Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 221 The mission must be achieved

Wild Wolf Bar.

Jack Wills retrieved the objects stored by Tang Yu from the bartender Pepina, and planned to send the objects out according to his previous request.

"Gloria Martinez, Lucy, V, Rebecca"

Looking at the completely wrapped items, Jack muttered.

"Why are they all girls?"

He checked carefully again and found that there were gifts for himself and Lao Wei, so he couldn't help but unpack them first.

A 'keep-lipped' motel membership discount card with a note inside.

[When you see the note, it means that the rooms in the Kanbi Building are no longer available. The "keep-mouth" policy is actually quite good. It is enough for personal testing. The key security level is high, and it is a five-star recommendation. 】

Jack: "."

He neatly put his membership card into the back pocket of his pants and muttered: "If you don't want to make a fool of yourself in the company, just save some money and use it yourself. It's up to you to worry about it. If you are really busy, come back quickly."

I haven't contacted Tang Yu for several days, and I don't know what happened to him in the company square.

Jack learned some bad news about Tang Yu, but he never believed it was true.

They made an appointment to have a drink together at the Wild Wolf Bar, and he believed that Tang Yu would not break his promise.

He took the items and left the bar, rode on his newly purchased ARCH motorcycle, and decided to deliver the items to everyone with his own hands.

Westbrook Cherry Blossom Street.

Jack came to a seaside apartment building. After carefully confirming the address, he stepped up the steps and went upstairs.

Arriving at the left-hand gate on the top floor of the sixth floor, he tried to ask about the situation through the access control.

Before long, a sound came from the door control.

"What's up?"

Inside the house, Lucy was sitting in front of the bay window, with some stupid monkey bottles and jars piled up beside her.

She turned her prosthetic eyes and saw Jack under surveillance. She had some impressions of him. She had seen him and Tang Yu riding a floating car in an abandoned steel factory.

After Jack confirmed that the name of the person in the room was Lucy, he took out an envelope, raised it high towards the surveillance camera, and said in a deep voice.

"Tangtuo sent it to me."

Tang Yu?

Lucy frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "Leave it at the door."

He said again when he saw Jack handing the envelope into the box next to the gate, turning away and going downstairs.


Jack turned back to face the monitor with a hearty smile, then took long steps and disappeared around the corner of the stairs.

After Lucy confirmed that there was no one else around, she took out the envelope from the box at the door and sat back on the bay window.

She held the thin letter in her hand and hesitated whether to open it.

These days.

She sat here alone for several days and nights, trying to figure out what was going on.

Lucy knew deeply that the person who caused the city's power outage and the collapse of the company square must be Tang Yu.

The mysterious power Tang Yu mastered was finally exposed to the public.

Even though Arasaka tried his best to block the news, the forces currently targeting Tang Yu are probably trying their best to search for his traces, even if it is a corpse.

Lucy couldn't understand why Tang Yu, who hid everything in his bones, made such a choice and forced himself to a dead end.

His status, his power, his forbearance, his abilities, and his efforts all disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Is this impulse?

She remembers the bullying Tang Yu on the subway, the confident Tang Yu running at night on the beach, and the thoughtful Tang Yu on the yacht.

So what does Tang Yu look like now?

Corporate fight forced to fight back? But he clearly never lost.

Fight heroically against the company? But he has already become a master.

Losing control and becoming a cybermaniac? But he has never even had a prosthetic body implanted.

Lucy clutched the envelope tightly, maybe there would be an answer here.

No longer hesitate.

She tore open the envelope and pulled out two long strips of cardboard, and was stunned.

She, who was originally extremely tired and struggling to hold on, could no longer suppress her emotions and her eyes were dim.

There are two tickets in front of me, two tickets for taking a liftoff rocket, and two tickets to the moon base.

this moment.

She understood Tang Yu's choice, which was both helpless and determined.

From this moment on.

Everyone around Tang Yu was given the opportunity to start their lives over again.

With his efforts, all the truth and his disappearance became blurred and became a mystery that can never be solved.

Lucy was speechless for a long time, and could only lean against the wall helplessly, holding on to her last hope.

Jack rode a motorcycle and traveled around the Night City at lightning speed, delivering the items Tang Yu had prepared one by one, and now he only had the last one on hand.

What made him feel strange was that everyone was not in a good mood, but they felt much better after receiving the gift from Tang Yu.

What impressed him deeply was the thick book Tang Yu gave to Gloria.

After Gloria received the object, she couldn't wait to open it on the spot and found that it was a popular Chinese and English naming guide.

But Gloria was so happy that she almost cried with excitement.

Jack was a little confused, scratched his head, and left after confirming that he had completed his errand.

Another thing that impressed me deeply was that an item was delivered to Tang Yu's own address. When he opened the door, he found that his company assistant lived in the house.

Jack knowingly handed the object to Sasha, determined to keep his brother's secret secret.

The only difference was the envelope she brought to V. After she read it, she tore it to pieces on the spot and threw it all over Jack angrily, leaving Jack confused.

After V left, he picked up the scraps of paper on the ground and tried to piece it together. It was the notarization of the property and car title, and the property owner was Valerie.

Jack suddenly realized that V's real name was Valerie.

Unexpectedly, V turned around and walked out again, grabbed the shredded paper in his hand, and closed the gate again.

Jack shrugged helplessly and could only continue to be a good courier and go to the next delivery place.

Kyoto, Arasaka Manor.

In a sterile ward.

"Cough cough cough"

Hearing his father's muffled cough, Arasaka Hanako quickly stood up and prepared to pour water, but heard a refusal.

"No need, my body is old and useless after all." Saburo Arasaka was lying on the hospital bed, half leaning on his body.

Hanako Arasaka was stunned for a while, then put down the cup in his hand, realizing that this move might be a bit disrespectful to his father.

In recent days, Saburo Arasaka's condition has become increasingly worse. He has been coughing continuously, often with bloody sputum, and even speaking has to be assisted by electronic devices.

Hanako Arasaka bowed and returned to his original position, bowing his head and saying nothing.

"Do you believe there are immortal people in this world?"

Hearing the question, Arasaka Hanako raised his head in surprise.

"Father, it's hard to believe"

She thought of the information Xiaotian brought back. The truth behind the big accident in the company square was that Tang Yu had a battle with Adam Heavy Hammer by virtue of his original nature.

No one knows whether the two will win or lose.

Tang Yu's whereabouts are unknown, and the fate of Adam Heavy Hammer's cyber components is unknown.

What is certain is that Tang Yu has mastered supernatural powers and is extremely powerful.

For this reason, Arasaka Company still retains all Tang Yu's positions and authorities, and also deliberately blocks relevant information and lists all information about Tang Yu as top secret.

"Take this with you and go to Night City for me."

Goro Takemura bowed into the house from outside the door, holding a thermostatic safe in his hand. After opening it, there were two chips inside.

One is a relic biochip and the other is an authentication chip.

Arasaka aircraft carrier with nuclear strike capability, Kujira authorized?

Back then, it was the Kujira aircraft carrier group that relieved Night City from the war crisis.

Arasaka Hanako already knew his father's intention and had no choice but to bow down and accept the order.

None tonight!

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