Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 220 Your footsteps

"A few days ago, there was a large-scale collapse and casualty accident in the company square. Many company directors and senior executives and top figures in the industry were killed in the accident. The cause and process of the accident are under further detailed investigation."

"In response to this major accident, Arasaka Yorinobu made a public apology statement on behalf of Arasaka Company, and stated that Arasaka Company will actively cooperate with the municipal authorities to rebuild the company square and strive to bring Night City's economic and social activities back on track. In this regard, many public statements We jointly stated that we are negotiating compensation matters with Arasaka Company.”

"Due to the collapse of the company square and major power outages caused by magnetic storms, many giant companies lost their local cached data and were unable to use network services normally. Ye's company has obtained authorization from the municipal government and stated that it will be used by the new mayor Peralez Jefferson With the support of the company, the company square will be rebuilt as soon as possible to open new network service support, and the space matrix project will be put on the agenda again.”

"According to the latest news from Arasaka's senior management, this station has revealed that many members of the board of directors of Night City Arasaka Tower have died. Arasaka Yorinobu has announced the transfer of management authority and is suspected to be responsible for the company's plaza accident. Michiko Arasaka has resumed his position as the first person in charge of the board of directors, and At the same time, the senior positions of the multi-department company in Night City Arasaka Tower have changed "

"Top-secret information about Arasaka's product launch conference is circulating in the black market. It is suspected that a biochip can carry the digital soul of human beings. It is still unknown whether this technology has been developed and matured."

"Let’s get straight to the person who was directly responsible for this accident, the organizer of the Arasaka product launch conference, and the head of the public relations department of Arasaka Company - Tang Yu. According to reliable sources, Tang Yu is still suspended."

Arasaka Tower, Special Operations Department.

In the office, David Martinez sat in front of his desk and browsed today's news attentively.

The news in the past few days has basically been dominated by a few keywords - 'Company Plaza', 'Major Accident', 'Magnetic Storm Collapse', 'Biochip', 'Arasaka Corporation' and so on.

Although he kept reading these contents over and over again, as well as the completely unreliable comments and speculations of experts and media people, he still wanted to find some new clues from them.

Where did Tang Yu go?

This was the ultimate question that troubled him and had no answer.

After he rushed to the company square wearing a prosthetic King Kong that day, he clearly remembered that he went on a killing spree and killed that disgusting woman.

For this reason, he was violently suppressed by the Arasaka Company, and was directly dismantled into parts by the Adam Heavy Hammer, almost killing him on the spot.

But when he calmed down, he realized that it was just a dream.

David woke up from his dream and found himself lying in the laboratory of the R\u0026D department for no apparent reason. The prosthetic King Kong had been safely disassembled.

And he also reinstalled the prosthetic components afterwards, which were higher-end and more convenient than the ones he used before.


He received a reminder from the front desk of the department that Mr. Arthur Jenkins, Director of Special Operations, was about to host a high-level multi-department meeting, and he could leave for the conference room now.

David turned off the projection screen on his desk, stood up, took off the black suit jacket from the wall hook, put it on, picked up the work badge on the table and put it in his front pocket.

After leaving the office, walk towards the public elevator.

When passing by the corridor, I met several busy employees and took the initiative to say hello to myself.

"Hello Mr. Martinez."

David replied politely: "Hello."

I saw everyone in the office area busy, sorting out information, rebuilding databases, communicating with secret posts, etc.

Due to the impact of the large magnetic storm, all electronic equipment and storage chips in the office were severely burned. A lot of lost data could not be recovered and had to be reassembled piece by piece manually.

He was not responsible for handling this matter. He just glanced at it casually before continuing to take the elevator to the public meeting room.

The seats in the conference room are arranged in a circle, with directors, directors and ministerial-level executives in the middle circle, and middle-level representatives of each department outside the circle.

He walked directly to the designated seat and sat down in the inner circle.

David took advantage of his free time before the meeting started to look around briefly and found that most of the faces were unfamiliar.

The middle and high-level officials from several departments had already arrived. He subconsciously looked towards the area where the Counter-Intelligence Department was located. Among a group of unfamiliar faces, he saw a familiar face, who was waving slightly to say hello.

It was Sister Fengqing. When I was an intern in the Counter-Intelligence Department, I was greatly indebted to her for taking care of me.

David nodded slightly as a polite response.

Sister Fengqing gave him a thumbs up and smiled meaningfully, as if she was showing off that she had seen the right person, and she seemed to be praising him for being young and promising.

David touched his nose to cover up his guilt and looked away. He couldn't help but think of the day when he and his colleagues went to the Lizzy Bar for a party.

Soon, the meeting began.

Among the key executives present were Special Operations Director Arthur Jenkins, as well as outgoing board member Director Conti.

David was not familiar with Arthur Jenkins. When he was interning in the Counterintelligence Department, the minister had never been seen. By the time he returned to Arasaka Tower, the internship was over.

In this major personnel adjustment, Arthur Jenkins succeeded Susan Abernathy and was promoted to Director of Special Operations. At the same time, the number of departments in charge increased, and he was one of the top executives with real power in the entire Arasaka Tower.

Director Kandi began to announce personnel transfers in relevant departments.

"Clariant was transferred to deputy minister of counterintelligence and removed from the post of head of the logistics center."

"Long Chuan has just been promoted to deputy director of the Public Relations Department and removed from the post of head of the General Section of the Administration Department."

"David Martinez has been promoted to deputy chief of special operations, relieving him from his position as special operations field captain."

After announcing the latest personnel appointments, Director Conti conveyed the requirements of the board of directors and urged all departments to actively perform their duties, obey the instructions and arrangements of their superiors, and achieve more work results under the command and leadership of Director Arthur Jenkins.


Director Conti handed over the chair of the meeting to Jenkins. He said that he still had important matters to deal with, and then stood up and left.

David remained calm, sitting there quietly listening to Jenkins' long talk until the meeting was over, when he was about to get up and leave.


He heard someone shouting behind him.

"David Martinez."

David then turned around and saw Jenkins walking over, turning a blind eye to the people surrounding him enthusiastically.

"Director." He greeted politely.

Arthur Jenkins reached out and patted him on the shoulder: "Do a good job and don't let him down."

After the explanation, Jenkins was surrounded by a group of company executives and walked out of the conference room.

David looked at his leaving figure, in a trance, and did not move for a long time.

On the subway.

David stood in front of the carriage window, quietly watching the changing scenery outside. It was still a familiar scene, but the people were different from before.

He planned to visit Mann first. He had not seen him since last time he said goodbye in the wilderness on the outskirts of the city.

Speaking of this meritorious service, it would not be possible without their full support.

Although her mother, Gloria, had overpaid her remuneration after she woke up, this kindness was far from enough when measured in terms of money.

Without Mann's life-saving rescue, he would not be able to stand here today and become a veritable senior executive of the company.

"I didn't expect this day to come." David felt that everything seemed like a dream, so unreal and illusory.

Now, he has finally caught up with Tang Yu's footsteps, but he can no longer find the opportunity to sit face to face and chat.

Whereabouts unknown.

This is Arasaka's conclusion about Tang Yu.

No one knows what happened in the company square that day. Electronic equipment was damaged all over the place, and people who had the opportunity to observe the scene fainted.

All I know is that when things calm down, there will only be ruins left in the company square, broken arms and limbs scattered everywhere, and scarlet blood and meat paste everywhere, and Tang Yu has already disappeared without a trace.

Soon, the subway arrived.

David walked out of the traffic stop and headed to Lao Wei's underground prosthetic clinic, which was the address Dolio sent him.

Entering an alley, going down the stairs, you came to an iron gate, which was slightly open.

David tried to shout inside: "Is there anyone there?"

After a while, a deep magnetic voice came from the clinic.

"Just open the door and come in. There's not so much details here."

David stretched out his hand to open the gate, stood up and walked into the room. Only then did he find that everyone in the room was busy around the operating table inside.

Mann was lying on the operating table, undergoing the last prosthetic removal surgery, while Dolio stood aside and waited patiently.

He took the initiative to walk over, said hello to the surgeon, and introduced himself.

The prosthetic doctor in blue overalls stared at the screen carefully and skillfully operated the robotic arm to perform surgery.

"Well, hello there, young man."

"I know you, you're welcome. Just call me Lao Wei. They all call me that, including Tang."

"Sit down for a while, the operation will take a few minutes."

David nodded, came to Dolio, and asked Mann in a low voice.

Dorio looked helpless and replied: "There is no other way. The nerve burn is too serious. It would be good to save a life. In the future, I may not be able to implant combat prostheses. I can only use some auxiliary cybernetics." limbs.”

When David saw the tragic state of Mann's back, a not-so-good picture immediately flashed in his mind, and his heart became a little heavier.

After Lao Wei completed the operation and unlocked the data connections everywhere, Mann slowly woke up from his deep sleep.

Lao Wei put the removed prosthetic body into the sterilization tray, stood up and went to the sink to clean his hands, and said in a deep voice: "The culprit has been removed, what are you going to do with it?"

Mann sat up from the operating table, put on the clothes Dolio handed over, and looked at the blood-stained black prosthetic body.

"Thank you, Lao Wei. I'll give the prosthetic body to you. Maybe you can find someone who is truly suitable for it."

David glanced at the black prosthetic body and knew about this Sian Westan, but he had never seen the model before.

He thought that the terrifying movement speed displayed by Mann in the wasteland should be the function of this prosthetic body.

When David saw Mann again this time, he found that his bloated and muscular body had become much thinner than before. After the combat implant was disassembled, the burden was reduced a lot, but Mann's face did not look relaxed.

He asked Mann what his future plans were.

Dolio said that she was going to Taiping Prefecture to make a living, where the Animal Gang was doing well and had some connections.

David didn't know what to comfort him. He just said, "If you have any trouble, just come to me. I owe you this."

Mann forced a smile: "This is all my choice. I work for a fee, and no one owes anyone."

As he said this, he thought of something and added: "But the only thing I can't let go of is the rest of the team."

David knew what he meant. After Mann and Dolio retired, the team was officially disbanded, and the other members either continued to work together or went solo.

In the absence of a backbone, the probability of a group is low, and each has to work alone. At this time, a middleman with stable contact is needed.

David promised to make proper arrangements for Gloria, but when he thought of his mother, his already unhappy mood became even heavier.

These days.

Gloria has been completely absent-minded since she woke up and has not said a word.

Even when he heard the news that he was promoted to deputy minister, he was indifferent.

David planned to figure out a solution after Mann's side of the matter was settled.

There’s another chapter coming later!

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