperation, looked towards the center of the disk, and prepared to immerse themselves in watching this high-profile product launch.

The conference site is divided into three major areas.

The glass mirror screen in the center of the disk is the holographic projection explanation area, and detailed data such as product appearance, parameter performance, etc. will be enlarged and restored in proportion.

There is a physical exhibition area set up on the edge of the glass mirror curtain, and the silver suitcase containing the physical product is placed on the pedestal, waiting quietly for the unveiling.

Outside the cordon of the exhibition area, there is a designated audience area. Invited guests gather here and can visit the physical product up close after watching the product launch explanation.

The guests invited to this massive product launch conference in Arasaka were all celebrities from the upper echelons of society, and the security and confidentiality work was extremely strict.

Everyone present held their breath and had been looking forward to this conference for a long time. They were very curious about what kind of surprise this newly released product developed by Arasaka Company would bring to them.

The keynote speaker, Anderson Herman, came to the product display area in the exhibition area, and the audience's eyes moved accordingly. The Relic biochip, which was about to be released to the world, was stored in a sterile vacuum thermostatic safe.

"Soul, the eternal topic of mankind."

As the opening remarks rang in the ears, the sky spread out and enveloped the entire company square. In an instant, everyone was brought into the boundless starry sky and fantasy sea, like a dream.

"We had hoped that after our relatives, friends, and companions left us, they would still accompany us in the starry night sky."

Following his words, the stars lit up one by one, gathering around everyone, quietly surrounding them, floating in the mid-air, flickering.

"Some people say that the soul is our thoughts, while others say that the soul is our consciousness and our feelings."

"But what I want to say today is that the soul may be an algorithm, a program, a line of data, a string of codes, symbols, and binary systems."

"Actually, the soul is also a number."

Countless stars flickered faintly, flying lightly like a swarm of fireflies, flowing and overflowing, and finally converged in the same direction, condensing into a pattern logo - the Arasaka emblem.

"Arasaka officially launches a new generation of digital soul product-relic biochip."

"With this product, the soul is no longer an illusory thought, but an object that can actually be seen, heard, and even communicated with."

"This means that when our loved ones, friends, companions, and lovers leave us, we can meet them in another way."

"Even you can save your soul digitally and start a new life again."

The words just fell.

All the guests looked up at the stars and couldn't help but marvel.

"Oh my god! Is this the latest developed digital soul technology?"

"The relic biochip is a product that can carry the soul. With this chip, you have the key to the eternal soul. It's really amazing!"

"Being able to develop such a special product, Arasaka may rise again this time. If it is successfully launched, I will definitely buy this product and service."

One or two sporadic applause began to appear in the crowd, and then the whole place erupted into waves of clapping and applause, cheering enthusiastically for Arasaka's epoch-making product.

Looking down from the company square, there is nothing special about the disk. You can only see the crowd looking at the disk screen with enthusiastic and excited expressions.

Tang Yu held the wine glass and calmly watched everything in front of him. It was completely expected that the relic biochip caused such a fanatical response.

Immortal technology is what everyone with vested privileged interests desires.

Meredith, who was standing nearby, was also secretly shocked. She didn't expect that Arasaka's latest product was a Relic biochip.

Military Technology has already mastered some information about this technology, but due to the high level of Arasaka's confidentiality measures, it has been unable to obtain key information.

Today, Arasaka announced it openly. Is it really successful?

Meredith realizes that if this chip is successfully developed, Arasaka will truly rule the entire high-level human soul, and his control over the world will reach an unprecedented peak.

She put away her smile, looked solemn, and asked seriously: "This product originated from the soul killer program, is it really successful?"

If the relic chip is really as described in the press conference, then Saburo Arasaka can continue to rule Arasaka Company in the state of digital soul.

Meredith felt that Arasaka Yorinobu was unlikely to let this happen, and that this conference had other intentions.

Tang Yu just replied calmly: "Soon."


The performance parameters of the relic biochip have also been announced.

[RELIC 2.0 prototype specifications]


[License level: P0]

[Project Supervision: Anders Herrmann]

[Basic algorithm: "Soul Killer" v.2.311.8-B, RELIC 1.0 "Guard your soul\

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