Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 218 He must be told


In a blue ocean of data, Lucy's consciousness data condensed and took shape, and successfully merged with the network monitoring deep dive team.

The person in charge of this rare group deep dive operation was senior agent Mosley.

In order to complete the deal with Arasaka, Mosley rushed back to Night City from the headquarters.

In the deep-diving team, in addition to Mosley and Lucy, they also recruited two agents from other areas as much as possible, plus project supervisor Cheever, a total of five people, which is a powerful lineup.

Their main purpose of this operation is to assist and supervise the deep-diving agents of Arasaka Company to summon Ultra Cunningham to negotiate outside the black wall of cyberspace.

The network surveillance team communicated with the Arasaka deep dive agent team, and after a while, the two teams officially met in cyberspace.

In order to ensure the smooth operation of the call, the network monitoring team is in a "stealth" state.

Mosley transmitted the predetermined reliable program channel to the Arasaka deep-diving agent so that both parties could return the same way after climbing over the black wall.

The blue digitalized Mosley raised his palm and moved it gently. The scene around everyone moved quickly, and they arrived in front of the black wall in an instant.

This is where the dedicated channel for network monitoring is located, and it is currently the most stable entry and exit channel in the entire black wall.

There are many blackwall vulnerabilities, but most of the channels are unstable and will change and disappear with the flow of data.

When encountering severe interference and changes in data flow, you may have just climbed over the black wall and cannot find the way out when you look back.

Agent Arasaka took the lead with a summoning tool. The tool contained some of Johnny's memory data and could tentatively attract Ultra Cunningham from the vast old network.

Mosley implanted stealth programs into everyone, which would give them a disguise.

Unless nothing unexpected happens, they are no different from ethereal data fragments and can almost evade all scanning and identification.

Lucy felt that the situation might not be that simple. The reason why she did not refuse to participate in this operation was because she wanted to find out the true purpose of the transaction.

She knew that Tang Yu attached great importance to this matter. Whether it was Johnny Silverhand, Otto Cunningham, the old network flowing AI, or the Cyberspace Matrix, these all had a lot to do with Tang Yu.

While solving these mysteries, it can also solve the knot that has troubled her for a long time.

Before setting off, Mosley gave his final instructions: "After entering the old network, the black wall can no longer provide us with sufficient protection. We must obey instructions in everything, and we are not allowed to escape without permission in an emergency."

In the data state, Lucy couldn't see everyone's expressions, but she could hear Mosley's fear of Otter Cunningham from his tone.

This soul AI, which is on the top blacklist of Internet surveillance, probably has power in the online world that humans cannot imagine.

Everyone followed Mosley, filed through the black wall, and headed to the location as planned.

Bypassing layers of data fragmentation obstacles and electronic viruses, passing by a few confused wandering AIs flying around, it didn't take long to reach the destination.

The Arasaka team has already begun to arrange the summoning program. They only need to release Johnny Silverhand's memory data. The specific algorithm flow of the data will attract things that pay attention to it.

Lucy follows the team, hiding in the broken data matrix around her, waiting for the arrival of Ultra Cunningham.

With the release of Johnny Silverhand's memory data fragments, a series of images about him are played.

"Otto, didn't you say you wouldn't come tonight?"

"Otto, Ott! Can you step on the horse and stop falling out faster than flipping through a book? Are you going to stop recognizing me as soon as you're done having fun?"

"Arasaka must have kidnapped Ultra in order to take revenge on me."

Lucy is no stranger to this summoning ceremony. When she encountered the Voodoo Gang in cyberspace, it was Tang Yu who used the memory of Johnny Silverhand in his mind to summon Ultra.

She believed that Otto would definitely come, but he might not be as tolerant as last time.

Mosley and others were prepared and did not dare to slack off in meeting Ott outside the black wall.

After a while.

A giant red data figure came from far and near. The huge data group was like a mountain, overlooking the people below, giving a full sense of oppression.

It's Otter Cunningham!

Even though it was the second time she saw Ultra, Lucy couldn't help but feel horrified, because this time Ultra was obviously 'stronger' than the last time, and Ultra was still growing stronger on top of the old network. Not stopping at all.

Lucy couldn't imagine how far Ultra had 'learned', and even doubted whether the fragile Blackwall AI could keep up with Ultra's pace of evolution.

Perhaps Ultra has already been able to tear through the black wall, but she may be waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity that completely changes the human world.

The Arasaka deep dive agent quickly expressed the purpose of his trip and asked Ott Cunningham how to destroy the soul killer program.

"Sir Yori Xuan wants to make this deal with you, and we will try our best to meet your requirements."

Otter Cunningham looked down at Agent Arasaka, his broad and profound tone as mysterious as the deep sea, echoing in the endless cyberspace.

"The body that binds consciousness is the biggest obstacle to human ignorance."

"I am no longer myself, and you will also usher in a new life."

Before the Arasaka deep dive agents could get the answer they wanted, rays of light appeared from the void and penetrated directly above their heads.


The Arasaka deep-diving agents all held their heads and howled in agony!

Soul killer?

Mosley and others were also shocked. They never expected that Ott Cunningham would not give Arasaka any chance.

He immediately ordered: "Mark Otter Cunningham! Retreat immediately!"

"What?!" Lucy was extremely surprised. She didn't understand the order from Mosley's mouth. She dared to mark Otter Cunningham at this time. What was the difference between asking for death?

If network surveillance could tag Ott Cunningham, it would be able to track her whereabouts and curb her actions in a targeted manner.

Mosley's ideas are good, but the results may not be satisfactory.

A thin data beam was seen shooting from Mosley's eyes, directly hitting Ott Cunningham, and quickly melting into her body. This blatant act immediately attracted Ott's attention.

The level of concealment program of network surveillance is very high. Even Ott Cunningham would find it difficult to detect their presence without carefully searching the vicinity.

But now that the location is actively exposed, even if there is a concealment program on the body, it will be quickly screened out.

Before Lucy had time to escape, she felt that the data body was firmly fixed, and the flow of large-scale data around her was stagnant.


Mosley quickly countered and attacked Ott.

"Hurry up"

Before he finished speaking, the same light penetrated his head, and he was immediately treated the same as the Arasaka deep-diving agent.

Lucy's heart was beating wildly and she didn't dare to look back at this scene. The four people behind her started wailing pitifully one after another.

She could only close her eyes and prepare to face the same fate.

Wait until everything calms down.

She felt a little strange, as if the light was not penetrating her brain.

Slowly opening her eyes, Lucy found herself inside a black wall, back to where she started.

She quickly raised her head and looked outside the black wall vertical fence, and found Otto floating outside, quietly overlooking.

"Why." Lucy was surprised and confused that Otto would take the initiative to let her go.

Otter Cunningham was speechless and stared at her for a moment before drifting away.

Lucy was left in shock, frozen in place for no apparent reason.

"Cough cough cough"

In the safe house, Lucy coughed suddenly and struggled to get up from the water tank covered with ice slag.

Regardless of the pain, she pulled out the deep dive port on the back of her head and had to tell Tang Yu everything.

Arasaka and the network surveillance agents were all burned to death. Otto Cunningham had no intention of cooperating. The most important thing was that Otto actually let him go.

Lucy could smell the conspiracy in this, which was related to what Tang Yu cared about most.

She was covered in water and didn't bother to wipe it off. She stumbled and lay down on the sofa in the living room. She turned her eyes around and called Tang Yu, but found that no one answered for a long time.

Lucy retracted her gaze, and when she was about to send a message to Tang Yu, she saw the broadcast content on the projection TV.

The pupils suddenly narrowed.

"Tang Yu?!"

Champy Building.

V disconnected from Xiao Ping Tou, who had just used Xiao Ping Tou to defeat the hotel security hacker and unlock the penthouse suite.

Now she can go directly to the rooftop and reach her destination, Arasaka Yorinobu's suite.

In instant messaging.

Jack: "Girl, how's the mission going? I've got my eye on Dexter. I can't believe we have to kill him."

V: "This is Night City. Anyway, he is not a good guy. Tang said that the fat black man killed his best friend. Do you know who it is?"

Jack: "How did I know? He doesn't have many friends. If you think about it, only Wei and I are alive and well, not to mention the gang in his company. None of them are good."

V: "I've got it all done here. I'll be ready to come up soon. Keep in touch."

V picked up the scabbard from the guest room table, went out, and walked straight to the public elevator.

She happened to pass by two security guards and walked toward her guest room when she overheard the conversation.

"Received, the access to room 1506 has been stopped. We will be there soon."

V felt that the situation was abnormal. Room 1506 was the room Tang Yu opened for her. Why was it suddenly deactivated?

She immediately hurried to the elevator and pressed the lift button.

Suddenly, she heard the security guard who had just passed by at the other end of the hotel corridor turn back and shout loudly.

"Hello, please wait a moment! Your hotel permission has been suspended! You need to cooperate with us."

V didn't care, he rushed in as soon as the elevator door opened, leading directly to the top floor, Arasaka Yorinobu's room.

After arriving in the room, she pulled out the long knife 'Jue', walked to the floor where the target cargo was hidden, and stabbed it with the knife.

The sharp blade was inserted into the crack of the floor mechanism, and then pried hard.

Under the influence of strong external force, the hidden mechanism was severely damaged. A few sparks popped out, and a desk rose.

at this time.

A large number of hotel security teams could be heard coming upstairs. V ignored the hacking switch and once again inserted the blade of his knife into the gap between the desk mechanism and forcibly pried open the protective panel.

When she saw the target cargo, a black suitcase, she immediately picked it up.

Jack said anxiously in the communication: "Sister, something seems wrong. It seems that Arasaka Yorinobu is going back. Arasaka's team is rushing to the hotel. Be careful!"

V was holding a black box in one hand and a 'jue' in the other. When he saw that the hotel security team had rushed into the suite, he quickly shot her.

She crouched down to avoid the gunshots, and when the gunshots stopped, she activated the Sianwistan without hesitation and rushed out as fast as lightning.

Swish, swish, swish!

Several security personnel were cut into pieces.

V didn't stop too much, and went directly from the living room stairs to the rooftop. After breaking the access control with a long knife, he arrived at the roof of the hotel.

An Arasaka private luxury float car was parked with the door open. It was left by Tang Yu for her exclusive use for evacuation.

As soon as V was about to step into the float vehicle, large amounts of bullets and fire sputtered around him.

Bang bang bang!

Bullets rained down.

V had no time to dodge and felt a sudden sharp pain in his right foot.


She didn't care about her feet, she could only hold the black box, use all her strength to activate the Sianwistan, and crashed into the floating car, thus avoiding the fire.

Bullets hit the roof of the floating car crazily, leaving dense craters.

"Fortunately, the horse is strong enough." V couldn't help but sigh in his heart as he looked at the movement on the roof of the car.

The floating door automatically closes, the engine starts, and it takes off directly into the air.

V leaned against the edge of the electronic mirror screen and checked the situation outside, only to see an Arasaka armed aerial vehicle still launching an attack.

At this time, the intelligent voice prompt in the floating car said.

“Navigation to Watson’s Little Chinatown”

"The destination is being modified, and we are about to set sail for the Arasaka Tower headquarters in Kyoto."

Arasaka headquarters?

V ignored the pain and cursed: "Made, who said we were going to the Arasaka headquarters? Stop the car for me! Hurry!"

The float vehicle rose higher and higher, completely ignoring the bullets and artillery attacks.

V carried the box, stabbed the ground with a knife, and got in front of the vehicle console. He saw various electronic buttons and had no idea how to control them.

Angry, she picked up the long knife and slashed it down, frantically destroying the console.

The sharp blade cut open the outer shell of the countertop, revealing the electronic version of the circuit inside, with sizzling electric sparks coming out.

"Malfunction! Emergency malfunction! Hard landing imminent!"

V yelled: "What a stupid floating car, go to the Arasaka headquarters in Kyoto and destroy it for me!"

As the long knife was embedded in the table, the entire aerial vehicle engine lost control and began to shake and fall to the ground.

Seeing that the plan was successful, V quickly got back into the box, turned on the safety emergency mode, and fastened his seat belt.

She hugged the safe tightly in her arms and sighed angrily.

"Made, if you don't die this time, I will never play with you in a suit!"

The luxury float car swooped towards the ground, emitting thick black smoke.

The shaking was like an earthquake, forcing V to hold on to the box tightly.


The float car fell and hit a secluded street. Following the strong impact inertia, it slid forward on the ground and knocked down a series of street lights and trash cans on the road. Finally, it was blocked in front of an abandoned building wall.

The Arasaka armed aerial vehicle that was chasing after him levitated in the air and found its target for falling to the ground.

Saburo Arasaka's exclusive float vehicle was severely damaged, but the shell frame remained roughly the same.

When the Arasaka armed aerial vehicle was about to land, a missile was fired from a high altitude with tail flames and hit directly.


The Arasaka armed aerial vehicle was destroyed instantly, turned into a mushroom cloud of flames, and fell directly to the ground.

In the direction from which the missile came, a helicopter was rushing over.

The cabin door opened, Rogge put down the gun barrel on his shoulder, looked at the luxurious floating vehicle still on the ground, and said.

"I hope we're not late, otherwise we won't be able to explain to Tang."

There will be another chapter later.

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