Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 226 Resurrection

Camp Adecado.

In the tent, Panan was carefully cleaning Tang Yu's wounds, removing the burnt textile residue stuck to the skin, gently removing a piece of broken skin and then peeling off, revealing the charred flesh and blood inside.

This was the first time in her life that she had seen such severe burns from the inside out. One can imagine the pain and torture Tang Yu suffered.

The magnetic storm caused a power outage in the entire Night City, and the electronic equipment, network services, and chip data of many companies around the company square were destroyed, which shows its power.

There is almost no difference between Tang Yu and a dead corpse now. The only difference is that the body has neither revived nor decayed.

Panan didn't know when Tang Yu would wake up, but at least there was a glimmer of hope in his heart.

At this time, Mitch came outside the tent and coughed twice, interrupting Panan's movements.

Panan then put down the tweezers and tools in his hands, stood up, unlocked the tent and took it out. After coming out, he closed the tent tightly with his backhand.

"What's the matter, Mitch?"

Mitch looked like an old god who was frustrated, and said in a deep voice: "There are two pieces of news, one good and one bad. Which one do you want to hear first?"

Panan put his hands on his hips and smiled helplessly: "Ha, I guessed it. Did I want to say that Sol did something with good intentions, but in the end it failed due to force majeure?"

Mitch and Scorpion always want to ease the conflict between her and Sol, and Panan knows this very well.

Mitch said embarrassedly: "Panan, you are too smart, then you should know what the tribe has said about you recently. Even Scorpion and I are worried about you, guarding the tent with a burnt man all day long. , everyone thought you had been tricked and wanted to find a wizard to come to the tribe."

Panan replied nonchalantly: "Oh, then find a wizard to do it. I have no objection."

Seeing that Panan was not getting enough, Mitch had no choice but to continue playing the emotional card: "Saul tried to find Biotechnology, and they agreed to provide microbial nanorobot technology services on credit first, provided that the person was sent there."

Panan blurted out: "Don't even think about it. If you believe in biotechnology, I might as well find a wizard. It might be more reliable."

"Don't worry, listen to what I have to say, and then I will send over the biological signs report I made before. You know how the biotechnology side responded to Saul."

Mitch paused and imitated the tone of the company man: "Saul, what we provide is nerve damage repair technology, not reviving the dead."

Panan laughed on the spot: "Ah, so Thor deserved to be angry for no reason."

Mitch shrugged helplessly and persuaded again: "You know that Thor has really tried his best, but you mentioned finding a wizard to take a look. I think it is accurate. How about giving it a try? There is a way with Thor. .”

Just as Panam was about to reject this senseless proposal, a message alert came to her cell phone.

She asked Mitch to wait a moment, turned her back, and took out her mobile phone from the pocket of her tight jeans.


Panan understood immediately, put the phone back into his trouser pocket, turned around and said to Mitch: "I think you are right, it is better to try than to wait, there is always a possibility."

Mitch nodded seriously and set off to discuss with Sol. When he left, he said, "Then you pack up and get ready to go. Sol should be fine with it. I'll ask Scorpion again."

Panan waved his hands happily and urged: "Go quickly, I'll wait for your good news."

After saying that, Panan opened the door curtain and entered the tent, continuing the cleaning work at hand.

Not long after, the textile residue on Tang Yu's body had been cleaned up. Although his body was still burnt and charred, it could already be seen that it was the body of a young man.

She picked up the medical anti-inflammatory and analgesic spray can, shook it, and sprayed it over a large area on the wound. At the same time, she wiped the fallen skin tissue debris with a clean cotton swab.

After both sides were finished, she took out the medical bandage and wrapped it around Tang Yu until every part of his body was bandaged.

Tang Yu now looks no different from a mummy covered in bandages.

Panan specially bandaged Tang Yu with a bed sheet, leaving only his head exposed, and then tied it with a knot, which was just convenient for packing and taking away.

After she finished cleaning up, there was news from Mitch.

Thor has agreed to take people to find the wizard tribe, but there is no guarantee of success in such supernatural events.

Panan carried Tang Yu on his back and walked out of the tent. Sol and Mitch were already waiting outside, except for Scorpion, so he asked, "Where is Scorpion? Isn't he going with us?"

Mitch opened the car door for Panan and replied: "Scorpion has been autistic in the past two days. He always wears a hat and keeps his head down, silent. Ignore him, let's go first."

Sol looked at the corpse wrapped like a rice dumpling, with a very helpless expression. He felt that Panan was getting more and more stupid. She even insisted on guarding the unknown corpse picked up by the roadside. She was not dizzy. Just fell into the trap.

This time when he went to the wizard tribe, he had to ask a great god to show Panan a look, in case there was really some evil force affecting her mind.

Panan put Tang Yu into the trunk and jumped in himself.

After sitting in Mitch's driver's seat and Sol's co-pilot's seat, he pushed the accelerator and set off.

The wizard tribe is a wandering group that believes in gods and specializes in activities such as blessings, sacrifices, and funerals. The tribe's source of income basically relies on offerings from other wandering families.

The survival and development of the tribe depended to a certain extent on the food provided by the sky. A stable environment, abundant water sources, suitable terrain for garrisoning, etc. were all indispensable.

Adecado also maintained contact with the wizard tribe, and it often became a link between the tribes, and occasionally transactions were conducted under the watchful eyes of the gods.

in the car.

Thor said with some worry: "Panan, when you rescued me that night, there was already action on the part of the Luan Dao Society. The leader of the night wandering ghosts, the Dog Hunter, and his thugs wantonly destroyed our transportation lines and have been deliberately targeting us. , a lot of people have been implicated, and now some dealers are afraid to take away our goods."

Sol's expression was serious and solemn, and he hesitated before speaking.

"The situation is very difficult. I'm worried that if it continues like this, the tribe will have to move farther away. I'm considering leaving the Night City area. What do you think?"

Leaving Night City?

Panan refused directly without thinking: "Saul, tribal migration is subject to great risks. Now we have finally found this camp suitable for stationing. We have put in so much effort. Now we give up. Anyway, I disagree!"

Mitch, who was sitting on the side, also advised: "Yes, Thor, the tribe has gradually grown because of moving here. Although the sword fight is difficult, the tribe's living environment is more important."

Sol was quite helpless. Both of them were opposing him, but they couldn't solve the current dilemma.

If you want to stay here and develop with peace of mind, there is only one way to destroy the Luan Dao Society, at least so that they don't dare to be so rampant in the open.

But to fight against the brutal Luandao Society, it is far from enough to just rely on the people in the tribe. Unless the tribes are willing to unite to kill the Luandao Society, otherwise the Luandao Society will kill one group and then start another group, which will completely entangle them. Not finished.

The three of them were silent all the way.

It wasn't until dusk enveloped the wasteland that the three of them saw ribbons and flags fluttering in the wind, as well as bonfires everywhere.

In the wizard tribe, a huge sheep head skeleton hangs on top of the tall wooden piles.

Freshly slaughtered cattle and sheep heads are placed on various large and small sacrificial platforms.

The wizards wearing animal furs and feathered masks were singing and dancing crazily around the campfire, which was mysterious and weird.

Many people came here from other tribes to specially request the wizards to hold sacrificial rituals.

The entire wizard tribe was bustling with activity.

After Panan and his party entered the tribe, they found a place to sit by a deserted campfire, while Saul took the initiative to find the great wizard in the tribe to explain the situation.

Not long after waiting, people from the wizard tribe came over and asked Panan and the others to carry the body to where the great wizard was.

Panan carried Tang Yu on his back and followed Mitch beside him. Under the leadership of others, he came to the sacrificial altar where the great wizard was.

This sacrificial platform is different from other places. Not only is the platform the highest, but the bonfire pit behind it is also the largest.

The great wizard had an old face and white braided hair hanging down on both sides. He didn't say much when he saw the visitor, but just motioned to put the person on the table aside.

Panan was doubtful and followed the instructions of the great wizard. After placing the person away, he stood aside and watched closely.

The great wizard came forward to check and after confirming that there were no vital signs, he asked about the time of death and the storage time of the body.

Panan only gave a rough answer, about seven days.

The great wizard looked at the corpse on the table again, with a serious and solemn expression. She had an old relationship with Thor. Originally, out of friendship, she agreed to arrange for her wizards to hold a resurrection ceremony. But now she opened her mouth and said to the tribe, her voice was old and slow. .

"I will personally conduct this resurrection ceremony. You should hurry up and prepare."

Thor was quite surprised. He did not expect that the great wizard would be willing to personally perform a resurrection ceremony for the corpse.

He knew that in order to maintain spiritual communication with the gods, the great wizard had never undergone any cybernetic transformation. All the functions of her body had been exhausted, and it was difficult to even move. However, she was willing to perform the resurrection ceremony in person, which was enough to show how much she cared about this corpse. of attention.

Not long after, preparations for a grand resurrection ceremony were completed, which immediately attracted the entire wizard tribe to come and watch.

People stood around the sacrificial altar and looked at the mummified body in the middle of the bonfire pit with curiosity.

Cattle and sheep are being slaughtered, piles of dead wood are piled in the bonfire pit, and ancient sacrificial props are placed on the stage one by one.

The great wizard was dressed in sacrificial robes, solemnly put on a feather-faced mask, held a jeweled bone staff and a leather drum, and walked tremblingly to the sacrificial platform.

All the wizards gathered around the bonfire pit, waiting for the great wizard to sing.


The stick hits the leather drum.

The great wizard took the lead in singing, and then other wizards also started singing, and the mysterious and old temple hummed in all directions.

After a while.

The firewood in the campfire pit ignited spontaneously without fire, and then burned even bigger.

When the wizards saw the fire burning, they sang and danced harder, and the atmosphere was strange and exciting.

Seeing this situation, Panan hurriedly wanted to rush forward, fearing that something would really happen to Tang Yu inside.

Sol and Mitch, who were nearby, quickly stopped her. Destroying the wizard's sacrifice site would bring bad luck.

Fire, singing, dancing, cattle, sheep, and blood paint a magnificent and mysterious picture of the resurrection ceremony.

The raging fire rose, completely cutting off people's sight.

Countless people are looking forward to whether a miracle will really happen.


People seemed to see a figure standing up slowly in the firelight, then levitating into the sky.

The wizards chanted harder.

Until the 'corpse' was floating in the sky above the fire under the gaze of everyone, and the high temperature and scorching fire could not get close to it.

The whole place was silent.

"Ah, oh God, God of the Wanderer Tribe, please bring the light of fire in the darkness!"

The great wizard roared at the top of his lungs, his whole body trembling uncontrollably, and led all the wizards in the audience to kneel down.

The onlookers saw the wizards kneeling down, and then they all learned to prostrate themselves on the ground, showing utmost respect.

Panan was stunned when he saw this situation. He was stunned on the spot and didn't know whether to kneel or not.

Mitch quickly gave her a hand and asked her to follow his example.

In the wizard tribe, the great wizard is the highest, and he must show enough respect, otherwise he will offend the wizard tribe, and he will not be involved in this circle in the future.

An invisible force field split open the fire and pressed a path. The corpse floated out along the path. Under the gaze of everyone, it came behind Panan, lay on her back as usual, and fell into the trap again. There was no movement in the deep sleep.

Panam: "."

Great Wizard: "."

Mitch: "."

Sol: "."

Instant Noodles: "Super Invincible thanks the big boss 'Lonely Little Bird of Prey' for the huge reward and becoming the new helmsman of this book."

Johnny: "I've been resurrected. Is it time for me to play? This is the end of the volume, shouldn't there be a separate plot? Urgent!"

Mr. V: "Oh, someone said that you will be rewarded when you show up. It's a lot of face."

Johnny: "That's a must. The fighting spirit will definitely shine through in the Ninth Art. When the Samurai Band was not famous yet, people would come to listen to us as soon as we started singing in companies, abandoned factories, and underground clubs. Some people would even record us, even if they didn't do it at all." Get to know us.”


PS: No more tonight.

Thanks again to the helmsman of ‘Lonely Little Bird of Prey’ for the reward.

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