Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 233 Relaxation

Late at night.

Lizzy Bar, basement computer room.

Judy took off the Mewtwo ring and rubbed her sore eyes.

She had just finished her day's work. She had finally finished editing the latest Mewtwo, and was just about to put the finishing touches on it.

This Mewtwo is inspired by the big accident in the company plaza. Under the spotlight, having a hearty and passionate battle with company dogs wearing various company uniforms is exciting just thinking about it.

After finishing editing this Mewtwo, Judy planned to go to the lake house to relax for a few days as usual, but felt that being alone would be a bit boring, so she thought of Gloria.

Judy yawned, stretched, stood up from the sliding stool, stretched her muscles a little, and then continued working, wanting to do everything in one go.

Judy found that Gloria seemed to be in a low mood these days. She didn't even come to work a few days ago, so she guessed that she might have encountered something troublesome.

Due to the power outage, there is little business in the bar during this period, so take this opportunity to go out and change your mood.

at this time.

The bar hall upstairs was closed, and after the waiter sent away the few customers, Gloria also planned to go home from get off work.

She sat in front of the bar, said goodbye to the waiters one by one with a smile, and watched them leave.

After everyone left, the huge Lizzy Bar lobby became clear, with only the fluorescent purple lights still on, leaving a large area of ​​darkness.

Gloria rubbed her stiff shoulder bones and her eyes gradually darkened.

She did not pack up and leave as usual, but sat in front of the bar, lost in thought, as if she was a little worried.

Think about it for a while.

Gloria got up and walked to the bar, looking up and counting the fine wines on the wine cabinet.

Tonight, she wanted to have two drinks alone.

She took out an empty glass, took out the wine, drinks and crushed ice, and placed the bartending tools neatly on the table.

Since becoming the proprietress of Lizzy Bar, she has also learned a few tricks of bartending, mainly to match her own special wine recipes.

"Make a base of strong liquor, add more spiciness, add more sweetness, and add a dash of lime sourness, and finally mix it with warm boiled water."

Gloria's own invention of water wine was born, which is both a drink and a way to relieve worries.

She picked up the glass of wine and looked at it for a while, but never drank it.

After a while, she put down the wine glass and touched her slightly bulging belly. Although it was not obvious yet, she already felt like she was pulsing with life.

Gloria has never touched wine since she learned about it, and she has never tasted a drop of it even if she made it herself.

She turned sideways and took out a new cup, took out the kettle and filled half a cup with warm water. She picked up the water cup and took a sip, which felt warm to her heart and lungs.

While she was drinking tea, a voice came from the door of the bar hall.

"It's good to drink more warm water, but is the glass of wine next to it prepared for me?"

Gloria was surprised when she heard this familiar voice, and suddenly turned her head to look at the door.

Tang Yu was seen walking towards her in a plaid jacket. His voice and appearance were as handsome as before, but the only difference was that this time he was not wearing a crisp suit.

Gloria froze on the spot, a little at a loss for a moment, and most of the water in the cup had been spilled. She didn't expect Tang Yu to appear in this way.

Her eyes flickered slightly, her mouth opened slightly and she murmured: "Mr. Tangtang."

Tang Yu sat in front of the bar, picked up the glass of wine that had just been mixed, and said with a smile: "I'm still so outspoken. I haven't worked in the company for a long time. Now I have no job and I feel light."

Gloria was stunned. Although she had already known this result from David, she still couldn't believe that the man in front of her would reach this point.

After all, he was once a real company executive and the most popular workplace celebrity in Arasaka.

She knew why Tang Yu gave up his position of power and his purpose for doing so, but everyone was safe and only he had to bear everything.

Gloria moved closer to Tang Yu without leaving a trace, further narrowing the distance between the two, and told Tang Yu some intelligence information about the company in an imperceptible voice.

The Arasaka Company is making another big move recently. The Kujira aircraft carrier battle group at the Arasaka headquarters in Kyoto is heading to Night City. David will be involved in the important task of protecting the Arasaka family members from meeting safely.

Tang Yu nodded, indicating that he would pay attention to this matter.

Gloria then said to Tang Yu: "Thanks to Sasha being around these days, maybe you don't know that Sasha's native consciousness woke up that day if it weren't for her."

After listening to Gloria's story, Tang Yu realized that Sasha had now completely integrated into this body.

Perhaps the native consciousness had fulfilled its wish, so it gave the body to Sasha as a final gift.

Now Sasha comes to Lizi every day, hoping to get any news about Tang Yu as soon as possible, but every time she comes back disappointed.

Tang Yu pretended to be helpless and sighed softly and said: "It seems that I have to go back early tonight. I can't let her down again."

Hearing this, strong disappointment flashed in Gloria's eyes, but it was quickly concealed.

Tang Yu picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp, with a look of pain on his face.

"His this glass of wine. It's really impressive. At least I've drunk so many wines, and yours is the only one."

Gloria's face turned slightly red. Seeing Tang Yu finish the wine without ceremony, some warmth surged out of her heart, and her eyes couldn't help but moisten.

She had rehearsed this moment countless times in her mind, imagining the scene of meeting Tang Yu again, and vowed to be in the best condition to welcome his return, but when it came to this moment, she still couldn't hold back the tears on her face.

"Do you like it?" she asked with a cry and a smile, seemingly amused by Tang Yu's complaints.

Tang Yu smashed his mouth, put down the cup in his hand, and said thoughtfully: "How should I put it, there is still room for improvement. I look forward to your better performance next time."

Gloria smiled.

Tang Yu stood up, stretched out his hand to wipe away her tears, and said softly: "You have worked hard these days. If I resign from the company, my future livelihood will depend on you."

Gloria could clearly feel that Tang Yu's attitude towards her was different. Maybe he had really relieved a big burden.

She nodded seriously and said as sincerely as ever: "I will always remember your intermediary invitation. It has not changed since that day."

Seeing the red-haired beauty's slightly shy look, like a ripe apple, he couldn't help but want to take a bite.

Tang Yu didn't hesitate, just turned over and jumped into the bar, and picked her up with both hands.

Gloria exclaimed softly: "Here?"

But before she could ask any more questions, her mouth was blocked. She spoke vaguely, a little obsessed and a little anxious.

"Judy Zhu is still working overtime down there."

But this still can't stop the progress of things.

In desperation, she grabbed Tang Yu's hand that reached down, put it on her belly, and looked at him seriously, saying nothing.

After a while, Gloria slowly squatted down and disappeared under the counter surface.

"Well, the movement is too big. It's not good."

Basement machine room.

Judy quickly completed the last step, confirmed to save the edited Chaomeng, and exited the office system.

She looked at the time and saw that it was time to get off work.

"She probably won't leave."

She took the time to stand up and walk upstairs, the dim hallway light illuminating her steps.

Judy heard some rustling sounds coming from the bar hall, maybe Gloria hadn't left yet.

She turned around the open door and came to the hall. She looked towards the bar in confusion and found Gloria seemed to be packing things behind the bar.

"Gloria, that's great, you really haven't gotten off work yet."

Gloria looked up when she heard the sound, her cheeks flushed slightly. She quickly stood up, grabbed the cup and pretended to take a sip of water, and then said, "What's wrong? Judy, I was just getting ready to pack up and get off work."

Seeing that Gloria hadn't left yet, Judy quickly explained while walking: "Okay, I'll go back and clean up, and let's get off work together."

With that said, Judy walked towards the bar with faster steps: "Actually, it's nothing. I just want to invite you to stay at my place for two days. I see that you may be too tired from work and need a change of mood."

Before she could get closer, her vision suddenly went dark and she fell asleep on the ground.

Gloria said apologetically: "I didn't expect Judy to come up suddenly."

Tang Yu didn't mind, and said bluntly: "I woke up after a while, so I explained that I was too busy at work and stressed out and passed out."

Gloria nodded relieved.

After a while, I suddenly heard another shout outside the door.

"Mom, are you still working overtime at the bar?"

Gloria raised her head and looked at Tang Yu with a weak and helpless face. There were still a few crystal tears hanging in the corners of her eyes. Her cheeks were as red as roses dripping with blood. He smiled helplessly, snapped his fingers, and solved the problem outside. movement.

Late at night, just as Gloria was packing herself up, she heard Sasha's shouting from outside.

"Gloria, are you still working overtime? I have some incredible news for you!"

With that said, Sasha walked in with excitement.

She saw Gloria standing next to the bar, and there was a person lying on the table, who seemed to be very drunk.

From the back, it looks like Judy.

Sasha looked at Judy curiously, and then his eyes fell back on Gloria. She felt something strange for some reason. Gloria's face and expression seemed to be exhausted.

What kind of physical work does the proprietress of the Lizzy Bar next to me need to do? Sasha scratched his head and thought hard, but he couldn't think of a reason.

Sasha secretly made up her mind to sleep less and learn more new knowledge in the future, otherwise it would be bad when Mr. Tang comes back and finds that she has made no progress and cannot provide the services he needs.

Gloria quickly interrupted her searching gaze and asked proactively: "Sasha, what's wrong? It's so late and you can't rest at home."

Sasha was suddenly reminded and immediately remembered the business and explained very seriously: "Sasha just went back to the apartment and found that the things in the house had been tampered with! There were washed towels and dark bandages. There are still potions and blood stains on it, Mr. Tang must be back!"

After saying that, Sasha placed a bunch of bandages on the table and said worriedly: "Bandages, blood stains, do you think Mr. Tang was seriously injured, so he is hiding from us?"

Gloria was speechless for a moment, looking at the bandage in front of her that was almost blackened by blood stains and medicine, and felt sad in her heart.

She held back the emotions that surged up in her heart again, and patiently comforted: "Sasha, don't worry, Mr. Tang will be fine. Did you search carefully at home just now? Are you sure Mr. Tang is not at home?"

Sasha thought about it and discovered something unusual when she returned to the apartment. She immediately checked all the surveillance cameras and found no trace. In desperation, she ran to the Lizzie Bar to find Gloria.

Gloria reminded softly: "Then go back and take a look. Maybe Mr. Tang is resting in the room."

"Yes!" Sasha then understood the reason. Tang Yu never let her enter the bedroom before, so she stayed in the apartment alone for so long and never entered Tang Yu's bedroom, so she ran out due to the inertia of her thoughts. .

Sasha didn't linger too much. After a hurried goodbye, he rushed towards the apartment again.

Not leaving for two seconds, Sasha ran back again, cautiously as if she was afraid that Gloria would be angry, and reminded softly: "I thought I saw David at the door just now. He was very drunk and sleeping at the door of the bar. Woolen cloth!"

Gloria: "."

Watson Little Chinatown high-end apartment.

Sasha hurriedly verified and opened the gate, and the scene before her made her stand suddenly.

Tang Yu happened to come out of the bedroom in his pajamas. When he saw Sasha coming back, he stepped forward and reached out to touch her head.

"Sasha, welcome home."

There will be another chapter later.

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