Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 217 Human Treasures

"According to front-line live broadcast reports, violent chaos is currently taking place in the company square. It is speculated that the cause was caused by the accident at the product launch conference of Arasaka Company. Tang Yu, the general person in charge of the product launch conference and Arasaka Public Relations Department, bears the main responsibility for the accident, and Arasaka has made it public. Suspension"

"Friends in the audience, the following is a major news for this city. There is currently a violent confrontation in the company square. It is confirmed that it is Tang Yu, the senior executive of Arasaka Company. He was suspended and arrested for violating the company's instructions and sabotaging the Arasaka product launch conference. Tang Yu is currently Resisting arrest with violence.”

"It's incredible, it's incredible. Today's Kuai Kuai Kuai Talk column really has explosive information to talk about. Just now, Arasaka invited celebrities from all over the Night City to the company square to secretly hold a product event. The press conference is strictly confidential, so no one knows what products will be released, but the key is that Arasaka is fighting with himself!"

"This is where News 54 goes straight to the front line. A violent confrontation between high-level executives occurred at Arasaka Company. Two members of the Arasaka family arrived at the scene in person."

"WNS World News Agency brings you the latest major news. Tang Yu, the senior executive of Arasaka Company, is using some mysterious ability and refuses to cooperate with the execution of Arasaka Company's instructions. He is currently suspended."

Gloria kept pressing the TV remote control, changing several TV programs one after another, and found that all of them were reporting on the Company Plaza incident, which was widely spread.

She stared at the screen anxiously, unable to believe that the person involved in this incident that caused a sensation in the city and even spread around the world was actually Tang Yu.

What happened to Tang Yu there, why he was suspended from the company, and how he conflicted with Arasaka.

She wanted to understand all these questions, otherwise she would feel restless as if her heart was on fire.

Nowadays, the company square has been completely closed. Even the live broadcast of news can only be shot from a very high altitude. Due to the shielding and interference signal, the movement of the company square in the picture is very blurry.

But before the accident, a clearer picture came out.

Gloria seemed to see David's figure, the huge mechanical monster, in the messy picture.

But she wasn't sure, because the big mechanical figure was too big, covering most of the human body, and the crowd was so crowded that she couldn't see clearly.

Before he could take more pictures, the mechanical giant seemed to have fainted and was hoisted into the building by the Arasaka company's aerial vehicle.

Halfway through the news broadcast, Gloria couldn't sit still anymore, stood up and said to Sasha beside her.

"Sasha, let's go to the company square to find Mr. Tang!"

A glimmer of light flashed in Sasha's eyes. When he saw the news, he could no longer suppress his emotions and wanted to rush to the company square.

But Tang Yu had explained in advance that she must protect Gloria's personal safety and must stay in Tang Yu's apartment until Tang Yu's order was lifted, so she suppressed her thoughts.

Now Gloria offered to go to the company square to find Tang Yu. She couldn't help but agreed quickly.

As soon as he reached the door, Sasha tried to use his identity authentication to open the door, but found that the permission was temporarily disabled and he could not open the door.

Her permission to open the door was given to her by Tang Yu when she was still living with Tang Yu, but now special circumstances have arisen and she cannot use it at all.

Sasha glanced at Gloria and wanted to ask her opinion. It was not difficult for her to break through the door, but she couldn't do it against Tang Yu's instructions.

Gloria quickly understood what Sasha meant, and suddenly showed a look of pain on her face. She covered her abdomen and said with difficulty: "Sasha, hurry up, I have a stomachache and I have to go to the hospital. If it's later, it may be too late."

"Sasha understands!" Sasha turned his eyes and decisively hacked into the access control system, bypassing the permissions set by Tang Yu, and unlocked the access control with three clicks, two divided by two.

Tang Yu set the order to protect Gloria first. This was a prerequisite. Now that she was feeling unwell and needed to be sent to the hospital, it was reasonable for Sasha to break the door bar.

The gate slowly opened, but before the two of them stepped out, they found a group of guards on duty outside, standing solemnly in uniform.

Sasha knew that these guards were all arranged by Tang Yu to protect their personal safety.

She explained to the tour leader that Gloria was not feeling well and had to go to a public health center.

Going there happens to be in the same direction as going to the company square, so you can find a chance to meet Tang Yu.

The team leader looked at Gloria and found that her face was indeed in pain, but because of the instructions from her superiors, she advised: "We have an accompanying team doctor here who can diagnose and treat you."

Gloria pretended to be annoyed and asked: "Can your team doctor also treat obstetrics and gynecology problems?"

Maternity issues?

Sasha glanced at Gloria strangely, but just thought it was an excuse she came up with.

The team leader hesitated for a moment and had to order the team to escort Gloria to the hospital.


Gloria and Sasha were escorted downstairs by the security team and got into their cars.

Multiple armed vehicles were escorted, drones overhead were patrolling and alerting in advance, and further up there were armed aerial vehicles to cooperate with the protection.

Such a large outing attracted the attention of many passers-by on the streets of Watson, thinking that some company was traveling on an important mission.

The convoy set off directly towards the Valley Regional Public Medical Center.

After the two got in the car, Gloria sat in the passenger seat, her expression returned to normal, and she asked Sasha, who was driving next to her, with a smile: "How is it? Is your acting good?"

Sasha sincerely praised her, gave a thumbs up and said, "Sasha feels like it! Her acting skills are great!"

Gloria smiled, suddenly clutching her abdomen and groaning in pain.


Sasha noticed something was wrong with her and asked seriously: "Are you really feeling uncomfortable?"

Gloria quickly concealed her emotions and said with a smile: "Oh, look, I have deceived Sasha again."

Sasha shook his head helplessly and concentrated on driving.


The armed vehicles that were escorting them on the left and right began to slowly approach their car, getting closer and closer.

Sasha realized something was wrong and quickly called the team leader to ask about the situation.

The team leader quickly verified and confirmed, calling the two armed vehicles that were about to collide several times, but there was no response. Realizing that something was wrong, the team leader immediately replied seriously to Sasha.

"Be careful, they are out of control!"

Sasha frowned suddenly and quickly applied the brakes.

With the sudden braking and deceleration, the armed vehicles approaching from the left and right sides collided with each other, rolled over, and slid far away to the ground.

The team leader hurriedly called: "There is an enemy attack, everyone calls the signal!"

The team leader quickly determined the number of people who were out of control. There were currently two armed vehicles under enemy control, and hurriedly alerted Sasha.

"Be careful with car No. 2 and No. 5, it's out of control."

Sasha stabilized the brakes of the car and saw Gloria next to her being restrained by the seat belt. She asked with concern: "Be careful, are you injured?"

Gloria also realized that the situation was critical, and after confirming that she was okay, she also took out the Four Seasons Treasure and held it tightly in her hand.

"I'm fine, be careful, I'm afraid the other party is not simple."

Sasha's prosthetic eye opened the scan and quickly confirmed that vehicle No. 2 and No. 5 was making a sudden turn and heading towards this direction.

After she locked the target, she directly invaded and implanted the virus remotely, instantly burning the head of the driver of Car No. 2. Car No. 2 lost control and crashed to the side.

When she locked onto car No. 5 and was about to burn her head as well, her vision suddenly went dark and she couldn't see anything. She could only hear the sound in her ears.

"We know who you are, it's time for you to sleep."

The words just fell.

Sasha lowered his head as if a computer was down, and his hands feebly left the steering wheel.

Gloria was shocked when she saw Sasha had an accident and an off-road vehicle was speeding towards her.

She lowered the window, stretched out her pistol, and ordered: "Sijibao, headshot!"

Bang bang bang.

Gloria pulled the trigger frantically, blasting out all the bullets.

Sijibao: "Wow, really! Good! So good! Good! It hurts! Fast~"

The bullets rushed towards each other with smoke at their tails, hitting the vehicle directly and exploding the windshield. All the bullets that followed fell into the car, hitting everyone in the head.

The out-of-control vehicle bumped into the side, and the security team also reacted and got out of the car to set up a safety line and disperse irrelevant vehicles on the road.

The team leader ran to the car and asked solemnly: "Are you still safe? The drivers of the four cars that lost control just now had insufficient ICE protection levels and encountered some unknown electronic virus invasion, and their behavior was out of control."

Gloria was about to answer, but she only heard a pop, and the leader standing outside the car window had his eyes wide open and his mouth open in extreme pain.

"Close the window and run away."

A sharp blade appeared out of thin air, piercing the leader's heart and lungs, and then lifted it upwards, splitting it in two.

Gloria was so horrified that she almost instantly raised the car window to block the ghostly killer outside.

She couldn't see the figure of the other party, but could only see a long stainless steel knife dripping with blood, as if it was held by an invisible hand.


The long knife suddenly stabbed out again, piercing the bulletproof glass window, causing a circle of spider web cracks. The tip of the knife had already broken through the glass, and penetrated a little edge.

"You must pay with your life for my brother."

Gloria did not dare to neglect. She turned her prosthetic eyes and activated the vehicle's automatic driving function. The car quickly retreated again, trying to escape the ghost's pursuit.

The security team fired wildly at the invisible ghost, but they failed to reveal his true form.

The invisible ghost teleported between the security teams and cut them all in half.

Seeing this scene, Gloria was so frightened that she had to speed up the vehicle to escape, but there were too many congested vehicles behind her blocking the way.

The invisible ghost finished taking care of the security team and disappeared again.

Gloria quickly reloaded Si Ji Bao and looked around cautiously.


There was the sound of heavy footsteps on the roof of the car, and then a knife tip stabbed down, breaking through the roof armor and creating a small hole.

Gloria didn't dare to shoot rashly and quickly pointed the gun at the roof of the car.

But this time, the other party took action, and saw a samurai sword with a hot red light slicing open the roof of the car, creating a large gap.

Gloria took the time to unbuckle Sasha's seat belt and tried desperately to drag her out of the car, but she was like a ghost and could not be seen at all.

A square hole was cut into the roof of the car, and the iron plate armor fell on the back seat.

Gloria fired again without hesitation. The bullet passed through the gap in the roof of the car and shot towards the head of the invisible target.

The opponent seemed to be afraid, and he quickly drew his sword and slashed in an attempt to stop the bullet.

Gloria got the chance, quickly opened the car door, pushed Sasha out, and started the car again.

She held the steering wheel with one hand, raised the Sijibao with the other, and fired several shots again. Bullets flew out of the hole in the roof of the car, blocking the opponent's progress.

"His target is me, Sasha, nothing will happen to you."

With a firm gaze, Gloria stepped on the accelerator and drove forward, trying to lure the other party away from here and ensure Sasha's safety.

A few seconds after the vehicle had rushed out, a muffled sound was heard on the rear roof, the vehicle sank, and the front of the vehicle suddenly tilted up for a few seconds, and then it crashed to the side of the road.

Gloria knew that the other party was coming to kill her again, but her gradually fainting consciousness made it impossible for her to resist anymore, and the magazine of the Sijibao in her hand was exhausted.

Sijibao Bullet Image shouted loudly: "It is detected that the user is in a dangerous situation. Urgent reminder to change the magazine!"

The invisible ghost walked over the driver's seat, raised the samurai sword again, and prepared to stab downwards.


Two diamond claws penetrated his abdomen, instantly breaking his electronic invisibility, revealing his true form as a ninja.

I saw Sasha standing behind the ninja, with the sharp claws of both hands piercing his abdomen, and his piercing eyes were like ice.


She opened her hands and cut the person in front of her into several pieces.

After Sasha finished dealing with the invisible ninja, he jumped out of the car neatly, walked to the driver's seat, opened the door, and helped the injured Gloria out.

Gloria, who was in a daze, opened her eyelids feebly and found that it was Sasha.

It’s just that Sasha’s sharp eyes looked a little strange. After a moment of silence, he murmured.

"Thank you, Sasha."

Sasha then picked up Gloria on his back and ran towards the public medical center.

Company Square.

Tang Yu no longer held back and used his imagination to his fullest to massacre Arasaka's security forces in a fancy way.

He wanted everyone present to remember that if he wanted to dominate Night City, he had to carefully weigh his own weight before doing so.

Because there is a person who has not undergone any prosthetic transformation, possesses mysterious powers that are not human, and does not care about any fame or fortune.

There is no choice but to fear him.

And this massacre was just the appetizer.

Tang Yu turned on the unparalleled time and used his talents such as "Tenacity" and "Bullet Time" to maximum effect. Holding a long knife, he quickly dodged into the Arasaka bodyguard team. The speed was so fast that even high-magnification cameras could not capture it.

The machine gun barrels set up all over the field were constantly changing directions, trying to continue to lock on the fast-moving figure, but to no avail.

Because as soon as the figure flashed past, dozens of heads flew up.

When the figure stopped, an extremely strong high-pressure stance came down vertically, crushing the Arasaka bodyguard who rushed forward into a pulp.

Arasaka's bodyguards also started to use Sianwistan, trying to compete to the limit of speed and endurance.

Some of them directly burned the spinal nerves in the back of their heads due to repeated use of Si'an Westan, and fell to the ground wailing.

Some people wanted to keep up with Tang Yu's speed and pushed the prosthetic body to operate at high load at all costs. In the end, the chip exploded and died on the spot.

And that lightning-fast figure accelerated and teleported again and again, even stopping for a moment without even breathing.

He used the mysterious power beyond Si Anwei Stan many times with high intensity, which made everyone present have their jaws dropped.

"This world has such mysterious and perfect powers? Is this the power of genes or a gift from the gods?!"

"Oh my god, is he really still a human being? Yes, his blood, his cells and tissues! Our company needs it, urgently! We are willing to pay any higher price!"

"Mr. Tang has been suspended by Arasaka Company. Yes, come to us. The position of managing director is reserved for you! You decide the salary level!"

"No, no, no, Tang Yu is a treasure trove for mankind and a perfect partner for women. His genes are comparable to those of gods and must be passed on. I am willing to pay any price just to get one night."

Countless people's eyes shone brightly, realizing that Tang Yu, as an original person, had the value of such terrifying and mysterious powers.

Whether it is his ability or his body, they are all rare treasures that are unparalleled in the world.

Whoever gets him will control the direction of humankind's future evolution.

Unrestricted use of native powers is far more powerful than cybernetic transformation, and has great significance in changing the human world!

Everyone at the scene looked at the flowing figure with fascination, killing them wantonly among the crowd, killing almost all Arasaka's living forces.

Adam Zhongham clenched his fists and twisted the mechanical neck. Seeing Tang Yu being sought after by countless people and stealing the show, the desire to fight in his heart became even higher.

He will never admit these rubbish claims. Cyber ​​machinery is the direction for mankind to move forward, and as the strongest cyber warrior in all mankind, he will definitely crush all mankind.

"Perishable meat can never be better than a hard body of steel."

The words just fell.

Adam's heavy hammer mechanical knees sank, activated the torque joints, activated Sianwistan, jumped up high, aimed at Tang Yu's figure and stepped down hard.

Bang! ! !

Smoke and dust were everywhere, and debris was scattered.

The disc suddenly shook violently as if it had been hit by an earthquake, and even cracks appeared on the reinforced concrete surface.

Everyone was staggering in shock and quickly stabilized their bodies, only then did they notice that someone had taken action.

Known as a war machine, the most powerful cyborg with a cybernetic degree approaching 96%, Adam Hammer is the living legend of Night City.

He went to war.

None tonight!

PS: Two small chapters cost almost a few thousand dollars. Instant noodles have really worked hard!

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