Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 225 Don’t ask me

In the carriage.

Thor lay on the carriage board with pain all over his body, and was tortured by the members of the Sword Society, causing him to lose at least half of his life.

Seeing his splitting headache, Panan asked with a smile: "I can finally remember a little longer this time. I told you not to have contact with the company, and you went to the Luan Dao Club to run errands for them. Have you forgotten? How much of their blood does our tribe have?"

Sol closed his eyes tightly and remained silent. It seemed that his headache had eased a little before he spoke: "Biotechnology is different from other companies. This matter is a problem with the Luan Dao Society. If I had known it, I would have fought hard against them."

When Panan heard Saul's stubborn words, he became very angry: "Just be lucky that you can save your life. If something happens to you, what will the tribe do? They will confiscate all the family assets and the members of the Luan Dao Guild." Are you desperate?"

Thor ignored Panan's words and said to himself: "Those guys want to get the tribe's whereabouts, layout, locations, and migration trends from me. Do you think I don't know their ambitions?"

"Panan, I'm not telling you. This stealth plan is very risky. You have returned to the tribe. If I really tell you where to go, you should lead the tribe to stay away from the crazy people of the Luan Dao Society and find a good place. Keep growing.”

Panan turned his head and didn't bother to look at Saul: "You always have something up your sleeve, so I just pretended I didn't hear it."

Arguing with Panan was always like this, and Thor was used to it. The two had fundamental differences on how the tribe should survive and develop.

Thor insisted that the tribe should have diversified diplomacy and use all available forces and resources, including companies, and even the chaos knife society could try to talk.

Under Saul's insistence, the Adecado tribe rarely attacks the company's convoys in order to leave room for meetings when cooperating with the company.

His strategy worked quickly, as some companies would entrust them with errands in the Badlands, paying them rewards and some special equivalents.

For example, the reverse transpiration crops and microbial nanoservice projects that Sol wants this time are all being discussed with biotechnology companies.

The biotechnology armed defense basically relies on the smart weapons of Contao Company, and large-scale farms are also established in the wasteland. Some jobs in the bad land may not be safe if left to the Rogue Society, which just gives the Adecado family an opportunity.

Panan and Sol have the opposite opinion. They believe that the development of the tribe must rely on itself, and when it is time to attack the company, it should attack the company instead of cooperating with the company and begging for food from them.

The military technology transportation line has a lot of weapons, the biotechnology transportation line has a lot of crop seeds, and the Arasaka transportation line also has a lot of equipment. In short, anything you need can be obtained from the company.

These companies often do not spend more energy to seek revenge from tribes because they have lost some goods. Instead, they invest money in the Luandao Society and let them fight with other tribes.

It's just that those who make random moves will be rebellious by nature. If they take the money with their front foot, they may grab the company's transportation line with their back foot.

Sol wanted to take advantage of the big accident in the company square and the major companies were in urgent need of manpower to establish a stable cooperation model with the company and reduce the instability of tribal development, but Panan regarded him as weak and incompetent.

There are threats of chaos outside and resource development difficulties inside. As the leader of the tribe, Thor must find a way to break the situation.

The two of them didn't talk much about each other.

Thor blinked hard, and when his vision became clearer, he realized that there was a charred corpse lying next to him. It was so dark that he could not see its appearance at all.

"I didn't expect you to take him with you when you were sneaking, Panan, I didn't say that."

Panan stretched out his palm and interrupted him: "Okay, I already know what you are going to say next. Stop it right here. I don't want to hear it."

When Sol was about to say what he was about to say, he was blocked again. He stretched out his hand to remove some debris on Tang Yu's body and sighed.

"Brother, brother, you are so lucky. You deserve Panan to take care of you after being burned like this. If you really have some conscience, wake up quickly and save her from worrying."

Scorpion, who was sitting in the driver's seat, felt his heart in his throat when he heard Sol's frivolous words and actions.

You must know that the brother Sol mentioned was the man who just wiped out the entire cement factory alone.

Scorpion was guarding the container and just watched him fly in lightly and fly out lightly after he was done.

Tonight, he felt that his world view had collapsed, and he was so stunned that he didn't say a word, no matter how anxiously Mitch asked him.

If Thor accidentally makes this black corpse unhappy, no one will be able to go back tonight.

The more Scorpion listened, the more frightened he became. He tried to hide his guilty conscience in his hood, leaving only one pair of eyes slit outside.

He carefully moved his eyes to the rearview mirror. Just as he was about to remind Sol of something, he saw the black corpse suddenly opened one eye, rolled it up and glared at him fiercely.

The bloodshot whites, black pupils, and cold gaze collided with the scorpion without reservation.

Scorpion's scalp suddenly became numb and his mind was shattered. He looked away as if he was electrocuted and closed his mouth tightly.

The hand holding the steering wheel couldn't exert any strength, and almost slipped off, feeling chills in my heart.

He secretly swore in his heart that he would not mention a word about what he saw tonight, and he would hide as far away as he could from now on.

When Saul saw Scorpion in the driver's seat who had been silent, he asked a little strangely: "Scorpion, are you and Panan the only ones acting together?"

Scorpion sneered inwardly.

‘I dare to say it, do you dare to believe it? ’

Seeing that Scorpion still had the same boring personality, Saul criticized him with a tone of experience: "Scorpion, in front of us, you need to learn to communicate more and open your heart, so that you can understand each other, you know? Otherwise, who will know you? What’s on your mind?”

Thor said this to Panan, but he said it in the name of Scorpion.

Panan asked Sol to speak less and take a break when he had time to talk about nothing.

The entire journey was silent.

The van soon arrived at Camp Adecado.

As soon as the car arrived, Mitch greeted him with a smile. He was very happy to see Thor back safely: "It's good to be back. Everyone in the tribe has rested. Everyone should go and rest early."

But his attention was all on Scorpion. When he saw Scorpion getting out of the car and walking towards the tent with his head sullen, he said goodbye and followed Scorpion's pace.

"What's going on? You didn't say a word when you came back. What did you see?"

Without saying a word, Scorpion walked straight into his tent and closed the curtain, leaving Mitch outside.

Mitch was a little helpless. He looked back and saw that Sol and Panan were fine. He didn't know what happened to Scorpion and became even more taciturn.

Sol watched Panan carrying the body and walking towards the tent. He didn't want to mention it again. If he mentioned it, Panan would definitely be angry and leave.

He sighed, no matter what, this time it was Panan who risked his life and saved him from the hands of the Luan Dao Society.

Panan returned to the tent, replaced the newly washed floor mat, and then placed Tang Yu completely on it.

After Tang Yu was settled, Panan lay on his side and stared straight at his side face.

It's been a while.

Panan asked suddenly, with an unusually soft tone.

"Did you do the power outage just now? You must be awake, right?"

After waiting for a while and seeing that Tang Yu had no reaction, Panan smiled without reason.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone your identity."

"What you do with Roger is up to you. She called me several times and wanted to know your situation."

"That old woman didn't think she had any good intentions, so I told her that I would have buried you a long time ago, but Rogge definitely wouldn't believe it. She is smart."

"Forget it, since you haven't fully recovered yet, let's wait until it's more convenient for you."

"Good night."

Panan moved, found a comfortable sleeping position, and closed his eyes quietly.

Before I could fall asleep, my phone suddenly prompted a message.

She took out her phone and saw two words written on the screen.

"Good night."

Abandoned cement factory.

A large convoy arrived in front of the factory with headlights on. Several modified off-road vehicles were equipped with powerful engines and roared like beasts.

A group of people dressed wildly jumped out of the car and walked to the main entrance of the factory.

Even though they had experienced many fighting scenes, the bloody scenes in front of them still made people frown.

The broken corpses and blood flowed all over the ground, gurgling out like a small river.

A few people took the lead, went in first to investigate, and then returned soon to report.

"Boss, no one is alive, they are all dead."

When the person in the car seat heard this, he hesitated for a while, opened the door and walked out.

He wore a stitched hood, which only exposed his facial features and could not clearly see his true appearance.

What's strange is the headgear. The leather color is white and brown, and it looks very rough.

The hood fell from the neck to the belly, leaving more stitched joints.

He breathed heavily and walked into the factory surrounded by everyone.

Under the light, the house was in a mess, with corpses lying all over the place. Each corpse had been hit by countless bullets, with bullet holes all over its body.

From the scene, it looked like they were suffering from cyberpsychosis and killing each other.

The man in the leather jacket looked back at the ground. The footprints were all fresh.

At this time.

Several more subordinates rushed over to report: "Boss, all the data in the control room has been burned, there is nothing left."

Hearing this, someone next to him added: "The one who was previously tied here was Saul from the Adecado family."

"The person is gone too. He must have run away." A subordinate who had checked the basement responded proactively.


The man in the leather jacket muttered.

"I want their skins."

Hearing this, the surrounding men howled like crazy.

"Oh oh oh, peel off their skin!"

"I've wanted to take action on them for a long time. The girls in Adecado are much fiercer than other tribes. It's fun!"

"Boss, Adecado has hidden so much that we haven't been able to get any information about them."

He stood up and walked outside, speaking in a lukewarm voice.

"No water, no food, no transportation."

"If you don't come out yet, kill me until someone knows."

"I want the results in three days."

Instant noodles: "Lao De."

Delamain: "Hello, welcome to Delamain Company. It's my pleasure to speak with you."

Instant Noodles: "Give our new helmsman 'Clay Knife' a special taxi, and the boss will reward you generously."

Delamain: "Our company does not provide such services yet."

Mr. V: "Old Virtue, don't be ignorant of flattery, be careful about finding someone to mess with you."

Delamain: "Can you please send me the contact information of the helmsman? Thank you, the data is being processed, please wait."

Thanks to the big financier of ‘Clay Knife’ for the reward, I wish the boss a fortune.

PS: There will be another chapter later.

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