Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 223 Difficulties

Camp Adecado.

In the tent.

Panan and the rest of the tribe gathered together, looking a little anxious. They had just learned about Thor's intelligence. He was kidnapped by the people of the Random Knife Society.

The reason is that Sol took the initiative to find Biotechnology to discuss cooperation. The other party entrusted Sol to get back a piece of goods from the Knife Society. Whether it was to snatch it or to exchange it at an equal value, Biotechnology only needed the complete delivery of the goods.

Thor agreed to biotechnology and decided to talk to the people of the Random Knife Society first.

After the Luan Dao Club agreed, Thor set off for the Luan Dao Club. In order to show his sincerity, he didn't take anyone with him.

Unexpectedly, the members of the Luan Dao Society did not keep their word. Once Saul arrived at the agreed place, they kidnapped him. His life and death are currently unknown.

Panan had a look of hatred on his face and said angrily: "How could Saul trust those guys? Biotechnology companies are already unreliable. Why don't they have a long memory and go to negotiate with Luandaohui? Those guys have long ago They are targeting our tribe!”

Although he was cursing, he was still worried about Sol's safety in his heart, and then said: "No matter what, we must seize the time to rescue Sol. Those guys in the Luandao Society are not serious people, and the longer they stay, the worse they will be." Danger."

She turned her head and asked Carol next to her: "How is the situation in the tribe? Personnel, weapons, equipment, etc., these are all necessary to rescue Thor."

Hearing Panan ask about the tribe's logistics, Carol suddenly became angry and said helplessly: "Panan, you are often absent from the tribe, and you had conflicts with Luandao several times in the past. After the fight, the rest of us Less than half is gone.”

"Right now, the Luandao Society is staring at us. The supply lines have been cut off, and the goods are stuck and cannot be transported. As for the equipment, I get angry when I talk about it. They are all old stuff."

"There are still many people in the tribe who haven't even put on serious cyber prostheses yet. Let alone go out to fight, they can't even make a living."

At this point, Carol poured out all the anger and grievances she had been holding in her stomach.

The strength of the Adecado tribe, whether in terms of the number of personnel, the quality of equipment, or the degree of unity, is ahead of other surrounding tribes, and it is indeed ranked high in the bad land.

But the key problem is that no matter how powerful the tribe is, it cannot withstand the intrusion of a long-term war.

In the eyes of the Swordsmen, Adecado is not only the biggest threat and obstacle to their dominance of the bad land, but also a fat sheep with rich heritage waiting to be slaughtered.

At the beginning, in order to counter the intrusion of the Swordsman Society, Adecado had the ability to take the initiative to combat the opponent's arrogance. After several battles, both sides lost a lot of troops. After a period of calm, there was no further large-scale conflict.

It's just that as time goes by, more and more people join the Luan Dao Club, and they are all extremely vicious, unruly gangsters and scum from various tribes. They are young, strong and extremely aggressive.

In contrast, Adecado's staff replenishment speed is much slower. Basically, if one dies, one will be missing.

Gradually, Thor realized that sooner or later, big problems would arise if he continued to fight like this, so he started to think about negotiating with the Random Sword Club, and also wanted to use the power of the company to suppress the development of the Sword Blade Club.

"Everyone in the tribe wants to give them a hard time if they don't have any blood feud with Luandao, but the reality is that those guys can't stop killing them."

"Yes, they can't find the migration movement of the tribe for the time being. If they are attacked randomly, they will smell the traces. It will be troublesome to get rid of them then."

Panan was silent. He saw that the people in the tribe lost morale when they mentioned the Sword Club.

"Damn it, Luandaohui is a tumor. As long as it grows here for one day, everyone will have a hard time!"

Everyone didn't answer, they all knew this, but they had no choice but to swallow the bitter pill secretly.

Scorpion reminded: "Panan, now is not the time to talk about this. Let's first think of a plan to rescue Thor."

Panan nodded, looking at the situation in front of him, he had to calm down and start formulating a battle plan.

At this time, Mitch walked in from outside the tent and said in a deep voice: "We have found the base of the Luan Dao Society, which is located in an abandoned cement factory."

"The good news is that Saul's car is inside, so the people should be there too."

"The bad news is that the stronghold has been transformed by the Luan Dao Society. It is equipped with many advanced smart weapons and sophisticated heavy forts, as well as a lot of security forces. It seems that they plan to stay there permanently."

Panan quickly understood the meaning of his words. If he attacked by force this time, many people would definitely die. He couldn't help but cursed again: "Even those scumbags have better equipment than us. It's so easy to get goods. It must be those bastards in the company* Raised.”

After scolding her, she quickly calmed down, withdrew her gaze and stared at the terrain map on the table. She tried hard to move her head, thinking that she had to come up with a plan as soon as possible.

Scorpion has marked all the information he just detected on the map.

After thinking for a moment, Panan said in a deep voice: "In this operation, we can only outmaneuver, not attack by force. The fewer people, the better, so as not to attract the other party's attention. It is best to sneak in and pull out Thor."

Scorpion said in agreement: "This plan is feasible, but it would be bad if too many people go."

Carol couldn't help but worry a little: "If you are discovered, it will be difficult for you to come out alive. Dakota said that the Luan Dao Association has made a request, either prepare one million euros to send over, or"

Carol paused as the words came to her lips.

Panan looked sideways at him and said seriously: "Say it, Carol, no one will believe that those guys will keep their promise anyway."

Carol looked at Panan a little hesitantly, but still said: "Either you go and change Sol."

Panan seemed to have heard a joke: "Haha, okay, as long as those beasts dare to let me into the house, they will definitely have no chance to regret it."

Carol never thought of letting Panan trade for Sol. Instead, he proposed to prepare one million euros and use the money to redeem him if he couldn't save it as a backup plan.

Panan directly vetoed it, not to mention whether one million euros could be raised, even if it could be raised, giving the money to the gang of gangsters would be tantamount to feeding the wolves with one's body. When the wolves get stronger, the entire Badlands tribe There is no way to survive.

Panan concluded that Luandao didn't want a million or exchange her for Thor, but wanted to get information about the tribe and go on a big hunt.

Seeing Panan's resolute attitude, Carol couldn't say anything else. After all, raising one million euros was not something that could be done now.

"I guess Luandao won't be able to dig out any useful clues from Thor's mouth. He might be trying to fish. You guys must be careful when you act."

Panan immediately made a decision and said: "Mitch, Scorpion, the three of us will work together late at night as before. Michie will be responsible for remote technical support, and Scorpion will be responsible for backup. I will sneak into the cement factory and evacuate after rescuing Sol."

"If the operation is leaked, please leave me alone and evacuate as soon as possible. Don't let the people from the Luan Dao Club find their traces."

Without waiting for Mickey and Scorpion to retort, Panan asked them to go out and seize the time to clean up. She also needed to make some preparations.

Before Carol left, she asked Panan if she needed any other support. Panan waved her hand and said that everything was covered by her.

Not long after, Mitch, who had already left, returned to Panan's tent, pushed open the curtain and said, "Panan, the scorpion is packed up, okay. Panan, you don't want to take him with you, right?" "

Seeing Panan packing up the strange charred black corpse, Mitch's throat moved slightly and he couldn't help but swallow, feeling a little panicked.

He even had some doubts as to whether Panan's mind had been affected by some evil force, turning him into a willing 'puppet'. The more he thought about it, the more he shuddered.

Panan put things he might need into a storage bag and slung it around his waist just enough to be caught by the curve. It contained cardiotonic agents, inhibitors, basic ammunition, high-explosive grenades, micro-electromagnetic pulses, etc.

After packing up the equipment, she picked up the body and carried it on her back. Seeing Mitch's slightly frightened eyes, she joked: "That must be carried over. I don't feel safe if you don't keep it by your side. Why are you so scared?" What's going on, I told you that you must have been awake last night and your eyesight was dazzled. How could you fly when you are so burned and run to release water?"

Panan walked out of the tent with the charred corpse on his back. Before leaving, he specifically warned: "In the future, don't make up deceptive tricks like this with Scorpion to scare me. You should be afraid of everything and run at night every day."

Mitch could only watch Panan leave, his eyes full of worry and helplessness, and murmured: "You are a human, but the person you are carrying may not be a human."

He thought that he would have to wait until Saul came back to persuade him about this matter, and then the body would be buried in the ground.

In order to avoid attracting the attention of the Knife Club, Panan planned to drive a modified van to camp first.

The van is equipped with anti-reconnaissance devices and graphic stealth, making it difficult to detect it through remote observation using radar and cameras alone.

It was still early, so we had to park the car closer to the abandoned cement factory and sneak in quietly at night.

Scorpion was already sitting in the driver's seat. When he saw Panan carrying the body and stuffing it into the trunk, he joked: "What, if you carry him and break into the Rebellion Knife Club base, will you scare them to death?"

After Panan stabilized Tang Yu, he also stepped into the carriage, closed the carriage door and said, "You and Mitch are talking to each other, don't be frightened to death, but you will be frightened. Don't talk about it." No, drive first."

Scorpion knew Panan's personality and no one could stop her from doing what she wanted to do, so she stopped talking, started the engine, stepped on the accelerator and sped towards her destination.

During the bumpy ride, Scorpion saw through the rearview mirror that Panan was taking good care of the charred corpse. He was even worried that the corpse would be dehydrated, so he took a mouthful of water and then gently fed it to the corpse.

Scorpion couldn't help but think of what Mitch said that night, that the corpse ran to release water in the middle of the night.

Although he was not afraid of these weird things, he was still curious about the origin of this charred corpse and why Panan insisted on taking it with him.

"How many days have passed, and he has neither woken up nor rotted. Although the climate of the bad land is dry, the corpse will usually stink after being left for a few days. It seems that there is no smell now."

If there was a corpse that had been left to dry for several days in a closed environment like a carriage, it would already stink.

Hearing what Scorpion said, Panan sniffed hard. It seemed that there was really no smell. She always thought she was used to smelling it for too long.

But the charred face in front of him was completely unrecognizable, and only the outline of the once young and handsome figure could be roughly seen.

I'm afraid it's hard to find anything worse than this.

There’s another chapter coming later!

PS: Thanks to the following financial sponsors for the reward.

Mom said that people will read only if your name is long, Qidian Reading iOS 30.00

Super duck 15.00

Book Friends 20180407121435099 1.00

It’s all here 1.00

Chen Yanhua, Qidian Reading iOS 5.00

Kite Maruko-chan 1.00

Emperor Ming Tang Wen 2.00

Hey by 1.00

unTornished, Qidian Reading iOS 5.00

ZAFT Army 1.00

Built into the statue 1.00

Can Adzuki Bean 5.00

Kite Maruko-chan 2.00

Ouye 50.00

Book Friends 20220627000502253 1.00

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