Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 227 Pilgrimage

At Adecado Camp, Panan’s laughter could be heard from time to time in the tent.

"Let me tell you, the reaction of those people at that time, their eyes were at least so wide open, it was really no different from seeing a god descending to earth." Panan said while gesturing, placing his five fingers in a circle in front of his eyes to describe his stunned look.

As if she still had more to say, she continued: "Now that you have become a god and I have become the protector of the gods, we are treated like no one else. Those who were clamoring to despise you before now have smiling faces, and they wish they could be surrounded all day long. Turn around."

"Many people are inquiring and curious about your origins, but the great wizard has already thought of your origins. He said that a god who protects the wanderer tribe chose you. Now many people have come from thousands of miles away. I want to see you in person.”

"Fortunately, Sol is blocking the way outside, so I've bothered him. No one dares to bother you, for fear of being disrespectful to you." Panan glanced at Tang Yu, who was upright, but still said nothing, knowing that he was not completely mature yet. Recover.

Tang Yu was lying on the berth, listening to Panan talking beside him, feeling like he was in a mirror.

Tang Yu kept in mind Panan's careful care of him these days and the pressure he endured to protect him.

The reason why I want to use a name to announce the 'resurrection' is not only to bring new opportunities to the Adecado family, but also to get rid of the old for myself.

After the battle in the company square, he felt as if he were truly experiencing a resurrection.

Tang Yu dared to use all his strength to explode the talent of 'weak electric energy control', entirely because the other talent of 'tenacity and perseverance' was upgraded to legendary quality, and he was able to wake up and recover little by little after he was close to death.

He is now in the weakest recovery stage, like a new bud slowly repairing and growing.

Over time, the more function your body and mind regain, the faster it will naturally repair.

This 'self-destruction' was not completely without benefits. What surprised Tang Yu the most was that his mental power was greatly enhanced as a result.

It's like the container for storing mental power has been changed from a cup to a large bucket. It will take a long time just to rest and replenish it.

At that time in the company square, after a battle, the natural mental power was exhausted in just a few times, which was really not enough to watch.

After his body fully recovered, Tang Yu was confident to launch a high-pressure nuclear bomb in Kyoto.

He estimated that the Night City side would be quiet for a while now. Senior staff of major companies had serious faults, and various infrastructures had been burned and destroyed. Now they are busy rebuilding order and repairing damaged data.

After this battle on the other side of Arasaka, there is no longer anyone who can threaten the people around Tang Yu.

The product launch conference was unsuccessful, the launch of the Relic biochip failed, the Iron Lotus Brotherhood suffered heavy losses, Kenji Shiba was killed in battle, and Yori Xuan did not have many cards to play, so it was difficult to make big moves for the time being.

There is a high probability that Saburo Arasaka will launch an offensive, leaving him little time, but he has his own concerns.

The relic biochip is still one step away from success, and the wandering AI outside the black wall is eyeing it. Saburo Arasaka will definitely not be willing to be just an electronic ghost, and will always be threatened by other more powerful AI.

Human beings will definitely dominate the human world. This is Saburo's deep-rooted belief.

As for V-zi, Gloria, and Lucy, Tang Yu was not too worried. The gifts he sent had already been clearly hinted at.

He planned to recuperate in the Adecado family for a while, and wait until his body was fully recovered before making further plans. For now, he would settle down with Panan first.

Seeing that Tang Yu was still silent, Panan continued to talk to himself and asked: "You definitely don't plan to stay in the tribe for too long. When you want to leave, just tell me and I will take you back."

After saying that, her expression became a little gloomy, and then she advised: "To be honest, I don't think you should go back. The companies in the city must be changing their ways every day to find out your whereabouts. Then it will inevitably happen again." If you want to get involved in a bigger conflict, you actually have better choices."

Tang Yu knew what choice Panan was talking about, to leave Night City, a place of right and wrong, and go as far away as possible, the further away the better.

But just as he chose to stay in the first place, some things can only be avoided by not thinking about them, remembering them, and being sad.

Even when he closed his eyes, those familiar, painful, and beautiful things lingered in front of him as if they happened just yesterday.

Night City is rotten, rotten to the core, rotten at the hands of the company.

But just like someone meets an old mother who abandoned her on the street many years ago and asks him to smoke a cigarette. After all, she is still an old mother.

Born in this city, lived in this city, and died in this city.

At this time, Mitch's shout came from outside the tent.

"Panan, Sol has something to ask you to come over and discuss."

Panan responded, stood up, and said goodbye to Tang Yu: "I'll go out and listen to see what new tricks Sol plans to play. I'll come over later."

After saying that, Panan shook his head helplessly, opened the door curtain and walked out of the tent.

Mitch was curious about what Panan said to the person inside, and asked tentatively: "Is that person awake yet?"

Panan joked: "Do you think a god who has been sleeping for hundreds or thousands of years can wake up in just a few days?"

Mitch scratched his hairless head and murmured in a low voice: "But I clearly saw him getting drunk that night, and Scorpion can testify."

Thinking of Scorpion, Mitch became even more confused.

Scorpion was sneaking around all day long, walking around alone with his head down, and the area around Panan's tent became a completely restricted area for him.

Mitch followed Panan and decided to give a reminder first: "Didn't Thor want to encircle and suppress the Luandao Guild this time? He wanted to use that person's reputation to unite the tribes to act together. Will that person be angry? "

Panan said bluntly: "I don't know whether he is angry or not, but I am already angry."

The two came to the main tent, where Thor was receiving senior leaders from other tribes, and a group of people were having a good time.

After seeing Panan arrive, everyone stood up and greeted him cheerfully.

Panan just nodded politely in response, and then asked Sol what he meant.

Thor changed the topic and said: "Friends from other tribes came here specially to pay homage to the resurrected gods. I would like to ask you to convey your opinions on my behalf."

Panan glanced around and saw that these tribal leaders had brought valuable gifts, including guns and ammunition, scarce medical drugs, and various vitamin supplements. These were all necessary items for the wandering tribe.

She didn't really want to do this kind of trick, but when she saw how sincere each of them were, she knew that she would be disappointed if they didn't meet each other, which would also put Adecado in a difficult situation. The wanderer tribes also often communicated with each other. Adecado cannot be isolated from the larger community of Rangers.

Panan had no choice but to reluctantly agree to ask, prevaricating that the god had not yet fully awakened, so it was uncertain whether he would get a reply.

I thought to myself, go back and ask, if Tang Yu doesn't agree, forget it and let Sol go and take care of it.

After returning to the tent, Panan relayed everything to Tang Yu, and then received a message on his mobile phone.

"You mean not only are you willing to meet them, but you also want to promote cooperation in encircling and suppressing the Luan Dao Society?"

Panan was very surprised that Tang Yu would make this decision.

Obviously, Tang Yu was helping Adecado get out of trouble.

In fact, she also wanted to encircle and suppress the Luan Dao Society. Even if she could not eradicate them, she could still weaken their strength to the greatest extent. Being always controlled like this, it was too uncomfortable for Adecado to have his neck strangled.

Hearing that Tang Yu had this intention, Panan felt a little warm in his heart.

She is not a hypocritical person. It is the right thing to help each other when there is trouble, so she readily agreed.

after awhile.

In the tent, under Panan's arrangement, Tang Yu lay down and accepted the worship of other high-ranking leaders of the wandering tribes one by one.

In order to make them more convinced, Tang Yu also moved his fingers slightly, using "weak electric control energy" to troubleshoot some cyber prosthetics for them, or used a high pressure field to lower their blood pressure and refresh their minds.

After the trick was over, the leaders of each tribe exclaimed that it was a miracle, and then they crawled on the ground respectfully and exited the tent.

Seeing this astonishing scene, Thor became increasingly suspicious of whether Panan had really invited a god back.

But after much thought, he didn't realize there was anything special about that charred black corpse. It somehow suddenly came back to life and displayed supernatural powers.

Thor was convinced that the wizard tribe definitely did not use any high technology to create the scene of the dead resurrected and suspended in mid-air.

With Tang Yu's tricks and Panan's acquiescence, Sol's plan to unite various tribes to encircle and suppress the Luan Dao Society went smoothly.

The various wandering tribes in the Bad Land have long been invaded by the Chaotic Sword Society and have suffered terribly. However, the Chaos Knife Society has a large number of people and cruel methods. Except for a big family like Adecado, almost no one dares to compete with them. Even if they are unfortunately defeated, They burned, killed, looted, and could only endure it, hoping to stay far away from them next time so as not to encounter them again.

Now with Thor's proposal, other tribal leaders are very much in agreement with this decision. Moreover, they have now invited gods to take charge. Their confidence has doubled and their morale is high. Naturally, the ragtag group of Luandaohui will not be enough.

Sol smiled happily when he saw that he responded to everything.

This time, the tribes did not just talk about it, but actively sent people to participate in the encirclement and suppression operation.

Those who have money will provide people, those who have equipment will provide equipment, those who have money will provide money, and those who really have nothing will collect food, ammunition, etc. The attitude is very positive.

In the main tent.

Everyone was chatting happily, and the momentum was high. It seemed that just by moving a finger, the people of the Luan Dao Gui could be wiped out.

But soon a tribal leader said: "Now that we have people and complete equipment, how should we encircle and suppress the Luandao Society? If we directly attack their lair, although we have more people, we will probably suffer heavy casualties."

These words quickly aroused everyone's agreement, and they added one word after another.

"Yes, the Luan Dao Hui base is more heavily defended than a military fortress. They are all high-end products from serious companies. No matter how many people there are, they can't stand up to them."

"Furthermore, there are still scattered teams of the Luan Dao Society wandering around. It may be difficult to stabilize this force unless it is eliminated."

"Indeed, it's best to attract them to one place and then find a way to catch them all!"

Everyone liked the idea.

Thor thought about it carefully and found that this method was indeed the most feasible. He would gather all the members of the Luan Dao Guild in one place and then attack their lair while they were weak, uprooting them directly.

But there are not many baits that can attract all the knives to come out. Thor thought for a moment, seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Panan.

Panan immediately understood what he was thinking, and he wanted to use the Adecado camp to lure the people of the Random Sword Society into attacking.

Because Adecado is so powerful, Luandao will definitely concentrate most of its forces to burn, kill, and loot. Then there will be a chance to counterattack Luandao's lair.

This plan is quite risky, but it is one of the few that works.

But risking the entire tribal camp, Panan was unsure for a moment.

She wouldn't even frown if she was asked to attack the Luan Dao Hui, but if she had to risk the camp, she didn't dare to make a decision lightly.

At this time, Panan's cell phone rang again.

She turned around to check the message, which was from Tang Yu.

"I think the base of the Luan Dao Club is very good. It is suitable for Adecado's new camp. It kills two birds with one stone."

Instant Noodles: "Super Invincible thanks the big financier "Mo Yi Ao Miao" for the huge reward and becoming the new helmsman of this book."

Sasha: "Mo Yi moans, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow."

Instant Noodles: "Well done, don't learn it next time."

PS: There will be another chapter later.

Thanks to the following generous donors for the reward.

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The Sixth Night Demon King 1.00

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