Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 224 Making trouble

The bad land wasteland late at night is different from the neon city. There are no dazzling lights and noisy crowds, but only silent loneliness and the cold moonlight.

The dilapidated and old buildings have long since become desolate and decayed due to the erosion of wind and sand. The places with occasional electricity and lights are definitely not a good place.

The abandoned cement factory was transformed into a small military fortress after being renovated by the Luandaohui.

Panan was sitting in the van. Seeing that it was getting dark outside and the time was ripe for action, he woke up Scorpion, who was resting in the front row: "Scorpion, cheer up and get ready to work. Connect the remote connection with Mitch. "

Scorpion lifted the hood that covered his face, tidied it up a bit, and then replied back: "I have no problem here."

He saw the charred black body lying upright in the trunk: "Is he just putting it in the trunk like this?"

Panan put on the wireless headset and opened the car door: "Don't worry, no one will steal it in the wilderness."

Taking advantage of the dark night, the two got out of the car and approached the abandoned cement factory.

Mitch instructed through the wireless headset: "Panan, the main entrance of the cement plant is heavily guarded. You and Scorpion turn in from the right side. There is a blind spot for surveillance and there are stacked containers. Scorpion will stay there to respond and look out for Panan."

Panan followed what Mitch said and looked to the right side of the factory building. Sure enough, there were a bunch of scattered containers piled up randomly, which was easy to climb and hide.

At this time, most of the members of the Random Sword Club were enjoying themselves in the factory. In addition to the surveillance cameras arranged around, the only thing that was actually guarded by living people was the main entrance.

As long as you act within the blind spot of surveillance, the probability of being discovered is very small.

The two successfully arrived at the container area on the right and climbed up.

Scorpion climbed higher, first found a hidden corner with a wide view, and looked around. He could see not only the van, but also the main entrance and the movement in the factory area.

He saw the Luan Dao Hui's factory with heavy firepower installations, elevated turrets, heavy machine gun stations, guard rooms, and various modified off-road vehicles parked in the factory. He sighed: "The Luan Dao Hui's family is indeed deep. If we can grab a I’ll send it as soon as I get back.”

After hearing this, Mitch laughed and said, "That's right. Luandaohui has such a strong fortune because of robbery. Let them manufacture and produce by themselves. They may not even have a hair."

Scorpion found a place to take a lookout, and then said: "Panan, there is no problem with my vision here. There is no abnormal situation in the factory area to act on. Please be more careful."

After receiving the prompt, Panan found a place that was almost the same height as the wall. He jumped over the wall and fell into the factory. He rolled to the ground and hid in a dark corner.

Seeing that there were almost no people patrolling the factory area, she guessed that the Luan Dao Gui guys were used to being arrogant and domineering. Everyone was afraid to avoid them, and no one broke into their base without permission.

After observing around and confirming that there was no movement, Panan took the next step.

In the headset, Mitch continued: "Panam, you did a good job. Now you have to sneak into the control room on the second floor of the factory, find their monitoring area, find out where Saul is through the monitoring, and then turn off the monitoring and warning system, otherwise The process of rescuing Saul is likely to trigger an alarm."

Panan whispered back: "No problem, I have done this often."

She continued to bend towards the main factory area, came to a wall-mounted ladder on the outer wall, and continued to climb up.


Panan came to the iron plate platform outside the wall on the second floor. What stood in front of him was an iron gate, and he needed to break the access control to enter.

She took out an Internet cracker given by Mitch and placed it at the access control: "Mitch, open the door."

Mitch: "Wait a minute."

A few seconds later, the iron gate opened automatically, and Panan immediately stepped in.

Once inside the main factory building, you can see scattered activities of members of the Chaotic Sword Society.

In the hall, some of the members of the Knife Club were lying on the wooden boards and fast asleep, some gathered together to drink and eat meat, some were smoking unclean things, and there were even some night wanderers mixed in.

Seeing that no one noticed the movement on the second floor, she continued to move forward on the high iron frame, the rusty iron plate making a slight creaking sound.

Fortunately, there was so much snoring, laughter, and noise down there that no one noticed the movement on the iron frame on the second floor.

Panan successfully walked through the iron frame and came to the corridor on the second floor. Walking through it leads to the auxiliary factory building, where the control room is located.

Since the corridor was suspended above the factory area, with glass walls on both sides, and one could see each other from the inside and outside, Panan had no choice but to lie on the ground and crawl forward.

Climbing through the corridor to the auxiliary factory building, she could already see the control room not far away.

But she didn't act in a hurry. Instead, she looked up and looked around, and found that several cameras were pointed at the direction she was going.

Panan was in trouble. If he rushed over, he would definitely be caught by the surveillance camera. If the people in the surveillance room found out, let alone rescuing Saul, whether he could leave or not would still matter.

She suppressed her impatience and looked in the direction of the monitoring room again, feeling even more troubled.

The downside is that there are three masked men in the surveillance room.

The advantage was that the three of them were playing cards excitedly and didn't pay much attention to monitoring. They only glanced at each other while taking a break from playing cards.

This means that Panan not only has to evade surveillance, but also quietly get rid of the three of them.

Normally she wouldn't have hesitated at all, she would have just rushed up and taken them all away with a few shots, but now it was a stealth plan, and she didn't even know where Thor was hiding.

She made up her mind and planned to wait to see if the three of them would separate or take a nap.

at this time.

Scorpion, who was on the container outside the factory, was concentrating on observing the movements in the factory area. Basically, there was nothing unusual.

This is just a stronghold of the Luan Dao Society. Usually there are not a large number of members gathering here, and the defense is relatively casual and lazy. He feels that the possibility of rescuing Thor in stealth is still very high.


Scorpion noticed some movement.

He resolutely hid in a darker place, lowered the brim of his hat to carefully explore, and found that there was movement in the van, and he began to feel inexplicably nervous.

Scorpion did not dare to disturb Panan who was sneaking, so he could only contact Mitch through a single line and whispered: "Mitch, Mitch, that corpse seems to have started again!"

The van shook twice, the door opened, and a dark figure floated out of the car.

This time, Scorpion stared clearly and carefully in the darkness.

Under the cold moonlight, a charred corpse floated on the ground, heading towards the main entrance of the cement factory, taking his time.

"He's going in, he's going in!" Scorpion's fingers clenched tightly on the corners of the container, almost peeling off a layer of skin.

Mitch: "Where to go in?"

Scorpion: "Factory! Enter the factory!"

The figure floated towards the main entrance of the factory. The dark and strange appearance and the strange movement of floating in the air immediately aroused the vigilance of the guards.

"What the hell are you doing on a horse? Stop for me. If you move forward, I will shoot!"

The black figure didn't reply and continued to float closer slowly.

The guard just stretched out his hand to illuminate the situation with a searchlight, but his hand retracted as if he was electrocuted, and then the light bulb exploded.

Boom, boom, boom.

One lamp after another burst, and the main entrance of the factory was instantly plunged into darkness.

Several guards were about to raise their guns and shoot, but their bodies seemed to be crushed up and down by some powerful force, and suddenly exploded into blood splattering in all directions.

Scorpion looked horrified. The bloody and terrifying scene in front of him shocked him so much that he was stunned and completely numb.

"Scorpion, Scorpion, what happened?" Mitch asked anxiously on the other end, but did not receive any answer.

The movement at the main entrance quickly attracted the attention of the people in the main factory building. They all put down their livelihoods and looked outside strangely, and found that the main entrance had suddenly become dark.

"Did another prey come to the door?" A man with a scar on his face said with a smile.

There was no fear on their faces. On the contrary, they were looking forward to someone coming to the door so that they would not be too busy to panic.

"Could it be Adecado's people? Their boss is locked up here, and they will definitely come to get people."

"Ha, I wish I could. Saul's mouth is tougher than a stone. Grab a few more people and disembowel them in front of him and hang their intestines around his neck to see how long he can keep his mouth tough."


Everyone will laugh at the random sword attack.

Smiling, they came from the main entrance, and the figures from far to near became clearer and clearer. They squinted their eyes to take a closer look.

"Damn it, this awesome pen can still fly even after being burned to charcoal. Could it be that too many people were killed and they came to seek revenge from us?"

Before he could say anything, he heard a pop and blood and flesh splattered all over the people around him.

A bald member just laughed loudly, and before he could close his mouth, an eyeball filled with flesh and blood fell into his mouth.

The smile froze completely and the laughter stopped abruptly.


The entire cement factory's light tubes flashed with the brightest white light, and then exploded one after another, and the darkness completely swallowed everything.

The emergency green light came on, and the weak green light could only penetrate a little bit of the darkness. There was no movement in the silent main factory building.


As the first scream sounded, gunshots burst into the hall of the main factory building and flames shot into the sky.

At this time, Panan, who was hiding in the auxiliary factory building, was worried that he would not have a chance to approach the control room. Suddenly all the light disappeared and his eyes turned into darkness. He could only see some situations with the help of emergency lights.

power cut?

She subconsciously felt a burst of joy.

At this time, the three people playing cards in the monitoring room, after activating the backup power supply in the monitoring room, seemed to have received the news, and left in a hurry, heading towards the main factory building.

Panan heard the screams and gunshots from the main factory building, and didn't know what was going on, but he estimated that the guys in the Random Club were having some kind of epilepsy, or they might even be suffering from cyberpsychosis and shooting each other.

"The more miserable the death, the better."

After she sent a blessing and confirmed that no one had returned, she immediately ran into the monitoring room and started searching for Saul, and soon found him in a small basement room.

Following Mitch's instructions, some surveillance warnings were turned off, and after confirming the route of action, they quickly sneaked towards their destination.

Taking advantage of the power outage, Panan went directly from the auxiliary factory building to the basement and found Thor who was tied to a chair and had fainted.

Thor was talking nonsense, as if he had been injected with a variety of unknown things, causing strange hallucinations.

Panan gave him two doses of medicine, and the situation got better.

Sol regained some consciousness. After seeing that it was Panan, he didn't care to say anything else. He staggered to keep up and evacuated from the ventilation duct.

The whole operation went inexplicably smoothly. When they came out, Scorpion had already driven to pick them up.

When Panan saw the charred black corpse lying well in the carriage, he pushed Saul into the carriage and followed him.

The car started immediately and sped towards the Adecado tribe.

Johnny: "I think the two of us are quite compatible. One is an electronic ghost and the other is a charcoal zombie. How about we form an underworld band."

Rebecca: "And me and me! Cyberzombie Lolita, isn't your acting good?"

Instant Noodles: “Don’t forget the title, thank you to ‘Ye Shu Ye’ Shangmeng for your support and love for the work.”

Johnny: "If you write about me, you might be able to become a leader again."

Mr. V: “Can I get some more face?”

Thank you to the boss of ‘Yeshu Nie’ for the 10,000 reward. I wish the boss great fortune and good luck in the Year of the Rabbit!

PS: No tonight!

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