Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 216 Interesting

Company Square.

At the edge of the glass mirror screen on the top of the disk, the product launch conference was unexpectedly terminated. Many onlookers took off their glasses, deeply surprised by the sudden situation in front of them.

They originally thought it was a product launch, but in the blink of an eye, it seemed to have turned into a widespread drama within the company.

Arasaka Corporation senior executive, Special Operations Director Susan Abernathy, was crushed into flesh and blood by some mysterious force.

The person who caused all this seems to be another senior executive of Arasaka Company, Tang Yu, the director of Arasaka Public Relations Department who organized the press conference.

In the blink of an eye, the person disappeared out of thin air.

This ability beyond cognition shocked and surprised everyone present.

Rather than fleeing the scene in panic, they prefer to stay here to witness more miracles and believe that the security forces of major companies can maintain order on the scene.

Some people even thought that this was also part of the press conference, and that Tang Yu's mysterious ability to control the force field belonged to some kind of supernatural science recently developed by Arasaka.

The audience had surprised expressions on their faces, their eyes were shining, and they were discussing the current situation in whispers.

"Did Mr. Tang snap his fingers just now? Using force that can crush people to death out of thin air, how did you do it?"

"Arasaka presented quite a few surprises today. The 'Digital Soul' technology relic biochip is still one step away from completing the final clinical trial, but it feels like it is not far from success. Now that Mr. Tang still has the mysterious ability, is it possible? Is this also the result of Arasaka’s exclusive research?”

"No, Arasaka just made an announcement and Mr. Tang was suspended. This situation is more like an internal fight between companies. Is the hawk and the dove fighting?"

Many people made assumptions based on the intelligence they received and cast doubtful eyes on Michiko.

It has been rumored by the outside world that Tang Yu is the backbone of the dove faction, and his two promotions are directly related to Michiko.

Now Tang Yu seems to be facing off with Arasaka Yorinobu, which shows that the two factions may officially break up and fight around the Arasaka Tower that dominates the City of Night.

But they unexpectedly discovered that little Michiko looked equally astonished. She was stunned in place without saying a word. She clenched the wine glass in her hand tightly and looked extremely nervous.

Seeing little Michiko's performance, everyone became even more confused about the current situation.

Why did Tang Yu do this?

Was the sudden suspension because the waiters rioted and snatched R\u0026D products?

And now he seems to be taking a heavy shot at Adam, which has made his attitude and position clear.

The Arasaka drama has just begun. Although the surrounding security forces tried to persuade the onlookers to leave the scene, no one moved.

The opportunity to see such a scene on the front line is probably unique in this life.

Meredith recovered from the shock and immediately summoned military technology and security to protect and evacuate her company's top executives. To ensure safety, even armed aerospace vehicles and smart mechas were mobilized.

She knew that Tang Yu would never fight an unprepared battle.

Since he chose to take action today, he would definitely be sure to kill everyone, and it was unknown what the situation around them would be like.

You must know that Adam Hammer is known as a war machine, and it may not be enough to cause madness in the entire company square.

Meredith secretly persuaded several board members one by one to get on an armed float vehicle to watch the show high above the company square.

at this time.

Tang Yu was surrounded by many Arasaka special service teams. Black hole machine guns were pointed at him, and there were even anesthesia guns and stun guns.

The special service team did not act rashly. Now Tang Yu is only suspended and has not been expelled from the company. He is still a senior executive of the company and is protected by the company's rules.

Without clear instructions from their superiors, the SWAT team did not dare to shoot rashly.

Susan Abernathy, who was able to give orders before, has died inexplicably, and the SWAT team is still hesitating who to listen to.

Logically speaking, Director Arasaka and two members of the Arasaka family were present at the press conference, with the highest ranking member being Arasaka Yorinobu.

Arasaka Yorinobu did not give the order, and coupled with the psychological pressure caused by the mysterious death of Special Operations Director Susan Abernathy, the heavily armed SWAT team could only hold their rifles steady and nervously wait for instructions.

Tang Yu, who was at the center of the storm, acted very calm.

He had already anticipated this situation in his mind.

If you want to strike a balance between Yorinobu and Saburo, you must move the two of them away from attacking each other to aiming at other targets.

Tang Yu is willing to be the target in exchange for the peace of everyone around him.

He still remembered Arasaka Yorinobu's words back then.

‘Since a nuclear bomb can’t destroy Arasaka, then turn yourself into a bomb. ’

But it's different now.

What Tang Yu wanted to say was that since Yori Xuan couldn't destroy Arasaka even if he turned into a bomb, it would be better to let him turn into a sword and hang it over Saburo Arasaka's head.

The world may not be a better place, but at least destruction can be avoided.

Think about this.

Tang Yu decided to show Arasaka Yorinobu a real humanoid nuclear bomb.

At this time.

Adam Hammer, shrouded in a high-pressure field, flashed his prosthetic eyes rapidly, locked onto Tang Yu in an instant, raised his arm to aim the barrel, and suddenly fired a missile.

After the missile came out, it fell to the ground for a certain distance under the influence of gravity. After breaking out of the force field, it quickly recovered speed and shot towards Tang Yu along the predetermined trajectory.

Arasaka Yorinobu's pupils shrank suddenly, and he watched helplessly as the missile flew to Tang Yu with its tail flames flying.

But the expected explosion did not happen.

I saw Tang Yu snap his fingers again, and the missile that was close to him raised its head uncontrollably, flew upward at almost 90 degrees, hit several drones in mid-air and exploded instantly.

This miraculous scene completely confirmed everyone present.

That mysterious force field supernatural ability is completely controlled by Tang Yu alone.

He can control force fields!

Tang Yu used the changes in the force field around him to change the direction of the missile, which deeply shocked everyone present.

Seeing this situation, Arasaka Yorinobu immediately ordered: "Adam Hammer was promoted to the commander-in-chief of security. Take down Tang Yu. I want him alive. Anyone who violates this will be fired from the company."

The appointment order was generated immediately, and all Arasaka Company members on site received the notice, including Tang Yu.

Since Tang Yu replaced the force field, Adam's heavy hammer lightened his body, and the heavy pressure covering his whole body disappeared, muttering in his mouth.

"Controlling the force field. Interesting, interesting!"

Adam Zhonghammer turned around and faced Tang Yu directly. He did not choose to take action immediately, but escorted Arasaka Yorinobu to the floating vehicle.

Arasaka Yorinobu asked his bodyguard to take the safe from Adam Heavy Hammer. Before leaving, he looked back at Michiko and ordered her to get in the car together.

Little Michiko hesitated, but after looking at Tang Yu, she boarded the float vehicle with Arasaka Yorinobu and left the scene.

After Adam Heavy escorted the two away, he decided to let Tang Yu warm up first and immediately ordered the special service team to launch an attack.

With instructions from their superiors, the SWAT team was just about to take aim and pull the trigger.

A larger force field spread, with Tang Yu as the center, instantly overturning all the special service teams surrounding him and pushing them into the air.

Tang Yu turned his hands and pressed down, and the special service team that flew to high altitude accelerated downward again.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Everyone who fell to the ground fell into a puddle of mud, splashing with red blood flowers.

The sudden tragedy caused many people present to cover their eyes in fear, and even more people marveled at Tang Yu's mysterious power and marveled.

After a special service team was killed, more Arasaka armed forces deployed in the company square began to attack Tang Yu, and a steady stream of Arasaka elite teams came out of the Arasaka Tower.

However, due to the presence of many celebrities and high-level officials at the scene, as well as Arasaka Yorinobu's order to capture people alive, the surrounding turrets and mechas have not yet been activated.

The Arasaka Samurai bodyguard pulled out his long sword, activated his Sian Westan ability, and quickly bypassed the crowd and killed Tang Yu directly.

Before several people could get close, strange forces fell out of thin air, interrupting the rapid movement of several people.

The few people who arrived first were stunned on the spot with long knives in their hands, motionless, and collapsed to the ground after a moment.

A small hole was drilled through the top of their heads and penetrated from the bottom of their crotches.

And there is an extremely deep hole in the ground that runs through them, even penetrating the base of the disc.


Tang Yu turned on bullet time, and their moving speed was no different from the slow-motion video.

After Adam Heavy Hammer saw Tang Yu's methods, his originally expressionless scarlet prosthetic eyes started to move slightly.

"Very good, the little trick is good, you are qualified to die at my feet."

Just now, Arasaka's bodyguard killed with a knife and activated Si'an Westan. Although the speed seemed slow to him, it was fast enough for ordinary people.

And since Tang Yu can distinguish the actions of these people with his naked eyes and control the force field to kill them, it means that Tang Yu has more tricks up his sleeve.

After the Arasaka security team launched the first wave of offensive, more people rushed up from the stairs on all sides of the disk to join the battle.

In mid-air, on the decks of several Arasaka armed floating vehicles, a steady stream of special service teams rappelled down.

Multiple drones above the head fired electric shock bullets one after another, and bullets with blue arcs shot out one after another, all aimed at the same target.

Tang Yu snapped his fingers again, and the bullets seemed to be fixed by invisible forces, hovering above his head, forming a dense net of arc bullets.

It was like Tang Yu was holding a powerful protective umbrella, blocking all incoming bullets. No matter how many electric shock bullets poured down, they just couldn't penetrate.

Tang Yu pointed his fingertips upward, and all the electric shock bullets immediately shot out in the opposite direction and returned according to their original trajectory.

Boom, boom, boom.

One after another, the drones were hit by electric shock bullets, sparkling with lightning, swaying for a while before crashing and hitting the ground, rising into explosions of fireworks.

Even some of the special service members who rappelled and hung in the air were affected by the electric shock bullets. After being shot, they twitched and couldn't hold on to the rope. After struggling for a while, they still fell down.

at the same time.

More Arasaka bodyguards arrived. They were dressed in black Arasaka uniforms, raised their long knives high, gathered from the steps on both sides of the disk, and slashed at Tang Yu in the middle.

Tang Yu stretched out his palm and turned it face down, pressing it gently.

A larger gravity field instantly enveloped these two groups of people.

The Arasaka bodyguards were trapped by the invisible gravity pressure. While running, they all staggered and fell to their knees, knocking down a large group of them.

They knelt on their knees and held onto the ground with their hands, but the strong pressure made it difficult for them to support them. They could only grit their teeth and resist tenaciously.

Tang Yu's palm sank again.


Arasaka's bodyguards immediately fell down one after another, and many of the fragile bones of their hands and feet were broken. Only some who had been implanted with titanium alloy bone prostheses could still hold on for a while.

Tang Yu continued to use his force field talent with super intensity, and felt that some kind of power in his body was rapidly being drained. To be precise, it was more like mental power.

This feeling is similar to the feeling of using "weak electric energy control". It also consumes mental energy and can cause fatigue and sleepiness. In severe cases, it can even cause dizziness and headaches.

The epic-quality ‘Tenacity’ talent is working non-stop to restore the body’s fatigue and patience.

However, mental energy consumption recovery is different from physical rest. Overuse needs to be avoided and there is a certain buffer time.

Tang Yu judged that within a few breaths, most of his mental strength would be restored.

He put away his palms, and the pressure on the heads of all the Arasaka bodyguards in the audience immediately disappeared, but some of them could no longer stand up.

The Arasaka bodyguards who withstood the heavy pressure stood up again one after another. They struck the ground with their swords and activated their full-body combat implants, with red light flowing throughout their bodies.

After the warm-up was completed, he roared angrily and raised his knife to kill.

Tang Yu bent down and picked up a long knife from the ground and turned it over. It felt average, but it was enough to harvest heads.

He looked calmly at Adam Heavy Hammer, who was standing not far away, without paying any attention to the rushing crowd.

From the beginning of the battle, he didn't move an inch, and large pieces of flesh and blood were already splattered all over his body.

Adam Heavy Hammer remained motionless, paying no attention to the Arasaka bodyguards who were littered with casualties, and the desire for battle began to appear in his eyes.

But he held back, wanting to see with his own eyes what Tang Yu was really capable of before taking action.

Seeing Tang Yu's actions, everyone onlookers held their breath, and everyone's expressions were shocked.

This battle scene beyond their cognition almost left them speechless, completely forgetting the dangerous situation they were in.

Everyone is looking forward to what abilities he will show next.


The movement speed is completely invisible, so fast that it disappears in place like a flash.

Tang Yu raised his knife and took the initiative to rush into the crowd of Arasaka bodyguards.

There will be another chapter later.

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